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‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬

‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

‫تعلیم سب کے لیے‬
Ms.Laraib Islam (M.B.B.S)
Mr.Arfat Haider (Mechanical Engineer)
Contact# 0333-4082706; 0320-4316474


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Lesson No.1 Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) an Embodiment of Justice
(Box Questions)
Q1. How did Holy Prophet (S.A.W) resolve the issue?
Ans; The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) resolved the issue by suggesting a very suitable plan
that was acceptable to all.
Q2. Why did Quraish think that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) would favour them?
Ans; As the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) belonged to the tribe of Quraish, the Quraish thought
that He (S.A.W) would favour them to protect their honour.
Q3. Why did non-Muslims trust the holy prophet (S.A.W)?
Ans; The non-Muslims trusted the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) because He (S.A.W) did justice
to everyone.
Q4. What advice did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) give to Hazrat Ali (R.A)?
Ans; The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) advised Hazrat Ali (R.A) not to decide a case without
hearing both the parties.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of
Ans; People can achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life by
following in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).
Q2. How did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
Ans; The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) set high and noble ideals for all mankind by his practical
Q3. How were people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet’s (S.A.W) justice
even before his
Ans; The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) had gained the fame of just, fair and honest person
even before his prophethood. Thus the people of Makkah were convinced of his justice.
Q4. What standards of justice did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) practise as head of
the state of
Ans; As head of the state of Madinah, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) practised high
standards of justice and decided all cases on merit.
Q5. What made non-Muslims bring their suits to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?
Ans; The justice of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) made the non-Muslims bring their suits to
Q6. How does the Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?
Ans; The Holy Quran describes the personality of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) as follows:
“We have, indeed, in the Messenger of Allah, a good example for anyone whose hope
is in Allah and the Final Day.”
Lesson No. 2 Chinese New Year


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

(Box Questions)
Q1. Why is Chinese New Year never on the same day each year?
Ans; Chinese New Year never falls on the same day each year because it is based on
the phases of the noon.
Q2. What is Chinese belief about cleaning houses before New Year day?
Ans; Chinese belief is that cleaning their houses before new year day clears out the bad
luck and welcomes the good luck.
Q3. Why does this dinner consist of eight or nine dishes?
Ans; The dinner consists of eight or nine dishes because in Chinese language the word
“eight” means “prosperity” and “nine” means “long-lasting”.
Q4. Is Chinese belief about people having character traits of animals fact or an
Ans; It is just an opinion.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. When does Chinese New Year start?
Ans; Chinese New Year starts somewhere between January 21 and February 20.
Q2. Why do Chinese families do thorough cleaning of their houses before New
Year’s Day?
Ans; Chinese families do thorough cleaning of their houses to clear out bad luck and
welcome good luck.
Q3. Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New
Year? Why?
Ans; Black colour is not allowed as it is a symbol of death. Wearing red colour is
encouraged as it is thought to turn away evil spirits.
Q4. What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
Ans; Decorations on doors and windows symbolize good luck and happiness.
Q5. What is the significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner?
Ans; The significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner is that all members of the family get
together and enjoy delicious foods.
Q6. What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolize?
Ans; The little red envelops filled with money symbolize wealth and prosperity.
Q7. What is the importance of Chinese New Year for Chinese families?
Ans; The Chinese New Year provides Chinese families an opportunity to get together.
Lesson No. 3 Try Again
(Box Questions)
Q1. What does the word ‘persevere’ mean?
Ans; ‘Perdevere’ means to continue trying in spite of difficulties.
Q2. “If we strive, it is no disgrace,” explain this sentence.
Ans; Struggle is the soul of life. It makes our life meaningful. Therefore, it is no way a
matter of disgrace to strive.
Q3. Why is the poet repeating the phrase ‘try again’?


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Ans; The poet repeats the phrase ‘try again’ to emphasize its importance in life.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. What is the lesson taught in the first stanza?
Ans; The lesson taught in the first stanza is that if we continue our struggle resolutely,
we are sure to succeed at last.
Q2. What can we learn from failure?
Ans; Wecan learn from our failure about our mistakes. By avoiding these mistakes we
can get success.
Q3. How is failure not a disgrace?
Ans; Failure is not a disgrace if we learn from our mistakes and try again. The only
disgrace is to give up struggle.
Q4. What should we do if we find our task hard?
Ans; If we find our task hard, we should plan carefully and struggle resolutely.
Lesson No. 4 First Aid
(Box Questions)
Q1. What is the importance of knowledge of ‘First Aid’ in crises management?
Ans; Knowledge of ‘First Aid’ is very useful in crises management because it enables us
ti save the life of an injured or sick person.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped? Why?
Ans; We should not check the wound if the blood has stopped because it may damage
the clot that is forming and has blocked the blood flow.
Q2. Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound?
Ans; Soap should be kept away from the wound because it can irritate the wound.
Q3. How is an antibiotic or ointment good in healing the wound?
Ans; An antibiotic cream or ointment is good in healing the wound because it expedites
our body’s natural healing process.
Q4. What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in most
Ans; If we are allergic to adhesive material used in bandages, we should use adhesive-
free dressings.
Q5. When do you need to see a doctor?
Ans; We need to see a doctor if the recovery is slow or if the wound is infected.
Review 1
Q1. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) is a perfect model and example for all mankind.
Ans; Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) set very high and noble ideals through his deeds and
character. So, He is perfect model and example for all mankind.
Q2. Write a note on Chinese New Year celebrations.
Ans; Chinese celebrate New Year with great zeal and zest. They clean their houses,
arrange dinners and exchange gifts to welcome New Year.


