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,..J I
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Se . Dept. Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
ss1on: 2015 - 2016 Semester: Autumn End Semester
Subject: OCEAN HYDRODYNAMICS [NA60003] Time: 3 hrs

Answer all the questions Full Marks: 25


QI. In cas~ of Stokes 2"d order non-linear wave theory, the ratio of the second order term to the first
order term is given by
R _ e ¢2 3ka cosh 2kh
- --;;- = h kh . 3 , where, k = wave number, a = wave amplitude, h = water depth.
'f'1 8 cos smh kh
Show that the theory holds good in deep water, but fails for high waves in shallow water. (8)

Q2. Describe the problem of wave diffraction. What is the body boundary condition in terms of
diffraction velocity potential? How is it different from the body boundary condition in radiation
problem? (4)

Q3. Assume ¢> and cp are two solutions of Laplace's equation in a vo!ume V of fluid bounded by a
closed surface S . Applying Gauss divergence theorem, show that
ff(¢ acpan - cp a¢>)
s an
dS = o (3)

Q4. Assuming wave height follows Rayleigh distribution (i.e. P(H>H)=exp{-2(A/Hsf} ), find

the maximum expected wave height in a 3 hours storm in terms of significant wave height Hs . (2)

Q5. Find the horizontal force component based on Froude-Krylov theory on a rectangular block of
height / , length perpendicular to the wave direction /2 and width /1 • Dynamic pressure is given by

p = pgH cosh k(h + z) cos(kx-wt), where k = wave numbe;, g = acceleration due to gravity, H =
2 coshkh
wave height, h = water depth, w = angular frequency, p = density of sea water. (4)

Q6 . a) What are the underlying assumptions for development of Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum? (2)
b) Why Stream function theory is considered to be the most accurate non-linear wave theory? (1)
c) Why JONSWAP spectrum exhibits more pronounced peak compared to P-M spectrum? (1)

------ x ------

Ocean Hydrodynamics PART A

Maximum marks: 25
Students: 24
1 Derive the following:

a)Bottom boundary condition. b) Displacement of particles under a progressive wave

-:..i. '-
"' ..~ispersion relation
(· '~ 2. Explain short and long waves. (2)
3. Write down Morison equation (2)



. H=6m L=90m d= 25m

Pile dia. = l.2m brncing dia. =o.9m

( .,·M -- ...
') kN
Cl>= I /= 10.06-1 ,,,.
Find the wave forces on members 2-6, 2-9, 1-3 for cot=6 (12)
Indian I ns t't
• ute of Technology Kharagpur
Dept. Ocean E · .
Session: 2015 _ 2 ngmeermg and Naval Architecture
Subject: OCEAN BYD Semester: Autumn
RODYNAMICS [NA60003] Time: 2brs
PART A (15 Marks)
I. Determine the velocit .
mm cylinder is . Y pot.ential and velocity distribution for a circular cylinder at rest. If a 40
normal compon~mme;sed 10. a stream having a velocity of lm/s (=U) determine the radial and
2. What is a Rank' ntsbo velocity at a point r=50mm and e = 1350. (5)
me ody? (2)
3. Show that vortic1·t · · . .
4. Starting from se Y •s. circuflation per umt area using a rectangular closed curve. (2)
paration o variables, derive the expression for wave potential. (6)

A UllB
nswer any three out of four Full Marks: sxJ=lS
QI. Consider a progressive wave with water surface displacement 77 ( x, t) = ~cos ( kx - mt) and the

Correspond mg l · · Hg coshk(h+z)
ve oc1ty potential ¢(x,z,t) = - - sin(kx-mt) .
2m coshkh
a) Show that the horizontal and vertical water particle velocities are 90° out of phase. (1)
b) Show where the extreme values of the horizontal and vertical water particle velocity occur. (1)
c) Calculate the pressure field. What is the phase difference between the wave profile and the
dynamic pressure? (2)
d) If the length of a water particle trajectory in deep water is 27t , whose mean position is at the
mean free surface, what is the wave height of the progressive wave that is governing the water
particle motion? . (1)
Q2. A plane progressive wave in deep water has a period of 15s and an average power per unit width
of 58.2 kW Im. As it propagates towards shore obliquely, the refraction diagram shows that the
perpendicular spacing between the two wave rays at a near shore site of water depth 3.5m is half of the
deep water spacing. Assuming straight and parallel bottom contours,
a) Find the wave height in deep water.
b) Find the wave height, wave length, phase velocity and the average power per unit width at the
near shore she. (5)
Qi a) Classify the types of wave breaker. . (I)
b) Define wave shoaling and wave refraction. (2)
c) A regular wave in deep water has a wavelength of 300m. What is the limiting value of the
wave height before the wave breaks? Assume that the same wave manages to reach a wave
height of Sm without breaking a~ a ne~ shor~ site of uniform water depth. If the w~ve suddenly
breaks at that site and the satellite fails to give the wavelength there, find approximately what
the water depth at that near shore site is. I (2)
Q4 a) What is seiching? (I)
•b) Find the fundamental period of seiching for a long narrow basin of length 1km and water depth
of JOm assuming flat bottom. (2)
) A tidal wave enters a narrow channel of constant depth having a reflecting vertical wall at the
c end. What should be the incident wavelength for resonant motion at the end of the channel? (2)
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Dept. Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
Session: 2014 - 2015 Semester: Autumn End Semester

