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Cover Sheet

GSCI1150L General Physics with Calculus 1 Lab Report


By :
Muhammad Ridho Zamzami

Section A
Lab Execution Date : July 12, 2019
Submission Date : July 19, 2019

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Sampoerna University

This study aims to reveal the understanding of student concepts on the topic of vectors related to
addition of vectors, subtraction of vectors, and unit vectors. To achieve this goal, one homework
problem formatted question are given in powerpoint. the homework problem consists of six questions
that discuss two subtopics. Part 1 discusses subtopics of vector addition, part 2 and subtraction vector.
This research was conducted on two second-year students S1 Computer Science Sampoerna
University. The results of the analysis indicate that students have a good understanding of the
concepts in subtopics of vector addition and substraction,.

Keywords : Forces, magnitude, and angle.

Table of Contents

Cover Sheet 1

Abstract 1

Table of Contents 2

List of Tables 3

List of Figures 3

Introduction 4

Theory and Background 4

1 Algebra of Vectors in One Dimension 4
2 Algebra of Vectors in Two Dimensions 5
3 Coordinate Systems and Components of a Vector 6

Experimental Apparatus and Documentation 7

Experimental Procedure 9

Presentation of Results 10

Analysis and Discussion of Results 11

Conclusion and Recommendations 12

References 12
Appendix I : Sample Calculations 13
List of Tables
Table 1.Magnitude, Angle, X-component, and Y-component of Five Vectors 10
Table 2.Magnitude, Angle, X-component, and Y-component of Resultant Vectors 10

List of Figures
Figure 1. Displacement vectors 5
Figure 2 Vector addition and substraction 6
Figure 3. user interface on vector addition 7
Figure 4 Students can set the magnitude and angle of the vector 8
Figure 5 Homework problem 2 question D 8
Figure 6 Homework problem 2 question E 9
Figure 7. mework problem 2 question F 9
Vectors are quantity determined by magnitude and direction. In mathematical calculation,
vector has a vector addition. By determining the direction of each force first,the concept vector
addition can be used to add the existing vectors. In this concept of the vector has a relation with the
equilibrium. The equilibrium will be achieved when the total of vector is equal to 0 Newton. When the
existing vectors have the total values that is called resultant. The magnitude and direction of the
resultant force can be affected by multiple factors, one of them being the angle of the forces that are
affecting objects. The force that exists in this experiment will equal weight.

Theory and Background

Vectors are geometric representations of magnitude and direction which are often represented
by straight arrows, starting at one point on a coordinate axis and ending at a different point. One
example of vectors is force. Force is a quantitative description of an interaction that causes a change
in an object's motion.
This experiment were using instruments (software) and equations that are related to both
vectors and forces that might be unfamiliar to some, such as the force table and parallelogram method.
1. Algebra of Vectors in One Dimension
Vectors can be multiplied by scalars, added to other vectors, or subtracted from other vectors.
Suppose your friend departs from point A (the campsite) and walks in the direction to point B (the
fishing pond), but, along the way, stops to rest at some point C located three-quarters of the distance
between A and B, beginning from point A (Figure 1.(a)). What is his displacement vector D → AC
when he reaches point C? We know that if he walks all the way to B, his displacement vector relative
to A is D → AB, which has magnitude DAB =6km and a direction of northeast. If he walks only a
0.75 fraction of the total distance, maintaining the northeasterly direction, at point C he must be
0.75DAB =4.5km away from the campsite at A. So, his displacement vector at the rest point C has
magnitude DAC =4.5km=0.75DAB and is parallel to the displacement vector D → AB. All of this
can be stated succinctly in the form of the following vector equation.
Figure 1. Displacement vectors for a fishing trip. (a) Stopping to rest at point C while walking from
camp (point A) to the pond (point B). (b) Going back for the dropped tackle box (point D). (c) Finishing
up at the fishing pond.
In general, when a vector A → is multiplied by a positive scalar α, the result is a new vector
B → that is parallel to ⃗
⃗ A:⃗
B =α ⃗

In general, in one dimension—as well as in higher dimensions, such as in a plane or in space

—we can add any number of vectors and we can do so in any order because the addition of vectors is
commutative, A+ ⃗
⃗ B= ⃗
B+ ⃗
And associative, A+ ⃗
(⃗ B ) +⃗
C =⃗
A+( ⃗
B+ ⃗
Moreover, multiplication by a scalar is distributive:
α1 ⃗
A + α2 ⃗
A =( α 1 +α 2 ) ⃗

2. Algebra of Vectors in Two Dimensions

When vectors lie in a plane—that is, when they are in two dimensions—they can be multiplied
by scalars, added to other vectors, or subtracted from other vectors in accordance with the general laws.

