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The Pursuit of Happyness

This movie portrays fatherhood and a representation of dreams. God give us a

family which we all know we have to treasure for the rest of our lives. There are
no such thing as perfect family, we are all flawed and covered with mess but we
have someone to rely on. The protagonist of the story, Chris Gardner taught me a
lot how to appreciate my father that much because just like him , my father does
his very best in his work. It is tough for me to watch all his hardships so that he
can provide my necessities and to have a better future.

My favorite line is " If you want something, Go get it." There were no wasted
efforts but rather a matter of time to try lots of different things. We are not here
to just lay around and do nothing at all, we have to dream big and master
perseverance in any kind of situation.

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