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Sonderdruck aus:


Erkenntni s und Wissenschaft
Probleme def Epistemologie in der Philosophie
des Mittelalters

Knowledge and Science

Problems of Epistemology in Medieval

Herausgegeben von
Matthias Lutz~B achmann, Alexander Fidora
und Pia Ancolic

ISBN 3-05-004\0\-3

Akademie Verlag

Jack C. Mar/er

Alnmonlul nnd Eriuge na: On Matter and Predication'

Of ArislOIle', C",~on~•. a vtry eurioUJ fe.t,,", il the lock of any explici, ref~~ \0 tile
• ......niol or pIKe ofmatl ... 11>< tou tumlsba!HI obvious gmunds for uyl", how it is th3t
lILUIer. in ... y ClIOlO'l'. may be oubje« 10 pmlicacion; nor does it prOvide obvious " ' _
by wbieh 10 undcol' Id ~y bow. in relacion \o . .y individwo~ op«:;n. or IC'"........
should be rcpnIcd.
III evtty "\CiO<y. tIIe ....jor dislillCliclll is IhII bctw""" univenab -.d indlvidUlb. Bill
tbne is - in the CM".mu - !HI definite explanation,;o ony ca~JOIY. of wha. Ihim", ore
Certainly lIOI fmm thc C,,'egt>ri.... but from othH lcJIU in the CMPUJ A'iI"".lic~m. il
.an be Ihow~ Ihal. ,cl.. ivc to the diff.~ti 'Iinll forms by which any ilcnUJ mIIy be ",,,,Ivod
inlO the lpeCiea il con"';n" thc go"" .. in each .ategory ore thc equivocal milt..,. from whicb
evOf)' specie! Ihould be consuuctcd. And Ipin. from OIhc, t .... u in tile CMpru A'~IOl<Ii­
at,.., it can be ~11. more or Ieu cleatly. wh.ot ."....ilO1<4 mltle:t in tile CIOlcaory of sui>-
sw.:e -.d io the scwral caltgories tba~ entirely upon ,ub$UDCC, "" depcl\dccl. for Iboir
lba. matter is 001 a topicoUy d;s,inc! ",bjea of discuosi<m in !be C"'~oriu is • face
toIIuibu'ina 10 I n..... ber of iss.... raised in the tnIIiliclll of r:ommmlalY. wr:b M il bas been,
l1li the C"'~ ODd iU ~phrue$. AmoIIa .... issI>es ore ~ o,,*,Lolly coocemina tile
• principal cOrISlIl\leflu of the .'''gO<)" of l ulman«.
Because Ihe C",.""ier assum •• Ih. propo<iliOrll and arguments abollt IUbsWICC and
[onn ,h.I ore .. pounded in the MelopAyricl. the texl advances individUlI. lJ the dclermi_
nlnll of univ.""l •• uch that. withoul me i~dividuab, no univ<:r$lll l may e. ill 11 all. And
.in«. unli.l:e the individ ..... ls. Wliven.o.IIWC "'" independofldy beio .. illllould be thoogbl -
.. indeed AristocJc """"I" to think - thal il really is the iodividuoll that, in .... CIOtegOl)' of
"""'1""". ore ""inl primarily. So Ari.""I.: MWltat is MQSl Slrictly. primarily. tnd most of
all calhd SI ......... is ... ilber oh oubjOd nor is [peseotJ iD .... bjOd ....
W1IM ArisIOI1c ' .....11 bore is individual be;"&- Although. for bim, lWIlhina is octually .....
fmod by Dtption and IIIIIch concemina !bote "'In....... called Mprimary" ten'IIins tlrUJ to
be discuued in chap'" five of the CD'tr"'lu. this ·...,gotive dcfinib",,' lu(f..:", w.1l eo-
!\OUCh to distinsuis!l individual. in tile .al.(lOry of . ub'tallC. from thei, spKi .. and from
thei, '.n.... also colkd .. 'ub> .... Se . ",in Aristotl.: "Sub5lancc.s If. ~Dlltd secondary