"--->;> ~,·.Ji..~ Time: 3hrs
j{'IJ:;;: h . "IXfL- ~ ~ {,.~d-<.- . .t
Answer all the questions <f[in ()~~c:tP>~
~~ -+· ·t, h
U0"Y'I .
Full Marks: 25

Ql. a) In case of narrow banded spectra, wave height distribution follows which theoretical
distribution? Write the expression for the same. H ~'1- ~) 'l==:: (2)
~ ~ c( [Flt1)] -"O
b) Determine the most frequented wave height in terms of Hrms. - dH -ti __ 0 .. •toH·-<~~ . (2)

c) At a pier near the Gujarat coast, 400 consecutive wave heights are measured. The Hrm• is obtained
as 3.2m. Assuming that the sea state is narrow banded,
i) How many waves are expected to exceed H = 2Hrm.,? (2)

ii) What height is exceeded by half the waves? (2)

iii) What height is exceeded by only one wave? (2)
Q2. a) Write the .bound~~em for wave diffraction by an arbitrary fixed floating body
clearly mentioning the governing equation and the boundary conditions at all the boundaries. (3)
b) Find the Froude-Krylov force on a rigid vertical cylinder of radius R fixed at the bottom and
piercing the free surface. (4)
c) Which non-linear theory is appropriate for the shallow water region and which one is suitable for the
deep water? (2)

d) Which one is the most accurate among the non-linear wave theories? (1)
Q3. a) The following table contains the statistical information about the wave height at a particular
Wave height Wave height Number of Frequency Cumulative frequency
interval (m) average (m) waves (n) quotient f(x) ~ 7 quotient F(x) r,~ ,1
1· 0.25 - 0.75 O· ,;- 15 ~-
O· I
- J

I o ·I
0.75 - 1.25 30
I ·O 0·.3
1.25 - 1.75 1-S- 55 03(.9 () , b b ~
1.75 - 2.25 ~. v 21 C:>- l4 n . cz-n-;r
2.25 - 2.75 d-~ 14 ·i
2.75 - 3.25 30 9
c. ""'

- <Z. 0
3.25 - 3.75 2-5 5 D · o3~ e;. '1'13
3.75 - 4.25 ~ -0 i 1 0 . 011~?- ,.....; 1·00
Total 150
.. -
Fill up the blank columns.
., .., ". (2)
- J I 4
b) Draw the histogram to demonstrate the probability densily fun~tion!rfor wave heights and find
the mean wave height and the significant wave height. (3) .
------ x ------
~ =~S><IS°-t/';>(JO-t' /. S)c~-1-:27< 2 / ....f-' ·S'xl<i_-r 3-0 x9 f-3 ·.S><S'+c., ·ox)
,,_ ,, 1 .J-
3.s,l(S--t '3 ">t'1 ·"-17.: s-,il( r :v<2} :z.. ~ ~ d -0/
j' " {l)
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Dept. Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
Session: 2014 - 2015
Semester: Autumn
Subject· OCEAN
· HYDRODYNAMICS [NA60003] Time: 2brs


l)A .source of strength 10 m2s· 1 at (1,0) and a sink of the same strength at (-1,0) are combined with
a umform flow of25 ms·' in the -x direction. Determine the size of the Rankine body formed. (4)

2) Show that the wave particle displacements under a progressive wave follow an elliptical path.
3) Derive the bottom boundary condition for a wave in water. (2)

4) Suppose a current flows with velocity U on a waterbody where a wave is progressing in positive
x direction. What is the acceleration of the particles beneath the wave? (3)

5) Derive the potential and streamfunction of a dipole. (2)

6) Define dispersion relationship for a water wave.


