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SUBTOPICS: -Mixtures and Their Characteristics
- Separating Components of Mixtures
SUBTOPIC: - Human Body Systems


MATTER– is anything that has mass and volume.




Elements Compounds Homogeneous Heterogeneous

Metals Nonmetals Metalloids Acids Bases Salts Solutions Suspensions Colloids


SUBSTANCES- are material that is composed of only one kind of atom or molecule. It has the same
composition and properties throughout (PURE SUBSTANCE).
MIXTURES- are physical combination of two or more different kinds of substances in which each substances
retains its own identity and can still be separated into their original components.
Homogeneous Can be homogeneous (solution) or heterogeneous
(suspension & Colloid)
Has definite composition Has variable composition
The original components lose its own identity The original components retain its own identity
Can only be separated by chemical means Can still be separated by physical means

EXERCISE 1: Identify whether the following is a Substance (S) or Mixture (M)

_______1. Table sugar ________6. Sterling silver
_______2. Milk ________7. 24K ring
_______3. Baking soda ________8. Vinegar
_______4. Air _______9. Tin can
_______5. Diamond _______10. Muriatic acid

 Mixture can be homogeneous (has one appearance or phase only) or heterogeneous (has two or more
distinct appearances or phases).

SOLUTIONS- are homogeneous mixture of two or more substances which is just physically combined and can
still be separated by physical means. Ex. Seawater, air, brine solution, crude oil, medicine syrup, vinegar, soy
sauce, alloy (bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc)

1. Solute- refers to the dissolved substance in the solution. Ex. Salt in water, alcohol in water
2. Solvent- refers to the dissolving medium. Usually present in large amount. Ex. Water, oil,
alcohol, kerosene


EXERCISE 2: Identify the solute and solvent in each of the following solutions:
_______1. 10K earrings ________6. Sterling silver
_______2. Fruit juice ________7. Brine solution
_______3. vinegar ________8. 70% ethyl alcohol
_______4. Air ________9. 10% syrup
_______5. Soft drinks _______10. 10 proof wine

SUSPENSION- is a heterogeneous mixture of two or more different materials in which the dispersed particles
are large and settle out at the dispersing medium. In suspension, particles are suspended throughout in bulk
and can be seen by naked eyes. In suspensions, particles of solute do not dissolve rather are suspended.
Particles of suspension are large enough to scatter rays of light and path of ray is visible through a suspension.
Ex. Suspension medicines, soil in water, Milk of magnesia, fog, mixture of chalk and water

General Characteristics of Suspension:

1. Suspensions are heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances.
2. Particles of solute do not dissolve in solvent rather they remain suspended in bulk throughout.
3. The size of particles of suspension is large enough to be visible from naked eyes. They are greater than
1 nanometre (10−9 metre).
4. Suspension shows Tyndall effect because of their large size of particles. (Tyndall effect is the scattering
of light as a light beam passes through a colloid. The individual suspension particles scatter and reflect
light, making the beam visible)
5. When suspension is left for some time, particles get settled in bottom. Therefore, suspension is not
6. The particles of suspension can be separated through the process of filtration.
7. Suspension does not scatter light when particles are settled because in this case suspension breaks.

1. Dispersed medium- refers to component of a suspension in which some were dissolved in the system
while others were not dissolved.
2. Dispersing medium- refers to component of a suspension where particles dissolved or scatter

EXERCISE 3: Check which of the following is a suspension:

_______1. Pork sinigang ________6. mayonnaise
_______2. antibiotics ________7. Iron filings in water
_______3. liquors ________8. pebbles and sand
_______4. Soy sauce ________9. aerosols
_______5. Copper wire _______10. Fish sauce

COLLOIDS- is a heterogeneous mixtures having dispersed medium that is smaller those of the suspension but
bigger that those of the solution. As a result, the particles are so small that do not settle out but remains
dispersed all throughout the colloidal system (Brownian motion). Ex. Mayonnaise, hair gel, gelatin, aerosols

