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CopJright, 1916

Chicqo, m.


HE abcmt questioD ll frequeDtlJ ..a.d
tbe studeDt of occulttam by - ODe
wbo bu heEd tbe term bat wllo •
uf,lmillar with Ita maniac. Simple • tile
queltioa may teem. it Ia by 110 - ~
to auwer it, plalaly ad cleuiJ Ia a few
word8, UD1ea the hMrer aJrudy 11M a ...,.
eral acquaiataace wkh the nbject of occult
lcieace. Let • CM'I'wec:e at tile bt&i"•'•
and COIIIider the quatloa frca tile palllt of
~. . of the periOD - - . . . , . . ...... tbe
tenD for the fint time.
Tbe dlctiaalriel . . . . the wGI'Cl . . . • :
MJ IUbtle, bl'9ilible .....atioa _. ahel•
tka.. Tlae . . . . ntlloritlel. • • , . ..
tribute tbe adiiD of tbe wed to al.ada ..,.
maalac ...... bat - Hllldu ........... . .
llat tbat It w Ita ..... ta - ....It not
Ar, . . "'"I tbe 1J10b of a wMeJ, die llpll.
caMe bela& percelftlll .................. tile
flct ............ - ...... fraal . .
bod,r of the IDdlft1ual Ill • - · ....... to
. . rw"•tloa of tile ..... of • wiiMl ....
, . All& .....,. , . .....~ Clll\1Jllt. ....

term Ia the one preferred by occultllta, U.

though it will be seen that the idea of •
aerial emanation, indicated by the LatiD root.
is not foreip to the real lipificaDce of the
Be the real origin of the term what it may,
the idea of the human aura is one upoo wbida
all occultists are ill fuU agreement and har-
mooy, and the mention of which is found in
all worb upon the general subject of occult-
ism. So we sba11 begin by a coasid•ation of
the maiD conception thereof, u held by .U
aclvanced occultists, ancient and modem, omit-
ting little points of theoretical variance be-
tween the different schools.
Briefty, thea, the human aura may be de-
ec:ribed as a fine, ethereal radiation or emana-
tion 1urroundiDg each and every livine human
being. It utends from two to three feet. ia
all directions, from the body. It UI\IQICI an
oval • .,.......... great ecc-lbaped nebula lftlll-
l'OUDdiq the body Oil an sides for a cliltance
of two or three feet. This aura il 10me~
referred to, ill ordinary terma, u the "plycblc
atmolphere" of a periOD, or u his ""magnetic
7JU atmoaphere or aura il apparent to a
J.p perceDtqe ol pencma \u • . . - "-

the PI)'Chic aware~~~~~

cenerally caUed "'feel-
lac." though tbe term il not a clear ODe. The
majority of penoaa are more or lea aware
of tbat aubtle tomethiag about the persoua1lty
of othen, which can be HDHd or felt ill a
dear though UllUiual way when the other
periOD8 are near by, even thouch they may
be out of the range of the vllion. Beiac out-
aide of the Ol'dlnlay range of the fin .......,
we are apt to feel that there il 110111ethlnc
queer 01" uncanny about thele feeJillp of pro-
jected penoaa)ity. But every penon, deep Ia
his bean, lmcnn them to be reaJitte. ad ad·
mita their e«ect upoD bia imprellioaa reprd-
iac the per101111 &om whom they emaaate.
Even emaU c:hlldnD. ..... eftltt , _ . , .
this ill8ueace, and nlpOII4 to It iD tbe IIIMte
of Ube aad dilllkel.
But, buaam teatlmolay nprcJiaa tbe alat-
eace ad c:Mncter of tbe ...._.. nra daea BOt
. . . with the npona of the ~ - to
whlc:ll we haft jUit referncL Thlr& are
11W1J ladlvlcluU of tbe race • far ...-•
perceata&e diD 18 ...,.U, lmt&fnecl-who
line t1aa 11ft of ,.,cllle .tpt man •
.....,_ May ...... law quite • w6
......... power of tiD ldDcl. ... - ,.,
. . . . . It to .............. - ' - .

rldicu1e. or of .,..._ thoucbt ..queer.• Ia ...

dltiOD to theM pencma. there U'e here _ .
tllen to be found well-developed. clear...tpted.
or traly dairvoJDt per10111o whole pcnren of
pi)'Chic perceptloD an u bigh1y developed •
_.. the ontlaary lelll8 of the avera1• illdiftcl.
uaL ADd, the reportl of theM penoaa, ,_
apart ill time and apace thoqh they may be,
baYO alwaya &ened Oft the main poiat8 fll
pa,cbic pheaomena, pU'ticuiU'ly ill reprda to
the Jmmen aura.
To the hilbly deftlopecl tlairvoyaat 'Yilioa.
..,..,. humaa beiDa il Hill u surrouadecl 1tJ
die eg.ahaped aura of two or three feet Ia
deptb. man dale aad thick ill the portioa
near..a: the body, ad tileD ancJuaUy ~
lq more tellUCIU8, thiD ad iDdistiDct u the
diltaDce from the body is lDc:reued. By the
ptlycbic ~ the aura Ia ~MD u a
lumlaoua c:loacl-4 paphoreac:eat Aeme
deep ad clenle KOIIIICl tbe ceDtre uul tbell
gndually lhMinc illto ~ toward
the edce&. Aa a matter of fact. u aU . , .
aped occuJtistl lmOw, tbe aura really esteDda
ftfJ much farther thaD eveD the beet cJair..
voyaat vlaiOD can percei•e it. aDcl la peyciW:
ldue~~ee i8 perceptible at qulte a diltaMe Ja
....,. CU& la \bla ~~ \\ \t. " - . .

lame OG the ph,aical plaa1 It padually ....

Into lndiltiDctDell, ita ...,. .,......... ,.. .....
JODcl the reach of the .woa, • may be prowd
by meua of chemical ~ etc.
To the Jdehly cleve1aped cJUwyaat Yilloa.
the hUIIWI aura II MID to be CGIIIJIOiecl ol all
the colon of the apectnm1, tbe comblaati-
of colon cWferiac Ia ftl'ioaa peno111. aa4
coamatly lbiftiaa In the cue ol enry per-
lOa. These co1an reSect the meatal ~
larly the emotloaal) - - ol die periOII Ia
whoM aura tbq an IIIDIIeltecl. Bach IDIIlta1
8tate hu its OWII ,.nleaJar CIGIB'biutloa
farmed from the few . . . . . *' colan . . . .
represea.t the elemntary meatal oaacltlolll.
Aa the miDcJ fa . . . lbiftlaiiDd .......... Ita
- - It fonow. tbat tlllre . . . . . . . . . .
Cornlpoa4iaa . . - of ....., ch.,.. ta
the eolon of tbe ....... - - .
Tbe ....... ad aalon af t1le _.. JWIIIII
- ............. llaltil-=oplc . . . . ..
woaa.ful . . . . . . . IBOit ......... dill'-
.... De .,..... aecaltlllt Ia ... to ...s tile
clla'Mter ol . ., . . . . . . . . . . tile . . . .
of ......... tJaoail* - feellap. " ' .....
ply atwt:rtaa till llllftlac - - of .......
'l'o . . cleve1aped OCCIIltiM ....... - ....

acter become u an open book, to be R1JdW

carefuJly and intelligently.
Even the atudent of occ:ultiam, who bu 110t
been able to develop the clairvoyant vWoa to
Inch a high degree. ls soon able to develop the
HIUIC of psyc:bic perception whereby he ls able
to at least ..feel" the vibratiou of the aura,
though be may not tee the colon, and thua be
able to interpret the mental states which have
caUied them. The principle ls of coune tbe
ame, u the colon are but the outward ap-
pearance of the vibratiou themselves, jult
u the ordinary colon on the physical plae
are merely the outward manifestation of ftbra.
tiou of matter.
But it muat not be supposed that the human
aura ls always perceived in the appearance ol
a luminous doud of ever-changing color.
When we say that IUcb ls its characteristic
appearance. we mean lt in the same sense that
we delcn~ the ocean u a calm, deep bocly of
lf'leDlsb waters. We Jmow, however, that at
timet the ocean presents no IUch appearance,
but, inltead, ls seen u rising in great DlO'IIIl-
talaoul wave., white capped, and threatadnc
the tiDy veaels of men with its power. Or
It- apiD, we aay define the word "ftame" in the
t . , . . ol a lteacly brl&ht meam ot \)um\q

cu. wbereu. we lmow only too weU. that the

word also indicates the great hot toques of
fiery force tbat stream out from the wiDdcnn
of a bUI'Illnc buildinc, and Uck to deltructioa
all with which it comes In contact.
So it is with the human aurL At times it
may be seen a a beautiful, calm, luminoua at-
mosphere, preaeDting the appeiii'IIDCe of a
great opal under the ra,. of the IIUD. Apia,
it blazes like the flames of a great furaace,
lhootiac forth great toques ol fire in thill
direction and tbat, riaiDg and fal1iDc in creat
waves of emotional ezdtemeat, or p11aioa, Gl'
perhape wbirllnc like • creat fiery maelstrom
toward ltl centre, or IWirllDc In aD out1nrd
movement away frolla ita ceetre. Again It
may be Hell aa projectlq from Ita cJepthl
amaller bodies or ceatru of llleDU1 vibratiaD,
which like aparb from a faruce detach tJieaa.
Hives from the panDt Same. ad traftl far
away iD otbK dlrectlou ttae. an the ,..
jectecl tboqbt-fonu ol which an occaltiata
are fcmd of 8JM"IdDI aDCI which make plaiD
111Ul7 .trap paycbic oc:cumtDCeL
So. It wUl be ..a. the lmmua aura II a "'ffrY
lmportaat .... ---tine pbue of tbe penoa-
alltJ of 8ft~)' llldlvlduaJ. Tbe .-,cldc .....
or ............ .-w.,.. • ._._
phJ*al pbalt die complete .............
up of the two pbueL lha llmllble II •
much the real .-a • a. maa wl8lbJe Aa tile
6aer forme of aatun are ahra:p die IIIGit
powerful, eo I• the p8JCblc maa man . - -
tbaa the phyllcal JIWI.
Ia thia book. I epeak of the humaa an.
aacl ita colon, u beiac perceived bJ utral or
cJalnoyaat '9IUon, for thla the way Ia wlllcla
It a. percemd aocJ ataclled bJ the occaltiat.
The occult teacbiag it that. In tbe evohltloa
of the nee, this utnl Ylaion will ewataaJiy
become the commoa property of nery humaa
beiq-it tO uista eftD DOW', aad Deedl oaly
dnelopmeat to perfect it.
But modem phyalcal aclence today olrer-
iag corraboratlw proof (thouch the lUIIe Ia
DOt aee4ecl bJ the occulta.t who hM the utn1
9ialon) to the geaeral pubUc, of the at.teace
of the bumaD aura. Ia Bmope. especiaDy, a
DUIIlbel" of aclenta.ta han writteD on die ~ab­
Ject of the aura. IDd have delc:ribed the reault
of the aperimeata ill which the aura bu beeD
perceived. and evea photop'aphed, by ..._
of ftuoresceat acreen8, auc:h u are UHCl Ia
takiDI x-Ray photograpba. etc. !Mdlaa
", aadlorltlea Ia Bqlaad. Prance, aad atDl . . .
~ NM~tJ7, Ia ~· ..... ~- ...
WHAT II Til& Jl1riiAII AUllAl 11

UIWir1 (I) af a aebaJou. -.,, ndloative _.

11'11 or aubltaace, arouDd the body of lniiDm
belap. Ill 8bart. they BOW' claim tbat ...,
human beillc ia radio-active, acl that the
auric ndiatloa may be ngiatered ad per-
ceived by meaD8 of • screeD COIDp"Hd of cel"-
talu ftuoraceDt material, illterpoled betweea
the eye of the ....... ad the pei"'CCIl ob-
Tbia aura. 10 diKoftred (t) by tile Klea-
tiata, ia caiJed by them the "'lamaD atmo.
pbere," uul ia clalaified by them u aimiJao to
the ndiMIOM of otber radio«tlw lllb-
•tuacn. radium. for iDataDCe. Tiley baft failed
to c1ilcover cob- ill tbia atlllolphere. laoweftr,
and lmowr DOtJaiDc, appanatiJ, of the nlattae
betwem auric caiGn ad ll*ltal 11114 .....
tioaa1 atatea, which . . 10 fwnDJar to f111f1tJ
adnacecl occuJtiat. I meDtloll tlda fact Jllll'ely
u • matter of paera1 latenat ad .........
tlall to tbe lt1ldeat, - IIOt . . llldlcatla&#
nell iD the .uatne-t ...... .., Idea 011 . . .
pat tbat the old oocalt ............ tbe . .
RmMI ,......_, •ciJIIIINIIl7lac the ume.
. . . . . . . . . . - - ..... nqaiN . ., proof
........ ap - die pll't of .....w .....
...... Oa tile
ldiM' . . . . .
euab.,, J feel tbat
W . . . . . bJ e. '4wH~

up by oc:cult Kieuce of the Dew cti8covery (I)

of the "humaD atmoepbere.'" A little later on,
material scieuce may also discover (I) the
auric colon, llDd &DDOUDCe the same to the
wonderiuc world, u a uew truth.