Answer any three out of four Full Marks: Sx3=15

Q~. a) For a regular progressive wave of amplitude J.5m, calculate the total energy contained in per
urut surface area. . (1)

~lain the phenomenon of wave shoaling and refraction. (2)

c) Assuming Ho is the wave height in deep water and His the wave height in some intermediate
water depth, express Hin terms of Ho by defining the shoaling and refraction coefficients. (2)

Q2. A plane progressive wave in water of 200m deep has a period of 15s and a height of 2m, when it is
propagated into water of depth JOm without refracting. Assuming no energy loss or gain, determine the
wave height, water particle velocity and pressure at a point 1m below the still water level under the
wave crest. (5)

~ A wave field is observed by satellite. The wave lengths are determined to be 300m in deep
water and 170m over the continental shelf. What is the shelf depth? (2)

b) Write the expression for Snell's law. Using Snell's law, explain why the waves approach the
shore normally as it shoals in case of straight and parallel bottom contours. · (3)

~ a) Consider wave reflection and transmission past an abrupt change in water depth. Find the
reflection and transmission coefficients in terms of phase velocities assuming there is no change in the
width of the channel (i.e. b1 =b2). (3)

b) A section of a closed basin has a depth of 20m and a horizontal length of 2000m. When
resonance occurs in this section at the fundamental period, the height of the standing wave is 0.5m.
Determine the resonant period and the maximum water particle velocity under the nodal point. (2)

----- x ------
Ocean Hydrodynamics PART A Maximum marks: 25
NA60003 Students: 27



H = 6111 L =90111 d= 25m

Pik dia. = I .'!.m brac ing dia.

"> , kN
-M =..:. /= I0.06-l ,,,.

. ../"._,(~ /
Find the wave forces' on members 2-6, 2-9 4-6 2-8 for rot=6 (24)
,.. '" '
~ --

2) Write down Morison's equation. \

I "-.__ (

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Ocean Hydrodynamics Maximum marks: 25
NA60003 Students: 15


1) Consider a vertical pile of diameter 1.2 m and height 30 m. Let the still water depth be
25 m. Consider a wave of wavelength 90 m and waveheight 6m moving in the x direction
towards the pile. Consider rot=6. Take Co= I and CM=2. Let the density of water be I 000
kgm· 3 • Find the total wave force on the pile. (7)

2) Consider a bracing of diameter I m and length 40 m be inclined in the y-direction at an

angle 30°. Let the still water depth be 25 m. Consider a wave of wavelength 75 m and
waveheight 5 m moving in the x direction towards the pile. Consider rot=6. Take Co= I
and CM=2. Let the density of water be I 000 kgm·3 . Find the total wave force on the

3) Consider a bracing of diameter 1 m and length 40 m be inclined in the x-direction at

an angle 30°. Let the still water depth be 25 m. Consider a wave of wavelength 75 m and
waveheight 5 m moving in the x direction towards the pile. Consider rot=6. Take Co=l
and CM=2. Let the density of water be 1000 kgm· 3• Find the total wave force on the
bracing. (5)

4) Write down Morison's equation .. (3)

5) Derive the expression for potential energy of a wave. r (3)

, l\'DL\\ l\STJ ITTF Of· TECJl\OU)< ;\. ldf .-\1( .-\CP UH
· 1:· :27 . 11 .1 2012
..\ .\ No.of ·t11du1t s: .2 0
. l 1111111 ~C' m es t c r: 2012-2()1."' I >ep 1t. () l· c;i 11 l<11 g i11 l'C'r i11 g and i\ a\'al Arc hi tec ture:
.'-i til i . ~O. !\.:\60003 Su l>j t·l·l \a111c: Ocean ll y cl rod~· 11a111ic s
l ·! l' ea r l\!ITech / RS. . Full :\larks : 2)

. .\ I . ~ II . .t . 0 !.. . ~. ,1,
... ' . , ' ~ . 'l : ~
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.. . • J •• :
· J

i ;i) !)rove !hat 111 a cl osed h:-isin or in an open bay the anti nodes occu r near th e \Vall.
- i b) Derive the rel atio11 ro i~ angular frequency for lon g 'vVa\'C oscil lation in a closed basin o r
ength L and depth h. Hence determine the fundam ental period of oscill ati on for th e lake o f
k~ ngth l.:) miles having average depth 22 ft.

