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This time you are invited to investigate your life journey

from the perspective of existential givens and positive psychology.

It will help you to expand your self-knowledge
and to understand the roots of your current physical, social, psychological
and spiritual being in this world.
Being committed to self-knowledge is not narcissistic navel gazing,
but engaging in a purification process where you restore contact with your
authentic self.
In order to discover more about yourself, you often need to get some distance
from the social roles that you have learned to play.
Your body can offer you a kind of anchor that will help you to find your inner
Observing your breathing, for example, may help you access your inner being.
Breathing was your first autonomous act when you came into the world.
In Eastern cultures, it is even common practice to link awareness of your breathing
with taking responsibility for your own life.
Self-knowledge involves discipline in terms of reflecting
and becoming aware of the full range of your experiences, thoughts, feelings,
Existential well-being invites you to ‘work’ on yourself with a light touch.
In this section you will be invited to draw up your life line.
This exercise should definitely not be completed in one go.
We encourage you to return to it several times for a more in-depth exploration of
existential themes.
You will find instructions, exercises, questions, which will challenge and nurture
your reflection
To prepare for exploring specific themes you can always start with the exercise of
We present this exercise in a clip, so that you can return to it each time
you would like some guidance to help you to take a moment to relax
and develop a good inner state before you begin to explore a specific theme.
After reflecting on your life journey, the objective is for you to consider what
you will take with you on the road to existential well-being.
You will find an article that might inspire you to become more aware of what you
to nurture on your ongoing life journey
so that you can keep it by your side, taking with you only what you really need.
You can also consider what you want to leave behind,
and perhaps decide what you might need to do to bring it to completion before you
let it go.
Friedrich Nietzsche proclaimed his secret to happiness to be what he calls:
“AMOR FATI”, “love of one’s fate.”
This means that you accept your life and everything about it including suffering
and loss.
A challenging statemen isn’t it?
However, reconstructing your life story can be a way of seeing direction
and meaning in a succession of coincidences.
From an existential wellbeing point of view it is more about an attitude of
openness towards
and the willingness to work with, and not against fate by making the best of what
to you.
Besides, the apparent coincidences you encounter on your path are sometimes less
than you might think.
You are often unaware of how you create circumstances that make things happen.
I hope you can enjoy shining a new light on your existential journey!

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