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think in terms of big company and how a small company can challenge it and win

established companies in the maturity stage, the market is already saturated so they have to on
their toes if they become complacent then start up with new tech and fresh ideas can easily usurp

Learnings for managers are as follows:

1. Age/ seniority/ higher level mgmt. position/ managerial role is not equivalent to
knowledge, one can learn at any age, A leader thinks of himself as a perpetual student
& he learns from everybody, even a child. There are certain priorities that we should
never neglect in life - celebration, relaxation, a sense of belonging & the need to regularly
upgrade our skills & acquire new ones. Everyone is a student throughout their life. A
leader never stops learning.
2. Even the smallest of problems can give rise to huge consequences, never ignore them
3. Wisdom and knowledge se respect milta hai
4. Don’t judge a book by its cover and dismiss it with disrespect, it might be the greatest
asset your team can have
5. Don’t let your power, knowledge, and achievements get to your head
6. Pride blinds perception; causes bias and leads to ones downfall
7. Do not lord your knowledge over others or use it as a weapon
8. Truth is ultimate, be hosnest and retain your integrity under all circustances
9. Spirituality ka importance and fayde in management
10. Accept your flaws first and only then can you learn and grow
11. Rigid, oppressive work culture stifles learning, creativity and innovation
12. Karma bites back
13. Sashtra ko shastra na banaye one creates the other destroys
14. No jealousy, motivate and uplift, no crab mentality
Yoga is getting unified with your Self. It is not just doing asanas or pransayamas or breathing &
meditation, it is “skill in action”, wherein you are neither getting caught up in the feeling that
YOU are doing something(doer-ship) nor do you try to assert any direct impact on the effect.
Any action that you do yog abhaysa brings up/ nurtures that skill in you.
Yoga is the equanimity in you. Benefits of yoga:
1. Yoga is skill in action- how skillfully you act/manage the show when everything around
you is falling apart and descending into chaos. How well you can manage without falling
apart yourself. If experts themselves are messed up how can they fix anything? Yoga
helps us maintain our equanimity in all situations. If we remain calm and centered then
we be fit to take decisions best suited to the scenario and for its betterment. When
everything is calm and smooth going then managing has no value/ meaning, managing
has meaning when there is unrest, when there is chaos and peace has been disrupted.
When there is chaos and confusion all around, calmness and wisdom has more value,
when situation is challenging that’s when the skills within are needed and yoga helps
nurture and bring out these skills.
When people blame you, things don’t go your way, that’s when yopu need endurance and
courage. This courage comes from equanimity within which again comes from Yoga. It
brings balance so that you become unflappable, so that events don’t shatter you. It is the
key to manage your mind
2. Yoga gives you freedom from feverishness, fear and foolishness(lack of wisdom)
3. Unites you with the self. When you turn away from everything on the outside & start
focusing on your self, that is what centeredness is.
4. Helps you master your emotion via breath. For every emotion, there is a corresponding
rhythm in the breath. If you are angry, you breathe faster. If you are relaxed, you take in
long, deep breaths. So the breathing pattern is different for one who is depressed😣,
unhappy☹, anxious😟 & tense 😖. When emotions take control on the spur of the
moment, a person may commit a crime🔪. By the time he comes to his senses, he would
have already done wrong & may not even know why he did it. The mind oscillates
between the past & the future - between being angry🔀 about the past or being anxious
over the future. This continuously generates many toxins in the body. HEALTHY
5. Drishti se drashta, removes you from the event and helps you look at situations without
bias or judgement thus improves perception, takes from seeing to seer
Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam
Yoga means excellence at work. Seek to perform your assigned duty of work in an excellent
manner. Koushalam denotes doing work with devotion and without attachment. Such detached
attitude enhances its value and improves the concentration and skill of the worker. You work
with smartness, determination and ability. Your head, heart and soul co-operate with your
hands. In Total quality Management (TQM), Karma Yoga and Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam
provide valuable contributions. Under this slogan we have hundred percent motivation coming
from within.
Organizational performance can be attributed to a number of factors. However, there are certain
organizational factors, the presence or absence of which can determine the success or failure of
the organization. There are different ways in which organizations try to improve their
performance by working on such factors. In the research presented in this article, an attempt is
made to find out whether adoption of the Yoga Way of Life by managers can have a positive
impact on such organizational performance indicators.