: :~·) D :.:- rn u i1 strak tk:i arbit rary shift of the: ~ i m e O!·igi11 by an am ouni t,. changes th e

~ 1 1cliv idi.i:d va lu es of a r. ncl b bu l does not change

11 11 ,/;;;,-;h,: in a surface profi! e
__,.i b) Discuss in brief the te1111 s (a) sigrnfican l v:ave height. (b) amp litud e :md energy
~: Jectr ..1111 s. (c) group velocity, (d) partial clapoti s and (.c) wave scatterin g and wave rad ia ti on.

_, , :>) D ei·iv·.: the a1·;e di:r;cnsiona l long wave equarion under the: assumption of small amp litud e:
\··. J: ~ r wa \'e theory
( '.', J _!i, squar·: - wave 1">f pe:·iocl 4 seconds iS dcscrib::d i\1111.'.ti0 11 ;il ly hy

2 ..:: t <.. 3
2 . :. l <. 3

Find th e Foui·ici· c-Xpd.r1.-,11H1 ni rn1 s wa'.'e r,l '- ''"" ,... .. ; .......- . ,..J L ' , 1 . •
lll '...~IVlJ., ~ ;: ,,:; , 11i111c: w e average e1ie1gy per eye le
\v'.-1 ~11 g = 980c:m/ s and p -= I .

l);; dcr th <.' ~1 ss umptioll of small amplitude Wil vc th ~ory , deri\ e th<: \ · ,~ ln1- i i _: poienti:l!
a:;:_,u,: i<Hed with th 1.; w:rvemakcr probl em in a iwo d1r:·1r n sional channei of inrlnite !;: 11 .:o-th :rn i

1.: .. ! '-· \.' "·•[•·

1:.-1 v! . CJC:, .!J lll Ji
·" 'u~
i · jl)"
5 th \.:' \"' "l"
'- · "'
-!1 ) di\._! 1 ~ L·r
' l · o. •ti1:. · y . ~·J ·i \.)
· ·, .. L' t ';1 ~1t f·ull re 1!- e :·.t1.on tilk es DlaCe LH
0 ;1
. .

Ocean Hydrodynamics Maximum marks: 50

!\!A60003 Stud ents: 20

. ....9
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\\ ·y.',_Ll)
___ ~----7---
1---- ' .
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· ~
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. . \ ~'·
' ~I - _.--- --- ...... I


-- . . '"y
j<'f(\ 15. II

/ / /~ I


H = 6m L = 90111 d = 25111

Pik-di<i. = ! .2111 br;tcing dia. = 0.6m

/. ~ '

r c_.:: I C.,
= 2 - = J. ()06·
I .. .
# ,11 Ill

1'3 . -::;2-. . '.)1.- 5C

Find the "':ave forces 011 member.s 8-12, 5-6, 2-8 for cvt=6 . (18)
~:;if, .7 0 f:, .

2) ·..v:·ite down Mori son's equation. (2)

) } 1icri .1-::, ai-1. eq uation for velocities and 2cceleration on an inc!in (~d rncmber (5)
0 -------------------------------------------------------------------··
epartment of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture, HT, Kharagpur
Subject Name· 0 · End-Autumn Semester Examination, 2011-2012
· cean Hydrody · Subject No. NA60003
Duration· 3 H namics
• ours, Date: 23rd November, 2011 (AN) Total marks: 50

Instruction: Answer any three questions. All questions are of equal marks and self-explanatory
(a) The velocity components in a two-dimensional flow of an inviscid fluid are u = Kxj( x2 + y2 ), v =Ky/( x 2 + y2) · ls

the flow irrotational ? Sketch the two streamlines passing through the points ( 1,0) and (3, 2).
(b) Show that antinodes occur near a vertical wall when a progressive wave incident on it

2 (a) A hurricane wave in deep water has a wave height of 58 ft and period of l 2s. Detennine the height of this wave
when it reaches a depth of 50ft. Consider shoaling effects only. What is the energy per unit width of the wave
when it reaches the 50ft water depth?
(b) Using the Joukowsky transformation show how to transform a circle to a symmetrical aerofoil. Find the chord
length and thickness in such a case.