1 1 ................. ""11'· Fo,,"I 1'1 .... .. ~r..r ........ ' joediolraadt • • '....... ........-
ol .... _ . . .. _ ........ toPfof. DDr. Manlllalt...-IIoclnoruI,Or. ...... • '. F-.. . . rio-.
1 "';'-' C..."..;,., • .1011. n.: "'" iI io AJ' , le, no c ........ 0. 1....... _ . , _
A~.od. _ _ lIIoopT. 1 "",C,' i4p0M=.' '''1911.
Jack C. Mori"
" jj th.ot whioh is JQUi not of:H1Y .ubject. For the .... Ily primuy ""b.tatlCe. thot i•. lhe
in which, as speci... [he .ubSta/lot$ we call primary are included and in which,., genera,
the specie' .... included.'" ..,;v.....l. IJ of ",me ,ubjocl. So h. "Y' "is .. id"' to indic.,e hi. disoppro ..I.'
And those substances coiled se=dary. as AristQll. PY', .", each "<aid of .. subject but To ...., the langu.~ of Ii lerary critic •. Ammonius .lIows the \eXI of the Cal<80,lu 1O ·de·
.... not [prounl) in a subject".' These, in tbc category of subst.noe, ..., the uni""".I, lb. construct' itself so OS to invert the contents of the ca"'Bory of subst."". Md thus to prove, in
names ond ddmitioIU of " 'hioh .... predicable of the individual, by which 'hey are populo_ the ""'gory, that the universal •• re primary I nd that the individu.l. are .econdary. And, by
,~. margin.lising individual. in the category of sub."",ce, Amrnonius marginali",s prime mOl·
The ,eeming pnm. cy o f individuals in Ill. "'''gory of substance is founded, it i, clear, ter even more. A. be saY': "Simple .ubst.ance that i. inferior 10 the compo.ite i. prime mat·
uJ>On the fact !hat they are imp,o<licable 'ubjet\$ of rmdicot;on thot,.u nevm- in ~ .ubj ec~ ter and fonn ....
.re indep<ndenlly being. But, in the ttadil;<>n of commentary, lIIei' primuy hu not atw.)" On the ,rrength of what he _IllS 10 h."e gathered from Ari~totle in Metap nysicJ Z and
boon W<en for granted. H, Amrnoniu. - perhaps in spite of hi, do. per ioclinali<>ltS - .u....
in5 tlte puce of m.ner in
Ammoniu. Henneiou (Cl . CE 44{1 • ca. S21). the m,de •• of Proclus. who in .uece.sion lh. category of ,.MIOtICe. BUI he re,erves hi. 'CCOWlt of malt.,. for tre.lmcnl under the
to his f.thor, l«lUred ot Alexandria, look the view th.,;t WIS from Archytas ofT.rentum c.,egory of quanlity:
(ca. BCE 428·) 50), the Pythagorean, th.t Ari.IOlI. inherited the doctrine of categorie •. fli.
Prime InItter. which i. fonnless and iocOIjlOr<.I. finl receives thru dimensions:md be·
reason fo< beli eving lhi. w" in the existence of a treati.e. tol K<16o.l.oil ....",0'. devoted comes. thtee·dimenoiOfl.1 object called ,he <ccond subj..". and next [reccives] its qu,di.
10 the categories. which w., p...,bably written by • cont<mporary of Cice..., and whicb w.. tle •• nd beeo""" I quantified composite. For <xomple, wben the three-dimen,ional [.ub-
falsely .ttributed to At<:hyt ... the p,ed<ceS$O' of Aristotle' jec'] re",,;,.' beat and dryne". il beeo"," fire; when it re<ei, ... COIdn<5S and wetn .... it
Accordingly, Ammonius understood the doctrine of c"'gorie. 10 have be'n of pyth.go- becon>cs water,:md ,imilarly for the otbcn. So q~tity rightly i. =:ond in order among
'co" fabricalion; .nd, in hi' opini<>n. Aristotle', contribulion to the doctrine w .. in hi. fi n· the cot<iOne •. qu. lity third [ ... ].'
ding the appropriale order of the calegories. e'pe<i. lly in ,elalion to the calegory of su\>stan' About thi, passage, which dearly ... ume. the doclrine of maner that Anllod. expounded in
ce. Fo. hi, interpret.tion of the text of tbe Categorje., Ammoniu. indeed had the ",mbl.""e Gene",,';on and Corroplion, S. Mar<: Coh.n ""d G.retb B. Matthew, have ~xpr<: .. ed misgi·
_ if certainly not the very .ui><l.1nce - ofhi.torical support.'
What survi,.. , of Ammonius on the Categcrje. is the tec!w"C·note. which hi ••ruden"
recorded .od which were u.scmbled into lbe commentary ,h., Adolf Bu"e ediled and h il not oIe .. why A"""""ius .. y. 'qlWttifled' here (u . 11 MSS ' 8'« that h. doe.). One
published in 1895. In ref.,,:,.cc to wha~ in Ihe CQfegQl"i~s. Aristotle calls primary and <c- "'ould have upected to be lold that. upon receiving ill qu.liti ... the SttOnd 'ubject!:>t-
CO","a qutJ'ij"ml composite. It "'ill. according 10 Ammooius' account. alreody have be·
condary substance" Ammonius stal., that:
oome quantified when it beco","lhr<e-dimcnsioo'1. Perhaps his ide. i. that prim. mottcr
[An.tolle] say. of thi • • ubotan<. th .. some i. prinwy .nd """'" >e<ondary. c.lling the ftnt receiv.. the lhr<. dimelUions IUId becomes quan'ified .• nd th", ....:oi,.. its qualities
p' 01icul.,. primuy.nd the >e<ondary. For thi. re""," it i, wonh ... hi le to ..k and 1>eoome1.. qtaIltif,ed CfJmpmi,. ...
why he .. y. thi ••• i.... univ.,..ts ore mo ... wot"\hy th.n pani"" Our ... sponse i, th.ot
things prior by n.tu ... ate seoonoWy 10 U, '0
:md things pri", u. ore <eoondary by no.rure The three-dimensional objec" to which. 3$ • .tample., Amrnonius explicitly refem:d ..
<qu.ntified composi le.' are fire and waler. the An$totelian ,imple bodi .. which. as it at>-
[... ]. Since. th'n. the "pl.lIlllio" i, .imed .. beginn .... and to beginnen irt'llnedi.", tbings
are..., ... manif.". it i. fittinS llat in the present ciftum~ he call. panic"lors pnma· pea" in acneroli"" and COrnlp,ion, .re consti""ed from the matter of magnitude and quali.
ry. For it i, from pmi""",n 'hot we .... led to ..,;""...10.
It i. beea." be doe. "'" .pprovc of thi. """",or of.l"'oI;"" th .. he doe. oot soy ' thl1
which primarily and most of.1l " [,ub" ..... ]". 001 ·[that which prim.nly..,d most of
"' [•.•1since there i. al'" a maltor ou, of whieh corpore.1 ,ub,tance i",elf comes-to·be ("",.
poreal sub,,,,,, ... however. alreody chlUXl<riu:d ... uch·.nd·S\/Ch ,dctcrmin.o.1C body.
. 11] is CQII~ [,ubotancer . 0 .. must ""'loe how Ari.lOlle .. p....... himself h..e. Bc...· for there is 00 lueh thins .. body in S"' .....1). this .. me maner is a l.o the mal .... of
<C," we ha, e said, he disapproves of cam oB the pankular .ubstance primary, he SOY' it m>gni!ude and quality _ being separable I"n>m th ... maltm by dofinition. bUI no' .epl ·
rable in pl.. e unle" qualities ..... in thei, turn, <cp"",ble."