For a geometric construction of the sum of two vectors in a plane, we follow the parallelogram
rule. Suppose two vectors A and B → are at the arbitrary positions shown in Figure 2. Translate either
one of them in parallel to the beginning of the other vector, so that after the translation, both vectors
have their origins at the same point. Now, at the end of vector A → we draw a line parallel to vector B
→ and at the end of vector B → we draw a line parallel to vector A → (the dashed lines in Figure 2). In
this way, we obtain a parallelogram. From the origin of the two vectors we draw a diagonal that is the
R= ⃗
resultant R → of the two vectors: ⃗ A+ ⃗
B (Figure 2(a)). The other diagonal of this parallelogram is
D= ⃗
the vector difference of the two vectors ⃗ A−⃗
B, as shown in Figure 2(b). Notice that the end of the
difference vector is placed at the end of vector ⃗
Figure 2. Vector addition and substraction

3. Coordinate Systems and Components of a Vector

In a rectangular (Cartesian) xy-coordinate system in a plane, a point in a plane is described by a

pair of coordinates (x, y). In a similar fashion, a vector ⃗A in a plane is described by a pair of its vector
coordinates. The x-coordinate of vector ⃗ A is called its x-component and the y-coordinate of vector ⃗ A is
called its y-component. The vector x-component is a vector denoted by ⃗ A x. The vector y component is a
vector denoted by ⃗ A y. In the Cartesian system, the x and y vector components of a vector are the
orthogonal projections of this vector on to the x-and y-axes, respectively. In this way, following the
parallelogram rule for vector addition, each vector on a Cartesian plane can be expressed as the vector
sum of its vector components: ⃗ A=⃗ Ax + ⃗Ay
Experimental Apparatus and Documentation
The instruments that were used in this experiment were vector addition (software). This
application has 4 calculation modes, one dimension, two dimensions, lab, and equation. In this
practicum, using two modes are lab and equation. In lab mode, users can create two or more vectors
and have a limit value of 50, but can only do the sums. In equation mode, the user can make and
calculate (addition and subtraction) 2 vectors with a maximum magnitude of 50. In the application,
cannot make the initials vector, therefore each vector in the picture adjusts to the terms of the problem
with the same number.

Figure 3. user interface on vector addition

Experimental Procedure
In this experiment, students open the vector addition app on the canvas. After that, students
work on homework problem 2 independently. By adjusting the magnitude and angle of the vector,
students may press the "sum" button on the app to get the resultant. After obtaining the resultant
vector, students capture the screen image as practicum documentation. After that, students prove the
resultant vector by doing calculations. This step is repeated to complete all the problem options.

Figure 4. Students can set the magnitude and angle of the vector

Figure 5. Homework problem 2 question D

Figure 6. Homework problem 2 question E

Figure 7. Homework problem 2 question F

Presentation of Results

Table 1. Magnitude, Angle, X-component, and Y-component of Five Vectors

Vector Magnitude Angle X-component Y-component

A 10 o 8.66i̇ 5 j̇
B 5 53o 3i̇ 4 j̇

C 12 300o 6i̇ -10.39 j̇

D 20 143o -15.792i̇ 12.036 j̇

F 20 210o -17.32i̇ -10 j̇

Table 2. Magnitude, Angle, X-component, and Y-component of Resultant vectors

Force Magnitude Angle

⃗ 14.72 o
⃗ 11 -35.4o

⃗ 33.354 177.5o

⃗ 5.8 8.9o

⃗ 30 210o

⃗ 73.64 -64.90

Analysis and Discussion of Results
Although the vector in the application does not match the homework problem, it is made as
close as possible to the original value. Based on the results of the data above, the results of theoretical
values and actual values should not have a significant difference, or they must have almost the same
value. This is shown in this experiment in vector B and D. It has proved with their angle. The angle
difference between them is 53o and 143 o which is close to 55 o and 145 o Actually, the function of the
theoretical value and function of the actual value is intended to be compared in order to find out how
many errors are found in this experiment. Therefore, the smaller errors in this experiment, the
experimental results will reach the theoretical value and the actual value.
In this experiment, some factors can make the value of this experiment have errors. The high
possibility of the error is a human error when using the apparatus of this experiment. The human error
occurs when the process setting of the angle variation. Sometimes when setting the angle, the
appilcation does not have specific angle. Thus, the tension of this experiment could be not significant.
Conclusion and Recommendations
From this experiment, it could be concluded that forces have the direction as well as
magnitude, especially in determining the position of one point in space relative to another. To
minimize the mistake, in doing the analysis and calculating the theoretical value, they must be done

