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1. Did any students in your group (from the Wiki) not provide feedback before
the Sun. 9/27 11:59pm deadline? If so, please provide their name(s) below.
I didn’t get feedback from Brittany or Syvanna as of 9/30.

2. Post the feedback you received on or before the deadline for feedback
responses regarding about your Google Class below. Hopefully you will have at
least a couple of feedback responses but provide whatever responses you got
about your class before the Sun. 9/27 deadline. Simply copy/paste the feedback
you received and past it below.

Nayeli S. sent me feedback on Sun. 9/27 – “Hello Kaz, 

I really enjoyed working in your classroom. The video was full of helpful tips for budgeting.
I even see myself using some of the information provided in the video in the future. I had
no trouble working through your classroom. You did a great job!


Nayeli Samaguey”

3. From the feedback you received, did you gain any insights? In other words,
did you learn anything from the feedback that you use when you have your own
Google classroom?
I definitely feel encouraged after the feedback! I’m glad that the video was helpful, I’ll
definitely use those again in the future since it worked so well. I’m very excited that the
classroom worked and I’m excited to use Google Classroom again in the future.

4. Did you experience any problems while inviting students to you view your
class and getting feedback? If so, what problems did you experience?
I didn’t have any tech issues. The only problem is that unfortunately only one of the people
in my group gave me feedback, and I actually only received class invites from Brittany and
Nayeli, so I wasn’t able to view Syvanna’s class at all or provide feedback to her.

5. From the video(s) tutorials above, what are some different ways you can
invite a student to join your Google class?
I can use the student’s email to send them an invite link to the class if we’re only
communication in a digital format. If we’re in the same room, it’s easy to put the
classroom code up on a projector so the students can input that and join the class.

6. What is the stream feature in Google Classrooms? Do a quick Google or

Youtube search to find out about this info if you don’t know.
The stream feature is a list of chronological posts in the classroom. It shows a list of
assignments, quizzes, and other important notifications. Because it’s chronological, it
makes it easy for students to find the latest assignments instead of scrolling all the way to
the bottom to find their newest assignments.

7. What kinds of things can you do in the ‘class settings’ area? Not sure? Watch
the first tutorial again and/or play around with the settings button in your own
You can do things like change the name of the class or add a subject or room to help
provide more information about the classroom. You can also access the invite link and
invite code, as well as grading options.

8. What potential difficulties could you foresee if you were asked to set up a
Google Class for your own students?
As much as I enjoy Google Classroom’s straightforward and user-friendly system, I feel like
it doesn’t offer a lot of options for specific customization. It seems very regimented, only
offering a few options for types of assignments and it doesn’t feel like it gives a lot of
leeway for creativity. I think it’s a valuable teaching tool, especially during the pandemic,
but I wouldn’t count it as a full substitute for a classroom environment or even a
Zoom/BlackBoard substitute. Google Classroom is definitely useful, but I think the
simplicity of it can certainly bring up other problems.

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