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pre-planning workbook

Top 50 Women Entrepreneurs

to Follow in 2017

Jeanine Blackwell

You committed to this experience because you are ready to

approach creating the results you want differently. I am incredibly
excited that you made this commitment to yourself.

Propped on the table next to my office desk is a print my oldest

daughter created and framed for me as a Christmas gift years ago.

It reads, “This is your world. Shape it or someone else will.”

I keep it close by to remind me of why I started my business and

why I do what I do sitting at this desk everyday. Just like you, I am
creating the life I dreamed of leading.

There are many experts out there telling you to go on a vision quest
with them to dream bigger in your life.

And, there are even more experts out there that are happy to tell you
that you should do exactly what they do in their business to get the
results you want.


I’m here to remind us all that real success only happens when you
connect your dream to your doing.

The answers on how to create success in your business can only be

found inside of you.

Only you know what you need to do this coming year to create
success, because only you know what you really want.

You make the big leaps in your business when you connect your
dreams to your daily doing.

Knowing what you want isn’t enough.

Dreaming of what you want without getting up every day and

hustling on the one thing that will deliver that result won’t get
you there.

Working hard without a clear vision and focus won’t get you
there, either.

When I stopped working 60+ hours a week on 100 different things

and started to work smart on one thing that would give me what I
most wanted, everything changed.

In this workbook, we are going to begin creating your plan by

getting clear on what you want. This will set us up to do game-
changing work together to get clear on the actions that will make
this happen in our upcoming Power Planning Sessions.


Are you ready? Let’s do this.

It’s Your Moment,

The end of the year is THE perfect time to do some serious soul-searching on what you want, what’s working to deliver that
result in your business and what isn’t.

This process is for YOU...someone ready to make a big difference through your work.

Your Planning for Profits Experience begins here. In this Pre-Planning Workbook, you will get clearer on WHAT you want to
create through your business.

In the LIVE Power Planning sessions and QA calls, we will work step-by-step through HOW to make your vision happen,
including how to:
• create a step-by-step plan for growing your business
• choose the easiest path to get from here to there
• build the capacity in your business to do less and serve more people
• create a steady stream of revenue by implementing a 12-month launch and promotion calendar
• how to keep things simple so you can grow bigger, faster

It all begins here: by getting clear on what you want.

This self-guided workbook is designed to enable you to reflect, make notes, and do some big thinking around what you want
to create next year.

Your Pre-Planning Workbook is structured into 4 sections:

SECTION 1: Your Big Why — What does success feel like for you?
SECTION 2: Your Big Why — What does success look like for you?
SECTION 3: Fund Your Goals
SECTION 4: Advanced Moves: Additional Reflection Questions

You can complete the reflection exercises any way that works for you including:
• Print out the complete workbook and fill it in by hand.
• Type your responses directly into the workbook.
• Print only the “Action Pages” found in the workbook and do the work on these pages only.
• Get really crazy and move this out of the workbook. Grab your journal, claim a wall in your home or office and start
animating your big thoughts.

You can make this interactive:

• Get support and inspiration from the rest of our Planning for Profits tribe in our private Facebook Forum.
Post your photos, share your insights, and let’s get some momentum going.
• Meet a partner in the online forum and pair up to work on the exercises together.

We’ll be diving deeper into how to build your detailed plan in our upcoming live
Power Planning Sessions.

How do you want to feel when you wake up every morning?
In FireStarter Sessions, author Danielle LaPorte brilliantly shares how to create a business (and life)
you love:

“ First, get clear on how you want to feel.

Then, do stuff that makes you feel that way.
—Danielle La Porte, FireStarter Sessions

The point of starting a business is to create freedom.
The freedom to get up and do what you want to do every day.
The freedom to surround yourself with people that light you up.
The freedom to do the meaningful work you are here to do.

It’s vitally important that you reconnect with the things that are
important to you, that give you energy and make you feel like
you are making a difference before you begin writing long
lists of things you are resolving to do this year.