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Lesson No. 5 The Rain

(Box Questions)
Q1. What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for?
Ans; The rich leaves stand for the rich people whereas the poor leaves stand for the
poor in society.
Q2. Do you also like the sun coming out after rain? Why?
Ans; Yes, I like the sun coming out after rain. It presents a very lovely sight.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1.What does the poet hear?
Ans; The poet hears leaves drinking water.
Q2. What according to the poet is a sweet noise?
Ans; According to the poet, the noise made by the rain drops falling on the leaves is a
sweet noise.
Q3. What will happen after the rain stops?
Ans; After the rain stops, the sun will appear and a wonderful light will fill each dark
round drop.
Q4. How does the sun come out after the rain?
Ans; After the rain, the sun breaks through the clouds and makes a splendid scene.
Q5.How does the light fill the drops?
Ans; The sunlight falls on the dark and round drops and makes them sparkle.
Q6. What makes the scene lovely?
Ans; After the rain, the sun shines brightly and makes the scene lovely.
Lesson No.6 Television Vs Newspapers
(Box Questions)
Q1.What is one good thing about newspapers?
Ans; The one good thing about newspapers is that we can read them at any time of the
Q2. How does television make us lazy?
Ans; Television makes us lazy because we can watch and listen to the news with a little
or no mental effort.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1.How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
Ans; A newspaper is more convenient medium of news because we can carry it
anywhere and read the news at any time of the day.
Q2. How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news?
Ans; A viewer gets restricted while watching TV news because if he leaves place, he
may miss some important news.
Q3. In what way viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper?
Ans; Viewing news is easier than reading a newspaper because viewing TV requires
little effort and a little skill of language.
Q4. How do newspapers give us more in-depth coverage?


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Ans; Newspapers give us more in-depth coverage through detailed news and articles.
Q5. Why do some people read more than one newspaper?
Ans; Some people read more than one newspaper to get different viewpoints and
determine the validity of news.
Q6. How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?
Ans; Readers can give feed back to the newspaper articles by writing to the forum
Q7. Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?
Ans; I prefer TV because it provides us latest and breaking news round the clock.
Lesson No. 7 Little by Little One Walks Far!
(Box Questions)
Q1.What kind of person is the author?
Ans; The author is a hard working and energetic person. He likes to participate in
different co-curricular activities.
Q2. What does the author want to imply by mentioning his co-curricular
Ans; By mentioning his co-curricular activities, the writer wants to imply that co-
curricular activities prepare a person both physically and mentally for the battle of life.
Q3. How have these job experiences made the author more mature?
Ans; These job experiences have made the author more mature by training him
Q4. What has motivated the author to participate so actively?
Ans; His positive outlook has motivated the author to participate in different activities so
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. How has the writer spent his his summer vacation?
Ans; The writer has spent his summer vacation by doing many jobs and developing a
sense of responsibility.
Q2. What he has gained from his summer job experiences?
Ans; He has gained an understanding of indipendence and responsibility from his
summer job experiences.
Q3. How are these experiences helpful to him in future?
Ans; These experiences have lessened his worries about future and now he looks
forward to it with greater confidence.
Q4. What kind of student is the writer? Which of his qualities impress you?
Ans; The writer is well-rounded student. He takes keen interest in his studies. He has a
positive outlook.All of his these qualities impress me.
Lesson No. 8 Peace
(Box Questions)
Q1. With what is the wind compared?
Ans; The wind is compared with a monster of destruction.


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Q2. Explain “its center, in truth, eternal stillness”.