3 Derive the free surface condition in the presence of surface tension and hence, prove that when the surface tension
dominates, the group velocity propagates at a faster rate. Show that the maximum group velocity occurs for infinite
depth where - = ../48/ 6 -1.
4 (a) Discuss in brief about finite amplitude wave theory and thus derive the free surface condition associated with the I11
and 2nd order wave theory.
(b) A Jake is 15 miles long and has an average depth of 22ft. Determine the fundamental period of oscillation for the


· 7111/2012 AN No. ofStudents: 20
Autumn Semester: 2012-2013 Dcptt. Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
Sub. No. NA60003 ~
Subject Name: Ocean Hydrodynamics
1st Year MTech/RS.
Full Marks: 25

Instruction: An.swer any three questions. A.:J..questior.~ are of equal marks

l .v(afProve that in a closed basin or in an open bay the antinodes occur near the wall.
,-(b) Derive the relation for angular frequency for long wave oscillation in a closed basin of
length L and depth h. Hence detennine the fundamental period of oscillation for the lake of
length }5 miles .having average depth 22ft. .

2, (a) Demon.Strate that an arbitrary shift of the time origin by an amount t' changes the
individual values of an and bn but does ~ot change ~a,: + b; in a surface profile.
v--{u) . Discusi:; · in ..bri~f the terms (a)
. significant wave
height, (b) amplitude . a~d. energy
spectrums, (c) group velocity, (d).partial clapotis and (e) wave scattering and wave radiation.

3. (~) the one dimensional long w~ve equation unde:r. the .assumption of small amplitude
water wave theory
.. _fJb) A square wave of period 4 seconds is described functionally by
1 I O<t<l · · .
0 2<t<3
q(t) = - l 2<t <3
0 3<t<4 .
· Find the Fourier expansion of this wave function; determine the average ·energy per cycle
when g = 980cm/s and p = 1.

4. A vertical wavemaker located at x=O is oscillating with velocity ~;\ (0, y) = Re{u(y)e_;.,i}.

Under the assumption of small amplitude wave theory,. derive the velocity potential
· ru;soci~ted with the wavemaker problem. in a two dimensional channel of infir:iite length and
. .
finite ·water depth h. Using the wavemaker theory. prove that full reflection takes place by a
vertical impermeable wall.

Date:03/10/12 AN l~~>IA~N~TITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, t<HAl(AGl'UR 1.;;-_··-.\

Autumn Semeste . 2 I nnc~. No. ofS111dc111s:1.!_~~-/
Sub. No. NA ~· 012 •2013
6000 Dcptt. Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
l" Year MTech/l Subject Name: Ocean Hydrodynamics
lS. Fulll\iarks: 30

I) hna::.
0 ine a wave ·
given by t he equation
. for potential
<P _ Hg cosh k(h + z)
- --:;- sin(h - at)
-a coshkh
~!ler~ the symbols have the usual meaning.
va) Write down the dispersion relation for this wave. (I)
~De~ive an expression for water surface elevation. (I)
~Derive the velocity field under this wave Plot the velocity field as a function of depth.
~· . (2)
_..d)-C()nsider a particle with mean position on still water line (free surface without the wav~);. . D...~rive an equation for
the motion of .this particle. · . ( (3) ·
"..-erDerive an expression for the dynamic pressure urider the wave. .... (2L
f) Suppose there is a background velocity (current) of~· how ~sq> modified? ~ (I). · ·
v~) Discuss on the V!lrious ~oundary conditions in the wave potential derivation. (5)
• , . • L

Instruction: Answer any two qu~tions. All ·questions arc .of equal marks

L (a) Shows that fhe sum of two trains of progressive w.ayes of.same amplitude which travel in opposite.directipns
will form a standing wave. What will happen if the amplitudes of the said progressive waves are.not the same?
\') Derive the relation for angular frequency for long wave oscillation in a closed basin of length L and depth
h. Hence determine the fundamental period of osc.illation for the lake of length 15 mi.le!; having average depth
. . . ' ,
2. r
(a) Demonstrate that an arbitrary shift of the time origin by an amount changes the individual values of a.. and
. b,, but does not change ~a,~ + b,; in a surface profile.
(b) A square wave of period 4 seconds is described functionally by

I 0< t <I
0 2 < t <3
q(t) =
-I 2<t<3
0 .J<t<4
Find the Fourier expan~ion of this wave function;· determine the average energy per cycle when g = 980cm/s2
and p == I.

