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Unit 4 Vocabulary Worksheet 1

Name Sebastián Mesa

Passions and Preferences I

1 Label the product or action.

0. baking soda 1. white vinegar 2. electric bike

3. car pool 4. Indoor garden 5. food leftover

6. rechargeable batteries 7. reusable shopping bags

2 Write the product or action.

0. This product takes away odors and can scrub out stains. baking soda
1. This is what you have if you don’t finish your meal. food leftovers
2. This word can be a noun or a verb and means sharing a ride. car pool
3. This product is a liquid that many people use to clean their coffee makers. white vinegar
4. This is usually powered by your legs, but this one has a battery. electric bike
5. This item reduces the need for plastic. reusable shopping bags
6. These can be plugged in and used over and over. rechargeable batteries
7. This allows you to have fresh veggies right in your home. indoor garden

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