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Street art is a form of artwork that is displayed in public on surrounding buildings, streets, trains

and other publicly viewed surfaces.

Many people don’t recognize this artwork like art and sometimes relate it with vandalism.
STREET ART includes different kinds of forms:
Graffiti is a form of art which consists of affixing your mark and your signature on any surface,
using mainly spray paint and indelible paint.
In stencil art, this type of tool is made from a homemade stencil made by the street artist,
usually designed using paper or cardboard. The stencil creates a mural, which can be reproduced
by using spray paint or roller paint.
sticker art is a type of street art in which an image or message is displayed publicly using
street poster art, Posters are usually handmade or graphics printed on thin paper. They can be
seen as a work of art that is installed in the streets.

Usually, the artists are anonymous and tries to leave some kind of message.
Street art has been prevalent in the past few decades taking stances toward social and political
adversities. There are many causes that are approached by street art artists. The feminism fight,
racism, war and sustainability are just a few of these topics.
These art forms are usually created not only because the artist feels the urge to express his/her
feelings, but also to raise awareness and to make people reflect about the society.

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