3. ~iven q(x,t) =acos(kx- (A)(). Find the kinetic end potential energy-associated with the ~inc.
Show that energy is transmitted from one form to another and it changes the form periodically from kinetic to
potential en~rgy and vice versa. · · .
\fa.) One of the waves in a tsunami ha~ a period of20 min. and a height of0.6m at a point in the ocean where the
depth i!; 3800m. Determine the wave celerity of the wave. Hence, determine the celerity, length itnd height in a
11ear shore region of depth IOm assuming no n:flection and rliffraction.
Mid -Autumn Semester Examination. 2011-201
Cour N Maximum marks: JO
sc ame: Ocean Hydrodynamics
0f students: 13
C ourse Number :NA60003 N °·
1. A source of strength 10 m2s· 1 at (1, O) and a sink of the same strength at (-l,O) are
combined with a uniform flow of 25 ms·• in the -x direction. Determine the size of
the Rankine body formed. Find the difference in pressure between a point far
upstream in tlie uniform flow and the point (1, 1). (9)
2. Discuss ~n the various boundary conditions in the wave potential derivation. (6) ·

.P ART-B {76-I-~/ n?oJ.~/f!l ."/.§)

Instruction: Each question is of equal mark. Answer any three questions
L A wave ~ain is propagating n~nnally to~ard ~e coastlin~ ov.e r bottom topography
with straight. and parailel contours. The deep water wave length and height are 300m
and· 2m.respectively.. What.are the wave lengfu, height, and group velocity at a depth

2. Given q(x,t) =aeos(kx-s). Find the kinetic and potential energy associated with.the
same. Show that energy is transmitted from one form· to another and it changes the
form periodically from kinetic to potential energy and vice versa.

3. Find the reflection and transmission coefficients·in case of a long wave propagating
from deep water when there is an·abrupt change in ocean depth and breadth. Using
the laws of conservation of energy flux, derive Green's law and thus the transmission
coefficient. Justify the difference between the two formulae for transmis8ion

4. A section of a closed basin has a depth of 8m and a horizontal length of I OOOm. ·

When resonance occurs in this section at the fundamental period, the height of the ·
standing wave is 0~21n. . Determine the resonant period, the.maximum water particle ·
•"'-':': '

velocity that occurs at a nodal point.

• -1

- )

-----------------~~~::;;;,::-;;-·· · "---:---~-. ···-- .__.__________________________ ·-. ..... - .. ... -- .. ----- -

' '

cean Enginccrmg and Naval Architecture, llT, Kh:irag1mr

~t;~jc;.:: !"~;;iiic: v.::;;c.;·. ~-h.,!;·u•'· __End-Autumn Semester Examination, 2011-2012
Durat' · ~ H -; ·· ..,. ........ ,l_,: s~111jcct ~" N_A6!)00.:
ion . ..> ours Date· 2-.rd N
----- ' • ..> ovembcr, 2011 (AN) Total marks: 50
Instruction·· Answer any three questions.
. . are· of equal marks and self-explanatory
All questions
(a) The velocity components in a two-dimensional flow of an inviscid fluid are u= Kx/(x 2
+ y2 ). v=Ky/( x + Y) · Is

the flow irrotational? Sketch the two streamlines passing through the points (1,0) and (3, 2).
(b) Show that antinodes occur near a vertical wall when a progressive wave incident on it.

2·(a) A ~urricane wave in deep water bas a wave heigbt·of 58 ft an~ period of 12s. Detennine the height of this wave ·
- .
when it reaches a ·depth of 50ft. Consider shoaling effects only. What is the energy per µnit width of the wave·
when it reaches the 50ft water depth?
(b) Using the Joukowsky transfonnation show how to transform a circle to a symmetrical aerofoil. Find the chord
length and thickness in such a ~e.

. '
3 Derive the free Surface condition in the presence of surface ten51on and benee, prove that when the surface tension
·. . . .
dominat~s. the_group velocity propagates_at a faster rate. Show that the maximum group velocity occurs .for infinite
. . . 2 .

depth where Tk = ../48/6 -1.