M ANY writers 011 the IUbject of the

humaD aura CODteat themlelves with
a deiiCriptloo of the colon of the mea-
tal or emotioaal aura, ad omit almollt ay
reference wbatloever to the bulc IUbetaDce
or power of the aura. Thia ia like the play of
Hamlet, with the character of Hamlet omltted,
for, Wllea we UDdentaDcl aomethiDc coo-
c:emiDc the fundamental nbltaDce of wllicb
the aura is compoeecl, we c:&IIIIOt expect to
arrive at a dear 1llldentaDdiiiJ of tbe pileD-
omena which ariaea from aacl by reMOa of
the eziateuc:e of tbia fundameatal aabRaaee.
We micht u well expect a stuclet to lllldtr-
ataDd the principia of colal', witbaut 11n111c
beeD made acquaiDtecl with the ~ of
The fundamental Mlbltaace of wblcla tbe
human aura ia CCIIDpoled Ia BODe otber thaa
that WODC!erful priaclpla of aatan of wldcla
aae naa 10 much ID au occalt wdtlap. wbicla
. . . . . . uUed by . . ., ....... bat wldcllla
,....,. ... laaowD --tile laalcrlt .....

Pr-. but which IIIAJ be tboaPt of • VItal

Bneace, Life Power, etc.
It Ia Dot UCIIIII')' Ia tbi8 book to 10 iato
the IIDeral coallderatiOD of the Dature aDC1
clmncter of PraDa. It Ia aqlideat for ua to
COIIIider it ill ita JDaDifatatioll of Vital l'arce.
Life ••eace, etc. Ia Ita blwclelt .....
Pnaa ....U, 18 the Prilldple of Baeav Ia
Nature. bat iD its nlatloll to llviDc torm. it 18
the Vital JPcwce wbic:b H• at tbe WI'J . , . .
of IDaDifelted Ufe. It ailtl ill all fC»>''M of
Uwblc tbiap. from tbe aat minute mic:ro-
ICOpic form up to ~hiDe c:rutura Oft biper
plaaa, u much biper tbaD man u ma Ia
. . . . . tbaD the limple miaoacopic: life-forma.
It pii'IDiatel them aD. ad naden poaible all
life acti.tty and ftmctlonmc.
Praa Ia nat the miDd or the IOUl, but Ia
ratber the fare. ar eDer1J tbrouch wbic:b the
IOU! manffMta actWity, and the .miDcl maai-
'-ts thoucbt. It Ia the Iteam that nma tbe
plarlk:a1 and meatal machinery of life. It Ia
tile 8UbRaDce of the human aun, ad the
eoJon of meatal 1tate1 are manifeated Ia tlaat
..-tDce, juat u the colon of chemlc:al
bodlll ... m1111fwtett Ill the IUbltaDce of

. . - . B1lt PnDa Ia JIGit mawtalaublta•
tba ..... matter. belac tbe---

IJial tubltaace of Baer1J • I'OI'Ce Ill Nature.

WbUe It Ia true, • we bave - - . that aU
aur• are compoeecl of the tubataDee of PraDa,
it la likewise true tbat there Ia • limple aa4
elementary form of auric tubltaace to wblch
occultlatl have pven the simple aame of the
pnu-aura Ia order to ctilt:lDpllb It from tbe
IDOI'e complex forma aad pbuel of the bumaa
aUI'L The limpUcity of the character of the
prana-aura cause8 it to be mare reldily .....S
or perceived than Ia poalble In tbe cue of
tbe more complex p.__ • forml of the aura.
J'or whereu It Ia aa1y the man leDiltive or-
palm~• that caD dlatiDplah the 6Der vibra-
tiou of the meatal llld emotioDal .... uci
oaly the claJrvoyaDt tiPt whlch caD dllcena
itl preHDce by ltl co1an, U..t uy penoa.
by • little careful aperlmeatlllc. may became
aware of tbe pnltiDCe of tile praaa-aan. 110t
oalJ Ill tbe way of .......... it, but Ill ......,
CUI8 of IICtaal1y . . . . it wltla tile ordilllry
...... rflbtly cUneted.
Tbat wldch le bowa • tile prauera Ia
of aaane tile ~DGKIIImple farm ar p1lue of tlla
.............. wldatlll,.,.....,.
. . . . . Gill. It Ia tiM fcna • ,a.. wldcllla

"""*-' ....
ad ..... ....-..~ . . . .
1'*/Mtlll_ll4_ .,. . . ..,....

it - tbe "bealth ...." .. "ppaJ*d .....

both of wbicb term& . . fittiaalJ ..pliecl -
we lbal1 aee, althoqh we pref• the limpiR
term we bave used here, L e., the .............
For the praa.aura does lbow the 1tate of tbe
health of the iadividual ractiatiq it. a It
al10 really CODtaiaa ph,.ical penNI' aad IMI•
Detl1111 which may be, aDd ia impaUcl to
The buic pnu-aura Ia practically oolor'-t
that ll to uy, it Ia about tlae color of the clem'·
eat water or a '9f!81 clear diamoDd. By the clair-
voyant vWoa it Ia 11e11 to be meaked or marW
by very minute, briltle-like liD-. radiatiq
outward from the physical body of the iadi'lid-
uaJ. iD a manner very like ,.the quilla upcna the
fretful porcupine," u Shakespeare puta it.
In the cue of excellent phyaical health. tblee
briatle-like atreab an stiff and brittle-look-
iDe. wbereu, if the 1meral health of the per-
lOll be deficient the.e briatl•like radiatlou
1eem to be more or leu taqled, twisted. or
curly; ad, Ia 101M cue1 preaent a droopbaa
appeMDCe, ad Jn aveme cue~
llppl8ni1Ce of 10ft. limp fur.
.....-t the

It ..., IDtenlt tlae atudeat to lmow tbat

11111aate ,..._ of thll pr.....,.ura, ar Yltal
l ......... 111\ouaWotl\M~-u..
"1118 PJti&JIA-AUIIA 11

IMCtioa with pbyllc.l ewlw1atloall . . . .

ICellt, etc., and remain ba eJd~teace for 101M
time aftv the penoa hN palled hm the J*'•
ticular place at which they were cut o&. Ia
fact, u all occaltlata lmow, it II theM ,_..
ticlel of the prau-aura which Hl'ft to pw
vitality to the ''ac:ent" of Uviac cnatmw.
wbich eublell clop aDd otblr ani.,.._ to trace
up the track of the penon. or uatmaJ. for a
laDt time after the penon baa p•aad. It Ia.
not alone the ph,.Kal odor, wlliola . . . be
..,.., aUcht .. you will ... 1JPOD • III8IIIMIA
CGIIIkltndon. It Ia really the pnaeace of tile
panicle~ of the pnu-aura wldch eaaW. die
. . to diatiDpilla the tncel of ODe . , . . . .
UD0111 that of tboaaadl of ~ a1a4 tba
feat II a much PVCWcal • ,aa,.tca1
ADotllew ~ ol tile Jl'll'l - · ..
that lt Ia &Bed with ....~ of --~
. . . . . . . . . . ptrtlcltl, niM'IIt1illl ......
-=- ..... wlalck . . ill c:GIIItlat JDOdea,
Tillie. ...... wbioh ......... tiO , . _ of

.............. ,.....,....
. . , .......,. c1eYeloped PQCblc ...,...~anpm
........ , . . . . . the , . .. . . .....

..... ...... ~-~~ .. ......, . . . . tiO


from a hot atove. or from tbe heated ell'da GD

alllld-tnlmmer day.
U tho ltUdeDt will elOH hil eytll pardlllJt
uatil be peen out from IWTowed lidl, aad
then will d01ely obaerve some very healthy
periOD littlng in a dim light, be may perceive
this uadulatillg, pulling vibration atendiq
an in.cb or two from the surface of the body.
It requiru aome Uttle knack to recognize tbele
~brationl, but a Uttle practice will often pve
one the key; and aftel' the fint recognition, tbe
..uer becomes eaay.
Again, in the cue of pei'IIOilS of active bralDI,
oaa may perceive tbia pulaating prana-aura
aroUDd the bead of the penon, particularly
when he ia engaged in coacentrated active
thought. A little practice will enable a1mott
any one to perceive faintly the dim outUnea of
tbe prana-aura II'OUDd his own fingers and
band, by placing bia band against a black
backpouad, in a dim light, and then ruinc at
It with IWl'OWed eye-Uda, aquintillg if necea-
ury. UDder tbae circumstances, after allttle
practice, one will be apt to perceive a tilly
oatliDed aura, or radiation, or halo, of pale
,.nowllh light surrouadillg ~ band.
. , ezteiiCIIq the &apn, fan lbape, , _

will pet'CeWe that each finger Ia lhowlDc Ita

own Httle outlined prana-aura. The ltroapr
the vital force, the plainer will be tbe percep-
tioat of the phellomenoa. Often the prua-
aura, in these experimenta, will appear like tbe
MIDi-luminous radiance aurro11Ddiq a candle
Same or gu light. Under tbe heR callditloae,
the radiatioll w01 UIWDe an a1moet pbN-
phorelcent appearance. Remember, tlda Ia
limply a matter of tralnecl ordinaly lfcht,-
DOt dairvoylnt 'liaioa.
Tbia prana-aura Ia l4mtlcal with humaa
mapetilm, which Ia employecl in ordinaly
mapetlc bealiag. That Ia to uy lt Ia the
outer m&Difeltatioll of the woaderful pnalc
fara. It Ia felt wheal ,ou lhake had~. or
otbenrile come ill dole pbJilcal COiltllct with
• atroagly mapetlc penaa. Oil the - -
band lt Ia what the weUJy, hamaa ~
like penoaa 1IDCOilldoaaly, or COIIIdaaiiJ,
try to draw • from ltrODC periOIIII, If tile
latter aDow them 10 to do from WIUit of Jmowl.
ecJp of ..U protectloa. Wbo bu aot liMit
pii'IOII8 of tbla ldad. who ..... to ... ....
~ Bfe f«ce away from ldmP R.......,
e.. tll8t tile praa-aura Ia tbe aura • ....a.
. . of . . lone, Cll' .ttal poww, wldcla ....
• "l"''B R1JIIAII AtntA

. . . . of ,oar IWiac acti..tty, phJ*a1 ad

mentaL It Ia tbe pouriug out of tbe Yital
..ateam" wbich is nmninc ,oar vitaliiii'Cbiaery.
Its pre.euce iadic:atea Life-ita abecDce Lif•
hill ea.

T HE term ..utral," 10 frequently - -

ployed by all occultiatB, ia dilicult to
ezplain or define ezcept to thole who
have punued a replar coune of study In
occult ~eienc:e. For the purpoee of the pra-
e t collliden.ticm, it 18 enouch to •Y that over
and above the ordbwy phy.ical HDH plaDe
there ia another ad man IUbtle plae,
lmowD u the Astral P1aae. Every llllmaa be-
lac poaea• the imulte ad lahenat faculty
of lelllfag the tblap of this a.tra1 pJaae, by
IIUIUIS of aa ate.._ or ~ of the
powen of the orcJIMry ..... 10 to tpeak.
But. In the majority of penoaa Ia tile pnHDt
.tap of developmeat. a- utnl .._. - .
lyiag dormant, aacl oa1y here acl t:Mre do we
ftad ladiWI11ala wllo ... able to ..... Oil the
atr11 plaae. altJioaah Ia the coune of nolu-
tlaa the eatlre race will be able to do eo. of
coune. The colan ol the hn!I!WI aura, ....
tiODed iD the precediDa two cbapt.n, -
wlddl arlee from tile wrloaa meatal aad 11110-
tloaal - - belaac to the pbeaomeaa of the
..... - - . - - -. . b 'UiliM dl ~

utra1 colon." BeloaciDI to tlut dtral plaae.