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Why? Because long lists of stuff you don’t want to do exhaust
you before you even start. To make your dream happen, you
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will need relentless passion and excitement for what you have
decided to create. This only shows up when you connect what
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you want with what you are going to do every day.

w o r ld p e r fect.”
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So, where do you start to create the success you imagine?
Where it started for me was with one of the most powerful
exercises I have ever experienced...
, f o u n d e r of CD Ba
-Derek Sievers

The “Perfect Day In the Life of You” Exercise
Years ago, I traveled to Vermont to study with one of my favorite authors, Robert Fritz. I had read and re-read all of his books.
The man was a legend to me. I worked with him for days in his studio converted from an ancient barn reflecting on what I
wanted to create in life.

One of the most profound exercises he shared with me was actually one of the simplest. Robert asked me to journal a perfect
day in my life.

Where would I be? What would I be eating?

What am I wearing? Where would I work?

What time would I go to work? What does my workspace

look like?
Who do I work with?
What am I doing?
What type of clients am
I working with? What type of work am I doing?

At the time, this exercise seemed kind of
ridiculous because what I was doing every
day was so far removed from my fantasy life.
But, I played along and wrote in my journal that
I wanted to...
• Write, create and inspire others to
“create what they most want in life”.
• “Work from home in the mornings doing
creative work in my pilates gear” and go to a
“studio” kind of office space in the afternoons.
• Work with a small team of rockstar people
who had “insane attention to detail”.
• Collaborate with clients that were “messengers
on a mission” here to do big work in the world.
• And, the list goes on...

It felt silly to write this down because it was so far from

what I was doing. At the time, I was spending most of my time
consulting with big companies on how to sell more candy bars
or make more widgets and tromping through one airport after
another wearing a suit and heels.

But, here’s the crazy thing: When I revisit what I wrote

in that barn and look around at the life I have created, I see
EXACTLY what I described.

I am sitting here this morning in my Lululemon, looking out a

window from my dream home office space, drinking a green
juice and doing what I most love to do….with YOU.

We can create whatever
we imagine.
Too often, we limit what we
imagine to only what we know
how to do right now.

The Research of Why This Works
(for those of you who need this…and, you know who you are)
Imagining that you have attained your goal of achieving a thing triggers a sense of ownership in the brain (brain researchers
call this the “endowment effect”). Essentially, your brain makes no distinction between actually having a thing and imagining
that you have that thing. This sense of entitlement triggers a subconscious pursuit of owning that goal.

If you have ever stood in line at the grocery store with a 5-year old crying because you refuse to buy the pack of Skittles
they have claimed as their own, you have seen this phenomenon in effect.

The clear articulation of the thing you want informs your brain to be on the lookout for opportunities to make this thing
happen. I like to think of this as the research-based flip side of the law of attraction.

Think of the “Perfect Day in Your Life” exercise as a way to let your brain in on your
grand life plan.

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#1 Write a description in your journal of a perfect day in the life of YOU. Review the questions on page 8
to get you started. Get specific. Think big. Focus only on WHAT you want, rather than how you will
create what you want.

#2 Distill your vision into a word that captures the essence of what you want to create. This word will
become your theme for next year and remind you of the perfect life you have envisioned.

#3 Share your reflections on the private Facebook forum.

Why Discipline Isn’t All It’s
Made Out to Be
Contrary to popular belief, creating massive success in your business and your life is not about discipline.

It is about focus.

It is about knowing what result you want to create and making choices on where
to invest your limited energy to create those results.

There are 2 reasons why it is important to get clear on

your definition of success in order to build your business:
1. You will make decisions faster.
2. You will nurture the motivation you need to stay
focused on the things that matter.

There are many decisions you will need to make
to complete your plan for next year including:
• HOW to price (Should I go low, medium, high?)
• WHAT to offer (Should I do an online course? Destination
retreats? High-end VIP programs?)
• WHEN to offer it (Should I launch during the summer?)
• WHERE to offer it (Should I offer online?
Should I offer live?)