pg .
4 (a) Discuss in brief about finite amplitude wave theory and thu5 derive the free surface condition associated with the 111
and 2.d order wave theory. . .
· (b) A lake is IS miles long.and has an average depth of22ft. Detennine the fundamental period of oscillation for the
l) . . , l !\ I) I .\ ,\ 1N:c; I !Tl I 11·: OF
U->. l U· I...,-
.t t t·. n" 1'
'" l"1111'.,;..I 111·.
,.\ ~: llllllll SL' lllC S(l'r: 2012 -201,\ '- /
NCJ. of' Studwl'-: :u•
l> c pl1. ( ll'l':111 E11~i11ccri11g ;i11d Nal'al /\n:lii! cdurc
~;ub. Nu. i\'A600U.3
l '' , , S ulij l'rl i'..;a111 c: (J cc :i11 l·lydrnd) 11:1111i1·s
• l'ar ivlTcc:1 1){S.
fu ll Ma rb: ·''J
l'AIU .·\
i ·i I 111~1 g i11,~ 3 w, vc !.'.iven by th ,:qu:1tiu11 fur pol en ti;il
Ff~ CC·:- :1 k(h l· .: ) .
~/) " - - · S 11 l ( k.r - ~' f)
2a cos h kh
"'·'..1c: rc: tile s~1 inbo l s have: !he usu::i l nh.<1ni11 !.! .
· ;·, ) ~:\1 ilc dow11 th e dispersion relati u:i l'or thi s 11·ave. ( I)
r\-b~:. ~):::ri ve Clll expression for \\o ater · urface clevHticn . ( I)
,_....c-) [J e!'l ve !he velocity fi eld under rhi s wa1 e Plot the vel oc ity li clcl as a l11n ction of depth .
_d) ·c ·1;11sider a particle w ith 1nc~111 pu~ ilion 011 ~till w<l!er li 1~c (li·t:e surfo cc without th e wave) ...Deri ve an equa tion for
ti~ " me: 1011 of thi s particle . · (3)
··" c~1 D erive an e:xpres si'rrn for the dynami c pressure under th ~: w:111 ~ . (2)
ri ~;upposc there is ,1 background velocity (cu rrent) of lJ . i11: 1•. :s 01 niodi ried'i (I)


Instruction: Answer a11.v !'\'O quc;s•i·:•n.' . All qt!eslions arc .of equal mark!i

:. '. <i.l Sliu ::s that the sum of t11·i:1 !ni11s .,) f pr<.'i:ibSivc· ·,, ;.1·ts ol' .'..-:m? amplitude \1·hich travel in opposite d;r;;c1:0n ~
,.,,;;; r·.,1 r1~1 a ~; : ;rncli n g
\V: iat will !ldj)l)l! i' if' tih' :•• '.: plir:;:Jes of the SJ id progressive waves are not !he . a m t 'I
W<l'vC: .

, ).('.() D erive ~h" relati0n ior :::ngular f'n:C:\ic'11Cy ,·1.,,- 1 1.•11 ~ wa »t' osc ill ation i11 a ciosed bas in of length L and clep;h
~ h.: i::n.:c: ckr·.:; mine 1.h: i'u11d:.;!1;eplfll j)O:'.rioci o: ::i ~c i b t 1,)1: :11!· th~ lake o;' lengih ! 5 miie~ l1<1vi 11g il\'::ragc d.::;;;;-,
-, (:i) D1~!l'Ons1rate that an arb:r1·ary sbili 01· the li:~ii'. or:g:1·1 :-,~· a;: nmounr r' changes the individual 1·a!ues ofa.1 a:1d

<b) A sq ua:·;:: wave of pc-r:od 4 :;eco:1cb i ~: desc ribe•~ f'1.111c!.i .1 1u il.Y by


(I U < i ....: l
.. lo 2< t < 3
'l ~ t) .::: '1·- ! 2 < t < 3

lo .~ < t <~ ~

;·: in.i :he hH1ricr e:-;pansi•)n ot' tiii .• \l'<!V1: fu1; •:;·ic•11; dl' :·~:T: i1• e i hc <11·t'rngc e n~ rg:; rer cycle when g ·' 9~ · ,-.;:F ':; '
and p .,. I .