uul aot to the ordiDary ph,.u:al plalle, tbq
U'e perceived oaly by the . . . . fulactioDisw
OD the utral plane, and are invillble to tbe
ordiDary physical plaae Iicht. But, to thole
who have developed the utra1 aight, 01' dair-
VOJIIDCe, theee colon are u real u an tbe
Ol'dinary colon to the average penoa. aad
their phenomena haw been as carefully re-
corded by oceult acience u have the ph,.tctJ
plane colon by physical ICience. The fKt
that to the ardinary physical HnHa they ant
invisible, does not render them any the lea
real Remember. in tbia connection. that to
the blind man our physical colon do not alit.
And. far that matter, the ardinary colon do
not emt to ""color blind" persona. The Ol'dl-
nary phylical plane penon il limply "colar
blind'' to the altral color.....tbat'a all.
On the utral plane each shade ol meDtal or
emotional atate baa ita correapondin1 utral
color, the latter manifeatlnc when the form
appears. It follows then. of course. that w1Ma
once the occultist baa the key to thla co1Gr
correapondence, and thua il able to perceift
the utral colOI'I by means of hil astral vlaloo.
Jle also Ia able to read the mental and ....
fJbl&l ... of Ulf penoa. witbill the raap

of Ida vlalaa, a eully a JOG U'l

the prlllted warda of tbia book.
Before proceediaa to a COIIaideratioa of the
lilt of utral colon ill the llama aun, I willa
to call your attendoa to a lliaht ftriatioD ba
the cue of the ~ of which I line
spoken ba our Jut cbapter. I bave et:ated
therein tbat the praaa-aura Ia colorl- like
a di•IDODd or dear water. Tbla Ia tnae Ia tile

• very ltrODC phyaical vltality Gl' .w..

anrqe c:ae, bat iD the cue of a penoa of

praaa-aura tak• oa. at timet, a fablt ...,.


plak tiuce. which Ia I'Mily • relectioD froiD

the red utra1 color. of the znean1nc of wldcll
color J'0'1 lball DOW IMra.
Like their phJab1 plaM COillltel'plr.._ aD
the utral colon are frola three Jld.
. . , Colan. IIUIIeiJ (1) JW; <•> Blal; -
(3) Yellow. Prom tbele *- pdiMry colan,
all other colon ue farmed. PollowiJII tM
Primary Colon. we lad what . . - . . •
the Secoada17 Colon. IIUD8ly: (1) ON.. de-
rived fram a CCIIDbiDadoll of Yellow aa4 Bhle:
<•> ()nap. lanMd flam • coaaiUedftn of
Yellow ad Bed; ad (S) Parple. fclnMd
fnD a ccatiDadaa of ltecl ad Ba.. ...._
.............. prodace tile adler .......
........ an. . . ...,...-.~,
Oraap ... Pupt. fonD ....It, an. ...
Oruce fanD Cltrlu.
Black • caW .. ableDce of colar~ willa
White .. reallJ • hulllOilioul blllldlat of all
colon, 1traap u tbi8 may ~ to . .
wbo .... DDt ltUdJec1 tbe IUbject Tbe bl...s-
1111 of tiM Primary Colon in ftJied propall'-
tioaa produce wbat ia kaowD u die .,._.. el
eolor. AcSd1Dg white to the hue~, we obtala
"tltttl '(' while mime Black produce......_..
8trict1y .,..lrinc Black ad White . . laaowD
.........tnl" celon.
How for the meenlng of the utra1 co~Dm­
tllat il, the apiiDatioa of the meDtal Cll' . . . .
ticmal state repre1111ted by each. I .U tt.t
die 1t1atleat famWarise bJmH1f wltb tbe
fiiM"'nc of the Primary Colon aad tbeil' coa..
Waadaa. A diu' undentandiDc of the ~
of t1te MtNI colon ia oftea an aid Ia tile
cllftiopm~Dt of astral U,ht.


RBJ). Red Npr~HDta the phyUcal pllae

of 8lellta1ity. Tbat ia to uy. it ltaDda for
that part of the IIIIDtal activitiea which aN

ooaeerMd with ph,ucat Ufe. It ia maalfeltie4
• • fttall\J ol the'*"' ad.
tinta 8D4 ....- . .. IIIUIIfated by ,......
anc•. physical enville.. etc. I sbaU d-=rDM
the wrioua form8 of Red mudleltadoa, a
Uttle later 011.
BLUE. Blue represeata the reUgioa1, or
apirltuai. phue of meDtaUty. Tbat .. to ..,,
it atancla for that part of the meatal actMtlel
which are cODCeftled with 1lip , . . , aJtro.
11m, devotioa, reftl'eiiCe, ftll.el'8tlall, etc. It
• llllllliMted, ill Ita valoaa . . . . dati, lllld
....... b)' aD - - of ,.,._. fee1illc . .
emotioa, hlch aad low, • we lball Me • •
YELLOW. YeBaw npNIIDta tile latll-
Jectual phue of meataUty. Tllat Ia to ..,, It
. . . for tlla put ol . . _ . . acdvidel
which are
COilCeftlld wltll re....,..,. _.,..
Jadlmeat, toafcal pniCIIIel, blductloa,.....,..
tloa, .,.._.., etc. Ia Ita ••loal .........
ad .we.. lt .. . , tile ftd-
fonaa of iDtelleetaa1 Ktlvlty, laiP - low, ..
we llbaJI ... u we piOCIICI.
WH1TB. Wblte-- far wllat eocaltilt8
IIMw • Pure lplrlt, wWcll• a "'7 . . . _
tiiiDc .... tile ........... .., ...........
..... - ..... naDy .. die ...... .., ....

.. ,.of..,_ w• .-u ..
ALL t11at ...U, S.. helplitt II . . ,_.
plaJedJI7It .. tM . . . . . . . . . . . .
BLACK. BIKk ....- b die Mllllht
po1e o1 Beine the ..., ,...,...,. ef
lplrit. - owo-iDI it iD neq ....
lbaD ... tbe part , . . , . . , it iD die
colon • we pnx:eed.
Tbe cambiDatioaa ol tbe tine
tral Primary Colan are formed iD caalleellllalf
with Black ad White u weD u bJ tbe 1*11161
lac of the three themselva. n.e caalblll-..1
tloal, of coane, result &om the lba4ea
IDIDtlll aad emotioaal activity muif..ud
the individuality. of which tbey ... the nil~
doD and the key.
Tbe combinations aad bleadiDg of the
colon. however, are nwnbedeu. aad lll'ellmltl
• almoat iD&Dite variety. Not oal7 il
bleD4lnc cauaed b)' the midng of the col
tfaemHlvee, iD COIIDeCtion with black
wblte, but iD maD)' cues the bod)' of
color II found to be atreakec!, atriped, dott

or clouclecl by other colorL At times there
the mixture of two Ultag'ODitltid
color atnama &ghtiDc qalDit each other
lore b1eacll111- ApiD we . . tbe effect of
color aetatra1lslq UIOtblr.

Ill 10111e cae1 p-eat black doudl oblcun

the bright colon belleatb, aad then darka the
fierce &low of color, just u It often wltlltlled
in the cue of a physical COD8agratloa. Apia,
we find great ftubes of bright yellow, or red,
8ariDg acroa the field of the aura. lhowinc
-citation or the coafl1ct of intellect ad pu-
The average ltUdeat. wllo hu DOt developed
the utn1 vllioa. ia bu:liDecl to imacia• that
tbe utra1 colon in the h\IIIIUI aara preMDt
tbe appeannce of 811 egc-ahapod raiabow, Cll'
apectrum, or IIOIDethlng of that 10ft. But thil
ia a great mistake. Ill the fint place. tbe
Mtral colon are Hldom at rat, for allmllltal
ad emotloaal activity Ia the rault of 'Vibra-
tloa, chaDge. ad rhJtbmlc DIOtioa. eo...
queatly, the colon of the aura pneeDt a
bleidolcoplc appeanace, of COIIItut cbaap
of color, lbape ad ~ peat eJectri.
cal dilplay, 10 to apeak, COJIIItalltly alalfting,
...,..., aad bleadJac.
GNat taape8 of tlatneUb emaaatioaa JII'O'
jlct . . . . . . beJoad the bonier of the aan,
. . - ltrODI feeDDc or adt.n•llt, a4 &N&t
. . _ . , wlllrJa ad ..&rs. . . awnl'_.
TIIIIIPt Ia _ . "":'aedDc. ..... .,...

what tenifyiDc at fint. Nature Ia wiae

beltowiug the gift of •tral vilioa only I I '
ually aad by almolt imperceptible ttacea
advance. There are many unpleasant, as
u pleasant, aigbta oa the Altral PlaDe.


R EIIEMBBR.INO, ahraJit the lipiA-

cance of tbe tbne primary colon OR
the utn1 plae, let .. caaai&l• -
meealnl of tbe combiaatlou. lba4el, buel.
aad tinta of theM calon.
THE RED GROUP. ID tbia poup of •
tral colora 1MB in the humua aun. we &ad
atroagly in mdeac:e the c1ear briPt nct .we.
1imilar to that af (neb, pure arterial blood •
it lean~ the heart. filled with pure material
&ably oxygeaated. Thil lbade, ila the aura.
iladicata health. lif•force, vl&or, ~. etc.,
in pun aad uatainbld form. The aura al a
healthy, .aroac chiJd ..... thla . . . . of color
very plainly and ltr'OIIIIY·

frieadlbip, love of comp~~nlonabip,lovo of,.,...

Stroag, pure aatural emotJoaa. RCII •

bl aerc:ile, bealtlay c1eD aport~, etc.. . .

lllallifeatecl by • d..r . . . . . . . of ted.
WIMa tblle IHiillp becollle tlfated wltla Ill-
Ill ••, low IIIOtiw.. . . . tbe . . . . ...,..

- - ud tluDer. Lon of low a.,.._.
.......... - d,.._-- nA..,.,
A .We of ncl. .-, uar to Cl'lalloB, II
utn1 color of Love, but tiM tbat -
ftdee peatly acconUDc to the aatun of
form of emodoaal feellq. A ..-, hiP fCII'II'•;•t
of Jon. which Neb the eood of the loved aae.
ratber tbua tbe Atiafaction of cmeaeU, maal-
fetta . . . beautiful role tint-one of the moat
pllulnc of the astral tints. by the way. De.
ICeDdJDc ill the Kale, we fiDd the ~
lbade becomillg darker and duller, \DltU we
delceacl to the plane of Impure. Hlllual. coane
pualoa, which ia manifested by an qly, duU,
muddy c:rimaon of a repulllve appearance.
111Uatbac blood mized witb dirty eartb ar
bamyard IOU.
A peculiar Mriee of red ahadel an thole
IIWiifestia& aac• ID ita various form~, from
the 9ivid .carlet 8ubel of anpr colal', arWac
from what may be called ..ri&hteou• incftpa-
tion," clowD the tcale to tho ugly s..t. of
deep. clul1 nc1, betokelling rae• aac1 aDCGDo
nllecl pauioa. Tbe red of aacer ~
llaowa itlelf ill &alba, or great laplac ftamn,
ofta accompanied by a black bacqroaad, t.
the CAM ol maUcloua hate, or by a ~.
aN~IIilll backpvuDcl when the nee .._
Jaiouay, or eD9J. Tbe COIOI' ol aNdllil
• Wlf7 ualJ ~ cA a\\.. 6Ift ..._

ad a cJlrty 11111 areea. U periOiia could 1M

their OWD utral colan &cCOIDpaDJiiSC theM
Ulldellrable mental • • the eight would
perJuap. 10 dilplt tbem wltla IUCb ltatOI U
to work a cure. At any rate, they are mOlt
4lacuatinl and repuJaive to the oc:cultilt wbo
bebolda them in the hUIIWl aura. and he oftea
wonden why they clo DOt lickeD the penon
maDifeltinr them-they oftell clo Juat tbla
thine, to tell the truth.
THB YELLOW GROUP. Ia tbia aroap
of..ual colora Hell in the hUIIWl aura we fiDd
u IDBIIJ ftl'ietiel u we clo in the reel p-oup.
Yellow, dellotblc inteUect, bu maay cJegn.
of lbacle ad tlllt. aacl DIDJ 4ep"eel of dear-
Aa latere8tinc tbade lD thil group Ia tbat
of Oraap. wblch repreHI1t8 tHereat fan.
of ..pride of illtellect." 1Dte11ectua1 aBabkloa,
love of mutery by will, etc. The 1ft&* cJe.
ane o1 reel lD t11e atn1 araap color, the
...... tbe caaaectioa wltb tile phJilcal ..
animal aature. Pride acl loft of ,..... Oftl'
......_ ' - DNCII red Ia 1-. Mtral colar, wbUe
.... , IDM1Jectlaa1....,. ... --... nd
.......... _.......
IIi . . ClelllpOiidoa.
. . . bateUectaal att•'""'-t. 1114 the
diU' plc!.a ,.no.. Gnat teec._.
baft tJda 10 IU'Oftlly Ill nlcJeace, tbat •
tbelr ltUdeata haft 1Ump.e. of a &OIIdtl
"balo" 11'011114 the bead of tbe tucbtr. ...___.
en of pat spirituality ban tJda "''ddU.:•
of 10ldeo yellow, with a border of beltutli~
blue tint, •trcmcly Ill evidence.
Tbe pallltiap of the pat 1pirltual teac::bll'l
of the race uaually bave tbil radiaace Dletlma.!i
u a "halo." lbowiDI a recognition of
pheaOIDellOD on the part of the great artllaa~
Rotfman'• celebrated paintiq of the CJuol•~•

bue 10 ac:curately depicted that the occul•

Ia tbe Oarc1ea of Gethlemane lhowa tbia - ---
II CCIDYiaced that tbla artiat must ban actu-
an, witllelled a similar ICeDe Ia the • ..,.......,.
upt, 10 true to the utral facta are ita detalll1. g
Tbe lmapl of the Buddha aiiO lhow tbla