Types of Colloidal Solution:

Colloids are classified on the basis of their components (dispersed phase and dispersing medium)

1. Aerosols (Gas as dispersing medium) When particles of solid or liquid dispersed in gaseous medium. It
can be a liquid aerosol or solid aerosol. For example – liquid aerosols- fog, mist, hair spray. For solid
aerosols- smoke, air particulates, automobile exhaust, etc.
2. Foam- when liquid is present as dispersing medium and gas is dispersed medium. For example –
shaving cream, soap bubbles
3. Emulsion- when dispersing medium and dispersed phase both are liquid. For example – milk, butter,
face cream
4. Sol- when liquid is dispersing medium and solid is dispersed phase. For example – blood, ink, paint
5. Solid foam- formed by the mixing of solid as dispersing medium and gas as dispersed phase. For
example – Styrofoam, pumice stone, bread
6. Gel- is formed by the mixing of solid as dispersing medium and liquid as dispersed phase. For example
– gelatin, jelly, hair gel
7. Solid sol- formed by the mixing of solid as dispersing medium and solid as dispersed phase. For
example - coloured gem stone, cranberry glass

EXERCISE 4: Identify whether the following is a Solution (Sol), Suspension (Sus) or Colloid (C)
_______1. Fruit juice ________6. Body lotion
_______2. blood ________7. Sand and water
_______3. Halo-halo ________8. Air
_______4. Insecticide ________9. Soy sauce
_______5. Curdled milk _______10. softdrinks


1. EVAPORATION- allowing the solvent to evaporate (from liquid it becomes gas) . Ex. Separating salt
from seawater.
2. DISTILLATION – separates mixtures of different liquids having different boiling point. Ex. distilling
water, Separating components of crude oil(fractional distillation)
3. FILTRATION- allows separating of solid particles in a mixture. Ex. filtering coconut milk, separating sand
from gravel
4. DECANTATION- applicable in separating two or more immiscible liquids having different densities or
solids which do not dissolve completely in liquids. Ex. separating mixtures of oil and water, sand and
5. MECHANICAL SEPARATION- examples are mechanical picking of components of mixtures. Ex.
separating palay from rice, sorting laundry
6. MAGNETISM- involves separating components of a mixture that is attracted to magnet. Ex. separating
iron filings from sand
7. SCOOPING AND FLOTATION- involves incorporating air into a liquid mixture so that its solid particles
will float and can be scooped. Ex. scooping wastes from river or ocean.
8. CHROMATOGRAPHY- a separation technique used to separate the different components in a liquid
mixture. The liquids travel at different speeds in a certain medium causing them to separate. Ex. paper
chromatography of ink
9. CENTRIFUGATION- the process of separating insoluble materials from a mixture where normal
filtration does not work (similar ot squeezing water from clothes on a dryer). The components are
separated because of its difference in densities. Ex. centrifugation of blood components
10. SIEVING is defined as a method in which two or more components of different sizes are separated
from a mixture on the basis of the difference in their sizes. Thus, it cannot separate two substances in a
mixture which have the same size. For example, it cannot separate a mixture of chalk powder from


Separating substances from mixtures is an important part of chemistry and modern industry. All the way back
to Ancient History, industrious humans have separated mixtures in order to obtain the specific substances
that they need. One example of this is extracting metal from ore in order to make tools and weapons.

Some are the benefits of separating mixtures in the community:

1. Having a safe drinking water -In sea water, to have a drinking water you may use either of the
following process, filtration evaporation and distillation. Different forms of separating mixtures can
be observed in water refilling stations to make it potable. (Filtration, Decantation, Purification,
Evaporation, Decantation, Distillation)

2. Segregation of non-biodegradable to biodegradable wastes - By means of separating mixtures,

people can distinguish biodegradable from non-biodegradable. Recyclable materials can be source
of income from others.