_ . · .. t•11t ; \ 'U1 l/( .r . 1) "' cl cos(k': ·- ·"•.".1. Fi •,;j I Ile I·: in•:;!,: u;1(: ;_)1)i (:1~: i:il ''i~e! ,?.\' n ~~'...:;;; iatcd with the san;e .
:)-.ow 1Iwt e11ergy 1·s :ra n s1; ·~1iil.!1.
1 ' •
1rom ::one l1)i:l' I
';· :i;;u' 11
tc ..:::,)i.••: • I
.' 'l:tl\?,C ~ t
J ·
·,e torrn · d·
peno 1::a11. ~' "r ..""·11 k"""'
·'"' 'i'. ~· !-J
1 ~~: i e 11ti ~d c11::. . rgy anJ virl' '. cis :-~ ,
) h l On1: A 1i11: 11·cwe:: 1;1:1 i,,;1::1:>:'1i h:1 s a i)c;·;.,,d ,; f:10 ;·,·,in. :rnd <I h:: iglit of0.6m at a point i:1 ii1e o~e?.r1 .,,-;i,:re:r, c
rJ.-i·;; i; ::. J.:·(ir.:111 . Dc1~:·1:: 1 i1 c !!::.: \',';) \'(· :·'.' icrit y ,:.r 'he .,,·i1\:J tk:?c·:. d::l:::rrnint ihe celerit y. !e11g1 h ;~nJ lw :) 1' 1'·· ::
:1._.. ,1 : ll " "•: :'( !.',! 011 nr •:kp!h ! tl11; ~1 , :;. .1;·1·1 ir1g n:l i": '~ ~ci i •Jll and diffra<::lil' ll .
DF.PART1\.·f\"'N 'f OF' 0 , .,
Mid -Autumn Semester Examination, 2011-2012
Course Name· 0 ., . 1-l .
· cean ydrod) nanucs Maximum marks : 30
Course Number :NA60003 No. of students: 13

1. A source of strength 10 m 2s- 1 at (1, O) and a sink of the same strength at (-1,0) are
combined ¥.~th a unifom1 flow of 25 ms· 1 in the -x direction. Determine the size of

the Rankine body fonned. Find the difference in pressure between a point far
upstream in the uniform flow and the point (1, 1). (9)
2. Discuss on the various boundary conditions in the wave potential derivation. (6)

PART-B {7af~/ mG.~/)'g :15)

Instruction: Each question is of equal mark. Answer any three questions
L A wave train is propagating nom1ally toward the coastline over bottom topography
with straight and parallel contours. The deep water wave length and height are 300m
and 2m respectively. What are the wave length, height, and group velo~ity at a depth

of 30m?

2 . Given TJ(x,t) = acos(kx-l!h'). Find the kinetic and potential energy associated with the

same. Show that energy is transmitted from one form· to another and it changes the
form periodically from kinetic to potential energy and vice versa.

3. Find the reflection and transmission coefficients in ca~e of a long v,o~ve proprrgating
from deep water when there is an· abrupt change in ocean depth and breadth. Using
the law~ of conservation of energy flux, derive Green's law and thus the transmission
coefficient. Justify the difference between the two formulae for transmission

4. A section of a closed basin has a depth of 8m and a horizontal length of IOOOm.

When resonance occurs in thi~ section at the fundamental period, the height of the
standing wave is 0.2m. Detennine the reson~t period, the maximum water particle

velocity that occurs at a nodal point. v .

ate:26/09/2013 AN . No. of registered students: IS
~utumn Semester: 2013-2014 Deptt. Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
~b. No. NA60003 Subject Name: Ocean Hydrodynamics
1 Year MTech/RS. Full Marks: JS

Instruction: Answer any two questions. All questions are of equal marks

1. (a) Define partial clapotis. Thus, show that the reflection coefficient for a plane progressive
wave incident upon a wall can be determined by measuring the amplitudes at the nodes and
antinodes of the composite progressive wave trains.
(b) A wave in water I OOm deep has a period of I Os and a height of 2m. Determine the wave
celerity, length, and steepness. What is the water particle speed at the wave crest? Thus,
calculate the wave celerity and length at a near shore depth of 2.3m.

2. (a) Derive the relation for angular frequency for long wave oscillation in a closed basin of length
l and depth h. Hence determine ·the fundamental period of oscillation for the lake of length 15
miles having average depth 22ft.
(b) The sea state is represented by

11(x, t) = t, {a, cos(k,x -n;t )+ b, sin( k,x -n:)}· x ; : : 0' d < t < d + 2p.
Demonstrate that an arbitrary shift of the time origin by an amount t1 changes the individual

. ~ 2 2
values of a 0 and bn but does not changean + bn . · Interpret the result physically.

3. (a) Discuss in brief about (a) significant wave height, (b) amplitude and energy spectrums, (c)
group velocity, (d) difference among regular, irregular and random waves, and (e) wave
scattering and wave radiation.
(b) A square wave of period 4 seconds is described functionally by .
1 O<t<l
0 l<t<2
ll(t) = -1 2 < t < 3
0 3 < t < 4.
Find the surface profile in terms of the individual waves as a combination of sine and cosine
functions. Thus, determine the average energy per cycle when g = 980cm/s2 and p = I.

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