If you have been stuck traveling down rabbit trails trying to

figure out what to offer and how to price it, getting clear on
what you want is the first step to making decisions faster.

We will dig into this in-depth in our

Power Planning Sessions.

Your vision serves as the filter for
making choices quickly as you
design your business/life plan.

Clarity on what you really want will help you quickly decide what you want to do and what isn’t for you. It can also get you
through completing things you don’t want to do now so that you can have something else you want later.

Your business plan is a blueprint for creating the life you imagine filled with the experiences you
want to have while making the impact you are here to make in the world.

First, A Note On Where to Start When Setting Goals
Next, I’ll be inviting you to set some life and business goals. When I started this planning process, I had $45k of debt
on my business line of credit.
I had one client that took up most of my time and because my business couldn’t pay me what I needed, I was stuck.
I was working 60-70 hours a week.
I basically had an expensive hobby instead of a business.

The highest priority goal for me was getting out of this situation so that I could feel financially secure and FREE.

On the top of my list I had included:

• Paying off my debt in one year by paying down a minimum of $4k a month off of my line of credit
• Making enough revenue in my business to let go of my one full-time client, freeing me up to do the work I really
wanted to do

Sure, I wanted to travel to Europe and take more time off. But, I had to be realistic around which goal to tackle first.

Creating a steady flow of cash is always priority #1 in your business.

That’s where I started and I built a 12-month plan that enabled me to:
1. Pay off the line of credit ($45k in 12 months)
2. Go from having a 6-figure client to having a business that delivered 6-figures a month in revenue

Creating a steady stream of revenue enables you to have the freedom to pursue your goals.

Being clear on your goals motivates you do the work to achieve that steady stream of revenue.

4 Steps to Link Your Business Plan to Your Life Plan
STEP 1: Begin by thinking about the different dimensions of your life:
Career/Business Growth
Experiences and Adventure
Health and Well-Being
Learning and Personal Growth
Giving Back

STEP 2: Generate a list of at least 50 big (and small) things you want to experience, accomplish
and/or create in your life.
Here are some examples that I have crossed off of my “top 50” list in the last few years:
Take my whole family to travel Europe for 2-3 weeks
Take my daughter to Napa when she turns 21
Be able to pick my kids up from school in car line every day
Take more time off with my kids in the summer
Surprise my brother with a trip to the Star Wars Convention
Fully support myself through my business
Create a dream office with a view and lots of natural light
…and, the list goes on.

STEP 3: Each year, review your list and choose the goals you will move “on deck” and
make happen that year.
For example, when I moved the trip to Europe with my family “on deck”, this trip became part of my plan for the year.
To make that trip happen, I needed to slot in many tasks into my business plan that enabled me to generate enough
revenue to fund the trip.

STEP 4: Break your annual life goals into smaller quarterly > weekly > daily goals.
We will be working on this in our Power Planning Sessions.

Here are some questions to
#1 Write your TOP 50 list
get you started:

What do I want to do?

What do I want to have?

What do I want to experience?

Where do I want to travel?

How will I care for myself?

How much time do I want away

from my business?

Who do I want to spend more

time with?

What do I want to learn?

#2 Choose a goal you will move off of your Top 50 list and put on deck to accomplish this year.
You might find it helpful to think about setting one doable goal in each dimension of your life. To help you choose your goal,
here are some examples in different areas in your life.

Examples of Goals My Goals

A financial goal might sound like:

I will pay myself $4k a month starting March 1.

A business goal might look like:

I will create and consistently implement a
12-month launch and promotion calendar that
generates steady monthly revenue.

An experience or adventure goal might sound like:

Every month, I will do one thing I have never
done before. I will start by generating a list of
local things I have been wanting to try.

Examples of Goals My Goals

A health and well-being goal might look like:

I will work out for 45 minutes at least 3x a week.
I will find a meditation app and set a reminder
for 9:30 pm each night.