3. Separating mixtures in mining gold copper and other minerals - By flotation and filtration, miners
can separate those minerals from rocks.

4. Cleaning oil spills - Oil and water can be separated

given the knowledge of their properties.

The Skimmer and the Weir. Most skimmers consist of a tank with a projecting throat-like
device on its upper side. There, a self-adjusting weir (or floating weir) performs
the skimming action by regulating the amount of water that enters the
skimmer. Water pours over a floating weir that allows debris to enter.

5. Separating sand from rocks in construction - By means of sieving, rocks on sand can be separated
which is essential in building infrastructures and houses.

5. Salt Industry- when salt is processed, we have first to evaporate or let the water be evaporated.
We can also have a substance from this process of evaporation.

6. Fractional Distillation of crude oil

EXERCISE 1: True/False Questions

1. Think carefully about the following statements. Are they true or false?
Circle your answer.

a. In filtration, the filtrate is always a pure liquid. True/False

b. Drinking water can only be obtained from seawater by distillation. True/False

c. The fractional distillation of miscible liquids is only possible if the liquids True/False
have different boiling points.

d. Paper chromatography is a physcial method for separating mixtures. True/False

e. Mixtures have fixed melting and boiling points. True/False

2. Name the techniques which are suitable for separating the following mixture:

Situation Separation Technique

a. To obtain drinking water from muddy water

b. To separate petrol from crude oil

c. To remove leaves from a swimming pool

d. To obtain pure sugar from a solution

e. To determine whether the colouring in a fruit juice is a

single sunstance or a mixture of coloured substance

SUBTOPICS: -Human Body Systems
- Vertebrates and Invertebrates
- Ecosystems







Vertebrates and Invertebrates

Vertebrates are animal with backbone. The following are examples of vertebrate animals.

Vertebrates in Water

Vertebrates in Land

Invertebrates are animal with no backbone. The following are examples of invertebrate animals.

Invertebrates in Water

Invertebrates in Land

Invertebrates in the Field

ECOSYSTEM An environment where a collection of living and nonliving things exists and live together.


1. BIOTIC COMPONENT- comprises the living components of the ecosystem. Ex. different plants and
2. ABIOTIC COMPONENT- refers to the physical components of the ecosystem like the air, water,
sunlight, rocks soil.


1. COMMENSALISM- a relationship exists one organism benefits (commensal) from the host organism,
while the host organism is neither positively nor negatively affected. Ex. orchids in trees
2. MUTUALISM- exists when both organisms benefit. Ex. Aphids are small insects that suck liquid
containing sugar from the conducting tissues of plants. These aphids get a certain amount of sugar and
other nutrients from this liquid. However, much of the liquid called honeydew is released through the
aphids’ anus. The ants consume this honeydew as food. The ants, in turn, protect the aphids from their
insect predators.
3. PARASITISM- exists when one organism benefits (parasite) benefit while the other is harmed (host). Ex.
fleas sucking blood from dog
4. PREDATION- occurs when animals kill and eat (Predator) other animals (Prey). Ex. insects eaten by
5. NEUTRALISM- occurs when two or more organisms live together without any benefits from each other.
Ex. Papaya trees living around palay farm.
OR SUNLIGHT. Ex. sunflowers competing for sunlight.


Plants, animals, and microorganisms must obtain energy to enable them to move, grow, repair
damaged body parts, and reproduce. Plants are capable of converting energy from the Sun into chemical
energy in the form of glucose (food). The process is called photosynthesis; it uses water, carbon dioxide, and
sunlight. Most plants make much more food each day than they need. Excess glucose is converted into starch
by the plants and is stored either in the roots, stem, leaves, tubers, seeds, or in fruits.
There are also microorganisms that can photosynthesize; examples of which are Spirogyra (algae),
Cyanobacteria (anabaena), Euglena or Diatoms. We call them photosynthetic microorganisms.