The five indicators are job satisfaction, job involvement, goal orientation, affective
organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior.

The results of the study show that Yoga has a significant positive impact on four out of five
of these indicators. Only job involvement does not show significant improvement.
1. Yoga is a complete way of life, and one can clearly see its benefit for changing the
paradigms of its practitioners. Such a change in the psycho-motivation of people is useful
at the organizational level also. adoption of the yoga way of life can bring about better
job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship
behavior, and goal orientation of managers. These factors indeed contribute to the
performance of the organization.
2. Patanjali, an ancient yoga sage, defines yoga as a technique used to still the mental
fluctuations of the mind to reach the central reality of the true self.[61] Patanjali’s Yoga
Sutras outline a skillful way of conducting life that fosters moderation and harmony.[62]
These guidelines, which include ethical and moral standards of living in addition to
postural and breathing exercises, are used to foster spiritual growth and evolve one’s
3. PSY
Ashtanga Yoga, the eight step path of yoga, encompasses cognitive learning, moral
conduct, physiological practices, and psychological therapy. The first two steps
of Yama and Niyama seek and shape external behavior and thought patterns and thus
minimize disturbances in the mind and the body. On the behavioral side, abstinence is
sought from violence, falsehood, dishonesty, sexual excess, and acquisitive tendencies.
On the cognitive moral side, the ideals prescribed are — purity, contentment, austerity,
self study, and forbearance. The stages of Asana and Pranayama are meant for
disciplining the body and regulating subtle energy flows. In the fifth stage of Prayahara,
the secondary input is regulated so the mind is not distracted. The stages of dharana,
dhyana, and Samadhi are for uplifting one’s spiritual self and for heightening
4. The stronger the spiritual factor of the personality, the more tolerant the person is of work
failure and less susceptible to stress, the more the person favors the democratic style of
leadership, is more trusting and the higher is his/ her tolerance of human diversity, the
more the person favors the democratic style of leadership, is more trusting and the higher
is his/ her tolerance of human diversity, the more the person’s commitment to the
organization and work group increases’.
5. have a balanced, objective view of the world; listen as much as (or more than) they
speak; apply a three-dimensional or bigger picture when thinking; believe in some higher
driving force and purpose beyond humankind; find the time to think things through
objectively; think laterally in order to promote realistic solutions; encourage and
empower others selflessly; work open-mindedly with a wide range of people; consistently
display integrity and trust; and expect the best from people without having a soft touch.
6. Yoga Philosophy helps a person to have a broader view of life, with greater awareness of his
actions. This automatically results in enhanced commitment to his job and organization. It also
means that his willingness to go beyond the call of his duty is a result of his understanding the
concept of karma yoga, in which the performer does not depend on rewards for his/ her

7. In most organizations, leaders play a pivotal role in driving performance. There are
varieties of leadership training programs being tried nowadays by successful companies.
However, the yoga way of life is rarely taught in these training programs. At the most,
yogasanas are being taught to the group, as part of a morning physical work-out. There
are few companies who have of late started providing meditation rooms at the work
place, for the ease of managers who want to go into solitude to sharpen their creativity.

8. The Yoga way of life is all about the correct attitude to life, which can result in a better
organizational climate. In the Indian context, the assimilation of this knowledge may be
better and easier, as the Indians have grown with all these concepts right from childhood.

9. the top leaders of the company have to be convinced about the utility of this idea. They
should themselves have the necessary trust in this philosophy and in the results it can
bring. Once convinced about the utility of this kind of training, the tougher challenge lies
in finding the right people to train company executives. And second, this has to be a
continuous training, which is repeated periodically. Third, the atmosphere of the yoga
way of life has to be created in the company policy. The company policies have also to
pass the test of the yoga way in terms of completely adhering to the ethical-moral code
prescribed in Yama and Niyama.