l """""I<. Cat.,oo.,. 4.2.11. lib"'.. p. 36. It. 2.11 . ...1I1nD11.,i= of 0 .... '11<" it' !tmn Coh<n >Dd M,nhcws. C.~. <>p. cil.
• 16".• 2.1>20. IIW.. p. ll. 11. 21 ·11 .
! """",""os. in "I.,;"" to P.. .&o-A.I<hyuo il diS<u<O<d in A"""""io<. On AT,""'''', Colrf"rl<t.
Inn ~ 5. "hi.. p. 14. n. 4·10.
Mm Cohm "'" G.."th D. M.IIh<,... IIhaeofN.w YO<t 1991. p. 4.1L 24 "'" p. 20. o. 19. Alw ... Thomas 10 Cohc. UII! M.nhcw~ C<uOZO'us. Of'. cil.• p. 6' .•. ".
"'1"",,<I<r S>l<nk. P.<tudo·d",",..., iiM, & Kal<[lOri<•• B,rtinltl,w York 19J1. I I Aristotl<. G_,"" aNi C~ioo l .l .nOb22·2S. The G""k toxt il in A".. .,,, •• C""';"S·,,,,N """
6 Am"""'/; I" AT""",I" ca",.,.", __-us. <d. AOolr O..... lkdi" 1I1\IS. p. t4. I. I. f'",,;~. «I. """ IAIIS. E. S. F<IRtt<.1IId AruIotI<. o.,~ COl_. cO . Md ItOIU. D. J. FUIl<Y. C.,...
" Jock C. Marlor
Wh.! AriStotle mea:JS by the "man.r O\lt of which co""" .. l ,ubstance ;!Self com",·t<>-b<", Now fir<: c.,.,tains the 'bol' embodied in "",ner. bu, a 'ho!' ...,.... from maner (if .uch a
that is. by prime maner, js not 5eJ>anlble in ... Iily from the "malleT "fmagnitude and quali- thing <"Xistt<l) could nol .uffer . oy octioo. Perll,p'. indeed. il i, impo"ible thot <the h01'
ty": lhould e,ist in separation !Tom malter: but if lhere ore ."y <nlili .. thus .. parabl •. what
I, i. therefore Mll<r to '"PI""< that in on ins""", •• of oomiog.,<>-b< the .,.ner i. in"p'- we:u... ying ,""uld belrue of them."
..ble, i>ei"ll numerically ideotio.1 and '"'" with <he 'containing' body, IhougII ioolabl. Boe ...... for Arrunonius. if not for Aristotl •• the primary COn:i1i~1S of the c • .,gory of
from it by definition. But the ...". ,....".. 01<0 fotbid US to regard <he maneI', 0111 of .ub'lance ore univ.rul. IllId beca".. ""ive,sal. an: oot- .trictly con.idered - materia l , ub.
whioh <he body corn.Ho_be,'" poin'" ... Iine •. Th. malte< i'that "fwhich poin", and li-
ne ..... I;mits. and it i, """"thing that oan never .xi" without q.wity IUld w;<!wu, fQml_"
"'1ICCS. it oeems cI .... lhal cOIpor<:.1 indi"idual, - as w.!! •• the m.ncr that sustain. the m -
would all be marginolsub,'ance. , But, ho",""ver marginolthey would be. they would r<:rTl3;n
In tbi. con l'''t, the "fonnH (0 which AriStotle .lIude, i. quantit.t;ve .nd, • • he ,ugge't. in ,ubj.ct to prulication in the category of ,ubstaflce. Yet if. in CQntrUt 10 AriS!otelian do<tri·
Me/aphysi/:. Z, the motler "1II.,.:an nevor . ,1,. without quality Ind without form" belong. ne. the qualiti.s of material .ubSlan«. were such as to ex;" ..,ely. th"'o i, .. ason to
10 the category of IU~l.Ulco; beli.v. th.t material being, would not be .ubslances ., all. ThOl thi. can be so is shown by
Fot i{tIlI. [mancr] i. "'"<e, it i. beyond us to say what .1", is. When.lI e l.. ;s the Eriugenean rec.ption oflhe Cat~gorieJ.
l2l<en'''''Y •• kknUy nothina but matter mnains. For of the other el."",n" , ",me lire .f· Th. firSt book of Eriug. na·, P ....pIoy...(}~ can and should be ... ad a, a text within the tra-
feelio ... prod""t>. and <.pacities of bodies. while length. breadth. and depth are quanti. dition of comm<ntary on the Ca"go"'os, Although the object of Eriugena', .. m.uI<s is the
tios and"", sub<laru:e •. For , quantity i, not. substance; but the subst>JlCe is ralber that pseudo.Augu"inilln CQ'egoriae decem. th. panophrase of the Cmegories that,;n the e", of
to which these belong primarily. But wheo lenBth .. d breadth and depth "'" t2k<n .way Con'taIIliu, ..d Th<o<lo.iu .. originated in Ihe ..,hool of Themistiu •• hi, treatmenl of prodi·
"'"" see ..,thing I.ft •• cept that which i. bounded by thne, whate= it may be; "" to those ",ion i. altog.ther ""slematic and i••1 least as conform.ble to Aristotle'. text as i, the
wbo con.ider the qu ..."" thus matter ' ''n. mustsecm 10 be .uMtO"" •. By malter I mean eOll'llnentary of Amrnonius." Thai the Colt8ari<re d"com i. at ... d. riv.tiv. from that of
that which in iuelf i. neither. partic.l ... thing nor of . ""noiD qu,ntity nor assignt<l to Aristotle, Eriugena we!! understands" ~
any of the other c.teg<>ri.s by which beina i. determined. For there i, ."""'thing of whkh Since then: i. nO "'idenee th.~ .pan from the Cmega,iae decem. Eriugen. enjoyed >c.
<lOh of th= il prulkotod, "" that it> being i. diff.... nt from that or.ooh o{the predi",.
CeS$ to the Corpus ,A,iS!oleUcum. il """"' thal he could not have brought, as did Ammoniu ••
tes; for the predi .. tes 1>!her tban ,ubstance ore predicOlt<l of substance. while substance i.
the in1<'Prt:tali". w.ight of ,uch works as th. Me'aplo~.iCJ; to bear on his underStanding of
prt<lkott<l of malt ... ne",fore the ultimate ,ubst""um i. of iuelf ... i!her • particular