Humans and other animals are not capable of making their own food. They are dependent on the
organic matter made by photosynthetic organisms. These organisms that include the plants and some
microorganisms are considered as producers. Animals and humans must eat either plants or other animals to
obtain energy. Organisms that feed on other organisms are called consumers. Those that get their energy by
eating plants only are called first order consumers (Herbivores)

Some energy in the first-order consumer is not used by the consumer itself. This energy is made
available to another consumer. A consumer that eats the plant-eaters for energy is called a second-order
consumer (Carnivores), examples of which are shown in the next figure.

A second-order consumer gets only a fraction of energy from the first-order consumer that it fed upon.
A part of this energy is stored and may be passed on to another consumer. A consumer that eats a second-
order consumer is called a third-order consumer, examples of which are shown in the next figure below.
Human beings are third-order consumers.

The Energy Flow in the Ecosystem

When plants and animals die, the energy in their bodies can be transferred to another group of organisms.
Consumers that look for and eat dead animals or plants are considered scavengers.
House flies, cockroaches, maggots and ants are scavengers. Earthworms feed on dead grass and leaves if they are above
ground. They also feed on fruits, berries, and vegetables. If they are under the soil, earthworms may feed on algae,
fungi, and bacteria.

Once the scavengers are done with eating a dead organism, the decomposers (microorganisms) take over and
consume whatever was left by the scavengers. Decomposers consume any dead plants and animals.
There are different kinds of decomposers performing different functions in the ecosystem. Some groups of bacteria
prefer breaking down meat or waste from the consumers that eat meat, examples are bacteria. Molds and mushrooms
are fungi which are also decomposers that prefer to grow on starchy food, fruits, vegetables, and dead plants.

Microorganisms that include bacteria and fungi break down proteins, starches, and other complex organic substances
that were once part of living things. During the process of decomposition, decomposers release nutrients from the
organic material back into the soil, making the soil available to plants and other producers.

SUBTOPICS: -Gravitational and Frictional Forces
-Energy Transformation in Simple Machines


1. What is force?
2. What are the two classifi cati on of force?
3. What are the eff ects of force on objects?

 Forces (including gravity and fricti on) can aff ect the speed and directi on of an object.


 Gravity is a force that always attracts or pulls objects toward each other without direct contact
or impact.
 It's like the Earth pulling on you and keeping you on the ground. That pull is gravity at work.
Every object in the universe that has mass exerts a gravitational pull, or force, on every other mass.
The size of the pull depends on the masses of the objects.
 Gravitational attraction depends on the mass of the two objects and the distance they are apart.
 Objects on Earth are pulled toward the center of Earth.
 The force of gravity, like all other forces, can cause changes in the speed of objects. As an object
falls, its speed will continually increase as Earth’s gravity continually pulls it downward. When
air resistance is ignored, all objects will speed up at the same rate as they fall.
 Gravity can also cause an object that is thrown into the air to change its upward motion, slow
down, and fall back toward Earth’s surface.
 The pull of Earth’s gravity keeps the Moon in orbit; the moon is constantly (centripetal force)
changing direction because of gravity.
 The force of gravity pulls objects to the center.

 Friction is a force that occurs when one object rubs against another object.  


 Friction is the force that acts to resist sliding between two surfaces that are touching. It can
slow down or stop the motion of an object.
o The slowing force of friction always acts in the direction opposite to the force causing the
o For example, friction slows or stops the motion of moving parts of machines.
o Another example would be athletic shoes with tread grooves to increase friction have
better traction for starting or stopping motion than smooth-soled dress shoes.

 Friction can also be the force that makes it difficult to start an object moving. Enough force must
be applied to a non-moving object to overcome the friction between the touching surfaces.
 The smoother the two surfaces are, the less friction there is between them; therefore, the
moving object will not slow down as quickly.
o Friction between surfaces can be reduced, in order for objects to move more easily, by
smoothing the surfaces, using wheels or rollers between the surfaces, or
lubricating/oiling the surfaces.
o If friction could be removed, an object would continue to move.