Ans; Nature, in spite of its temporary destructive role, is in reality a symbol of ‘eternal
stillness’. Mostly ‘bright blue skies’ and gentle breeze stand for the message of peace.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. How is wind described in the first stanza?
Ans; In the first stanza, the wind has been described as a monster of destruction which
crashes, smashes and destroys everything.
Q2. With what is wind compared in the first stanza?
Ans; In the first stanza, the wind is compared with a monster of destruction.
Q3. What is the wind doing to all man’s work?
Ans; The wind is raking all man’s work from the valleys and vales.
Q4. How does the scene look like when wind is still?
Ans; When the wind is still, skies look bright blue, the gentle breeze blows and eternal
stillness prevails.
Q5. What comparison is made in the second stanza?
Ans; In the second stanza, the breeze that blows in ‘eternal stillness’ is compared to
‘gentle whispers’ uttered far away.
Review 2
Q1. How can we raise the status of our country in the world?
Ans; We can raise the status of our country in the world by working devotedly and
Q2. What will be the effect of sunshine on rain drops?
Ans; Sunshine will fill each dark drop with light.
Q3. What role can media play in bringing harmony in society?
Ans; Media can play a very useful and constructive role in bringing harmony in society.
Q4. Co-curricular activities prepare students for future. How?
Ans; Co-curricular activities prepare students for future by teaching them a variety of
Lesson No. 9
Selecting the Right Career
(Box Questions)
Q1. In the past, why did people want to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot?
Ans; In the past, people wanted to become doctors, engineers or pilots because these
were the only professions that ensured both respect and money.
Q2. Explain the phrase “profitable livelihood”.
Ans; It means earnings big enough to enable one to afford not only the necessities of
life but also luxuries of life.
Q3How do career counselors help you choose the right profession?
Ans; Career counselors help us to choose a right profession because they are well-
informed about the latest trends.
(Lesson Questions)


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Q1. What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?
Ans; Medicine, engineering, piloting, serving in the Armed Forces were some famous
careers for the young people in the past.
Q2. Now-a-days non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds?
Ans; Now-a-days non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds because
they are more rewarding in terms of both respect and money.
Q3. What is meant by the “right profession”?
Ans; The right profession is the one that suits your aptitude and gives you money,
honour and mental satisfaction.
Q4. Why is it important to consider the scope of any field?
Ans; It is important to consider the scope of any field because it helps us start our
career with more confidence.
Q5. Is there any need of proper career counseling department? Why?
Ans; Yes, there is the need of proper career counseling department because it can
guide students towards suitable professions.
Q6. How can career counselors help the young people?
Ans; Career counselors help the young people by suggesting them right professions
after assessing their abilities.
Lesson No. 10
A World Without Books
(Box Questions)
Q1. Have you ever experienced the same feelings while reading a book?
Ans; Yes, I have experienced the same feelings while reading the ‘Old man and the
Sea’ by Hemingway.It infuses in us the feelings of courage and determination.
Q2. Can modern technology take the place of books?
Ans; No, modern technology cannot take the place of books.
Q3. Why does the author use the terms “fast food” and “slow food”?
Ans; The author uses the term ‘fast food’ for the material available on electronic media
because it is easily available and readily digestible mentally though its impact is not
permanent. He uses the term ‘sloe food’ for books which take time to read but their
impact is long-lasting.
Q4. What role does a library play to promote the habit of book reading?
Ans; A library plays a very useful role in promoting the habit of book reading by
providing a variety of books on different topics.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. How does a book connect the reader and the writer?
Ans; By reading a book a reader shares the thoughts and feelings of the writer. Thus, a
book connects them both.
Q2. In what way books are better than radio, TV and internet?


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Ans; We can keep a book with us and read it whenever we like. Books have the quality
of endurance whereas the Radio, T.V and internet are ‘flashy’
Q3. ‘It’s a slow food in a world given over to fast food.’ Explain.
Ans; The modern people getting used to the easily accessible information which is like
fast food. Books serve as a slow food for them for their permanent mental nourishment.
Q4. Why should people be given more opportunity to read books?
Ans; people should be given more opportunity to read books to get knowledge and
improve themselves.
Q5. Which book has inspired you the most? Why?
Ans; The Holy Quran has inspired me the most because it is a perfect book and
provides us complete guidance.
Lesson No. 11
Great Expectations
(Box Questions)
Q1. What kind of boy was Pip?
Ans; Pip was a lonenly orphan.
Q2. What changed Pip’s life?
Ans; Once Pip helped an escaped prisoner. Later, the prisoner gave him money to meet
his educational expenses. It changed Pip’s life.
Q3. How did Pip become a successful businessman?
Ans; Pip became a successful businessman by dint of his hardwork.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents?
Ans; His sister looked after Pip after the death of his parents.
Q2. Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip?
Ans; Joe was the husband of Pip’s sister. He treated Pip very kindly.
Q3. Why did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner?
Ans; Pip gave food and drink to the prisoner out of sympathy.
Q4. What happened to the prisoner?
Ans; The prisoner was recaptured by soldiers exiled. Later, he was sentenced to death
by the court but he died in prison.
Q5. Why did he support Pip?
Ans; The prisoner supported Pip because Pip had fed him in his hunger.
Q6. What happened to the prisoner’s wealth after his death?
Ans; Ater the prisoner’s death, all his wealth was taken by the government.
Lesson No. 12
Population Growth and World Food Supplies
(Box Questions)
Q1. What does the word ‘depleted’ mean?
Ans; “Depleted” means decreased or lessened.
Q2. Do you also face shortage of water in your locality? Why?


‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Ans; Yes, we are also facing shortage of water in our locality because of over-
population and prolonged load-shedding of electricity.
Q3. How is fossil energy a finite source?
Ans; Fossil energy is a finite source as its reservoirs are limited and take millions of
years in their formation.
Q4. What other word can you use to replace ‘optimum’?
Ans; We can use the word ‘ideal’ to replace optimum.
(Lesson Questions)
Q1. Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population?
Ans; Arable land, water, energy and biological resources are most affected by incessant
growth in population.
Q2. Why are developing countries going to suffer more due to over population?
Ans; Developing countries are going to suffer more due to over-population because of
their poor economy.
Q3. What is the major cause of food shortages and malnutrition?
Ans; Over-population is the major cause of food shortages and malnutrition because we
lack fertile land and water resources to grow food.
Q4. How are water resources under great stress?
Ans; Water resources are under great stress because over-use of surface and ground
water resources by the ever increasing population.
Q5. What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy?
Ans; The effect of depletion of fossil energy is that the cast of fuel increases
Q6. How can sufficient food supply can be made possible for the future
Ans; Sufficient food supply can be made possible by controlling population growth rate
and protecting natural resources.
Q7. What strategies should be adopted for safe future?
Ans; For safe future, we should protect natural resources and control population growth
Lesson No. 13
(Box Questions)
Q1. What case did young men bring to Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)?
Ans; The young men brought the case of their father’s murder to Hazrat Umar Farooq
Q2. Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel?
Ans; The old man hurled a stone at the camel because it had eaten a few leaves of a
tree from his garden.
Q3. Why did the villager ask Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) to delay the execution?

10 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Ans; The villager asked Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) to delay the execution because his
father had given him some gold for his minor brother. He wanted to hand over it to a
Q4. On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave?
Ans; The criminal was allowed to leave on the guarantee of Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari
Q5. Why were the Sahabahs (R.A) worried?
Ans; The Sahabahs (R.A) were worried about the fate of Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari (R.A)
because he was to be killed in case the murderer did not return.
Q6. Why did the accusers forgive the villager?
Ans; The accusers forgave the villager because they were impressed by his
Review 3
Q1. Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions in life. What are the
factors that will
influence your choice?
Ans; My aptitude and market demand will influence my choice of a career.
Q2. Reading provides a world where we can experience things which we may
never in real life.
Ans; Being busy in economic activities, man cannot have much time to experience
various aspects of life.Therefore, reading books enables him to share the diversity of
human life described by the genius writers.
Q3. What is effect of population growth on world food supplies?
Ans; The world population is increasing at a very high rate whereas the food production
rate is slow.Therefore, the effect of population growth on world food supplies is negative
and alarming.
Q4. ‘Faithfulness’ is a characteristic much needed in today’s world. Give reasons.
Ans; ‘Faithfulness’ is a characteristic much needed in today’s world because it can work
miracles to promote peace and harmony at individual, communal, national and
international levels. It also promotes
mutual trust and deep friendship among people and nations.
This poem is written by William Edward Hickson. It teaches us a lesson that we should
not give up trying if we want to succeed in life. Often we fail to achieve to our goal but
we should not lose heart.We are sure to succeed if we strive determinedly in our task. A
person fails only when he admits that he has failed. The most vital rest of man’s
character is how he sustains failure.The poet also conveys the message that struggling
again and again is not a disgrace. Our efforts towin add to our grace and honour.

11 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

This poem is written by W.H.Davies. It tells us about the poet’s great love for Nature. He
is in a garden to enjoy the beauty of the rainfall. When the raindrops fall on the tree
leaves, they produce a musical noise which the poet enjoys a great deal. The poet also
observes that the leaves on the upper branches of trees absorb maximum water. Then
it trickles down to the leaves below. The poet hopes that soon the rain will be over. The
sun will rise and fill every round drop with light.The leaves on upper branches are the
symbol of rich people. The leaves on lower branches stand for poor people who depend
on rich people for their survival.