The rich plden lbadel of 1Dtellectua1 , ....

low an comparatively rare, a licldy 1emoa
color beiDi the cm1y llldicatioo of late~
powll' aad found Ill the aura of the ~ ftDi.
of penoaa. To tbe light of the oc:caltlat, eaa-
plo)'lac' 1111 power of utraJ vlllcm. a crowct aE
penoa wm maalfelt bere and there. at wicWy
upuated poiDta. the bright 1olden yellow af
tbe true Intellect. appearblc • lea. . . .

ujhted candlea amoac • muldtucle of faintly

bumiDg matcha.
THE GREEN GROUP. Tbla 18 a peculiar
croup, consisting u of coune it doel of Vlri-
ous combinationa of blues and yellowa. tinted
ad lhaded by white or black. Evn lidDed
occultists find it very clifticult to account fo&'
tbe fact of certain green lhacJes arisiJlc from
the spiritual blue and the intellectual yellow
-thla 18 one of the D10IIt obscure poiJa ill tbe
whole subject of the utral c:alan, IID4 aoae
but the most adftDCed occu1tlsta moe Ble to
aplaiD the "why" ill tome IDataDceL To
tiiOie who are fond of ..W,U of tlda ~dade
I will drop the following blnt, wblch 1119
help them out ill the matter, vis. Tbe key Ill
found ill the fact that GreeD lies Ia the ceDtn
of the utra1 8pectnUD, and ta a balnce .._
tweeD the two atremll, aDd 18 alto......._.
by tbele two atreme8 Ia a ltU'tllq ..........
A Nblla reaful 1N1D cleDotel love of a.
.... oat of cloar ... traftl Ia the c:ouatly,
-. - .... .uptly Meriac Ia tbat, the
loft of baale....., etc. Apia, a cJew beaa-
tlfalllclatw tiDt of .... ladlcatel what ...,
be . . . l)rapatlaJ, 81trultdc tiDOdoa. diu-
... etc. Apia. llutratiDc . . . . . . dlla
. . . ol Mtrid ooiDn, . . . . . . . . o\ . .

~~haw. lDtelJectual tolerance of tip ..a-

otis.-.. Grow1Dc duller, tblt ......_
dlplomaq, abiUty to baDd1e hUIIID aatan,
delccadin1 another degree or 10 W.S.
IDaiDcerity, thiftinea. uatruth, etc.
a 11111 tltte-colored area iacllcatlaa
tricky clecelt-thit Ia a ft1Y cornmm .W.
tile colon of the avenge aun, I am 11C1ft7
•1· FlDally, a particularly qty,
IIWI'ky ll'"ll IDdicatea JeaJoa11 ad 1t1111n
feeUap, eavloua malice, etc.
JfOUP of utn1 colon repntelltl t1ut ~...._
forma ad depoeea of religiolll emotioa.
lt\lllity," etc. The JUcbett form of tpii•.W
nJi&iout feeliq and thought ia replreMIItiiM
by a beautiful, rich, clear violet tlllt,
tbe lower and more grou phuea of nB&Io•
emotion and thou&ht are repreteDted by
darker ad duller huea, tintt, Uld lhadee
a deep, dark indigo is rNChed. 10 dark that
can acarcely be dittinguiahed &am a
blac:Jr. This latter color, aa might be --~~~
iadic:ate1 a low supentitiaua fonll of nD~itj
ICII'cely worthy of the latter .......
we mutt remember, has itt low pJace. •
• Itt heilha-itt prdeD poon the
Iowen, ad at the ume time tbe ftltlt 11111&

HiP aplrltual feeliDp-uue 1piritual aa-

Wdment-ia IDdicated by a wonderfully clelll'
IIcht blue, of aD 'UIUII1W tint, IOIDethiDc lkia
Ut tbe clear Jicht blue of tbe lky 011 a cool
eubmm aftemooa. jut before 1UDHt. Bvea
wileD . . witneu aD approach to tbia cob ia
Mature. we . . illlpired by aa uplift:iaa feel.
.... u ..... iD tbe pnleiiCe of ......
tbiDp, 10 true il the iDtuitiaG t'-e
IIGnllty. of • IIJch depee, .. iadlcated . ,
. . . . . . of beautiful . . . of blue, a1wa,a
., • ciMr ialplriDc tint. Religioa fee1i1ll
nlld bJ fear. il badlcated by a Made of blui81a
. . . Parple diDOtlel • low of fanD ad an-
..... ~ . . . COIIMCtled wida . .
...,... . . . . 01' npl cnadeW of ........
ldlld. Purple, atanD,. wa . . _ u die
.,.. co1ar Ia tile oJdea eta,...
TBB BROWN GJlOUP. The lnwapoap

-··tt.t .
of Mtn1 colan
. . .
r...- delllre for pia 11114
II'OID the cJ... kowa
..... al......._ .......of--
...... ..,. ........... ................ to tbe malky dull

..... .. • . . . rap Ia tldl P'CIUP

t'D .OU.Y GROUP. Tbe &f0'1P of anJ11

A 8 we have ....., the human aura II...,.
..ti. ill a .Ute of ablolute felt or quiet.
Motioll UICl cbaap II enr malflltecl
by it. It bu im periods of COIIIpKathe calm,
of coune, but .... ill this . . . tbin . . .
puJaiDg, . . . . . . motloD appiiNDL Tile
clouds of c:JwaciDI color 8y onr Ita ...,_.,
UICl ill Ita depth, like tiM fat ddftll 8leq

c1oudl over the eummer lky, Ulgm(n. . by die
of the iett:IDt - .
Ap1a, lerce atarma of m-.1 acthlty, •
tiiDOtlou1 8tnll, dl8turb Ita compvadft cUQ,
ad tiM wiJdelt Klllltl . . witDIIIIUl Ia tile
aura bJ die .,.,_ nr. So iatlaae ... tile W.
......... o f - of tMie ...aJ . . . . tllat
tWr · - .. pWaly felt., tbe ...... ,...

....... ....,...,.... ....

. . . . . . . . lie .. DOt .... to .......... tile
. . . . . . die put wldrt. ... IWirla ol arlc

A,._-* Ia r.tlde. . . . . _. . •

..............., ......
....................... .me ........
~ ........ ·~·-··
............... of .....
. . ..
.,. .If.till
.... . . , .. ....s) tiDpd wlda . . . . . . .
...._ of ..,... ca1on. " lf•c 1a • &•
_, .......... COIMIMdoal,.,..... ....
..u, 1n1111 JWmou ~ .- ...._
...,.._,.... IMtiDedJ prelalla iUelf., far
dlln II a .ut1dilc ~ to die .,.._
,....... ,.., of colon of . . . . . . . . . . .
...... Ia a bGdJ of peariJ or milkJ 1aa.
Color ....... lllto color, tiDt iato tiat. ..... iDto
....., • ill tbe color tcaJe of tbe apeetram ol
wtdch tbl nlabow .. the . . . femiHv - -
ample. But the raiabow or 8J*ti'IIID Jacb
..._ peculilr Mllll-tranapueacy of the aarlo
colon, - allo tbe CODitalltly cbaDciDI ad
dlllolWic body of colon of tbe aura.
At tbll poiDt, I wllb to call ,our atteDtioa
to a pbue of tbe aura which I purpoeel;r
puled ewer ill the preceding chapters. I at.
lade to the pbue of the aura wblch preHJIIa
the "parly" appeannc:e of tbe opaleKeat
body, wblch we ban Just DOted. Tbla appear
IDee il maalfested Deither by UIJ of the . . .
t8l ar ematioaal ltatea, nor Ia It the ~
an or Yltal force which I han diD'Ibed Ia
prmou chapter. It Ia the malf-.adola
.... Jllaunnl·~-----..-.
8taac8,• aa4 18 a .,., ......... hatan of
die nric pheaomiDII
Tbia etherlc 8Ubatallce, which IMDifllta
thit pecuUat ndlaace iD tile bocl1 ol tbt ...,
CDIDJM*I tbat wldc:b II cdecJ by 1011111 occult-
iata "the altral bocly... but tbll lattw term il
allo employed ill uotller HftM, ad I pref•
to ... the term ··~ doubJeN to iDcllcate
wbat 101M othen bow u "tbe Mtral body.•
Jkbedc IUbltaace il much &... form of IUb-
RaDCI dla that which COIIIpGIII the piiJilcal
llocly. It II really matter Ia a Ytq ldP ...
. . . of oftkatioa-auach JUper tba .... the
aJtra.pleoae matter of playllcal 11lbltiDCe.
It 11111 be . . . . . ordilllrtly, Gilly aa tbe utn1
p1aDe. wlalch II it8 OWD particuJar plaDI of _.
Tbe edlerlc doable. CIOIDPOied of thl8 et1lerk
.atuce. il the eact coaaterpart of lt8 pi&JI-
Ial coaterp~ onUDaly phJIIcal bocly
of t11a IDcli~ it ta Clllpable of
pat apalllloo or l1lrlaJdDc Ia .,...
dla ,..,..,II W,l.t ndlatlu a aura, aa4 .a.
. . . . . . . . . . die . . . ,__ of die .....

...,. . . . to It .. pecuJIIr ,....., ..,..
. . . wlllcla . . . ....,_... of Ita . . . .
. .frltltllltr....,.

? -
. ._ _ _

....... ......, ............ .......
., aoJar wblrllal ad ............. dll ..,....
w,. u.....,.
aa4 turface of the .......
lib ....... lboot Iordi .............. ..
1urlcl IIDOkJ cJoudl IJ OD ... turfut. Lollloo
fJwlato tbe aun of a IBID wUd ,..... rap llld
,... . . . . . . petdftllato lllferao. , . . ...
... , . . . Ia die nPta ol ••,........ . .
ar otiMr body ol pti'IOIII ll1ld wtdl ,..,.,
...,.. • frllhtfuiKaU ol .... ...........
A ,_. . IDe4 wtda . . . . . . . . of ,_.
Joft, IDa 1111 aura wtda tilt ..... bllldlf1al
tfat8 &1141 ....... of ....,. , . , calor, .....
w.ow die . . . . . . , ..... laD, .........
~ die oc:culdlt. A cllanla IDid w1t1a ,..._
of • Jd&la deYOdoall .......... 1110 . . . . .
dial ,,.. ..,. ,... of die ......... of ....
WI& dille tblnla · · -
Tilt • . . ,.... ol • , . _ .. -
. . . .11111 a4 prtlll11 I IDOit llllp...llllt
1Pfll ••to-pDIIII. . dlelltnl .....
1:•1wfle .................. of ID lbode
el*' _. ,...-. ••e- niDJ ~

I lllc .. die OOCIIJdlt of bfP fUIII ...

, ............... ._ __ __
.... . . . - - tllllllnl
•••, dllaJ all ............ GCIPt . . . . . .