 The greater the force pushing the two surfaces together, the stronger friction prevents the
surfaces from moving.
o As an object gets heavier, the force of friction between the surfaces becomes greater.
o To move a heavy object, a greater force must be applied to overcome the friction
between the surfaces.
 The force of  friction  always  slows down or stops  the motion of an object in
the  opposite  direction.

FRICTION- The force present between two objects in direct contact with one another . It is also called an opposing
- The resistance between two surfaces when attempting to slide one object across the


1. Friction is due to interactions at molecular level where “rough edges” bond together:



2. Friction is always opposite to the direction of motion.

3. It is directed parallel to the surface and opposite the motion.

4. Friction are both friend and foe of everyday, meaning it can be a necessity or a nuisance in life:
 start your car from rest, Slow down or stop the car down.
 Do cleaning activities (washing clothes, cleaning surfaces)
 Somewhat keeps the objects together.
 Can cause tires , rubber shoes, toothbrush, slippers among other materials wear
out and eventually become useless.
 It can produce heat and may start fire.
 Makes objects difficult to lift to a certain height.

 Starting Friction- the maximum frictional force needed for an object at rest to start its motion. Ex.,
frictional force needed for the car to start its motion
 Static Friction- the frictional force present between two objects that are at rest. Ex. a boulder on
top of the cliff, the friction between table and the floor.
 Rolling Friction- exist between objects with rollers. Ex., friction between tires of the car and the
road, rollers of a wheeler and the floor
 Sliding Friction- present between objects that are in direct contact with one another and are
moving in the absence of rollers. Ex. friction between mop pushed through the floor, a girl
going through a slide


1. Using oil or lubricants.
2. Using rollers.
3. Using pulley.

Two factors that determine the amount of friction:

(1) the kinds of surfaces
(2) the force pressing the surfaces together.


FORCE is either a push or a pull which may cause objects/body to:
 Set in motion or stop in its motion.
 Change its shape or size.
 Attract or repel each other.
 Makes huge ships gloat on water.
 Enables parachutist to descend at a safe speed.

 Contact Force- present in objects that in close and direct contact with one another. (Frictional force)
 Noncontact forces exist between objects that are distant or not even touching each other.
(gravitational, electromagnetic and magnetic force)

GRAVITATIONAL FORCE- is the natural force that tends to cause physical things to move towards each other.
Objects that exerts gravity are the Sun (3.5 x 1022 N on Earth), moon (1/6 that of the Earth) , our very own
planet Earth (9.8 m/s2 ).
 A stone that is tossed up must come down because of the gravity exerted by the Earth.
 Gravity exerted by the sun keep planets and other heavenly bodies on its respective orbits.
 Though we may not feel it, we exist because of the force that binds the atoms in our bodies together.
The same is true with other organisms.

WEIGHT AND MASS- although this is mistaken as the same concepts, remember that mass measures the
amount of materials (1kg of rice, 500mg paracetamol, 50 tons of water). On the other hand weight refers to
the product of gravity exerted on an object with respect to its mass (weight= mass x gravity). The amount of
gravity exerted by the Earth on objects including us is 9.8 m/s2 . For example if the person has a mass og 45kg,
his weight would be 441kg.m/s2 or 441 N (Newton). Our weight is dependent on our position with respect to
the planet Earth.

Sample Problem 2:
For example if the person has a mass og 45kg, his weight would be 441kg.m/s 2 or 441 N (Newton). What will
be its weight in the moon?

Sample Problem2: Calculate the mass of an object if its weight is 539N.

 Try solving this:

1. Find the weight of the box which has a mass of 73 kg. What will be its mass and weight in the

2. What will be the mass of a crane with total weight of 1420N?

ENERGY – the ability to do work. (Work is product of force and distance)

1. Potential Energy- present in objects at rest. It is also defined as an energy due to its porition. Ex.
Picture frame on the wall, firecrackers, food, batteries, rock on top of the mountain, parked bicycle
2. Kinetic Energy- present in objects in motion. Ex. moving car, jogging, rolling ball, spinning top

 Try answering this: Identify whether the following has potential energy (PE) or kinetic energy (KE).