1 Affect My advice did not affect him.
Effect Hard work had a bad effect on his health.
2 Advice My advice did not affect him.
Advise He advised me to speak truth.
3 Alter I will not alter my program.
Altar They brought the cow to the altar.
4 Altogether It is altogether wrong to say like that.
All together We went to school all together.
5 Angels We, the Muslims, believe in angels.
Angles A triangle has three angles.
6 Bale I have many bales of cotton.
Bail He was released on bail.
7 Bare Her feet were bare.
Bear I saw a bear in the jungle.
8 Berth I reserved a berth for him.
Birth I celebrated my birthday.
9 Beside I was sitting beside him.
Besides Besides this, I will have to go there.
10 Brake Your cycle has no brake.
Break Who has broken my pen?
11 Cool A cool breeze was blowing.
Cold Cold winds blows in winter.
12 Cloth I bought some cloth.
Clothe I wear beautiful clothes.
13 Cell The prisoner was sent to the cell.
Sell He sells school books.
14 Compare I cannot compare you with my teacher.
Contrast There is a contrast between his words and actions.
15 Device He uses an electronic hearing device.
Devise I devise many ways to earn profit.
16 Deny She denied telling a lie.

12 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Refuse He refused to help me.

17 Dairy We bought milk from the dairy.
Diary I bought a new year diary.
18 Dew Dew drops beautify the flowers.
Due He cannot come to school due to illness.
19 Die He died in a road accident.
Dye Please dye my shirt.
20 Dose I took a dose of this medicine.
Doze Do not doze in the class.
21 Droop Beautiful flowers droop for lack of water.
Drop Drop of water fell on my face.
22 Elder Ali is my elder brother.
Older I am older than Aslam.
23 Eligible I am eligible for a nice job.
Illegible His hand writing is illegible.
24 Except Everybody was present except Ali.
Accept He did not accept my gift.
25 Expect I expect to get a good job.
Hope Hope for the best.
26 Feet A cow has four feet.
Feat We saw feats of animals in the fair.
27 Flour We use pure flour.
Floor The floor of my room is clean.
28 Fair I saw a village fair yesterday.
Fare I pay fare of bus.
29 Foul We should not play foul.
Fowl I keep fowls in my house.
30 Gate This is the main gate of my house.
Gait Her gait is very graceful.
31 Gaol The prisoner was put in gaol.
Goal He got his goal.
32 Heel She wears high heel shoes.
Heal This wound will heal soon.
33 Healthy Last week he was quite healthy.
Healthful Morning walk is healthful for our body.
34 Idle Do not sit idle.
Idol The Hindus worship idols.
35 Invent Graham Bell invented telephone.
Discover Columbus discovered America.
36 Ice Please break the ice.

13 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Snow Snow is falling on the hills.

37 Loose He wears loose clothes.
Lose He has lost his pen.
38 Lesson This lesson is not difficult.
Lessen Please lessen the price of this watch.
39 Letter He wrote a letter to me.
Latter Ali and Aslam are class fellows, the latter is the class-monitor.
40 Liar Do not trust in a liar.
Lawyer Quaid-e-Azam was a famous lawyer of his time.
41 Lovely It is a lovely doll.
Lovable She is innocent and lovable.
42 Medal Our hocky team has won a gold medal.
Meddle Do not meddle in my affairs.
43 Meet I shall meet you tomorrow.
Meat You should eat meat.
44 Metal Iron is a very useful metal.
Mettle Tariq Bin Ziad showed his mettle in the battlefield.
45 Marry He wants to marry her.
Merry Now they want to make merry.
46 Miner His father is a miner by profession.
Minor You can solve only minor problems.
47 Necessity It is the necessity of time to work.
Necessary It is necessary for you to prepare for the examination.
48 Observation My teacher has a quick observation.
Observance Observance of law is necessary for us.
49 Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAW) was the last prophet.
Profit Bussinessman should not make a huge profit.
50 Populous Karachi is a populous city.
Popular He is very popular among his friends.
51 Principal M. Ali is the principal of our college.
Principle Quaid-e-Azam was a man of principles.
52 Piece Please give me a piece of paper.
Peace Peace is better than war.
53 Prey He ran after his prey.
Pray You should pray to God for your success.
54 People People of my village are very simple.
Peoples Different peoples live in America.
55 Pore There are many pores in our body.
Pour Please, pour some milk in my cup.
56 Quiet Please, keep quiet.
Quite I am quite well.

