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- Name: ‫سجى عبد الحسين شايع‬

- Study: ‫ صباحي‬-‫ب‬- ‫شعبه‬

Q/ Why do media writers express their ideas with a minimum of words in the
news headlines?
Because news headlines aim at getting the courtesy of readers. The
news headlines' shape, structure, and choice of words play a central
role in attracting the readers and thus manipulating their choice of
articles because their aim is to win potential customers. The idea that a
writer wants to express is governed by the words and expressions
he/she uses for the headline and by the audience, he/she is targeting.
Translate the following into Arabic:
1- ‫كرم بوريس جونسون االطباء المشرفين على تعافيه‬
2- ‫اتحاد الفرق الموسيقية العسكرية لنشر االمل‬
3- ‫تظهر التقارير ان بعض مقيمين نيويورك يغادرون المدينة‬
4- ‫يتفاقم االحباط مع اعادة فتح الواليات وارتفاع معدل الوفيات ومعانات االقتصاد‬
5- ‫ صور كيم جونغ اون تبدو صحيحة‬:‫مسؤول امريكي‬

Translate the following into English:

1- Isis militias kill a police man and three civilians in Diyala
2- Kurdistan region condemns the recent Isis attacks on security
3- UN: It is necessary to form an Iraqi government with wide and urgent
4- UN Envoy: Several sever crises push Iraq into the unknown.
5- Egyptian Interior Ministry: The Brotherhood cell was planning to
carry out terrorist operations.

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