_______1. Rotating windmill _______6. Dry cell

_______2. Using microwave _______7. Moving car
_______3. Wall clock hanging on the Wall _______8.Climbing a hill
_______4. Biking _______9. Hitting a baseball with a bat
_______5. Petroleum _______10. Energy drink

1. Heat or thermal energy is produced due to differences in temperature of the object from its
surroundings or environment. It is also called an energy in ‘transit’ (water heater, heat from the sun,
heat produced by gas stove
2. Light or radiant energy is produced by waves moving through space (sunlight, lamps, candles, bulbs)
3. Mechanical Energy is a kind of energy that is formed by moving bodies/objects such as blades and
turbines. (rotating windmill, moving turbines, rotating blades of electric fan)
4. Chemical energy It is a kind of energy that is stored in substances (firecrackers, food, batteries)
5. Electrical Energy is a kind of energy produced by moving electrons. (electrical appliances)
6. Nuclear energy is produced by/from the fission or fusion of atomic particles. (hydrogen bomb, nuclear
activity in the sun and stars, nuclear energy produced in the nuclear power plant)
7. Sound energy is produced by vibrating bodies or objects (plucking a guitar, playing piano, listening to

Exercise: Identify the forms of energy

_______1. Flashlight _______6. Speaking on a phone
_______2. Solar panel _______7. Campfire
_______3. Atomic bomb _______8. Bread
_______4. Using blender _______9. Turning on a radio
_______5. Generator _______10.Using hair blower.

Most of the time, energy can become useful once it undergo certain transformation. A change from
one form of energy to another is called an energy transformation. Some energy changes involve single
transformations, while others involve many transformations.

Single Transformations- Sometimes, one form of energy needs to be transformed into another to get work
done. Example:
 a toaster transforms electrical energy to thermal energy to toast your bread
 A cell phone transforms electrical energy to electromagnetic energy that travels to other phones.
 Your body transforms the chemical energy in your food to mechanical energy you need to move your
 Chemical energy in food is also transformed to the thermal energy your body uses to maintain its

Multiple Transformations - Often, a series of energy transformations is needed to do work.

 the mechanical energy used to strike a match is transformed first to thermal energy and then into light
energy. The thermal energy causes the particles in the match to release stored chemical energy, which
is transformed to thermal energy and the electromagnetic energy you see as light.
 In a car engine, another series of energy conversions occurs. Electrical energy produces a spark. The
thermal energy of the spark releases chemical energy in the fuel. The fuel’s chemical energy in turn
becomes thermal energy. Thermal energy is converted to mechanical energy used to move the car, and
to electrical energy to produce more sparks.

Transformations Between Potential and Kinetic Energy

One of the most common energy transformations is the transformation between potential energy and
kinetic energy. In waterfalls, potential energy is transformed to kinetic energy. The water at the top of the
falls has gravitational potential energy. As the water plunges, its velocity increases. Its potential energy
becomes kinetic energy.

Some Illustrations of Energy Transformation

of Energy


 Gasoline (chemical) is put into our cars, and with the help of electrical energy from a battery, provides
mechanical (kinetic) energy.
 Purchased electricity is fed into our TVs and is converted to light and sound.
 Similarly, purchased electricity goes into an electric bulb and is converted to visible light and heat
 The image below shows examples of more conversions.

Ex. plants utilize energy from the sun (light energy) to produce food (chemical energy). The animals that eat
the plant and use this in running, walking or doing other tasks (mechanical energy and heat).