14 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

57 Respectable He belongs to a respectable family.

Respectful We should be respectful to our teachers.
58 Rein Do not pull the reins of the horse.
Rain It has been raining since evening.
59 Robbed He was robbed of his money yesterday.
Stolen Her watch was stolen by the thief.
60 Role He performed an important role in this drama.
Roll My name was at the top in the roll.
61 Root This plant has a small root.
Route This is the shortest route to my school.
62 Story This is very interesting story.
Storey I live on the second storey of this house.
63 Sail The boat was sailing in the sea.
Sale This building is for sale.
64 Sink Their boat was sinking.
Drown The child was drowning in the river.
65 Stationary Our earth is not stationary.
Stationery I bought this notebook from a stationery shop.
66 Sole The sole of my shoe is very hard.
Soul We should pray for the departed soul.
67 Scene This scene is very beautiful.
Seen I have seen many pictures of mountains.
68 Teach He teaches us English.
Learn We learn science from yaseen khan.
69 Team Our cricket team won the match.
Teem This pond teems with fish.
70 Urbane His manners are prefined and urbane.
Urban Majority of the people like to live in urban areas.
71 Vain He tried again and again but all in vain.
Vein Human body has countless veins.
72 Vale The vale of Kashmir is very beautiful.
Veil Muslim women cover their faces with a veil.
73 Wine Do not drink wine.
Vine There is a big vine-yard in our village.
74 Waste Do not waste your time.
Waist His waist is very thin.
75 Write Can you write a letter?
Right Always choose the right path.
76 Wave I saw many waves rising from the sea.
Waive The officer waived the age limit in favour of the candidates.
77 Way Please, tell me the way to Punjab University.

15 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Weigh This bundle weighs fifty pounds.

78 Weak She is too weak to walk.
Week There are seven days in a week.
79 Yoke The farmer had a yoke of oxen.
Yolk The yolk of an egg is very energetic.
1. My Best Teacher
A teacher is a respectable and honorable person of our society. Teaching is a noble and
prophetic profession. So, the people who belong to this profession are really great and
worthy to be honored. A teacher is a mind setter and personality maker person so, a
teacher has a great hand in making and moulding the destiny of nations.
I respect all of my teachers. I have great regards for all of them. But if I am asked to tell
my favourite, Mr. Ali will be my choice. Mr. Ali is my best and favourite teacher, because
I see in his personality many rare qualities of head and heart. He is really a man of
boundless knowledge. He has an impressive look. He has graceful personality. He is
well dressed. He is soft and polite in his speech. He is kind in his behaviour. He has a
smiling face. He says his prayers regularly. He is smart and slim. He is charitable and
helps the needy students out of his pocket. His method of teaching is so good and easy
to understand. He is punctual and regular.He never misses his period. He takes great
pains for making things easy for his students. He always shows excellent results. Many
of his students have become great doctors, engineers and professional. Mr. Ali also
takes great interest in games and co-curricular activities. He is the incharge of
Bazm-e- Adab and coach of school football team. In short, his personality is a happy
combination of many rare qualities.I always pray for his health and long life.
2. My Best Friend
“A friend in need is friend indeed” is a famous and well known proverb. It points out the
need that we should be very careful in the choice of our friends. A man is known by the
company he keeps. So, our company of people and our friends affects our name and
reputation. I am fond of friendship because I am social by nature. I feel at home and
happy in the company of my friends.I have a large circle of my friends. All of them are
good in their own way but Ali is my best friend who always stand by me through thick
and thin. It is said “Prosperity gains friends; adversity tries them.In the ups and downs of
my life I have always found the consoling shoulders of Ali.He has many qualities of
head and heart which make him stand head and shoulders among all of my friends. He
is loving and generous in behaviour. He is well dressed. He has a smiling face and
loving heart. He is smart, active and energetic.
He always comes first in the examination. He is also a good player. He is an exellent
speaker and debator. He is regular in his prayers. He gets up early in the morning. He
has very refined habits. In short,he is a friend who is my second self. I share my joys
and sorrows with him. His presence doubles my joys and halves my sorrows. I always
pray for his lasting company and long happy life!