Then an two dlatiDct f•tarw CDIIDIIIMil

with tbe auric co1oriDc of nerJ ,..._.
fint Ia the coloriq resultinc from tbe
habitual tbouchta and feeUnp of tile ,..._.~
from bia charact•, In fact: wbile the -.o-c
Ia tbe colorin1 reaultlq from tbe I'Utlcaill:.
feeliap, or thouchtlt maalfeated bJ hlaa •
tbat particular momeat or time.
Tbe color of the feeliDI of the momeat 1100a
dlaappean and fadea away, while the ...,.
babltual fee11q, bound up with bJa c:barader,
caUiel Its correepondlnc color to abide IIIGI'4I
permanently, and thua to live a dedded .._
to hil reaeral auric color appearance.
Tbe traiDed occultist: is, therefore, able to
ucertaill DOt oaly the pauiDr thourhta an4
feeliap of a penoa. but a1ao to cletenDlDe Ia,.
fallibly bia reaeral chancter, teDdeaciea, put
character and actlou, aacl paeral ~
limply &om a careful eaaabaatlcm ad ~
of the auric colon~ of tbe penoa iD qaeatloa.:
Aa all occuldlta weU bow, fl'tWJ Place.
dwelHac, buma. . place, c:burcll. courtnloiD-
nery 'lillare. city, country, aatioJa...-.lla ita
owa collectl:ve aura. lmowll • ••atra~ atmcM.
" wbicb Ia limply but a comblDict a.
of tbe lacUWiual aura of the lumwa
of wldcb ka boctJ. ~ .... ---

... TblllltlllNpblrlc vl1ntioaa . . plabalJ
Uld . . . . ludDctlftiJ
Mtllletflll • npelled bJ naoa tbtnaf. But.
to . . deftJaped occultiata, tbeae place. mul-
leR tbe auric coJan. Ia the combiDatiou .n..
1111 fram tbe aatun of the llllllltallt'- of tbl
........ cJwelllaC Ia them.
Bach p1Ke lau ita callectlve ..... Juat •
ucla , . _ lla bla bldlYldual aura. fte
atnl piiM priiiDtl a WGDderful ICeDI of
color by NUOil of tbll uul llmDar . . . . .
Tile barmoAJ ·of the color Kbeme. Ill IOIDI
CUll, Ia awveUoualy beautiful; whlle the hor-
rible aspect of KelliS retembJe a aJchtlure
..... of the wont ldDd.
It Ia euy to UDdentaDd why IOIDe of the
aclenta wbo ltUIDbled into gJimpllll of tU
utnl plane. while Ia dream-atate or traDce.
npcll'tecl the vialoa of .nble heUa of • ·
.-chable fire, fiery lalr:ea of llll01dac brim-
- - . etc.. for lUCia icleu wou1cl aaturallJ
- to the miD4 of the uainformecl periOD
wllo w .,..... into the utra1 plue .. ncb
ADd. Ia tile ........,.. the vlaloaa of ......
raparted .., the - - - otben of .....
,...,__,......a.. ot\\ta"-ai'M
~. . . aplalllable- tla \lwK't \W.
colora bolda caod 0D all the IIIID1
belaa ad aistence-hl&h u well •
1 ..-.Iy blnt at a put occult tnat1a
1111 the above atatementa. The thclaalllfll
be able to read between my liD& I !law
you a Uttle key which wiD ua1ock
of many m,.terl-, If you wDl bat

HAT IDtereetiDt phMe of occult pM-
T aomeaa. bowD u ~ fOI'IDI,• II
10 c1olely nJatect to the ceunl ...,.
jlct of the lnDaaD aura that a mmtloD of ou
- aaturally lead to the thought of the other.
Tllought-forml are built up of the ftr1 ._.
terlal compoeing the aura, Uld mulfelt all of
tbe paera1 cbancterlatb thereof. eftll to the
aarlc colon. AD 1IJiderltaadiDI of the facta
ol the hamaD aura II DICeiU'J for a cornet
aaderatandiDc o1 the aature o1 the thoucht-
forma compoMC1 ol the ame IUbltaace.
A "thoucht form• 18 a pecuUar IIWiifetta-
tloD of IDitltaliCtl., OD the utn1 plane. It
Ill man thaD a powerful dlatarbuace Ia the
boc1y ol the hum&~~ aura. .Jthoueb thll II the
plue of ... .,.Wiment 01' birth Ia the . .
Jec*e wwlcL It Ia fOI'IIIed Ia tbe foUowiDt
_ _ . : A pei'IOJl!D8111feata a 1tr0Da dalre.
f.eellac or Idee, wblcla 18 utura111 IUecl with
die 4,.-..k force of 1118 wilL Thla . . ap •
..... of . . . . 9lbratloll8 Ia tile body of die
.... wlllell ~ niOiw . . . . . . . ....
• ....., ..fila. . o.tN al . . .~ ....
vol...S ......... of etrcmclJ - ---·
IUIMtaca, aa4 atroaJly charp4
power of the praa of the , . . . .
Ill IOIDC cuel these tbcnaibt f~
Ia the auric body for IOIIIe little tlm8,
p-aduaJly hde away. Ia otller c-.
aurv~.. aad maiataia aD almoat IDd. . .
aiateDce for lOme time. aDd eart •
illftueace upOD other penou comlnc
preHDCe of the penon. Acam. tJM.e
torn. ...., be 10 8ti'Oqly charged wltla
and 10 llllbuecS with the mental fCJI'Ce ar
pcnoa. that they will actually be tbrowa
Del away from the aura itself, IUid trne1
.pace until they ubaust their initial eDelrg
Ill the mHDtime exerting u iDftuence upoa
pa,chlc aura of other periODI.
A thought·form Is more thaD aaerely
ltrODgl)' muifeated thought-It really Is
a thought, but aurrounded by a body ofetiM._
aubatuce, c:harled with prua, IUid eva
lag with it the vlbratiOD of the Ufe eDII'I)'
ita creator. It Is a chDd of the mind of
creator, aad acqulrel a portloa of his
-ce. 10 to •peak, whlcb abidel with lt
a loapr or lhorter time after Ita birth.
...... laataacell lt bec:omll practicl1l,r

-..~...... ~ fora. of ~
........tely lbart life.
To . . . wtlo &ad lt dlflicWt to Wldentaad
IIDw a thoa&ht·form caa penilt after tepara-
daa rr.. tbe praeace of the thlnker, I would
. , tllat the pbeDomaaa .. limi1ar to that of
Jl&1lt trawliDc ill tpaee, lone after the atar
1iiiJda Olfaiaated it bu beeD dettroyed. Or•
. . it II Jib the vlbratioaa ol beet remaiD-
tllc .. a raoaa after the lmlp or atove cauamc
• ..._ ..._ removed, or the fire in the grate
...... died out. Or like the aound wavea of
tile ...._.beat peniatiDc after the beat itself
11M Olllled. It Ia all a matter of the penilt-
_ . of .untioDL
Tllaupt foriD8 differ creat11 cnae from the
. . _ ba the matter ol lbape and pnera1 ..,_
~ The moat cwnmoo and llimple form
II t11at of aa 11111a1atlna ....., or Mriea of tilly
....-. nMmbllnr the cirdea caUied by the
*applac of a pebble 1ato a ltUl poad. An-
adllf form II that of a tiDy rotatiq bit of
(11 I like .......... IOIDidmel wbirliDJ to-
. . a ceatnl palat. lUre a wldrlpool; ad

,.,,.., ,_ ........ of---

1j' ~·fl II ....... away freD the catnl
~ . . 1M famiHar "ppa-wwleel" linwarb
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . die riDa
die Nlllldecl..,.
of tile c:lpr •a-. dll
m thll Jdad . . , • fonD .,
rotatloa. Other thcniPt - - ....
peu'UICe of ewiftly rotatlac Ida of
I1JbetaDce. oft.a &lawiDt wttla • ....
I~ tbe tboqht form wiD
a Feat lleader jet, lib ltam ejectecl
the ipOilt of a tea-kettle, whicb ia soalletl•
brobJl up blto a .me. of tlbort, Duffeclo411
Jet-, each followiDc the Jet precediac it.
erueliag ill a ltraicht liDe. Sometimee
tbaagbt form llboota forth like • ltreU of
lilht, almolt rnanbliDg a beam of Iicht DUI_.
from a mirror. OccaaionaUy, it wW twiat
..., . . . lib • lone, alender coracnw•
...... barilac into space.
laa c:ae1 of tbou&ht-forms Hilt forth 'b7
plalln emotioD, the tboucht form will
ally tab the form of a bomb, wbidl ~
apb* wileD it reac:hel the preeence of
penon totnn1 whom It i1 aimed. Every
8011 lau nptriaced thil feeliD& of • tlao111111'-l
bomb baviDc been aplodecl in hia aear W:i....~
bniDg been ctincted 'b7 • .Jcoroul penOM11td
TID farm il frequently foaad ill the

fonDI . . out . , • •tl'olllt ............

~ ....... t1loa&kt farma wblch--

to *ive to palh the adler penoa, 10 car-
l'led7 do tMy NpiCMilt tJie id• ad feeJiD&
llllck ef tbeir lllalllfestatioa. Otben teem to
ltrlft to will4 UOUIId tbe other penoa, ad
• try to DtenlJ.y draJ him towu'd the firlt
penma, tbia form often KCOmpaDylnc atroac
...,..., penuuioa, coexinc, etc., wbell acc:am-
,_.... by atro~~~ desire. A particularly ~cor­
- , . . of tbla kiJld of tlloucht form tUel
• tile appearance of a aebulou. octopus, witll
...,. wincJinc, c:1inciDI tentadel, stmlni to
. . . , annmd tbe other penoa, and to draw
Mill toward the cater.
'fte farce of the feeUDc bebiD4 tbe mus~­
.._tloa of the thoucht form wiU ofteG trawl
a Jaac cJiltuce from the tender-in fact. Ia
- of ar-t power of conceatratlon, ~p~a
- t o be Do barrier to ita puup. Ia ....
... . . . . . . . of thought tl'allafereace. etc., lt
wiD be foand that thoucht fanDI plq -
fte wrlety of .ape. of t1MMJPt fonDa II
....... . . . . Bach comblnatloa of thoa&ht
. . . ,..... create~ Ia OWil farm. - - -. .
...,....._ ,....eo liMe.._.._
. . .1111 1811118 tD Jaaw hit OWII peculia1del
Tile forllll I
..............,wiD.,.. \ftl\a\ ...

muttate the more CODUDOD cJulel of . ..

aca. The Uat. however, might be ......IIIII
apasufed from the experience of aay
lllcecl occultilt, and il not mteDded to
by any means. AU varietiee of pGIMitli:•
f011D1 are found amoac the thought
aome of them being ol remarkable b·ealty.
In coaaiderillg the aubject of
tboucht form~, moreover, it mutt be rea-
bered that they partake of, and manifeR,
ume colon u doea the aura itself, for
are compoaed of the aame material and
charged with the aame energy. But, note
dift"erence, that whereas the aura is f!lll!!l'lrl....,.
from the coaataDt battery of the organ.ia:m
the individual, the thought form, on the
trary, bas at its aervice only the eneriJ
which it wu charged when it was thrown
-beinr a storage battery, u it were, which
time expends all of its power and tben
Every thought form bears the aame color
that it would poesess if it bad been retained iD
the body of the aura itself. But, u a rule, the
colors are plainer, and leu blended with othera
-this because each thought form is the repn.
eeatation of a single definite feeling or tbcnllhtt
J' JtOUP of same, itm.u.d en ~-. ~ .a

wiWy M.tac lllelltal vibratioaa. Thua the

~ fclnD of ucer will ahow ita black and
..... with lt8 clluacterlatic flashes. The form of pualon will show forth ita
IIJ'III'Ifl'iat auric colon and general charao-
. . . . . . Tbe thought form of high ideal love
wiD ..a..r ita beautiful form and harmonioua
•ln-.. Jib a WODderful celeatial Sower from
tilt prcllll of eome far off Paradise.
lfaay thoucht forma never leave the outer
...._ of tbe aun. while othera are projected
tt.JI"'at dlatancea. Some aputter out n they
taft1. a4 1ft disintegrated, whlle others eoa-
..... tiD 11Dw like a piece of heated iron, for
_ , baan. Others persist for a long time.
wlda a faint pbaepboracent clow· A careful
_ . , of what baa been uid recardiDc the
elalncteristlcl of the varioua feelinp and
••ctloal, u llllllllfened ill the auric body, wUI
..,. tbe mtdeat a very fair general Idea of
wllllt -.r be the appearance of any particular
••lety af tboupt form. for a general principle
._ IJifJOacb the eatlre Hriea of auric pJae.
· - · · An 1IDderltqdbsg of the fundalllell~
.....,.,*,.....,.Mn A....,.._
,., ...... wDJ lead to - UDCientanctiDI of ...,
..... ,.rtlc1ll8r ftdttlel of tile

practicai1y a bit of the detached aura of 1

penoa, charged with a degree of Ida pr-.
and energized with a depe of bia life eaerg.
So, In a limited aeuse, It really i8 a projectl4
portion of bla penoaallty.
N all ol Mat~a~Ys woaclerful proc:. . . we
I 8DI1 muay eftdeac:es of tbat Feat principle
el ActiqD ud Reaction, wblch, like the fOI'·
ward ad 'bKkward IIWbla of the pendulum.
cllapl caaelnto e&ect, ud e&ect into cau.e.
Ia a aenr IDdiDc terlet. We fiDel tbia priadple
ill deot Ia the piJChic relation of meatal 8tatel
_. colon. Tbat Ia to aay, tbat just u we fiDII
dlat certalD mental ud emotional ftateiiiUUII-
felltla vlbratioaa caumac patic:ular auric utnl
co1ent 10 do we lacl that the preHDce of ago.
tilla colon oa the pbJ*al pbme will ban a
dlclcled peJChic effect upoa the mmtal aa4
..-tloDa1 statee ollndl'lldualiiUbject to their
......... ADd, .. might be expected 1ty tbe
tlaMI&Idfal .uulent, the particular utnl colon
~in the aura by the pnHDCe of 101118
,......,.. IDelltal 01' emotioaal atate aactly
. . ..... wltll the patic:ular pllyalcal colon
.,..... ........ tbat partlc1lllr IIMidlll ar