,hin& oor of . particular quantity nor otherwise po.iti.'e1y characterized; not yot negiti"e' 'he Ca'~gari~s. Thu .. for Eriugena. but unlike Ammonius. malter ha. no place in the catego-
Iy, for 1'Iellations ,Iso will belong to it only by ",ddent." ry of substance.
Since Er;ng•• ', in trealing the c.I<gOO ... upholds it os. cardinal principle that all the
Sin ... for Aristotlo, the rTl3tler of corpo",.l •• I>Stances i. i=p .... bl. fmm th. malt.. of
c'''gori ... considered in th.,...I" ... ar. incolpo .... I." he .Iready h.. grounds for thinking
IIl3gnitude !ll(d of quality. the ingredience of qu.litie. in the matter th.t i, limited by length.
Ibat corporeal being •• w;th their malta. are al leasl as marginal .. Ammo.ius had un·
b... adth.• nd depth indeed seems alway. to .... ult. a. AmInoniu, .. y •. in quantified oompo, i' derSlood them. Beli.vinKo as be doe •. that .ubstance - in iuelf - is in<:olporeal. Eriuge ...
te" Of the,e. the most ba,ic c.. mpl .. a.. the AriSlot"li"" simple bodie •• !h.t is earth _ the ","inlOin, thal wn.lever inh .... iD substance i, lik. wi .. incorporeal. " So the invesligation
compo,ite of cold ""d dry. r".. _
the compo.ite of hot and dry. air _ the composite of hot
of ,ub.tance. for Enuge ••• ,equi .... no investigation ofmaner.
iJ\d w.t. and water - th. of cold ""d wet. the mUlability of on of which i. consti.
A. Eriug.... would have it, the category of substance does includ. genens. .ped... ""d
lUl.d principally under those quoliti • • thol operot• . in e .. h , case. as """ in a pair of
individuals ('''''Ilttl) but. bec.u .. nO , ubstance i, extended. no .ub.tance may be corporeal,
con""rie,. ,.
Th. conlents of tbe .. t<gory of .ubstiJ\ce are. tb .... fo .... pu ... ly fonno l. A, beina pmely
In the cou'" of c"""ge. things are sep.rabl. from the;r qualit;e.~ but the qualitie. of fonna!. they "", compl«.ly irnrnaterial.
thing>. as Aristo,le would them. appear DOl to exist separalely from th. mallet of which
they ore indeed the qualiti ..: E... rything whicb i. comp",h.nded within 1<og!h, breadth. and depth. , ince it i. endo.ed
in di""" !tincb of dimen.ion,. i, • body. while 'hot whicb admits none of the"" dimen,i·
on. be-<ouse il i. one and simple and connol admit into its Il&IU1e ony molion through
bridwe. Mwoeb..... 1911. Tho """,la""" is fi<N>llUtotd 11. kI><IHm An,,,,,I<. D< Z<""~'_ ., c"""P'
,_. ;., Riffim! M,Ke<;., (,d .~ TM Bos'< Wcrb of",;"",1•. N.... Yor' 194 L
I~IbId.. 1.1.314bl~ - lJ.
II Ibid.• I .U1ObO-16.
" "Tb< .... of c~,.~ 00:_ is in; ArUl<>I<I.. '<1,1"", l. c",tprltH ....1 p<a«J_n1o, <d. to.< ...
13 Ari""'", Akrap/tpia :LJ.IOl9. II_ll- The G... k "'" is io; M_t.:. no.
M"oph~'I<>. &ob I _ lX.
M;tlio-P, lucllo. Bnll<IIParis \% 1.
cd. "'" lraM, Hu", TrooleMi<k. Combri<1&" M.....,b .....1I 1900. All "=Slations I'rom Ux M<IOphy:I<> are 11 JoMn"is $<01/; !ri.g<N'< ", ,;~, l.>< d,.is;""" ..""" (LiIR, prim"'). <d, I, p, Sb<l<lDn·Willi""",
(tom W. 0, R.,.. "'ri>IoIk. M<1ap~Fi<'. ""
.... N . ... J=<y 19a-1.
no. c-p/,"W<ri: of "riMa,'_.
<01 J""",bao Borne .. Prin« ' Oubl;' 1%1. 49JA .
IS IMd.. '1ID ..1M ,
I~ Sce M"",,,,, G<""~I;"" ON! Co",,!,OOn 2.l .11Clo36-111. 6. "1', cn.
" Ib;J.. • 1ID.. ,9 ....
.p><e is necessarily incorpore.l; bUI wb.I.".,. (0<.0«<) j. not e~l.nded in length Of th.I, in natural bodies. the unity of geomelricII limilS is furnished ultimately by sub,tance
b .... dlh or dtplh, and beca ... il remain. illllivi,ible in Ibe simplicity of ilS nafur< i. in_ and thM. fot geomemca! bodies, the ... i. no suNtan!;,. unity at all by which their goome";-
eo<p<>I1'.l; therefore no .ub".noe, being without dimension, i< <orpot •• I, ju,t as no body. cal properties neceuarily coher• .
being ",tended in 'pace, i ••• ubstanc .... In eitber case, Iiowe,-Cf, whether for bodies .atu"l Or goornetrical, the un"""" of measu_
Since, for Eriugena, evcry ca1egory is inO(lrpOfO" and si",,<, by ,h.1 reasoning, quanLity;' ring" (rt/iUra.) Ire them$elves immaterial beings:
incorporeal, no oorpor..l hei"g is • quantity. Never the ,=, Eriugeno propose, that quantity For the (Jeomelrieal) point. from which lhe line begins and in wbich ;, ends, i. neither !he
..,mellow indudes cOrpO ....1 beingJ: li... nor pan of thc lin<, bu, it> limit, and th< .. f"", i" place iJ nol perceived by ..""e bul
, thought .fby the ru<on al""e, The .. n.ible po i .~ on Ih. Olher h.od. i, pan of. lint, bu,
I".) bodies .n: included in the ea"gory of quan'ity I ...) """.'ity i. nothin, el.. but the de·
fini'. me',unn, out of ~ whkh Ire .. paroled .i,ber by the 'eason .IOM or by n.rural is not its begi .. ioS or i" end. Similarly, ' he line it•• lf .1 ... , ",'ioo.Uy con,idered, i. in-