16 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

3. My House
A house is a place where we live with our family. It is the basic need of our life. It is a
kind of shelter which gives us a sense of possession and security. When love binds the
members of a family in a house it becomes a home about which goes a famous
proverb. “East or west, home is best”. To have shelter of roof over the head is a great
blessing in the modern uneasy times. A person who is not having his own home is
virtually a rootless man. Hence, a homeless person is a rootless person. I am lucky to
have a house of my own. My house is located on the College Road Daska. This road is
one of the best roads of the city. Hospitals, banks, markets and school are located on
this road. The venue to my house is quite easy to reach as it is situated in the heart of
the main city.
My house consists of five rooms, a drawing room, a kitchen and spacious courtyard.
Each room of my house is furnished, painted and carpeted. There is an attached wash
room. My house has the facilities of gas, water and electricity. There is also a well-kept
beautiful lawn in my house which gives graceful look to my house. I have been living in
this house with my family for the last ten years.In short, my house is my home which is
dearer to me than any other place. I love my house and the inmates of this house. We
are happy family. May Allah bless our house!
4. My Hobby
A hobby is an activity which is adopted to spend our free time. It is said, “An idle brain is
a devil’s workshop” so we should not remain idle and pass our spare in some useful
hobby. There are many such hobbies as can be adopted to spend our free time usefully
coin collecting, stamp collecting, walking,reading etc are a few among them.
My hobby is gardening. It is very interesting and useful hobby. It has religious
importance also growing trees and plants is a never ending good deed. During the
battles, the Muslims were forbidden to cut down the green trees or plants. On the other
hand, the Muslims are encouraged to grow plants. Thus, by adopting this hobby, I not
only pass my free time in a good way but also do a charitable deed. Gardening is a very
simple and natural hobby. There is a plot beside my house. I have grown many plants
and green trees there. I have also grown there some beautiful flowers and vegetables. I
daily water the plants and cut the useless bushes. The lawn presents a beautiful and
colorful view for the visitors. Whenever I am free I go to my lawn and inhale the fresh air
and fragrance of flowers. The beauty of my lawn is a cooling sight to the eyes of visitors.
I also get fresh vegetables for my home kitchen.
In short, my hobby of gardening is my link with the world of nature. There is never a dull
moment. My hobby gives me peace, joy and pleasure.
5. Sports and games
Sports and games are healthy activities. They are an important part of our education. It
is a famous saying that “All work and no play makes jack a dull boy”. It means that if a
student keeps on reading and working all the time, he becomes dull minded. His interest
in sports and games is finished.He becomes a book worm and an imbalanced person.

17 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Sports and games play a very important role in shaping and moulding the character and
personality of students. They teach them the good qualities of honesty, discipline,
obedience, co-operation and sport man spirit. They also create in them the leader-ship
qualities. Games teach the students to accept their defeat honestly but they should
never use foul means to win. They also develop team spirit instead of personal interest.
The sports and games make an integral part of school education. Almost all the school
have football, volley ball, cricket and hockey teams. Matches and tournaments are held
at tehsil, district, divisional and provincial levels. The best teams are given prizes and
medals. These events lend a festive and colorful touch to school life.
Sports and games have a great role to play in keeping the students healthy, active and
physically fit. In short, sports and games have great importance. They prepare students
for practical life. They have their educative and social values.
6. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
History is full of great people. These are great men who are history making and they
become an unforgettable poet of history in the history of Islam. There are many great
leaders and heroes, they all are great but Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal stands head and
shoulders among them. Allama Iqbal, better known as the poet of East was born in
Sialkot on November 9, 1877. He belonged to a Kashmiri family. His parents were very
religious and pious.He got his religious education at home and early school education in
Sialkot. He went to Lahore and did M.A from Govt. College lahore. Then he went
abroad for higher education. He studied law and became a lawyer. He also went to
Germany and did Ph.D in philosophy from there. Then he came back and started
practice as a lawyer. He wanted to serve and work for the muslims unity and struggle
for freedom.
He gave the idea of Pakistan and requested Quaid-e-Azam to work for the freedom of
their people. In short, he could not see his dream come true in his life time. He died
April 21, 1938 before the birth of Pakistan but he will live in the hearts of muslims for
ever through his inspiring poems and works.
7. My Ambition
Our ambitions pave the way for our success in life. It is our ambitiousness that leads to
progress and prosperity. It gives us strength to face every difficulty that comes in our
path to success.
I am a hardworking and ambitious student of class X. My ambition is to become a
professor of English. I know that I need a wide knowledge of English to achieve my
ambition. I take great interest in this subject and spend hours studying it with great
I want to serve my nation as an exemplary professor of English. As a professor I will
bring revolutionary changes in our education system. Today English is taught in almost
all schools and colleges. In spite of this our standards in English have fallen badly. Most
of our students are quite unable to read and write English correctly. This shows our
method of teaching is ineffective.

18 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

I resolve to raise standards of achievement in education. As a professor of English I will

