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Question :

Write a letter to your cousin in Sabah wishing him or her a very

happy hari raya. Give him or her some tips and advice on how to
stay safe during MCO – Movement Control Order.
Tips and advice
1. stay at home at all times – buy online
2. practice 3 C - avoid crowded places-supermarket, shops
- avoid confined spaces-office
- avoid close conversation- can send
3. practice 3 W - wash hands – hand sanitizer
- wear mask – 3-ply good mask
- warn – always be alert / take note of the warnings
Issued by the Ministry of Health
4.Exercise regularly – at home of course
5. Start a new hobby – baking, gardening, reading
6. Eat healthy food – plenty of vegetables and fruits / avoid junk
7. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
8. Spend quality time with family members – do baking and cooking
together, house cleaning
9. Always think positive and be grateful
Format :
Your address
Dear Ibrahim,
How are you over there in Sabah ? I hope …..
In this letter I would like to wish you a ………………. Hari Raya, maaf
zahir …….. . Also, I wish to share some tips and advice on …………

For your information, Covid-19 is a very dangerous and deadly virus.

Here are some tips on how to stay safe . First of all,….

Well, I guess that’s all for now. Do follow my advice and be

healthy and happy. As a result, you are protecting yourself and your
family members. Send my love to …..
Your cousin,
You must
You can
You are advised to
Remember to
It is important that you
It is advisable to always
Do not forget to
Try to
Why don’t you
It is a great idea to start a …

First of all
Most importantly
Apart from this
On top of this
Last but not least
Remember that health is wealth

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