dirr. .. ntiation. md ,be "'tion.1 ext.",ion to definite limit! of tbo .. things which .. tend corporeal, and i. the beginnillll ofa suffice. 1bc .un"e i. incorporeal too,."d i. the end
in tlte dime",i"", of ,,-,oun:, I mean in length, in br<>dth, and in depth I ...)." ef the lil\O bu, the be"Ming of I ..,lid. BUllhe ..,Iid . 1.., is in<orpo,.. I, and i. the end of
the perfection .fthe whol • . For wb.1ttve:r thtrt i. in th<>t th .. bodily .en,. h.. man.~ed
HOW quantity, though intorporeal. applies 10 corporeal ,",ings i. an issue to be resolved 10 pp, that i.,,,,y point or li.e Or ' "rface or ..,lidity that i. vi,ible, ,urely <on,i,,, of
upon the con,titution of man er outside of, and .pan from, t,", <.tegory of ,ubstanc •. figure, of intorpoIe.1 ,hinll', not their tna substance. which i. incorp<>real. And .imilarly
A. Eriuge.. un<lt",.nds, followi"i aregory ofNyua. the dissolubility of mottor pro'e, in the c... of .. twal bodies, whether tbey are ...,ibl. by the proper mixinl:; of the el.·
Ihat "( ... ] m.mer i. nothiltjl el .. bUI a cerlai. <ompo.ition of aoddents which proceed< from men" of whi<h they oon,i" or . lude """",I pow... of perceptioo by their fUlcne ... the
in.i,ible c.ust, 10 ,i,ible maner".~ limits oftlteir ..ture are perccived by the loteUeet a lone ,"
Substance, by it! pu"'li,. simplicity. i, inoorruptible. And manor, therefore, .. subject 10 M "otm • .,lier and as ,hould be nOled .",in, Ari'IO,le hiTIl5tlf <10<, nOl equa'e the malter
corruption, i. 10 be found nol in the category of.ubstance but in th. accid.nUlI orde, th.t i. nf <orpo ...1 beings wilh 'he i, geometric limits. that is, with whO!. in other contexts, h. <all,
con .. quent upon .ub,"'nc. , Bee.u,. thi', for Eriugena indeed ,equires >ptcial ."enlion 10 "intelligible mane,":
'he cotogory of G".,"ity. he dte, Calegoriae decem:
I... ] ... memalle.i.perceptibl .
... doomeintellisible.percep.ible maHer bei", for in,w.:e
[... ) whon ....... anythiltjl it is nece,sary to eslima,c bow much of it i•. Bu, how bro= and w<>nd and .11 maHer th., is oharrs.. ble, and intelligible matte, being that
much of it tltere i. cannot be di,,:ov<T<d unl. .. il i, ,u",eyed Wldc:r 'be oppli<atioo of whioh i. p.... n' in perceplible thiogs nOli. perceptible. that i•. th. ebj«ts of mathm13'
me ..... ment, If, lben. one wi,hes to me.. ure it> I.ngth withou'<! to it! breadth, tia."
length without breadth rubjee'ed to me","re i, <oiled _~ _ nOl tIt.o, there is my ou,h
In otlt.. word" for Amlotle os ,eemingly for Eriugena, the maner of cotpOreal being' i.
'hing as lenglh without breadlh, but beeo .... my"ne who ""'os. res lbe length alone i.
»id '" measure a _~ . B"t wbe. bread'h i, me .."",d ,ogether with lengtlt it i, coiled ""tended .. theie matler of magnilude; bul exten,ion i, nOl, allogetlter, whallheir man ... i•.
on .. ,,*,,, ... i~ while if depth i, brougbt into "",osurement .. well. oh"llother they <o ..titu. So, howe,·.r it may be that extension defin., co'l'o, .,,1 beingo. the dermitioM of corporeal
It • body _ but we do oot tak. tlti. body in Ihe .e... thot we or< used 10 tak. ,he Illltural hemgs, as Eriugen. would c. rtainly have them. or< completely irrunal<riol."
lbody] les, wc should S<tm to be """'"ing to rub,,",,«." Parenthetically. it should be remarked that, in the Calegories, 'he geometricol prop<rbe,
of objects art all predicat.d from the Calcg<lry of quality. and not from th.t of quantity." To
What thi, m. an .... Eri"g." remarks, i, thal. unde, tit. ""e,ory of quantity. the "norms [of
"'y, for exampl., Ihot on <>bjtet is lrianglll.. is to say what $On oflhing il is. nol how much.
mea.uring) ha •• their ,"ve",1 exi5ltnC. in geometrical bodi ... in which these Ihree <an be And. wilh this, Eriugena i. iD agreement: «[... ] the number of dimensiorul and lines in ge"..
sepa"'tely distincl; but they or< i.. eparably lS<Ociated in natural bodies, in which only by metrical bodi .. is .... ignod to qua.tity; but tlte anangemcnt and po,itico of ,ide, and angle,
the inlelle<l can quanlily be ,ep.""ed from ' UboWlC.","
and !he condilion$ oftlte $Urf,cc$ are • property of quo.lily [... J.""
The« belWetn geometrical bodies and naNntl bodies i. thaI, in the g«lmmicol.
Though AriStotl. nuintained th.t, without form, matler i. unknowabl .... bel;'·
lenglh, b,eadth, and depth are "pa",ble _ in the .bslra<l _ from each <>Iher and from lhe
"e, that, in the absence of form and th ... in the absence of.1I definition. malter $Omehow
volum. ofwhicb they ... tit. limits; bu~ from Ih. naNral, Ihey ... nollh", "parabl. from
remaill> intelligible."
each otlt .. Or fTOm th. vol""", that Ihey qualify. The reason for Ihi., $0 Eriuge,.. .xplai"". i,

