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EDUC 150
Task 2. Sharing Your Google Classroom, Give and Get Feedback, Then Answer
the Questions Below
1. Did any students in your group (from the Wiki) not provide feedback before the Sun. June 28th
11:59pm deadline? If so, please provide their name(s) below.
I didn’t receive feedback from my entire group. This included Tanya Trofimuk, Hanna H. and Mark Holman.

2. Post the feedback you received on or before the deadline for feedback responses regarding about
your Google Class below. Hopefully you will have at least a couple of feedback responses but
provide whatever responses you got about your class before the Sun. June 28th deadline. Simply
copy/paste the feedback you received and past it below.

Sadly, I have nothing to post here because no members of my group wrote me an evaluation.

3. From the feedback you received, did you gain any insights? In other words, did you learn anything
from the feedback that you use when you have your own Google classroom?

I didn’t gain any insights from the evaluations I didn’t receive, but looking at others classrooms I learned what
worked I liked to post and work off of.

4. Did you experience any problems while inviting students to you view your class and getting
feedback? If so, what problems did you experience?
I didn’t experience any problems inviting my group to my classroom, but one member was having problems. I
sent the code directly to her email, and then she was able to access my class.

5. From the video(s) tutorials above, what are some different ways you can invite a student to join
your Google class?

You can send individuals the code to your class or you can invite people using their email. Their email is faster. In
the same area you can invite or add another teacher as well.

6. What is the stream feature in Google Classrooms? Do a quick Google or Youtube search to find
out about this info if you don’t know.

You add contents from Youtube, Google drive or items saved on your computer.

7. What kinds of things can you do in the ‘class settings’ area? Not sure? Watch the first tutorial
again and/or play around with the settings button in your own classroom.

The class setting area is where you control your classroom content. You can turn off and on features such as:
how many people can join the class, comments.
8. What potential difficulties could you foresee if you were asked to set up a Google Class for your
own students?

I could see students having trouble altering PDF documents and staying up to date with all online work.
Something like this would take a lot of dedication and students would need to know technology as well.

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