employ the methods of teaching prevailing in some foreign countries. Moreover, I will
discourage rote-learning among students and help them understand their lessons
completely. May Allah enable me to achieve my ambition!
8. Courtesy
Courtesy means polite and civilized behaviour. Our good upbringing and kind heart
make us courteous. A courteous man is always polite and kind to everybody. He never
loses his temper. He is always well-mannered and respects the feelings of others.
Little words of courtesy like thank you please etc. make our daily life pleasant and
enjoyable. A courteous man frequently uses these words in his daily life. This enables
him to make his way smoothly in the world.
A courteous man never does anything that other people find offensive. He is always
willing to help those who are in trouble. In a crowded bus, he is disposed to give his
seat to an elderly person or to someone who is blind, disabled and sick. He has love
and regard for the whole of mankind. People enjoy his company a lot.
Courtesy creates a peaceful and friendly atmosphere. In the company of courteous
people no one likes to become rude or impolite. Contrary to it, in the company of
discourteous people a courteous
person is also apt to become impolite and discourteous. Harsh and rude words prove to
be more painful for us than physical injuries because we often remain unable to seek
legal redress for them. Thus discourtesy leads people to commit crimes of violence.
In this modern age courtesy is the most needed quality. We cannot run our affairs
without it.
Courtesy really makes everybody life more pleasant and more meaningful. Moreover, it
can help us establish a peaceful society.
9. My Neighbour
It is an often quoted proverb, “We can choose our friends but not our neighbours.”
A good neighbour is a great blessing of Allah. I am lucky that I have such a good
neighbour. Mr.Akram is my next door neighbour. He is a doctor by profession. He is out
and out a good physician. He treats his patients with great devotion. He helps the poor
and needy patients.He is also a social person. He meets all his neighbours with a
smiling face. A smile always plays on his lips. He enjoys a sound health. He has a
handsome physique. He is very active and smart. He attends a neighbour who falls ill.
He is a religious man. He says his prayers and recites the Holy Quran regularly. He
respects the elders and loves the youngers. He has two sons. They are also very polite
like their father. He is man of principles. I thank Allah Almighty that He has blessed me
with such a sincere neighbour. I am proud of him. May he live long!
10. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
History is full of great leaders who work hard for the betterment, progress and prosperity
of their people. It is the devotion, sincerity and untiring efforts of these great leaders that
the people get honourable and dignified place in the comity of nations. Quaid-e-Azam

19 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is such leader whose devotion, dedication and untiring struggle
helped the Muslims of India to get freedom and establish a free state of their own in the
name of Pakistan on the map of the world.
He was born and educated in Karachi. He went abroad for higher education and
returned home as a successful lawyer. He started law practice first in Karachi and then
in Bombay. It was the period when India was under the British rule.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a strong supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity. But soon he
realized the narrow mindedness of Congress and the Hindu leaders. So he left the
Congress and devoted himself for the free and separate state of Muslims. On March 23,
1940 Pakistan resolution was adopted. He worked day and night for the establishment
of Pakistan. At last his efforts bore fruit and Pakistan came into being on August 14,
1947. He became its first Governor General.
In short, Quaid-e-Azam was not only the founder of Pakistan but he was also the hero,
beloved leader and well wisher of the Muslims of India. Over work told upon his health
and he passed away on September 11, 1948. He lived and died for Pakistan. May his
soul rest in the highest heaven!

11. My last day at school

School years have their own taste and colour but my last day at school has special
flavour and is unforgettable for me. It was March 01, 2015. Our juniors of 9th class
arranged a farewell party in the honour of the outgoing students of 10th class. All of us
were very excited and in high spirits.
The function was arranged in the school hall. It started at 11 am with the recitation of
the Holy Quran. Then a student presented a Naat in a melodious voice which cast a
spell on the audience. The monitor of the 9th made a speech on behalf of the 9th class
students. He expressed best wishes for the outgoing students. Then from the stage, I
was called upon to come on behalf of the 10th class students. I specially thanked my
juniors for the good arrangement of the party. I also mentioned about the good and
happy days we spent together at school. At the end, the principal was called on the
stage in the midst of clapping. He advised us to be honest and work hard in life. Then
we were entertained with cold drinks and samosas.
In short, my last day at school is an unforgettable day of my school life. It will always
remind me of my happy days at school.
12. My School
A school is a place of training and learning. It is a place where we get education. It is a
place where we learn finer values and good habits. A school plays a key role in making
us useful citizens by teaching us the qualities of honesty obedience, regularity,
punctuality, discipline and sincerity.
I read in Govt. Christian high school Daska. It was built about 150 years ago. It was a
missionary school, setup during the British rule. It is an old but graceful building. It is
situated on the main city road.There are thirty rooms in my school. It has well furnished

20 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

‫گورنمنٹ سکولوں میں تعلیم کی بہتری کے لیے پہال قدم‬
‫ سید عرفات حیدر‬: ‫ڈائریکٹر‬
CONTACT : +923334082706
File Credits: The Ambitious Educational System Shahdara Lahore

computer lab, a science room and a library. It has the office of the worthy principal, a
staff room and a big hall. There is a green, beautiful and big lawn in the centre of
building. The lawn is decorated with colorful flowers, small plants and green grass. All
the rooms of school are painted and white washed. The class rooms are airy, well
lighted and spacious.They are decorated with charts, maps and pictures.My school has
always shown excellent performance in board results, games and other cocurricular
activities like speeches, debates and essay writing. The teachers of the school are
highly competent, hard working, caring and loving.
My school has produced many doctors, engineers and traders who are serving the
nation invarious fields of Pakistan. I have great attachment and love for my school. I am
proud of my school.

21 | P a g e EWP ENGLISH SERIES FOR 10th

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