lG IIN.. 49 1EI·C. All """I .. ions from "'" F"ip~_ ott odap'.d Iiorn John O·Mean. Eri'ltn .. f'<ri~ l~ lbid.. 4!lOO.c.
....",. M.._tlWw.i"~ 1981, In "" ",,~ &;UI'" OIdi""';ly row .. tlJe G",k ""'.., fOf """""""e", 16 Ari"",". IJ<l<>physla Z, 10.IOJ609· 11,
11 St><-..Wil liam<, E.i"l'''''' p<ripJry""",. op. <il. . 48l0·C.
I l lbid.. 47M-418B.
ll/bid.. 41~0. The "" cited from OftI«>' ofNy ... ""'1 t>< round in De opi/i<i<> 24. PG 44. 21~D. 111 Aris'oU •• C~, I , 10>1 I· 17.
lllbid.. 4930. The ,<x,
dted f""" CCHJQM<.s.c- onay t>< f<>w>:l ;" M;nw>-p. lu<!lo. op. <il.. p. 149. n. 4- n Sll<ldon·Wd l....... Err_ p<ripJryuon. Gp. <~ . , 4'14<:.
J~ Ari .. ",I<, Unophpics 1.IO.1036.8·9.
14/biJ.. '930·C. J I Sbtl_.WiI!"' .... E~_p<ripJo_. op, <".. 4'>98,
" IackC.M ......
The il!,cWaible boml of maltef, .. Ibis i, rellteclln Ptriplryuon t, is with ",ftrUlte rltll lA this rrain of tIrouJhI. !he principle of individUltion, with "'prd 10 corporeal heiolo irr nor
10 \be calqOries 0IId second 10 !be fOllllltioD of wJuo, Eriuaena tak .. 10 be the eJernmlS. matter but, ;~. the COI'\i\lD"lioll or q:...llity and quality by wlricb miner lo corporalisa!.
hI.u .., ronsidem:l in itself, is 1h< in<oo:j>O<ul principle of m1Jtabiliry in .U mucabl. Thac matter car>DOI be the principle of indMdUltiOll is, r... EriUIJOlll, provco Ilracly by !be
Ihinp. rruisoly 10 \be extem nf in bein& inleLli&il>l< ond IlOl eorporuI, mancr is omb; ... fit! of iu beina dissoluble. tbIt is, by !he fict of;IS heinS !he """'I'Ol;le rlfecl of ~_
different from iu ,oc'pli"';!), 10 fo,", and, with rerprd 10 form, i, is tborougbly paodectic:. prior 10 it in 1lte _idontal order of SIIb$1anc ....
Itu,.. recep<ive 10 lIlY IIIId III forms "'ha_..... Beea.... tbtn: is "'" conjWlC1ion _ I aecideto .. Ij*1 from :be ....uain;"1 etree" or
Win. tef...."". w the ca•.,.,na. Eriu,.... ")'1Nl "'1lIe C&~ of matlCr is th. join;". of ' UboI2OCC, it i. the imma,.,ial brina of lubSllntc Iha~ in !he lin.ol ..... ,)'Iil. lUmisbcs indivi·
quarl,ilY 0IId quality to subsWICe"." And 'his mlltler, ",bi<:b ,uulu from the <. "';lic.... of dualily 10 ma.. rill thinI'. For gcntrlP"nl I q~~I. in I q"""",m. rlre ....... be 110 conj""",ian
.IIe$Ori'" i. ,h. malte, of corpore.1 being" "(n.J it i, Iba. form which is • speci.. of q",,'ily &mOIlil its accidenlS with which lubsra .... dot. ""t eODCUr.
,IuI" whtn ;\ i, joined 10 maner, prod .... . body. of which the lub,tance i, olioi~."" Even thlo. however. il nl>l the whol. or the EriuiI.nean Iccount of ...."., under .M cote·
Funhmnon:, as En"gen. al"" eI.ims, "[.n) it I. probable that what.ver ... ulu from &Qries. In order IQ obu",e the full weight or cl lell"rical explanl lion. "''""thina remo; ... 10
qUlnlily and qUllil)'. that 1o, eYe!)' qllanru",..,d every qUQI. , r..ei",. the cause of its "'lab. I>c . I id ooncern;"1 maner a I topic of phYlkal "denc •.
\ilk .... n, from no olber source IbOD , ub.t.UH:e i!$elf, la which qUlnlily and quality 1b."...I. Malter.... ha.< been ooted, i. the pri ... iple ofmutahility in all murabl. Ihinllt. And. for
Vel ..... hown n.tundly 10 occur," ill (!/'SI and p •• ,est _idents, and without which they Eri"ge"... mutobility is verified in :be circular;';'" of the ele"","IS _ earth, fire .•i•• and w:l:er