[1] Libretexts, “3.2: Vectors,” Vectors, 03-Jun-2019. [Online]. Available:
wo-Dimensional_Kinematics/3.2:_Vectors. [Accessed: 16-Jul-2019].
[2] A. Z. Jones, “Definition of Force in Physics,” ThoughtCo, 03-Jul-2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16-Jul-2019].
Appendix I : Sample Calculations
a) ⃗A + ⃗B,
R = [𝐴 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + 𝐴 sin(𝜃) j̇ ] + [B 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + B sin(𝜃) j̇ ]

R = [10 𝑐𝑜𝑠(30)i̇ + 10 sin(30) j̇ ] + [5 𝑐𝑜𝑠(53)i̇ +

5 sin(53) j̇ ]
R = [8.66i̇ + 5 j̇ ] + [3i̇ + 4 j̇ ]

R = √ 11.662 +9 2 = √ 135.9556+81

= √ 216.9556 = 14.72

b) ⃗

R = [C 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + C sin(𝜃) j̇ ] + [B 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + B sin(𝜃) j̇ ]

R = [12 𝑐𝑜𝑠(300)i̇ + 12 sin(300) j̇ ] + [5 𝑐𝑜𝑠(53)i̇ + 5 sin(53) j̇ ]

R = [6i̇ + (-10.39) j̇ ] + [3i̇ + 4 j̇ ]

R = √ 92 +(−6.39)2 = √ 81+40.861

= √ 121.86 = 11

c) ⃗

R = [D 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + D sin(𝜃) j̇ ] + [F 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + F sin(𝜃) j̇ ]

R = [20 𝑐𝑜𝑠(143)i̇ + 20 sin(143) j̇ ] + [20 𝑐𝑜𝑠(210)i̇ + 20 sin(210) j̇ ]

R = [-15.792i̇ + 12.036 j̇ ] + [-17.32i̇ – 10 j̇ ]

R = √ −33.2922+ 2.0362 = √ 1108.357+ 4.145

= √ 1112.502296 = 33.354

d) ⃗A −¿ ⃗B,
R = [𝐴 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + 𝐴 sin(𝜃) j̇ ] −¿ [B 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ −¿ B sin(𝜃) j̇ ]

R = [10 𝑐𝑜𝑠(30)i̇ + 10 sin(30) j̇ ] −¿ [5 𝑐𝑜𝑠(53)i̇ + 5 sin(53) j̇ ]

R = [8.66i̇ + 5 j̇ ] −¿ [3i̇ + 4 j̇ ]

R = √ 5.662 +12 = √ 32.0356+1

= √ 33.0356 = 5.747 ≈ 5.8

e) ⃗A +¿ ⃗
2 F,

R = [𝐴 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + 𝐴 sin(𝜃) j̇ ] + 2[F 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + F sin(𝜃) j̇ ]

R = [10 𝑐𝑜𝑠(30)i̇ + 10 sin(30) j̇ ] + 2[20 𝑐𝑜𝑠(210)i̇ + 20 sin(210) j̇ ]

R = [8.66i̇ + 5 j̇ ] + 2[-17.32i̇ – 10 j̇ ]

R = √ −25.982 +(−15)2 = √ 674.96+225

= √ 899.96 = 29.99 ≈ 30

f) ⃗A −¿ ⃗ 2 F,
4 D +¿ ⃗

R = [𝐴 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + 𝐴 sin(𝜃) j̇ ]−¿ 4[D 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ + D sin(𝜃) j̇ ] + 2[F 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃)i̇ +

F sin(𝜃) j̇ ]
R = [10 𝑐𝑜𝑠(30)i̇ + 10 sin(30) j̇ ]−¿ 4[20 𝑐𝑜𝑠(143)i̇ + 20 sin(143) j̇ ] +

2[20 𝑐𝑜𝑠(210)i̇ + 20 sin(210) j̇ ]
R = [8.66i̇ + 5 j̇ ]−¿ 4[-15.792i̇ + 12.036 j̇ ] + 2[-17.32i̇ – 10 j̇ ]

R = √ 37.9082 +(−63.144 )2 = √ 1437.016+3987.164

= √ 5424.18 = 73.64

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