10. in order to get the benefit of yoga in its entirety, one has to adopt yoga as a technique of
life management. This would include not only the Raj Yoga practices of asana,
pranayama, and meditation, but also imbibe the concept of detatched action (Karma
Yoga), trust in God’s justice system (Bhakti Yoga), and seeking the knowledge of self
(Jnan Yoga). Such an integrated approach can yield superior results for individual
happiness and also for organizational performance.
11. ethical performance by leaders depend upon the development of an enlightened


1. keep your eye on the bigger target/ goal

2. listen calmly when some is ranting/ is angry at you and blaming you for everything
wrong under the sun even when its not really your fault, let them get it out of their system
first then either they will come to their senses and realize their mistake or you will get to
put your point across and clarify things/ find a solution, stoping them when they are
letting off the steam will only make things worse and ruin relations
3. be humble
4. be with your team in their losses/ don’t play the blame game and share your victory with
5. empathize
6. take responsibility and be accountable for your team
7. in the grand scheme of things you are just an instrument of the divine( don’t know how
this relates to management)
8. you need to be dynamic and adaptable to change otherwise you will become obsolete
9. 1 organisation, uniform work culture and rules and regulations across all branches/
departments and all units working towards the attainment of common organizational
10. Lack of a sense of belongingness and unity in any organization leads to conflict in
interest and other such hitches
11. Too much of a materialistic mind cannot make a good leader there has to be a good mix
of materialism and spirituality
12. Don’t exploit the society where you (org) operate ( CSR)

1. Krishna could defy any definition of a man or God. He is both. For him no task was too
big or too small. He did not hesitate to be an emissary of the Pandavas, though he was the
Lord of the Universe. Though a great warrior himself he offered to be Arjuna's
2. A strategist, sober statesman and very often a shrewd manipulator, he calls shots in the
3. His philosophy of life spans both war and peace. If a man wants peace, he needs the
strength and the ability to fight a war and win it.
4. He delivers the Gita, giving the epic its metaphysical strength.
5. That role of a universal master apart, he is a catalyst.
6. He knows, being divine, what is in store for all players in the epic; but he is not uncanny
in his timing.
7. He believes that the means should also be fair. But he uses deception and tactics.
8. To those who face the problem to choose between the greatest evil and the lesser evil, he
commends the latter.

Basic principles of Indian ethos for management

1. Immense potential energy and talents for perfection as human being has the spirit within his

2. Holistic approach indicating unity between the Divine individual self and the universe.

3. subtle, intangible subject and gross, tangible objects are equally important. One must develop
one‟s Third Eye, Jnana Chakshu, or the Eye of Wisdom.

4. Karma Yoga offers double benefit, private benefit, self-purification and public benefit.

5. Excellence at work through self-motivation and self development is the best means of Total
Quality Management.

6. Co operation is a powerful instrument for team work and success in any enterprise involving
collective work.
We need Indian Ethos in modern corporate management.

1. To develop proper management pattern.

2. to assure all round growth in productivity, marketing, profitability.

3. To gain worldly achievement and lead enriched quality of life together.

4. To synchronies private and public benefits.

Insights into Indian ethos ?

Indian ethos provides that „Business‟ need not be regarded evil, tainted and unethical. Business
is sacred. It is a matter of attitude, approach and level of management consciousness. One can do
business, make money, earn profit, build up property and even then it can be managed with due
recognition to human and ethical values and respecting all persons in the enterprise and in the
society as human beings. Indian ethos demands subjective management system, giving due
importance to virtues like compassion, honesty, co-operation etc.


The voluntary compliance of social and ecological responsibility of companies is called

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Corporate social responsibility is basically a concept
whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner
environment. Corporate social responsibility is represented by the contributions undertaken by
companies to society through its business activities and its social investment. This is also to
connect the Concept of sustainable development to the company‟s level. Over the last years an
increasing number of companies worldwide started promoting their Corporate Social
Responsibility strategies because the customers, the public and the investors expect them to act
sustainable as well as responsible. In most cases CSR is a result of a variety of social,
environmental and economic pressures. The Term Corporate Social Responsibility is imprecise
and its application differs. CSR can not only refer to the compliance of human right standards,
labor and social security arrangements, but also to the fight against climate change, sustainable
management of natural resources and consumer protection Business Ethics and Ethos 11 CSR is
an evolving concept that currently does not have a universally accepted definition. Generally,
CSR is understood to be the way firms integrate social, environmental and economic concerns
into their values, culture, decision making, strategy and operations in a transparent and
accountable manner and thereby establish better practices within the firm, create wealth and
improve society. The World Business Council for sustainable development has described CSR as
the business contribution to sustainable economic development. Building on a base of
compliance with legislation and regulations. CSR typically includes “Corporate governance and

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