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TF 1:30-3:30
SCI 100 11/23/2018


9.4% of earth’s surface or the 30% of land area is covered by forest. Forest may be referred to woods or land areas
with high density of trees. It is also the habitat of organisms and considered as the central to all human because it
provides benefits and resources that we used for living.
Thus, there is a need for forest conservation in able to maintain its magnificence due to deforestation. Execution
of forest conservation may be achieved through planting and maintaining the forested areas. It is in the 19 th and early
20th century when the United States of America started this program to gain the awareness of their citizens.
In able for the citizens to fully understand the situation, they must aware about the importance and benefits of
forests in Environment. Forests lower the air temperature, helps in cleaning the air (Trees produce oxygen and stores
Carbon Dioxide), offer food and protection to wild life, reduce light reflection, serve as the sound barrier and guide to
wind direction and speed; supply higher quality of water, provides different kind of wood-used, aid in regularity the
planetary climate change, mitigate natural hazards and purify waters.
But due to loggings, agriculture purposes, natural disasters, urbanization and mining; deforestation occurs. One of
the best example deforestation is the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. Scientist recorded las Dec 2007, about 932 sq. km
were destroyed in just one month. It is said that the effect of deforestation are long lasting and devastating.
As a result of deforestation, many species of animals and insects have been disturb and extinct due to the
disturbance of their habitat and also result to catastrophic flooding, climate change and global warming and decreased
amount of hard wood exports from different country.
However, there are still solutions for deforestation such as proper of woodland resources, perfect coordination
between the people and the government, participating in the conservation of forests awareness and of course stop
cutting of trees. Also, there are several methods to conserve or to save forests such as the (1) Chipko movement
wherein the vision of women hugging trees and daring axe-men cut them. (2) Conservation of forest through the fear
of the God is protected by local duty. (3) Acts for forests or the Forest Conservation Act on 1980.
Recent studies prove how important forest scientifically and economically. Economically in terms of the various
wood and non-wood products such as food, medicinal purpose, fibers, dye and other necessities. Scientifically in
terms preventing global warming and various functions such as land conservation, water sources and controls climate

In evaluating this Journal articles, certain considerations were implied, such as the Article’s strength and
A. Strength
1. Intended Audience
ERESE, MARIZ V. TF 1:30-3:30
SCI 100 11/23/2018
The article utilized basic definition of terms, the sentence structure were appropriate given that the author also
utilized minimal vocabulary which is obviously intended for student audiences. Therefore, the comprehension
of Objectives and Purpose were easily classified.
2. Define the General Problem Area
The general problem area were initially classified. There is no used for analyzation of what is tackled before
proceeding to further explanation.
3. Objective and Purpose of the Journal
Same with the Intended Audiences and General Problem Area, the objectives and purpose of the general of
the journal were also classified which is the awareness in Deforestation and promoting forest conservation.
B. Weaknesses
1. Solutions

Although the General Problem Area and Objectives were classified, the solutions for deforestation were not

2. Illustrations and Graphs

Although there are data declared, it is more engaging for the students if at least there are illustrations of data
and graphs in able for them to relish the whole articles.


As I have read the article about ‘Forest conservation and Environmental Awareness’ of K.V Pawa and Ravi V.
Rothkar; great numbers of realization came off to my mind.
The vital role of the government in this matter is to make solutions in the particular problems such as the
deforestation, illegal logging, etc. As a citizens, regardless of who we are or what is our positions in life, it is our
responsibility to get involve not just in the government programs they were promoting but most important, we must
involve ourselves in taking care of our environment. Everyone must do their responsibilities.
Involvement starts in awareness. Everyone must have the initiative to help our environment. We must be aware of
what is happening in our forest, the deforestation in particular. By simply, discerning its harmful and dangerous
effects in our environment, it could trigger a great deal of solutions on how to avoid and stop it. If we do not start and
act now, it might get too late for conservation anymore.

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