,.. ,.. , -......
.-.. ..,.._ .. ........
ltatalllda Ia . . , . . . _

. . . . .. ,. . . . . . . apt . . . . . .. ....
vlbratloaa of aapr, puaioa, pbJ*-1 - .. - -
or, ill a different tint, the hillier phJIIcll
tiona. Blue, of the richt tint, wD1
cau.e feeliDp of ~plrituaUty, rellglout - -
etc. Gl'eeD ia conducive to feeUap of
tion. repote, quiet, etc. Black praa•~·il
fee1ing of ctoom and pief. And 10 - .
color tenda to produce emotional vlbratll..
aimi1ar to thole which manifest that n.rtll!l..
color in the utral aura of the penon. It
cue of ..give aDd take" aloac the entire
of color and emotioaa, accorcUnc to the
natural lawa.
While the explanation of thele facta Ia
lmown to the average penon, -rM"tlhAL•
a.:arly everyone recopbes the 1Ubtle effect
color and avoids certain colon, whlle uelldli
certain othen. There II not a llincle
human beiDg but who has experienced
aeue of rest, calm, npoM, and calm lnftow
atrength, when In a room decorated ill
shades of peen. Nature, henelf, ha
this particular shade to the gnu and ..._
trees and plants, 10 that the IOOthinc dect
the country 1eene is produced. Tbe aura
experiencing tbele feellnp. ad
to them. wm manifest predHiy the
of ll"HD which II lbowa aa tile

aa4 lenel aromut him. 10 true II thla natural

law of Ktloa ad reactloa.
Tbt etrect of scarlet upon enjmaJa. the buD
for t.taace, 11 wen lmOWD--to use the familiar
tena. It cauea one to ..... reeL" The 81ght
of the color of blood II apt to aroaae feelinp
of rap. Gl' diaguat. by reason of tbe 181De law.
Tile .tpt of the beautiful dear blue sky teDda
to atOUM fee1iDp of revennc:e, awe or tpirlt-
ualltJ. One tan Dever tbiftk of thla shade of
blue ~ rage; Cll' red aroDie feeliDp of
It .. • well DOWII fact that Ia lDiue
..,wam.. the use of red In deconti0111 IDUit be
aftlcled, while the proper lbadetl of blue Gl'
pMil are favored. On the other band. the
... of • proper red, In certaiD cuu. will tea«
to·arouse vitality ad phJslcalltreagth In a
padeat. It II not by mere clwlce that the
life il'fiDg blood ia a brl&ht, rich n4 colGI'
- - -. . the heart.
"feell blu" he doll aotllaw the
Of • briPt .. 10ft ~We-but ..
lllmaet c:oaldo1ll of the ....... Of

...,. And the pni8DCe aftacll
. . . . ID au'a tnJI'I'OUIIC1II _ . to CIMI
. . . . . . of . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . .

Again, who doea not know the feelina of

mental exaltation coming from the light of a
day filled with golden sunshine. or from a
golden sunset. We find proofs of this law of
Nature on all aides, every day of our Uvea. It
is an interestinc subject, which will repay the
student for the expenditure of a little time RDd
thought upon it.
Speaking of the general clau characteristic8
of the three primary groups of colora, all oc-
cultists, as well aa many physiologists and
psychologists, are agreed on the followiq
fundamental propositions, vi%.: that (1) Red
is exciting to the mind and emotions; (a)
Yellow is inspiring and elevating, and intel-
lectually stimulating; and (3) Blue is cool,
soothing, and calminc. It is also universally
conceded that the right ahadet of green (com·
bining the qualities of blue and yellow in ap.
propriate proportions) is the ideal color of
rest and. recuperation, followed by a stimula-
tion and new ambition. The reason for thia
may be seen, when you consider the respective
qualities of blue and yellow which compoa
this color.
It is interestlnc to note that the 1dence ol
medicine i1 now teriously considerinc the uae
of colon in the treatment of disease, and tbtl

.._ lllldlca1 autboritie8 mftltiptlll& the ,...,.

jlct . . WlifJltic tile teecJdnp of tbe old
.......... reprcliDg tbe iDfluence of colon OD
. . . , . . . ad phyaical conditiaaa.
D&. BdwiD Babbitt, a pioneer iD thil line iD
tbe Weatera warld, gne tbe general priDciplea
Ia a nat.aheJI. when he laid clown the fo11owiDc
nde: -Tbere il a trlaDal teri• of araduatioua
ID tile pecnlia• poteaci11 of colon. tbe ceater
aa4 c1imu of electrical acticm. wbicb cooJ. the
...... beiDg iD Yiolet; the dimu of eJectrica1
...... wlllch Ia IOOtbiDa to tile ft8CU)• .,...
...., beiDa iD blue; the c:1ima of lumiuaalty
ar lllat.,..
..... ID yellow: ad the climu of ~
ba reeL Tbia il DOt liD imagiaa'y
...... of qualitlea, bat • real 0118, the . . . .
Ike red colar ba..U. a prbaciple of warmth iD
.....,; the W. Uld 9ioJet. a prbu:iple of cold
_. eltctriclty. Tlla we have IDIID7 atyJe. ol
...IIIIIMic IICtloa, bacludlq propeaioA of
...._ of liclata ad ...... of filleD.- ad
172 II n-. of electrical poww. Jgmincuw
....r. ...... poww, file...
. . . . die aboft ......... of •• ~

................ ,......
. . COIDJ*e It wltJI the occalt .......
I ' ' I I tile utral colan, ...S , _ will,_.
..... tbl nat balia of tile IC'aCI wJIIill . .
~ ~~
caUM he did auch acelleDt pioMir .......'till
renlt of hla work is now beiDa elllllaa. .
modem phyaldaos iD tbe ..... . . .. .
medicine, particularly Oil tbe Collltb...lil
Europe-EaclaDd and America beiaC
what behind the timet in thla work.
The advanced occaltiat also fiD4I aaacli
faction in the interest, ott the put of Dln'lllll
and Jurists. in the matter of the ln81ua•
color upon the meatal, moral and oh1,UC:d'11
fin of the public. The effect of color
morality ill being noticed by workers for
welfare, occupyinc important of&cea.
The America joumala report the cue
jqe in a larce Weatem city iD that
who iutlated upon his courtroom
decorated in Iicht. cheerful tints, instead
the old, gloomy, depreulac tbadea torrnM~
employed. Thla jucJce wisely remarked
brlchtneaa led to right thinkinc, aDd darllaM
to crooked tbinldac; also that hit court.
a uplift court, must have walla to rlliPr..IVIIIil
aa4 that It wu enough to tum any n:aaD
a c:rtmiDal to be compelled to lit In a
dilma1 courtroom. day after day.
This good Judce, wbo must have W
llabltaD1ce with tbe au.u\\. VA~:.l!Ul~·"!
u COildw\\1\& - \o~".
CIJIR ~ Jl&lat ,.UO.. ad ar&D~e are the colon
,..... . . die...... 1 JDicht add light creea.
fir tlillt II tile predominant color in Nature;
. . . . lawll aDd deep red are lnceativea to
«It 1 • maa ba qer • • red." SurelJ a
............ llttii'IDCe from the beach!
'1118 .-.ct af color IChemea upoD the moral
. . ..a1 welfare of pencma is being recog-
llfilllil iDtile directioD of providing brighter
calar ~ ba ldlooll, hospitals, reforma-
...-. pd-. etc. The reports aatura111
.,., the eorrectDea of the uaderl}'ing tbeol')'.
'IIIIi color of a tiaJ flower bu its effect upon
.._ tbe IDOR budeaed prisoner; while the
...... of cbiJdrea in school are quickened bJ
a '-JI of bdghtaea here and there iD the
......, It needa DO argument to prove the
••elcW effect of the right kind of colon in
dll tl*oom, or holpltal ward.
'De prnaUiDg theories, and practice, re-
. . . . . tbe employment of color in th•apea-
tlci..S Jmmu welfare work, are ill the mala
caaect. But, I urce the ltudJ of tbe occult
eli a• c. . . of color, u matioaed ill tld8 book
Ia -nectlaa witb the buaam aura and lt.
...,...-.,a aiOUild ball far ID latelllpat.
....... UDdentaDclbac of the ntl ~
Jll'&.,. ........,. tiJe pbJI1ca\ -vg¥1 . .

of the method• referred to. Go to the center

of the aubject, and then work outward-that
18 the true rule of the occultist. which micht
well be followed by the non-occult cenerat
D pbenomeacm of huma mapet11m
.. too weD ncopiHd by tbe ceaeni
public. to require arpmeut at thil time.
.Let tbe 8c:ieladatll cliapute about it u much u
e., pleMI, cJcnna Ia tile hart of nearly all of
tile plaiD people of the race ia the convictioa
tt.l dlera 18 IUdl a dliDc· The occultiltl. of
coune. are quite famDi•r with the woad~
mwl'-tatlou of tbla great natural force, and
wltla ltll eaect upoa the miDda aDd bodi• of
• . . . of the race, aDd em afford to mUle
at tile attempa of .ome of the narrow minds
Ia tt. coDeca to pooh-pooh tbe matter.
8llt tile avenge penon ia DOt famUiar with
... nlatioa of thia humiD mapeti8m to tbe
ltmnan aura. I tbiDk that tbe atudeat lboa1d
'-llluiH hba..U with thil fuadl!meatal reJa.
. . . In order to NMOa conectly oa the aub-
jllt of lllna mapetilm. Here il tbe faada.
-...J filet bla md81leU: Tile lnpnn _ . . II
...................... of._
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOarceofallllaaMD--
.......... fa .proJected bJ the ............
............... .. J•'-'lm -.r
Detilm II ..-rated. It, of COU1'81. • f8r . . . ..
matter, but it 11 eaoup folo aur , .., _ •
time to explaiD the fact of .....,....
In cuea of mapetie WBnc. M&. tletliMt.
is comparatiftly aimple. In auc:h iDitliiM.C•
healer by an elfort of the will (IOIIDit._j._~
CODSCioualy appUed) projects a ~
pranlc aura vibratioft8 Into the bod)r
patient, by way of the nervous IYitdl
patient, and a1lo by meut1 of what
• called the induction of the aura ltseU.
The mere prnence of a penon
charged with pnma, is often enough to
an overftow Into the aura of other
with a resulting feeling of new .mme:tla ~
energy. By the use of the handl of the
a belghteaed effect is produced, by
certain propertia inhereftt In the DerYOal
tem of both healer and patient.
There 11 even a ftow of etberlc
from the aura of the healer to that of
dent, In cue1 where the vitality of the
ia very low. Many a healer bu act1WI1'1 1
Jiterally, pumped his life force and
atance iato the body of his patient.
latter wa1 t.inking iDto the W"knlll
IICedlel 4eatb. ad"-"' - ~

. . . . . llllll IMick to Ufe lllld ltftDith. Tbla
flf PI udc.U, aida tbe ti'UIIfuloD of blood
dMit It .. 011 tbe ,.,cblc plane iutea4
. . die work of the mapetlc baler doee
............ If be be wen iDformed rcgarct.
faa ... .-.e.. The educated healer realiziDg
. . potat etrect of meDtal atata upon physical
c r "lltla1 of meatal 9ibrationa upon the
plaJIIcal aene centen lllld organa of the body
..._, 8'0UH the proper mental vlbra-
. _ Ia tile miDd of his patient. Ordinarily.
lie . . . tldl merely by holding in hl1 mind the
CIGII'IIpDD'Jinl delfred mental atate. ad thu8
•..W, llmilar vibnticma in the miDd of tbe
plltlat. Tbla of ltlelf Is a powerflll weapoa.
of._., ad coaatituta the eueace of mea·
tal hel'lac u Dllllly practlced. But tben Ia
a ,..u.le Improvement even upoa· t111a, a we
lbd . . ka • lllOIDellt.
Tilt ...... occultiat. tellisiDc tbe law of
.a~oa Ml4 ftlldloa ta t11e matter of tbe aar1c:
colan. - - tile - to acecMat Ia , . . ,
........ lollowa: Be aot ~ lloJdl Ia ...
.... the lltrGIII , . . . . aad thoaPt wldc1l . .
...... to tralllmlt to the patleat. lnat (Ia dill
Ia JOIII'IIIbld) lie .... plctal•la ............

daD the particular ldad of - - . . . .

lpOIIda with the feeliDc ar tlloallltla __..._
A mameat'a tboacbt will .-w ,_ .._
thla course he practlcaUy multlplllldlt
Not oal7 clo bit OWD tJiou&lat ~
let up COI'ftiiPOIIdia Yibratt.. Ia .......
the patieDt, by the lawt of tbaaPt ..._.r.;
eace, but (1) h1l thoucht of tbe
will let up corretpmdinc vibratioaa Mt
(a) ia h1l owa aura. and thence (b) w ...
the patieat, but will allo (3) act diNr:tl,y
the aura of the patieot and reproduce ~,.-.
_.. tllen, which (4) ia tuna will ~
rtiPODdinc Yibratiou In the min4 of ta
deBt, b7 the law of reaction.

lnt nadine. but a Httle anal,.