Exercise: Trace the transformation of energy by identifying the types of energy in the following situation.
Ex. Diesel used by car (chemical mechanical

1. Electricity and bulb _______________________________________________

2. Battery and radio _______________________________________________
3. Windmill turbines and television _____________________________________
4. Generator and electric fan __________________________________________
5. Band members playing musical instruments for a concert__________________________________
6. Firecrackers _____________________________________________________
7. Ironing clothes ___________________________________________________
8. The use of oven to bake cakes and breads______________________________
9. Coal used to cook foods. ___________________________________________
10. Lighting of candle ________________________________________________


The law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is transformed to another, no
energy is destroyed in the process. According to this law, energy cannot be created or destroyed. So the total
amount of energy is the same before and after any transformation. • If you add up all the new forms of energy
after a transformation, all of the original energy will be accounted for.

Machines are tools that help people do work more easily. In physics, you do work anytime you use force to
move an object. Skateboards, cars, bikes, shovels, boats, doors, light switches, and stairs are all machines.
Simple machines are the most simple tools. There are six of them:

SIMPLE MACHINES are tools to make work easier. Machines can

 Multiply force (Use the idea of spreading force over distance: if you push further, you can use less
 Multiply distance (You move an object a greater distance to accomplish the same amount of work.)
Change direction of force (give us an advantage by changing the amount, speed, or direction of forces)
 allow us to use a smaller force to overcome a larger force (use of gears)


1. Inclined planes
• Ramp
• Wedge
• Screw
2. Levers
• Lever
• Wheel & Axle
• Pulley

RAMP OR INCLINED PLANE A flat surface that is higher on one end - slanting surface connecting a
lower level to a higher level.

 You can use this machine to move an object to a lower or higher place.
 Inclined planes make the work of moving things easier - allows us to raise an object with less effort
than if we lifted it directly upward.

 Trade-off: The way an inclined plane works is that to save effort, you must move things a greater
 The longer the distance of the ramp, the easier it is to do the work
 It will take a much longer time to do the work
 The shallower the ramp, the easier it is to move the object
 The trade-off is that you must move the object farther to lift it to the same height

Examples of Inclined Planes:

 Ramp
 Slanted Road
 Path up a Hill
 Slide

WEDGE a simple machine used to push two objects apart

 A wedge is usually made up of two inclined planes
 These planes meet and form a sharp edge. This edge can split or push objects apart. The narrower the
wedge (or the sharper the point of a wedge), the easier it is drive it in and push things apart
 Can also be round, like the tip of a nail

Trade-off: To split something apart really wide, you have to push the wedge a long distance. Generally it can
be anything that splits, cuts, or divides another objects.

Examples of Wedges:

 Knife, Axe, Teeth, Forks, Nails

SCREW An inclined plane that winds around itself a with wedge at the tip. A screw has ridges and is not
smooth like a nail
 Some screws are used to lower and raise things
 They are also used to hold objects together
 A screw is like the ramp —the width of the thread is like the angle of an
 inclined plane
 The wider the thread of a screw, the harder it is to turn it.

Trade-off: The distance between the threads depends on the slope of the inclined plane - the steeper the
slope, the wider the thread. Screws with less distance between the threads are easier to turn
Examples of Screws:
 Jar Lids, light Bulbs, Stools, Clamps, Jacks, Wrenches, Spiral Staircase

LEVER is a board or bar that rests on a turning point. This turning point is called the fulcrum. An object that a
lever moves is called the load ( a force or object which must be overcome by the lever). The applied force or
effort or input force is the force you use to move the lever. Levers are used to lift or move loads.
Examples Levers:
 See-saw, Scissors, Pliers, Wheelbarrow, Nutcracker

Three Types or Classes of Levers,
1. First Class or Class 1 Lever-has the fulcrum placed between the effort and load
2. Second Class or Class 2 Lever- has the load in-between the effort and the fulcrum.
3. Third Class or Class 3 Lever- has the effort between the load and the fulcrum.

