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To investigate the properties allotropes carbon,model their structure and bonding
Hypothesis statement
Allotropes are the existence in more than one form. Carbon, the 6th element in the periodic
table is denoted by the letter “C”. Carbon is found almost everywhere, and it is one of the
most abundant materials on earth. However, carbon is one of the components composed of
many allotropes. Each allotropes of carbon have different properties. Types of allotropes
carbon include diamond, graphite, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, carbon nanobuds,
amorphous carbon and so on.

Structure of Carbon Allotropes

Diamond words mean “unbreakable” in Greek and it is a metastable allotropes of carbon.

However, Diamonds are allotropes best known and this is the most difficult to know natural
mineral making it rough. In structure, each carbon atom is bonded to four others to form a
giant covalent network or lattice. It has a tetrahedral shape, suggesting it is a nonpolar
molecule. The properties of diamonds are very high melting, doesn’t conduct electricity and
has a density of 3.51 grams per cubic centimeter. Graphite is the second allotrope of carbon.
It’s meaning “ writing stone” in Greek is semi metal and native mineral. Each carbon atom is
bonded to 3 other carbon atoms to give a layer of hexagon rings. Graphite is very smooth and
slick because the layers are not chemically bonded and can slide over the other. Graphite is
also a good conductor of electricity because of the delocalised and the density is 2.22 grams
per cu centimeter. The degree of tighter compression in diamond structure than graphite
indicates that by applying sufficient pressure on graphite, it should be converted into
A 3th allotropes of carbon is fullerenes. Fullerenes
are molecules of carbon atoms with hollow shapes.
Each atom is bonded to 3 other atoms carbon much
like in graphite structure, however, the atoms sign up
to form both five-membered rings and six-
membered rings. Their structures are based on
hexagonal rings of carbon atoms joined by covalent
bonds. The chemical houses of fullerenes are still
being researched by simple scientists and they are also analyzed for potential medical use in
belief that they might be put into specific antibiotics to bacteria and cancer skin cells.

Carbon nanomaterials make up another class of carbon allotropes. They have a cylindrical
carbon molecule or circular cylinder shape. The nanotube names come from their size
because they are only a few nanometers in diameter. They are made up of layers of graphite
in cylindrical form and they are usually closed at both ends. One property of carbon
nanotubes is that they are very strong but also elastic. Instead of it, carbon nanotubes are
also lightweight, with a density about one quarter that of steel. Another property that they
have is good conduct of electricity especially of heat.

Another allotropes of carbon is glassy carbon. Widely used as an electrode material in

electrochemistry, as well as for high temperature crucibles and as a component of several
dummy devices. It was first made using cellulose but then it began to be manufactured with
similar phenolic resin. The making of glassy carbon is by taking organic precursors and
exposing it to a series. It has a lower density and impermeability to gases and liquids.

Amorphous carbon is similarly used for carbon when it does not have any crystal structure.
They have some short range order that can be observed, but there is no long range pattern of
atomic positions. The highest grade,anthracite, is about 90% carbon and 10% other elements.
Bituminous coal is about 75-90% carbon, and lignite is the name for coal that is around 55%

A final allotrope of carbon is carbon nanofoam. Carbon nanofoam consists of a low density
cluster assembly of carbon atoms strung together in a loose three dimensional web , long and
thinner. Each cluster of carbons are about 6 nanometers wide and have about 4000 carbons
atoms that are linked together in graphite like sheets that are given negative curvatures.
Carbon nanofoam is a poor conductor of electricity and they have many unpaired electrons. It
is believed that the unpaired electrons are due to bonding defects.

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