TM above mayiOUDd a Httle coaapuc.-t.JII
, _ tbat it il reaDy quite a limple . . .. .
.ala& ltrictly alone the nne. of ActMe
Reaction, which law hu been explained
Ia prec:edlnc chapters of this book. The
tioaa rebound fraal mlllcJ to aura. eel . _. ......
to miad, In tile patimt, 8CIIDethiag like a
bd a,laa from OM .We of the table
other. or a tenDil baU ftyiac betw. .
racquetl ow. the ....
The priadple lllreiD IMiltioned may
~..t u wen 1n what 1s ca1le4 "&blat
~- Ia ----~ ..... tile patleat ..
. . . . . . , tile Ja-n of tbou&ht truafenace.
• ..., tilt tbaucbt but Ulo tbe IDeDta1 image
~ . . ..,ropriate utral color, .. traDimitted
......... acl tllea. lmpiaglq Oil the miD4
Ill • patielat. Ia tnDimitted into helpful ad
.,,........ , vibratiaaa in bia mbul. Tbe
...... of ay ICboo1 of meatal or 1plritual heal-
IDI w111 w tbi1 plm very helpful to him ill
...... Ulelat u wellu praeat tnatmeatL I
ftiNDI!W!d it from ,..... of penoaal apm•
Of coane the fact that the ordlllary bealer 18
IIDt able to diatiDplab tbe fia• ...... of
atn1 color, by reaoa of hia Dot ba....,
llly peoceiftd them maalfeltecl Ia tile ......
...... . . empto,mat ., tbia JMtllod -
61daa. tha dlat of the dewJapecl ad
tniDed occultilt. Bat, ~ .. wiD
&ad that, from tile bawllclp of tile awic 01'
utn1 colon pva Ia tiD Jlttle lloalr, lie will . .
Mletooklliaqalte~ ... . , . .
NMIIIa .. .... ...... .,... llllniaa ....
CGIDIIIltte4 to , _ , , . . . . . of . . . tD . . .
.. tile lllattlr of ....,.,.. . . . . 'el .....
oldll aarlc colan Ia 1111 ...... ~


Nemnaa S,atem-
Cooliq and IOOthiDc: sw. of .....
la•eftder, ete.
Restinc and iDvicoratbac effect: an.
luspiring and lUumiaatiq: llediula ,.s.
lows, and orange.
Stimulating and adtinc: Reda (bdcllt).
Blood and Oraqe-
Cooling and IOOthinc: Cle* ~ blueL
Rating and iDvicorating: Gru8 ......,
llllpirinc and Wumlnatinc: 0raap ,.a.
Stimulatinc and ezcitinc: Brlcht red&.
The following additional augcntiona wiD . .
found helpful to the healer: In cuea of ~
paired physical vitality; alto chilliDeu, lllck al:
bodily warmth. etc:., bright, warm reds are .._
dicated. In cases of feveritlmeas, over.._
blood, ezceasive blood pressure, inftam~~~a~tiQI-.:11..,

produce renewed and more active heart

wblle violets and lavenders tend to t1ow
etc., blue is indicated. Red hat a tendeDCJ'

the too rapid beating of the heart. A - -•

~ patient, may be treated by bat:blill
.meatally, in a t\ood ol •~ Ql \a.'WIIIilll
_.... atlor: wldJe a tincJ. uaed up. fatipecl
, . _ III&J' be IDvlcaratecl by ftoodinc bim
wltla ...... nell, foUowed by bript. rich yel-
.... lnf•Nac tbe treatment with a steady
.law of warm oraap color.
To tbale who ue .ufticiently adnacecl Ill
occalt pbllolophy, I would uy that they
lbaaJ4 remember the llplfic:ance of the Great
Wblte Light. ancl accordiJlcly coaclude their
tnlltmlllt by aa etfort to iadicate aa approach
tiD tbat dear, pure wblte color Ia the aura-
-ataJJy. of course. This will leave the patieat
Ia aa m.pired. eultecl, illuminated atate of
11111111 ad aoul, which will be of great beaefit
tiD 111m, ad wW allo have the elfect of rein-
~ the healer ~ cOI'!'Ic eaezv or
BYerytblq that hu beea uld Ia thll chapter
reprdiDc the UN of color Ill mapetic treat-
meat.. II equaDy applbble to cuea of lelf-
beeHac. ar ..U-treatDIIDt. Let the patlat fol.
low the dlnctlaaa above p'nll for the healer.
ad dieD tuna the JMeHac curreat. or tJaoapt.
lawad IIM1 the rnult wiU be the .... u if
IMI were tnatfac aaotber. n. ladhWuaJ will _

............ ....-
10011 tbad that ctrtalll coJcn tit 1118 nqan.
IDeatl better tbaa otha. Ill 'Wb\d\ Cillll\Bt,llllilllll.


nalel. for the intuitiOil c.....Uy it tbe ..

plde In 1uc:b c:ua. Howenr, it will be fc
that tbe individual experience will Ult
agree with the tables given above, with aJ
penoaa1 variatiODI.


W HEN it ia remembencl that the aura

of the IDdividaai affects and iDftu-
eac:ea otber pencma with whom he
CCIIDII Ia caatac:t--acl ia. iD fact. ua important
part of hia penoulity-it wW be . . . that lt
Ia important that the iDdlfttual take pam. to

dlftJop his aura In the direction of ct.lrable
and to neutraliu uad wwc1 out ua-
dairable ones. Tbia becomea cloubly true,
wben it ia also remembered that. accantiac to
the law of action aad racdon, the aarlc ftbm-
tiou react upon tbe mlacl of the indlYiclual.
tbua intenldf)'inc and acSdiDI fuel to tbe aria·
inal IDIDtal statea wtUdl aaUed tbeiD fortiL
Prom uy point of view. It II IMD to be aa
important part of . . ~ aad cM&--
acter buUclina, to darilop tbe . . . accantiac
to ICI•d&c occalt prladpl&
1a tbla won of ara ...,...._ ..._. 11
fcnmd to be two camtl8te4 ...... ~-=
(1) the direct wark of ........ the . . . wlda
the belt ftbrationl, by ..... of lloWinJ .. ...
mJDd .... dJidDct 1114 repelbll,..,. ...
ti1IW ol clairable icleal a4 t.\\19\ . .
tbe added •ect of meatal _ , . . of till colon
corre8pOIIdiDc to tbe lcJeu and fee"ap wlllcla
are deemed detlrable and wortbJ of clneJap-
The fint of tbe above meatioaed ,..._ 18
probably far more familiar to tbe awnp - .
dent, than i.a tbe HCODd. Tbla from tile fact
that the averace atudeat Ia apt to be man Ol'
lea famlliar with the teacblnp of the ......,_
oua schools or cults which agree ill tile alGal
that "holding the thought" teada to dne1op
the mind of the individual alone the putlc:aJ.
1iDH of such thoucht.
This ia a correct psychological prilldple, far
that matter, even when tbo.e practiciq it . .
Dot fully UDderatalld the undedyiac t.ct..
Mental faculties, like phyaica11DU8clea, tend •
develop by aercile and use. and any f11cu1t.J
may be developed and cultivated ill tbla wa7.
Another teaching of these aame ac~ ..
that the character of the thoughts ao "'be1cf'
by the individual, effects other penou . . .
whom he c:omes iD contact. and, iD a Will •
tracts to him objective thlDp, periOII8, .a
~111DitaJlCell in barmooy with such ~
allo ia in accordBDCe with the beet OCCIIJt
IAIIII2-•I:l'OIID Wbic:h. o{ ~ tt, wa .,..

I be81Uy eadone the faca of thae teacMnp.

ad pi'OilOUDCe them fundamentally correct.
Aad, lD tlu. COIIDeetloa, J may •Y that ewry
healer may apply his own metboda PLUS tbl8
teacbia1 nprdinc the aun, and thus obtaba
greatly iDcreued reaulta.
By the faithful, perseveriDc, ho1dla1 ia mlacl
of certain Ideas and feeliap. the iluUridual
may flood his aura with the vibratiou aad
colon of such ideas and feellap. uut thaa
c:harge it with auric eael'l)' and power. By10
doing, be pius the benefit of the reactloll upoa
his cnm mind, and also uc:urea the adftDtap
of the effect thereof upoca other penoaa with
whom be COIDCI lD contact. In tbia way be
110t oDly build• up his ilutividual c:bancter
aioaa detirable H-. but at the .... tiiM .S.
ftJopl a lti'ODit poeltift, attractive ...,.._.
dty" which affec:t8 othen with w1lom be
ClOIDIIla CODtac:t.
I do Dot CODiider' it aeceuary to co lato de-
. . . ben reprdiq tbia pJaue of "boJdlac the
~" for, u J have Mid, the awnp atu-
fll&t il already famiUar with the ralel ncvd-
... the aame. In a DUtlbe11, bownw, I wiD

..... ,... ..... ---.....

. , that each iadl.tdual il ~ the ..-It
of the tboupta ................ ...

. . , _ ............ - lalllblt .. ,.,...
frolll _ . , _ . . ....... , . . WOIIId Nib...
w coatroL Apia. to ratnla a ....-.r....
facaltJ, ........ atrdae ita oppolite
ldD oat tbe aeptiva 1tJ ~ tile poll-
tiWL 'l"M miDcl pradacel tboa&'bt; a4 1ft, It
..... - pow , _ tbe J*tic:alar partlaa of
........ product wJdch JOG . ., cboole to ,...
to lt-lar it DOt oaiJ c:reaw tboucJat, but . . .
,.... . . . it. . . laally, let it pro4uce ....
.... ldad of tJaoacbt far you. . . tbell tbrew
that INick iDto the bapper, for lt wm - it ..
arlad out man of the ame kiD4 ad grow
lti'OIII iD 10 doblg. Tbat .. tbe whole tlalac

Tile MCODd phue of aura dnelopmeat (•

lboft C]lllifted), howeYer, il DOt likely to be
famlll• to the avenge ltUcJent, fw tbe l'eMGil
tllllt lt II DOt bowD outlide of ldftDCed oc:ca1t
drclet. - . . , little .... beea aUowed to . .
tapt reprdlq it. Bat. the ..., retlceDee
repnUac lt .. • proof of ita importance, . . .
I 8ti'ODII:r actftle my atudeata to pve to It
till attatiOII aacl practice that Ita ~
The pnctlce. thereof. however, II ....
limple. an4 the \'rindtla af the Pl'lifl'-
r.Dn~Wtr. Ia MM4 •~1 ...-._\.a
Davm..oPJJIO TBa AVItA 71

II till nl&tloe of cob ad meDtal 8tatea, •

......,. Ia tM utn1 auric colon, • fully a-
,....,. Ia tbe precedtnc cbapten of this book.
Ia twd• to lnteUipatly practice the de'lelop-
llllllt of the aura by meau of loodlac or
dlargiac it with tbe YibratiOM of pqcbic
colon, it ia fint nece~~uy tbat tbe atudat be
tboroucbly familiar with tile acale of colora
nlatecl to each lit of meDtal atatea OC'
emotioaal feelinp. Tbla Kale ad ita keJ t.
fOUDd Ill a DUIIIber of placea Ia the precedhlc
The atudeat lhoald tara biCk tbe pape of
tbla book. aDd thea CM'efuUy rMeiiCl ad re-
atady fl'ltry word wldch - bela aal4 aboat
the reJatioD of meatal atatea ad aarlc colan.
Be ll1aoald bow tbe meatal CGI'f...-ce of
the Iliad• of red. yellow. ad bluo. ao tllor-
ouPIJ tbat tile tlloaPt of . . wiD kiD~ die
idea of tbe adler. He .-w be able to tldDk
of tile eonllpODdl•carouP of colon. the mo-
. - ... tbiDb of aay partlca1a IDIIltal--.

