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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular

Para la Educación Superior
Universidad Yacambú
Cabudare Estado Lara

Corte III

Sección: ED01D0V 2020-2 Jannina Roa

Materia: Idioma Básico Intensivo HPS-182-00166V
Tiempos Simples

* Write some of the Simple Present uses and give two examples.

It is used to talk about things, daily habits or activities that are usually done every
day and are always true, expresses affirmations, habits or routines in everyday


1- His parents live in Paris

2- I get up late on Sundays

* Define: This tense is used to express the idea that something is happening
now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not
happening now:

Present Continuous Tense

* Define what is the past tense and its uses.

It’s shows that you are talking about something that has already happened.
Unlike the past continuous tense, which is used to talk about past events that
happened over a period of time, the simple past tense emphasizes that the
action is finished

* Do we use future "be going to" for future facts and for things that are less
certain? Yes or not? Please explain.

No, because We can use "going to" to describe a planned action that will happen
in the near future. We've already decided or planned this action.

* Which of these sentences is not in simple present:

I think the Conservatives will win the next election.

The sky is getting darker and darker. It's going to rain.

If it doesn't rain, we'll go to the park.

* When do we use present continuous for future?

People uses the present continuous to talk about future arrangements. A future
arrangement is a plan that you have decided and organised with another person.
For example: I'm spending Christmas and New Year with my girlfriend and her

* Write some of the adverbs used to express simple present.

The simple present tense is commonly used with the adverbs always, usually,
seldom, never, sometimes, often, frequently, generally, habitually, occasionally,
once, twice, thrice et al.

* Is it correct to use present continuos to express future arrangement? Explain.

Yes, it’s very common to use the present continuous to talk about the future, in
the case of arrangements that are planned for example; “I’m having dinner
with my parents tonight” or She’s meeting Rutbel at the airport tomorrow.

* In which situations do we use the auxiliary "shall"?

The modal auxiliary verb shall is used in many of the same ways as will:
to form future tenses, to make requests or offers, to complete conditional
sentences, or to issue maxims or commands

* Name the tense which describes something that was happening continuously
in the past when another action interrupted it:

Past Continuous Tense

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