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Presenter: Noble

Basic Requirements

1. Qualification
 Be in grade 5 or above or Friend Class
 Color Code – Blue
2. Etiquette
 Be considerate of other campers
 Mind your noise level
 Buy a tent that blends in with the environment
 Get permission from other campers before entering their camp
 Leave the place cleaner than you found it
 Do not pitch your tent close to the river bank
3. Know 8 things to do when you are lost
 Accept that you are lost
 Do not panic
 Pray
 Stay where you are, your mates may be looking for you
 Listen to the environment – e.g. river, railway, etc. Trace things that lead to
 Blow your whistle and wait for 5 minutes, it’s a distress signal. 3 clouds of
smoke at regular intervals is also a distress signal. You can also shout to
indicate distress.
 Use your compass
 If all fails, prepare to spend the night there.
4. Sleeping Equipment
 Rectangular shaped tents are not as warm. Rather choose circular or
 Ensure to have sleeping pads to minimize discomfort from the ground.
5. Things to carry at a camp
 Bible
 Appropriate clothing
 Proper footwear such as tennis shoes. Avoid leather and plastic
6. Know how to pitch/strike a tent
 First stretch base of tent
 Next feed in tubes
 Make sure door faces appropriate exit side

 What you put last, you remove first. i.e. take out bags and clean tent.
7. Sanitation
 7-10cm soil depth is where we have bacterial action. Go away from the
water source by at least 60 metres
8. Proper use of a knife and hatchet
 Keep blades sharp
 Cut with the cutting edge away from fingers, body
 Axe – the axe head must be in a sheath for long excursions
 Alternatively hold the axe head as you trek

1. Qualification
 Be in 6th Grade
 Color Code Red
2. 6 W’s of Camping Skills
 Wind – Protect yourself from the wind
 Water – Make sure there is a fresh water source
 Weather – Be aware of weather and weather pattern
 Wild things – Know creatures that are found in the area
 Wood – Get appropriate permissions before chopping wood
 Willingness – Get the permission of the site owner for you to camp
3. Demonstrate your ability to protect the wilderness and your water source by proper
personal hygiene and cooking sanitation
4. Campers’ Motto – Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.


Handouts and worksheets from:


Helpful books on the subject

 Light bearer to the remnant

 The Solusi story
 The Story of our Church
 Anticipating the Advent

The Antediluvians

These lived from Adam to Noah, a 2000-year period. They were vegetarians and would
marry between brothers and sisters.

Genesis 1:29 - Adam and family were vegetarians

Based on Genesis 10:25 New International Version (NIV) “25 Two sons were born to Eber:

One was named Peleg,[a] because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named
Joktan”. Based on this verse, some historians believe it was the time that the world was
divided into continents. However a more probable argument is that it is the time that
people were divided during the events of the tower of Babel. According to __________
such a dividing of continents would be a catastrophic event and require another flood. It is
likely that the division happened at the first flood. ‘was the earth divided’ The

reference is generally assumed to be to the division, or dispersion, of the peoples at the
tower of Babel, the words being an anticipation of the story in Genesis 11:1-9. “The earth”
will then mean “the inhabitants of the earth,” as in Genesis 11:1 and Genesis 19:31.
1025 God did tell them in 9:1 to grow in number and fill the earth which they didn’t want to
do according to 11:4.
It is plausible that chapter 11 is explaining why and how the events of chapter ten.

It is also possible that changes in the land masses and water disbursement were occurring at
this time from the catastrophic flood. Such changes would help keep the people separated.

Order of the Books of the Bible

Old Testament books were set using themes. Chronologically, Ezra and Nehemiah are the
last books of the old Testament. Between Ezra, Nehemiah, and the new testament, a period
of 400 years elapsed. The 400-year period is the intertestamental period. They apocrypha
books were written during this time

The Birth of Jesus

Jesus was born in 4 BC. He was like us in every way. He got to know that he was the
messiah from reading. Jesus and John the Baptist were born 6 months apart, but John had
disciples early on while Jesus’ ministry began at age 30.

When Jesus went to heaven in AD31-100 the church at Ephesus began. It was the first
church of the disciples.

Paul’s Missionary Journeys During this Period

Ephesus means ‘desirable church’. Revelation 2:1ff shows the problem that Jesus had with
the first church. They were zealous for God but had lost their first love.

Matthew 24:15 “When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the Prophet
Daniel standing in the holy place” (Whoso readeth let him understand).

This was fulfilled in AD63. The Romans surrounded Jerusalem but for no known apparent
reason they withdrew and God’s people took the time to flee.

After Ephesus, the next church was Smyrna. Smyrna was a tree that if you squeezed it
brought out a sweet smelling perfume. Smyrna means ‘the persecuted church. There is
nothing negative about Smyrna because they were in persecution. Smyrna was known for a
popular market called ‘Agora’.
Smyrna 100-313AD.