A learning goal might sound like:

I will read one book a month related to my
business growth.

A relationship goal might look like:

Spend more time with friends. Schedule at least 1
social outing a month.

A giving back goal might sound like:

I will choose a cause by January 15th and
schedule 2 hours a month to contribute.

It’s important to remember that this is about what works for you and feels good.
It’s not essential to have a goal in all areas.

With a clearer sense of what you want to accomplish in your life, you can begin to create a plan to make it happen.

Your plan is simply a detailed route to get from here (where you are now) to there (where you want to be).

Building your detailed plan begins with your desired destination by the end of this coming year.

What revenue do you want to generate this coming year? What is your “magic number”?

You’ve decided you want to add $100,000 of revenue to your business.

Magic number = $100,000

Price of my offer = $500

Number of clients needed to hit my revenue goal this year = 200

Number of clients needed to hit my revenue goal per month = 17

In this example, the focus of your plan is to attract and convert 200 clients a year into your online course. At a very simplistic
level, this is the basis of every successful launch and promotion calendar: getting clear on your desired results.

In our upcoming Power Planning Sessions, we are going to go deeper and dig into the tactical steps to making that plan:
• How to choose what to offer?
• What if I offer each client multiple solutions?
• How many leads do I need to hit my number?
• What should I focus on first?
• How do I create systems and templates to go faster?
• Where do I find the leads?

You DO NOT need to know what you are offering at this point to begin planning your revenue. Remember, the first step
is WHAT you want to create and next we will figure out HOW to make it happen. We will be exploring this in depth in the
Power Planning Sessions.

#1 Determine your “magic number”. What is your revenue goal for the year?

#2 Where would you like to position the pricing of your offer? Low=$0 to $497, Medium=$497 to $797,

#3 Bring your “magic number” and reflections to our first Power Planning Session.
(Your calendar with all Power Planning Session dates and times can be found in the learning portal.)


Paying attention differently can help you see things you
might miss otherwise.
The following questions are included to encourage you to think further about your business
and life.

You can use these questions as a daily focus or sit down and work through them in one sitting:
• What is one thing that worked well to grow your business this year?

• What did you do that did not produce the results you anticipated?

• Where do you need to spend more time to grow your business?

• Where do you need to spend less time?

• What do you most enjoy doing?

• What is one lesson you learned that you want to remember moving forward?

#1 Be sure to mark your calendar for the 4 Power Planning Sessions:

• JANUARY 7, 2pm CST

Power Planning Session #1: The Planning for Profit System — How to Shift Your Thinking to Create the Business AND
Life You Imagine. In this session, I’ll share the secret to shifting your mindset into high leverage mode to create the
business you imagine filled with flexibility, fun, and freedom.

• JANUARY 14, 2pm CST

Power Planning Session #2: Building Your Plan — How to Set Your Revenue Goal and Create a 12-Month Plan to
Achieve It. In this session I’ll show you what a year-long content creation and promotional plan looks like and how you
can build yours fast. We’ll walk through a real-life example of how you can create an offer and the detailed steps to get
from idea to completion, including an example of how you can make money before you’re even done.

• JANUARY 28, 2pm CST

Power Planning Session #3: Get Clear on Every Step That Needs to Be Accomplished to Implement Your Plan.
In this session, we are going to cover the steps involved in the four critical functions that will drive revenue in your
business — creating new content, attracting new traffic, launching and promoting your offers, and serving your clients
(while you’re creating and launching what’s next).


Power Planning Session #4: Create Promotional Content One Time and Create Revenue Forever. In this session,
we will cover how to use templates so you can create content, proposals, and more once and use them over and over.

#2 Grab a cup of coffee and start reflecting on what you want.

#3 Get connected on the private Facebook forum and share your discoveries.

“What you believe has more
power than what you dream or
wish or hope for. You become
what you believe.”


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