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Teaching Candidate Name: School:____Henry Ford High School__________ Students’ Grade Level:9-12th

Time needed: 2 hours

Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ______Health- _____ Lesson Identifier (title/unit)

LEARNING OUTCOMES (Rubric items- & connect to InTASC/Danielson)

This will vary by requirements for subject discipline –Content: CCSS, MI Content Standards, Technology, Ethics
1. Students will be able to Define cyberbullying and 1. Assessment for objective 1: formative assessment of
identify at least 3 ways of how to avoid it. questions linked to the cycle of abuse article that we will
2. Students will be able to develop a safety plan when it be going over at the beginning of class. Students have
comes to uses of the internet. one attempt to answer 7 questions worth 29 points.
3. Students will be able to work quietly on assignments 2. Assessment for objective 2: formative assessment linked
and participate in discussions the entire class period. to the PowerPoint and videos. Students have one
attempt to answer 11 questions worth 69 points.
3. Assessment for objective 3: Formative assessment the
unit 3 PowerPoint. Students will have the remainder of
the class period to answer the matching vocabulary
STUDENTS: This is a classroom of both equal parts of male and STUDENTS: In this class my students are very technology advanced. I
female. This class has a majority of 9th grade students who have not have students present their screen in order for students to be able to
taken a health class prior to this class. Many of them have spoken understand how to turn in their assignments and how to navigate
with their parents about cyberbullying and the potential dangers of through the school websites provided to them. These students are
the internet. All the student have cellphones and internet access as allowed to type in the chat or unmute themselves at any time in
well as social media accounts. order to get the proper help needed for them to be successful in
class. Some students do have IEP’s and what we do in order to make
sure we follow them is we give more time to submit assignments,
more attempts to get a better score, and help by going into separate
meetings on teams with them.
MATERIALS & CLASSROOM: ENVIRONMENT: Since these are online classes their environments
Laptops are different from one another. They have many distractions such as
Internet people at home, their television sets, games, and more. The main
Class Links website thing that needs to be in front of them is their computers. Students
Teaching Candidate Name: School:____Henry Ford High School__________ Students’ Grade Level:9-12th
Time needed: 2 hours
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ______Health- _____ Lesson Identifier (title/unit)

Schoology have issues with their wifi which causes some delays in the class but
they are able to get back on and do their work at anytime.
Utilize HLP, incorporate principles for SEL, UDL as appropriate
A. Introduction – Engaging Students, Activating Prior Knowledge, and Setting Lesson Goals __5____minutes needed
 Hello class! How is everyone today (expecting a thumbs up through their cameras or unmuting themselves to speak). Today we will be
going through and discussing the potential dangers of the internet, what cyberbullying is, how one can seek help, and the cycle of an
abusive relationship.
B. Instructional Sequence: _____70_minutes needed
 Introductions with objectives:
o You will be able to define cyberbullying, different types of relationships, and identify ways to get help when it comes to the
internet. You will be able to identify the dangers of social media and how you can help yourself or others that may be affected
by these dangers.
o You will be assessed by the assignments that will be done after each tab found on schoology. I will also be asking questions
throughout the videos and PowerPoints that we will be watching. I am expecting you all to pay attention and participate in
order to receive your participation points for the day.
o We will first be going over the cycle of abuse worksheet. Once we have read that as a class you will be going into your
schoology week 7 folder and answer the questions that have to do with what we just spoke about. You will be given 10
minutes to complete your work. Now that you are all back we are going to move into the longer portion of our day which is a
PowerPoint about the dangers of the internet. This PowerPoint also has videos in it that we will be watching and answering
questions about. You will have about 15 minutes to complete the assignment that follows along with it. Now we will be going
through our unit 3 PowerPoint that will be explaining different types of relationships. Now that we are done with this you are
going to answer the vocabulary questions that are assigned with this PowerPoint. You will have the remainder of the hour to
finish that. Once you are done you can go ahead and type done in the group chat.

C. Closure –Summarizing and Synthesizing Students’ Learning _5 ____minutes needed

o We learned today about the dangers of the internet, about cyberbullying, and where to find help if needed when it comes to
the internet. Tomorrow we will be going over sexting and social safeties. Your exit ticket is to write done in the group chat.
See you all tomorrow.


Use Appendix A as a guide to complete the reflection
Teaching Candidate Name: School:____Henry Ford High School__________ Students’ Grade Level:9-12th
Time needed: 2 hours
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ______Health- _____ Lesson Identifier (title/unit)



Teacher Reflection (InTASC 9):

 Each of the objectives were met and I knew that because I received all my students grades after each assessment
was finished. I noticed that they were able to answer the questions asked of them during class as well. Most of my
students got a 90% or higher on the assessments that were created. I will use this data to see what I need to
explain more on next time. I will also use this information to bring it up tomorrow in the next class. The entire
lesson went well in my opinion but I do feel like it was very long and wordy. I could tell a lot of students were
getting bored because it was repetitive. Next time I might have the students read rather than for me to read.

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