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(Breakout the Silence)

Sketching out the art lines in surrounding to draw out the details of materialization
on the streets. The word street defines the property of others that comes in contact
with the wanderers to ruin it for their own satisfaction. No matter what others will
remark over it, the thing which matters is the fame of sketching out the street as an
art. While the word stencil means to mold with whom is possible to create an
image on some flat surfaces by allowing the color to reach that surface with the
gaps in it. Stenciling is a way of creating pictures or text on surfaces. It is a form of
visual communication, usually illegal, involving the unauthorized marking of
public space by an individual or group. Although the common image of graffiti is a
stylistic symbol or phrase spray-painted on a wall by a member of a street gang.
The gang of those who want to represent either their own feelings or to demoralize
other’s space to spread either awareness or fear to others but in end the main
essence is to burn-out their own satisfaction through art details.
Silence is the real killer in every aspect of life, the main central idea came
from the art of breaking out the silence through the reflection of art on the streets.
It can also be said as the public art, Public art is that art in any media that has been
planned and executed with the intention of being staged in the physical public
domain, usually outside and accessible to all. Public art may include any art which
is exhibited in a public space including publicly accessible buildings, but often it is
not that simple. The people sketching out the details on the street walls called their
art as "writing," and they called themselves the "writers.
Detailing out the concept of the street stencil wanders to the details of
hidden perspectives of freedom by breaking out the silence to speak either by lips
or through art. History defines those writers as the criminals, as they do their art
devotions by wearing a mask to avoid themselves to come in notice of others. A
silence can kill the emotions, expressions and happiness of a person, therefore, the
sketch that has been drawn through this is to highlight the inner comfort and
satisfaction of emotions, thoughts and self-motivation through art representation on
the streets. The main sketch line of the concept is to never hide the emotions and
expressions, as the speaking is the real power to specify your own worth to others.

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