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1. An octopus will eat its tentacles when it is starving.

2. It's illegal in many countries to perform surgery on an octopus without

anesthesia due to their intelligence.

3. Dolphins tenderize octopuses by bashing them around before eating them.

4. All octopus species are venomous to humans, but only one is deadly.

5. A six-limbed octopus was found by an American family on vacation in 2013. It

was only the second recorded worldwide. They ate it.
6. The largest Octopus ever documented had a mass of 71 kg (156.5 lb).

7. An Octopus with 96 tentacles was caught in Japan in 2008.

8. The Mimic Octopus can impersonate up to 15 marine species, including Sea
Snakes, Stingrays, Lionfishes, and Jellyfishes.

9. An Octopus doesn't have 8 arms but 6 arms and 2 legs.

10. Large octopuses have been known to catch and kill some species of sharks.

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