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Critique of Mount Nebo-NEI Report 2015

• Summarize the main issues and findings on leadership highlighted in the Chief Inspector’


• What is your evaluation of the assessment of leadership in Mount Nebo Primary School?

• Based on the principles of effective leadership/successful school leadership and the

characteristics of effective leaders, what recommendations would you make to the principal of

the Mount Nebo Primary School to improve the leadership and management aspect of the


Name : Guyan Gordon

This paper is a critical evaluation of the National Education Inspectorate (NEI)

2015 report on mount Nebo primary school. Particular emphasis will be placed on the

leadership and management of the institution. The leadership and management of Mount

Nebo Primary according to the NEI Report 2015 deemed the school to be at level 2,

which is unsatisfactory. A comparison of the evidence and findings will be done, in

relation to the National Inspectorate handbook standard in order to point out several

strength and weakness of the to the NEI 2015 Mount Nebo report.

` Upon close examination of the report it must be noted that the writer has

failed to address some of the key questions on page one (1) as it relates to leadership and

management of Mount Nebo. According to National Education Inspectorate standard

handbook, What Effective Leadership Looks Like in Schools is as follow: 1. The

Principal is a goal-directed, visionary, strong, firm and industrious leader. 2. The

Principal has strong organisational management skills. 3. There is a clear pathway

towards attaining the school’s goals and vision that is shared and understood by all the

school’s different stakeholders. 4. There is good, regular communication between the

Board Chair and the Principal. 5. Middle managers (e.g. Principals) hold teachers

accountable for the highest possible standard of student achievement. 6. Senior, grade

level and staff meetings are scheduled to ensure standardization and monitoring of

curriculum delivery. 7. Department meetings involve a discussion of a variety of issues,

such as: classroom management, analysis of academic performance, special educational

needs, relationships with students, discipline, curriculum coverage, homework policy and

professionalism. 8 Leaders know what is happening in the school - what teachers and

students are doing and how well. 9. There is good, regular communication between the
Board Chair and the Principal.10. Middle managers (e.g. Head teachers) hold teachers

accountable for the highest possible standard of student achievement. 11. Senior, grade

level and staff meetings are scheduled to ensure standardization and monitoring of

curriculum delivery. 12. Department meetings involve a discussion of a variety of issues,

such as: classroom management, analysis of academic performance, special educational

needs, relationships with students, discipline, curriculum coverage, homework policy and

professionalism. 13. Leaders know what is happening in the school - what teachers and

students are doing and how well.

The picture that was developed in the leadership and management section had a

few elements in favor with the leadership and management of Mount Nebo. Also,

the evidence appears to insufficient based on the fact that only two (2) interview

was done for a sample of the school population, and the number of questionnaires

given and return is unknown. The methods of gathering data is very questionable

because we don’t know who was answering questions, and what questions were


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