WHEEL AND AXLE A wheel with a rod,

called an axle, through its center lifts or moves loads. The axle is a rod that goes through the wheel. This lets
the wheel turn. The wheel & axle can be used as a tool to multiply the force you apply Pr to multiply the
distance traveled. It is also considered a lever that is able to rotate through a complete circle (360° ). The circle
turned by the wheel is much larger than the circle turned by the axle. The increased distance over which the
force is applied as the wheel turns results in a more powerful force on the axle, which moves a shorter

Trade-off: The larger the diameter of the wheel, the less effort you need to turn it, but you have to move the
wheel a greater distance to get the same work done.

Examples of Wheels and Axles:

 Cars, Roller skates, Door knobs, Gears

PULLEYS Instead of an axle, the wheel could also rotate a rope or cord. This variation of the wheel and axle is
the pulley. In a pulley, a cord wraps around a wheel. As the wheel rotates, the cord moves in either direction
When a hook is attached to the rope you can use the wheel's rotation to raise and lower objects. The rope fits
on the groove of the wheel. One part of the rope is attached to the load. When you pull on one side of the
pulley, the wheel turns and the load will move. Pulleys let you move loads up, down, or sideways. These are

are good for moving objects to hard to reach places. It also makes work seem easier because it changes the
direction of motion to work with gravity. A pulley saves the most effort when you have more than one pulley
working together

Trade-off: as you increase the number of pulleys, you also increase the distance you have to pull the rope. In
other words, if you use two pulleys, it takes half the effort to lift something, but you have to pull the rope
twice as far.

Types of Pulleys:

Fixed pulleys Movable pulleys

Single Pulleys Combination pulleys

Fill in
the box
on the

Matching Type: Draw a line from the item in column A that matches the item in column B.

Column A Column B

A screw is two inclined planes that come to a point to

make lifting or splitting easier.

A wheel and axle is a bar that pivots around a fulcrum.

A pulley is an inclined plane wrapped around a pole.

An inclined plane is a plane that has one end higher than the other.

A wedge is a wheel with an axle around its center to move loads.

A lever is a wheel with a groove for a rope that is used for


True or False: Write T beside each true statement and F beside each false statement.

1. Machines make a job easier.

2. A light bulb is a kind of lever.
3. A screwdriver is kind of wheel and axle.
4. An inclined plane makes work harder.
5. A nail is an example of a wedge.
6. A hammer is a kind of lever.
7. A pencil sharpener is a kind of pulley.
8. A car is an example of an inclined plane.
9. The flag is raised and lowered with a pulley.
10. Some objects are more than one kind of simple machine.

SUBTOPICS: - Weather Patterns in the Philippines
- Motions of the Earth
- Planets

Weather –is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place over a short period of time in terms of:

Climate – refers to the weather

pattern of a place
over a long period of time."

Based on the modified Corona classification, the four climate types in the Philippines are the Types I, II, III,
and IV.

The dry season may be


further into:


from December to February;

• hot dry season,
from March to May."

The Reason for Seasons

• The Earth is in a slightly elliptical orbit

around the Sun - we are farthest from the
Sun during the
Northern Hemisphere summer.
• It is the tilt of the Earth’s axis with respect to orbit
plane that is the cause of the seasons.

The tilt has two main effects.

1) The path the Sun takes through the sky changes
during the year. Fewer daylight hours in the Winter.
2) The intensity of sunlight decreases in the winter

The Night Sky at Different
• We see different stars at different times of the year.
The stars are always there, but can only be seen
against the dark night sky.

Moon phases
• The moon phases are due to the
relative positions of the Sun and
moon. One half of the moon is
always illuminated, it is only a
question of what fraction of
the illuminated face we can see
from the Earth.

Motions of the Earth

ROTATION-refers to the movement of the Earth around its axis. It causes day and night. The Earth completes
one rotation for 24 hours.

REVOLUTION- refers to the movement of the eart around the sun on its orbit. It results into different seasons.
The Earth completes one revolution for about 365 ¼ days.

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