CA/IIIOI he.'''' - from """ attemt of the world 10 the od>or." ~ rh .... t ... ] i. i. from rh. coneo\I .... and
In Eriua<c""', bnpl", I q"""'~" lo • I'tr«plible individual UDdc< the Ct.\eJOIlI of commingling of !he fo..nlements of this world !ha: the mwer ofbodi.. is made. by .... hkh,
quantily and • qll<rk lo I perceptible individulol undn the cotelO'Y or qual;ly. Unlik. quanli. when wh:a!..ver form fronr qUlllly is added, !he finished body is prod: .. ed .....
I... 8IId qualil .... wttidI are brinl illlll>alCriaUy. 9-'" """ !pfQIa are subjOC! 10 The LOIt1ef of _IM .. I be"", is ~ iclatlified with the elemen" !hot, in orller 10 M.
aperimmllbon and. as experi_ ......1 roval. !bey ... SIIbject 10 diYisiod. [0 IM fxt of come "",,,,,,al. require f<>mlll cnrichrneoI &cm 1be ca.egooy or quality. h irr. thoerd_ in
their boi", divisiblo. tbqr are fowod 10 he OOIlK"w • •• [ br •• f"", • body is 1>01 the quanoily of !be eleu .."" and ill !heir activity :hat Ihe En..... ,,,,,,,,a...,
n ulli ..... ely 10 he found.
.ub",No. but. q""""''''. JUS! .. the visiblo colour whim il perceived abou, • body is 1>01 In this ~d, i, should be recalled th:at. in ~ioII """ Cotnoplioll. "';soorl. - to.
.he qUllily of ........... -. but. quak C:OIIS,iN,ed in • ,-........ [... ).... very &<>Od ......,., - rcjecle(l E"'IlCdotles' deoil""tion of earth, r" •• lir. and _ as ek--
SUMW><:C ;. 1>01 oorporeaJ but it is. nevn 'he less. the -...,bjee' or q...... ity &Dd of. ';VtD menlS and, inslead coiled rtoem -,impl. bodies" which. however simple u bodicl. I .. con·
q~"",u"," in wbich. by conjunction .... ith • q~alt, man ... is corpor.lliK<! primarily." For venibl •• and at. th ... disJoluhl .. cach inlo!he other. It is their very convonibility th.~ ro.
corporul beina. q..anlity..,d q""lity on: each the _euary condi.ions upon the plalfonn of ... ristorl •• makes theIll1(> M """",'hinS '""'" than olemental.~
'UM"",C., The phy.ic. 1"Coon! or mo"e •. u Eri"senl conveys i., i. nor rrom hi. upll"..·
Corpore.1 bring i. di5linct from .uMllru:e in rh ... lpan from Ute ""c;dents of .ubot.noc. lion of Mw ma lt'r is "O"'tiMed under ph. C.lcgon., of qu.mli<y and qualily:
it ha 110 being lull:
I... ]:hey rlrink we ore ioinl 'pi"'t .......1,.. and .... king . ffumalioos ~on! ..·
[ ... ] body. when Ihc _ideo" .... wiLhdno""". c:an by 00 _ ....100.., by itself s.inoe it i. diclOlY and wbicb """nic: with our OWl! "Pillion when at ODe [lOin. w ...y tha: mart ... i.
n(II WppofIed by lilYsubs~e ofi" ....... Fo< if you wi!h4now qUIDtily from body i' will produced by rh< COftCO\.Or$t of the rour .Ierne"". ~ _ e r that :he ausc of marter I. !he
joiDinl of qumrioy ODd quality 50 ·:MI..... No< is rh;' Slnngt. for rIocy do no! know tha:
DOt be I body; for i, is held ........ r by the din .. nionr lOll number of i" oICn,be... Simi.
the el<menl5 of rbio -w __ :,.,. ed ofnortoiac bul!be ",*"",... orthe of_id_
~iew ...... be IItat of the orher xc"""'"
So dial ""'ich .......... subs;" by iroelrwitlooru octidtGg
• lM bur theconcourso:of_ ..... : i . _ .
Larly if_lake quality .... y from i~ wbat is left will be sbapeleu ODd
by """"do the body it Kat tu be Iocld~.
The ......