IIIDald be thoroachJy famiDar with tile
tll7*aJ, lllelltal. 8114 apiritaal
of . . of
colan, ad abaul4 mareowr, t..e ......,.
JIIJddcaDy. far tbe illcllvlclu.llh:ta
. . . . upoD hlmleU.
• . . , ater iato t1ala..., ••,.-

and eara open, he. wUl perceln ill--..

aad eu"UitDell. and tbeD by ae..U. Ida .,..

facta concerniDc the aubject OD nay aide Ia

hi• dally work and life. He will percein
many proofl of the priDdple, and will . . .
amua a atock of esperieslc:ea illuatntlq ..:11
color and ita c:orrapoadiDg meDtal atate. He
will be richly repaid for tbe WGI'k of auc:h ~.
wbicb, in fact, will IOOD lfOW to be mare Jike
pleuure thaD like work.
Havmc mutered thil pbue of tbe lllbject.

boDeat, aeJf-enmiutiOD and meDtal anal,..

the atudent should give bi"'Mlf a tbannJi11,

He should write down a chart of bia •troD&

poiDtl and bis weak oDea. He should cbec:k
oft the tnitl wbic:b abould be developed, 11114
tboae wbic:h ahould be ratrained. He abould
determiDe whether be Deeds dnelopmeat
aloDC pbyaic:al, mental, and spiritual liD-. u4
iD what degree. Having made this chart of
bimHlf, be should theD apply the priDdplla
of dw'liDI the aura with the c:olor vlbratioal
iDdicated by bia self diapoail and perac:riptlall.
The last stage ia quite limple, cmc:e one . _
acquired the general idea back of it. It c:GIIoe
•limply iD fonniDg u c:lear a meDtal . . . .
paaible of the color or colon daired, a4
projectlq the '9\bn.\\cma U\."c.Q ~ .....'lit


• llmple dart of the wilL ThJa . . . DOt

- t h a t ou aeeda to clinch the fiat or frowa
tM brow, Ia wUibti· WUUDr. in tbe oc:cu1t
-.may be Aid to caaailt of a COMMAND,
1en1Dc the rest to the mechaniun of the wU1
....S miDd. Tab away the obetacle of Doubt
ad Pear-thea the Royal Command performa
the work of HttiDc the will Into operatioa.
Tbil, by the way, II ualmportant occult IICI'et,
of wide applicaticm-try to muter ita all lm-
portuat sigalficuace.
The mental imagiDc of colon may be ma- •
terially aided by CODcentratlon upon physical ·
material of the richt color. By coacentratlnc ~
the attelltloD uul vlaioa upoll a red flower, for
illltance; or upon a bit of greeD leaf. iD &DOtJ.o
iDataDce; Olle may be able to form a dear,
politive mentallmace of that pmticu1ar color.
Thil accompanied by the wi11inc. ad dem•nd,
that the Yl"bratioaa of this color shall ch8rce
the aura. wU1 be fowut to accomplilb the re-
IUlt. Have IOIIIletb:iDc around you showiDI
the desirable colon, ancJ your attention will
aJmoet lutiDctlvely take up the bDpreuloD
tlllnoft ewa though you may be thfnldnc of.
. . . . . IOIDethblc ela. Live .. mucla -
Jl"lllk Ia the Idea ad pr...-. of tile d....
.... color, ad you wiD cet the laablt ol ....


up the m111tal imace aa4 vibration tbereof. A

Uttle pracdce and experieace will IOOD pve
you the idea, and enable you to cet the beat
results. Patience, peneveraace, aDd euataiDed
eam•t baterat-tllat .i8 the key of eucceu.
A IION'O the very o1c!elt of tile tevhinp
A of occultism, we &ad iutnactlolll reo
gardinc tbe buildlac up ad mel!lte.
DaDCe of tbe protective aara of the IDdlvldual,
whereby he ADd... bi"'Mif IINilllftA to aade-
airable phyalcal, melltal, paycbic or epiritual
lnftueaca. So importult Ia thia tachi~~~t that
it ia to be ....,.ued that tben hu DOt bHa
more aald aa tbe subject bJ 80IM of the
writen of receDt ,..... Tbe ti'9Uble with
IIWIJ of these recaat wrl-. Ia tbat they ....
to wiab to dole their .,.. to . . upleuaat
fKts of Ufe. ad to .... oa1y 1lpCIIl tbe pJeuuu:
ODeL But tbla Ia a mlltalre. fGr lponace lias
aever been a vimae, aa4 to abut oae'1 . , - to
uapleaaDt fact8 doea DOt alwaJI r.ult ia de-
lti'Oybac tbem. I coaaicler •1 teechl"' UD-
fiDilhed aacl iudequate wbich cloea DOt iDclude
IDatnactlaG a1oec protective Uael.
Pb,.lcal auric protection CODIIIta iD cMq-
lltc tile aura with vital ......._ ad color.
leal__,._ m.,..-.-.
wlllcll wiD ggcJ to . . . . . . aalp tile ....
o1 whit .. ..,_

IIIII 1DDn llllpar~ tile

lllia4 D4 heHPCL
Oll'M.- of dlllr

1"'le . . . .t wllo .... ....., ltDdled die ....

cediDc cblptal wiD at Clla naliR dlat dill
protecdaa il donled . , 6Dbtc tile . . . wldl
the~ of llealda .... piiJikallbwctl;l.
. , ........ of tile metal ....... of tbe . .
pr•=•iD& . . . - tbe ~of die .....
Ia tile dinctioa of tboapt of lb'fllllda 11114
power. Tbele two thiap will teDd to pady

facnMe tile leliative a11111 of &II)ODe. ad - -
.W. 111m to dlrotr off · - · ldueacel wllidl
Tile ara of tbe
llaler, Ia tbe
pb.J*iaa D4
of ....... willlaftri.
llbiJ lbow tbe pneeace of the brfcbt. pGiitive
red Ia tbe aun, accompaied bJ tbe melltlll
vi1ntioaa of ltreqth, power aa4 c:oafideDce.
- the abMace of far. Tbia ill COIIDeCtba

with the Auric Circle, wbicb thall be dnc:ribe4
wU1 be of &nat ft1ue to bealln,
phJsidaDI. ~ etc.. u wen .. to thole
wbo U'8 broacbt into intimate CODtKt witll
lick periODL
Of praetlcally tbe .... deane of laapcw-
taace, Is the claaqiDc of the aura with the
........ of lllelltal protectioa, . . tbe ......
Dl oraap. ,.ua. - ...... colan.

1lbiH 11ft tilt colon of inteJJect, J011 wUI ...,.

le m'Hr, ad when the aura Ia clllrpd ad
Jloode4 with tllem lt act1 a a protectloa
.....- the etrorta of othera to coaWice oae
apinlt bill wW. by aophlltical wgumeata,
plaualble reuoninr, falladoul Ulutratloll1, etc.
It pves to one a tort of meatal Wumhlatlon.
quickeninc the perceptive facultiea, mid
brlrhtening up tbe reuoning and judglac
powen, and finally, glYing a lbarp edp to tbe
powers of repartee and an~Wer.
If ,ou will aaume the right po.itlft IDeDtal
attitude, and will flood yaar aura witb tbB
~tiona of the meDtal ........,.aow. tile
mental effortll of other penoaa wUl nbownd
from ,our nn. ar, to uu IIIIOther S.,... af
ipMCh, will ll1p from It Hke water &am tile
back of the proverbial duck. It il well to C8ft7
the mental image of your bead belac _..
I'OUDded by a colden aura or halo, at aucb
time• t!da will be found eapeci&UJ elicac:iaua
• a protective helmet when you are uuulted
" ' the lateDect or arpmentl of adlen.
AacJ, apia. there Ia a third form of pNitilcdN
..... umely protectioD of oae'a ....-..J
• • • aDd thla is hJcblyllllportaat. wtaea _.
ftlllmtben how freqaeDtiy . . . . . . . . . . to
ICdcla by our emod0111, nth• t1am"' a. ...
uJiect or nuoa. To pard oae'• emotioD8,
II to pal'd oae'• very iDmoet IOUl. 10 to apalr.
U we ca protect OlD' feeliDc aDd emotloul
IIeSe, we wW be able to use our reuonin1 pow-
. . ad iDteUect far more effectively, • aU
lmow by aperieuce.
Wbat color ahou1cJ we use in thil form of
auric protectioal Call anyone be ill doubt
..... If be hal read the prececJiDc ehaptenl
What il the emotional protectift colod-why,
blue, of coune. Blue controll tblt part of tbe
miDd or IOul, and by railiDg ounet.ea illto the
91bratiODI of politive blue, we leave behiDcl •
the lower emotioDI and feelinp, and are traaa-
partecl into the higher realms of the IOu1 when
dlele low Vl"bratiout and iDftueucea c:amtot fo&.
low ua. In the same way, the blue colored
aura will ac:t • an armor to protect Ul from
tile CODtqion of the low putiODI aacl feelinp
of otben.
U you are aubjected to evil IDflucmcea. or
coatagioa of thole harboring low emotioaa aad
. . . . . you will do wen to acquire the ut of
SMdmg your aura with the potltive blue tbd8.
Make a ltUdy of bright, clear bluet, aacl , _
will iutinetively select the one belt tultecl foJ
11eedL Nature giva ua thil i1lltl1lcthtt
rJIIIIll&~ U we w\\\ ft\ .._ {Qt ~ a4 tbla

--~- foaDd. Tile . . . of ...t mont
pat pdtata ad pnaclaerl. adftlleed
~- IB fact aD IMil of loft7 lclMia worll-
r:a-. thole lower oa tilt moral . . . 11'1
fcnmcl to be cJwpcl with a beaudfal,
blue. wblch acta . . . protectlall to tt..
thq are umt~ apoMCl to lllanl •
emotloaal ccmtqloa. lporuace of tile occa1t
la1n han caUiecl tbe clcnrafd oiiDIII.J a ..._
mon1 teacher. who coulclllne pnMecl8CI . . . .
..u Ill tlda . .,. ba tiiiM of . . . . . . . al
- ofthratloal. bad - bat launrD tile . . .
Tt. blcBftcJaa1 who bowl dill law, act ...

nil COIItqloa Oil-

appllel ft. II naclcnd abloluteiJ .............
emodou1 pJaae of...._.
OmlttiDI aU relenace to the pbiJoeophJ 1111dw-
IJIDI it, it maJ be lllicl that tbia Auric Circle
ia formed b)' IMidnc the meDtal . . . . . accom-
palecl b)' the demand of will, of tile aura be-
iDe aurrouaded b)' a great baDd of PUitB
CLBAR WHITE LIGHT. A little ,..ever-
ace will eaable ,ou to cnate tbia oa tbe utn1
pJaae. aBd. though (ualeu JOU baw the atnl
villon) you callllot . . it actuall)'. Jet JOII will
IICtUally FBBL ita protective pwaeace, 110 dlat
JICIU will bow that it ia tMn guardiDc ,_.
Tbla White Auric Citcle will be an dectiw
11114 1Dfal1ible B'Dlor against aU fonm of
.-,cblc attiiCk or lalueace. DO matter ina
wbam It m&)' eaumate, or wbetba' directed
COIIIdOUily or UDCOiliCiously. It ia a perfect
and ablolute protectioa, and the lmowJedce of
ita protective power should be auflideot: to
drive fear from tbe heart of aU wbo baw
dreaded peJCbic iDflueace, "malicioua aDiiDal
11181Detism" (110-C•lled), or u)'tbllt& ella af
the Jdnd. b)' whatever ume lmowD. It Ia 6o
a protectloa agalaat peycblc ~ •
dnbliDc of IIUiglletic atnaatb-
Tbe Auric Circle II. of coune. I'UD7 ._.
.....,... ar Gftl, for it friDg• tile aura •
the egr. See )'OIIIMlf. • ......,.
IIRIIIIIld1ecl bJ tb\a ana~...,.,.

de of Protectioa, and let the idea liDk iDto

yevr c:oaac:iowmea. Realbe ita power o.•
tbe illftuences from outlide. and rejoice ia the
immunity it gives ,ou.
1he Auric Circle. however, wiD admit any
oatalde impr.siou that you reaDy cleaire to
come to you. while lhuttiDc out the othen.
That il, with thi8 esceptioa, tHt if your iDDer'
10ul recopina that some oi tbele dai:red U...
ftuenc• and impreuiona are apt to harm ,au
(thqugh your reuoo and feeliDt Jmow lt not)
then will such impreuioaa be denied admit-
tuu:e. !lor the White Light ia the radlatioa •
of Spirit, which ia hillier than ordinlly miDd.
emotion, 01' body aDd ia Mat• of AD. Aad
ita power, nell thouP .. caD bat imperfectly
reprtHDt it evea meataiiJ, t. sucla tlaat IMiaN
ita energy, and iD ita preaeace, ill the aun. aD
lower vibl'atloaa are aeutrllliad ad dJIID.
The highest aac1 deepeR occult teachiDt Ia
that the White LJalat m111t MYel' be ae4 far
purpoae of attack or penoaa1 pia, but tbat It
may properly be 1IMd by DJGDe. at ~ time.
to proteCt apiaat ou~ ~ IDS..._..
agalaat which the .oul protem. It Ill die
armor of the IOU!, Uld mq well be •.,ao,..t
n-nr . . . . . . dlallllll . . . .

Tbroagboat the pagea of this Uttle book

have been IC&ttered crumbs of teadlinc other
than thole conceminc the aura alone. TboH
for whom thcte are intended will recoplse
and appropriate them-the othera will not He
them, and will pu1 them by. ODe attracta hil
own to him. Much aced must faU on wate
placa, in order that here uul there a sniD
will fiDd lodpDeat iD rich soil awaitlq ita
conring. True occult lmowleclge il practical
power aDd meagth. Beware of pi'OIItitutia&
the higher teacbinp f« aelfiab ellda IID4
lpoble purposes. To guard uul preserve your
own will ia right; to aeek to ~ your will
~that of an~ il wrong. Pauive ~
aace il often the strongeat form of reelatance-
tbia Ia quite different from DOIM'e8iataDce.

..·.,. ·

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