313 Constantine was converted to Christianity. 321AD Constantine changed the Sabbath
from Saturday to Sunday.

AD538 to now there have been 21 councils of the Catholic Church held. 1962-1965 was the
last council. The Council of Trent took the longest time of all councils. It took 20 years. It
was from this council that the order of the Jesuits began. Worship of the virgin Mary was
passed in ____ . There is now the doctrine of Mariology which holds that the mother is
greater than the son since she carried him in her womb. Constantine was baptized in AD337
on his deathbed. He was too sick to be immersed in water so they sprinkled him, thus
began the baptism of sprinkling.

The Church at Pergamos AD313-538AD.

Pergamos means elevation by marriage. What happened in 538AD is that Diocletus divided
Europe into East and West Europe. This however had no bearing to compass points but to
powerin wealth. The East had countries like Greece, Romania, and Russia, while the west
had the powerful nations with Italy being the Headquarters of the Roman Empire.

Emporer Justinian then started the Catholic Church.

Thyatira AD 538-517

Thyatira Church started in AD538. This was the church that persecuted people. It is said
that priests have killed more people than all the wars of history combined. Martin Luther
was born in the Catholic Church.

Sardis (Dead Church)

‘You are famed to be alive but you are dead’ – the ‘dead’ church. That is the church of the
reformers – John Huss, Jerome, John Calvin, William Hunter. The first church to come out of
the Roman Catholic Church was the Lutheran, then Methodist, then Baptists and Ana

The final two churches – Philadelphia, meaning brotherly love, and Laodicia meaning God’s
people have been judged.
Natural Remedies Elder Mutema 0772 580 171

Comfrey – helps with sitz baths. Crush leaves and use for sitz bath. Sitz baths are good for
piles and uterine health.

Munhengeni (sour plum tree) – When a snake spits into your eyes, crush leaves of nhengeni,
put into cheesecloth and squeeze into eyes.

Onion – Any viral infection

Charcoal – Treats all tooth conditions

Ginger – Any problem to do with gastro-intestinal malfunction

Garlic – Antifungal, antiviral

Peppermint –

Cayenne Pepper – A teaspoon of Cayenne in half a cup of water helps with insomnia.
Rubbing it anywhere alters the flow of blood
Honor – Gardening and Agriculture Combined. By Elder Muchinhairi 0773 967 528

The first thing to consider is the soil. The soil is very useful to sustain plant life. Soil keeps
nutrients – it is not nutrients of itself.

1. List components of the soil

Solid – 50% of the soil.
Gas and Liquid – 25% each
2. Soil receives water and nutrients and delivers it to plants
3. Difference between clay, sand and loam
 Clay has finest grains. It holds water. It is good for celery, wheat, oats. Add
manure or sand.
 Loam is a combination of clay and sand (bet soil for agriculture)
 Sand – has the largest grains. Needs to be improved by adding anthill. It is
good for watermelon, pumpkin, carrots, beans, groundnuts.
4. Test germination of your seeds (google how to do it)

Activity for Honor

Make a bed 30 square metres (10x3) Plant crop to harvest. Dig 30cm down t distribute
nutrients. Add manure.

To make animal manure – put in compost until they are not smelling.

Disease and Pest Control

Aphids – use dishwasher and water solution

Ashes can be used to control spidermite

Commercial pesticides – Buy 3 types because pests resist them. Take note of period before
which plants can be eaten after application of the pesticide.
Camp Furniture

By Nyamucherera 0773 592 881

Carry minimal resources and use natural things that you find in the environment.

Camp Fridge

Depending on amount of perishables to be stored, dig a hole – 1mx 1mx1m. In the middle
of the hole dig another hole that can fit a dish/basin. Pour in ¾ stones and make level with
the rest of the hole. Put a layer of straw. Line Sides of hole with Straw. Make straw lid.
Take 2 Y shaped branches of similar size, put on either side of hole. Put a branch across.
Hang a 5kg plastic bag of water in the middle. Use a stick to bore a hole, but do not remove
the stick so that water drips bit by bit from the hole.

Camp Toilet

Dig Trench, put logs across, add straw, Put black sheet for darkness. Flies do not enter into
a dark place
Hydrotherapy (Water Therapy)

1. Wet Shirt Therapy

 For production of white blood cells
 Good for Flu
 To boost immunity
 6-8 hours with wet shirt recommended

2. Ration Chair
 About 1 Hour
 Be present throughout
 For Detoxification
3. Hot and Cold Foot Bath
 For flow of blood, pain management, constipation
 Start minutes with warm water – 5 minutes
 Next place feet in cold water about 300C
 The body must be covered to prevent hypothermia
 Put cold towel on head to maintain temperatures
 Works for inflammation
Divine Service

Pastor Shumba

Mark 4:34-39

3 Hebrew boys. God did not remove the fire, but chose to join them in the fire. Sometimes
God does not remove the problems, but joins in the problem to victory.

 Storms help us to run to Jesus Mark 4:38

 Don’t deal with the water (problem). Tell Jesus about it.
 What needless pain we bear because we do not carry our problems to Jesus (Hymn)

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