be ....1 -...:110 he -inI

cideoIS of . "M""< •. Fo< rue it po : t, : d by doe coo.j....uc. or heat ...., dq u. air by
IbM of Iocol ...., "..,;,.,' ... water by !hat of moio __ ODd cold, arth by that of <>DId _
<iQ: """ IiIIce "'"" qualities ...hich ..,.,... Lotttb<o .., M by rIocmsc...." be: .. t ..
monifat, qumrioy ouppIiet ....... with . , _ ,"',,' ill whieb \hey CIII mob: I SCDSiblo . .
Every <AA"",eo[ bei", is the """k or coo ..... ition nor ill sub$lonec brn """""'the _ _" ..... _ .. Fm .,......icy is. u i. _ , I _ mbjot:l .fter ...hIwH"c. ODd that is vrhy i, irr
of II:MIIr,<;c throt ..., .., toIlobcnIive as, io ~ e..... 10 individUlte • quale in • 9"""1IIIIt. plated finr aIIcr i. in Ihe onItt of C05<..,n.s. IUtooo .nrbour quanri<y ..... iI)' ..,....,. \octo.
me manif.... Theref", •• if the .klPlCUPI ore mode f""" quatLlioy ...., quali<y, and the b0-
dies Me rnodt I'rnm rhe .Iements, rhen tooWes are [pnxh.>ccd] r..... q..... ioy ...., qualily."
Jl Ibid•• 49\18.j016.
Jl Ibld.. 49/;A.
) ' Ibld.. '958·C.
J5Ibld.. . 97 .... J' /bf</.. 476(--'11C.
010 Ibid.• 49lD.
"'bld.. '9M.
J1Ibld.. '9511. 4: For this. KO ....f,.., fi........n 1:0 !look I of Ni".,.",. a...n~,.,.. ..... C...,...,..... Of. ,/1.
ll/bId.. SO)8OC. 'l Sheldoa-Willioms, £rIwfm--~. Of. <It.• • 951:--'% ....
JockC, MOfI<r

Each of the Eriugen<an elem<nt. originate. by the conjuncti~n ofqualit ie, which, ill them_
.elve., ore being immateri.lly ""d whioh, by r.a li",tion . . . quale in conjunction with •
quantum, resull! ill the production of some corporeal being unifiro by .ub'tance. Thlll mat-
lor, in lrly =e, .p~ to be idenlified with qualified quantities.".1, accordingly, is iodivi_
duahud in the category of quantily which, as !!.riuge... nOles, i. the "second subjecl after
To.n Ari.lOtelian, thi. manner ohpeoking may . oem to be in conflict wilh wh.t is .. id
in Physics I 10 the eITect that maller i, the "primMy ,ubject of each thing, from which il
com<' to be, and i. subsisting inhe rently, nol acciokntllUy","
Because, as Eriugena think., the qualitie. under which matter i. eon.tituted or< ,uch ..
to exi.t separately - apan from matter if not from .ub'tance - and btta ... e there i$ no matter
that i. not evident a. a quail/urn u"okr quality, it i. !KIt p"55;ble to eonjecM' that any matter
can be di.covered .t all in the calegory of substanoe. So, a. thougb to ech~ Ammani ... , Erl_
ugeno cl.ims that matter i. to be found in ''the $<tood ,ubj «tafter ,ub.tance",that io, in the
catcgory of quantity,
Ammoniu" however, in conuasllo Erlugena, does not argue that it i. the c.tegory of
quantity that, as 3 category and with reference to substance, play. the role of. "second sub·
j«!" , What rn, ")'0, i",tead, i. that the "second 'ubjecr is the m>!Ier that has beeom< the
"quantified composite". And, ""en if the quantified composite belongs to the catcgory of
quantity, Ammoniu. seems to rogord the ca ..gory of sub<tanc:e .. the residence of prime
For both Arnmoni"" and Eriugena, ,au.. lily procceds frQm uni"etsllls to patliculan. tIld.
for that reason and for them, the principal con"ituentS of every category are the unive ....I•.
Althougb Ammonius accords 10 matter the status of . marginal ,ubJlOnce such that substan-
Ce remaio. predicable of man er, this appears not to be so with Eriugcna who, from the cate-
gory of .ubstance, ..cludes matte' completely. For him, quantity and quality - bill not sub·
,lOnce - are su<h as to be predicable of mltter.
Eriugcna, who doeS not have =" to the Corpus ArUlal"lieum, C3n •• poci.lly be .cen
10 have re<:<:ived the dQctrine of catcgori .. not only as • th<:<>ry about predic.tes but 01.0 as •
theory .boUl physic" A. Eriugena W<luld have it, the f.,.,,,,, of an experimental physics
should be on the conteol! of the category of quantity such as mu.t reducc physics to lhe
soi.""e of mechanics. And thi., as some h ist~ri ... of science may think, i. to anticipate the
history of physics - as indeed as it has been - not in the aftermath of Eriugena but, instead,
in """'<queoce of the C3reer of Oalil<o.

4J M ....... I'hyl." t,9.t92.32·)4. Tht ($«. 1nl io;' NiolOli<, n.., PhY';u, ed. Ill<! ....... F"",,;, M,
Cornf.,... l '011, Cambridl<, M~hLllO" t'IW, Th< ...,.,Wion io .......
" 0. "'" top" of""ncr os r"" &Dd second wb:i«1, ... Rkhud Sonbji, _"" , Sfx>«, «><I _km: 111«>-
,i., in A~'!I' ",,,rr,,,v Scq...J, Ithoca, N"" YorI; 1991, pp, 9, 2J·26.

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