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ACTIVITY 7: Reported Speech

Leidy Johana Mahecha Sánchez ID 627686

Programa: Psicología.

Ingles III.

NRC: 6759

Docente: Paula Jovanna Pachón

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Bogotá D.C


Learn English Through News: How Does the Soccer World Cup Work?
• She said: “ That the world cup is the most followed sport”

(RS) She said that the world cup was the most followed sport.

• The presenter said: I was saying that the soccer world cup is a very popular sporting

(RS) She said that she had been saying that the soccer world cup is a very popular
sporting event.

• The presenter said: "The final round of the tournament determines the champion"

(RS) She said that the final round was what determined the champion.

• The presenter said: "the players aim to score goals"

(RS) She said the players were the ones aiming to score goals.

• The presenter said: “scoring a goal means the ball goes to goal”

(RS) She said a goal was when the ball goes to goal.

• The presenter said:”I was talking about current events in English”

(RS) She said she had been speaking about current events in English.

• The presenter said: “I was explaining that the 8 finals go to the final quarters”

(RS) She said she had been explaining that the Final 8 goes to the Final Quarters.

• The presenter said:”I was reading a text from the world cup”

(RS) She said she had been reading a text from the world cup.

• The presenter said:”I was learning vocabulary about the world cup”

(RS) She said she had been learning vocabulary about the world cup.

• The presenter said: “That the player can shoot to score a goal”

(RS) She said the player could shoot to score a goal.


• The presenter said: “the game can end as a tie”

(RS) She said the game could end as a tie

• The presenter said: “that the cards in the game may be for a penalty”

(RS) She said the Cards could be for a penalty.

• The presenter said: "The game can last about a month"

(RS) She said the game could last about a month.

• The presenter said: "The vocabulary can change with the language"

(RS) She said that the vocabulary could change with the language.

• She said: "That the best teams are the ones that make it to the final"

(RS) She said that the best teams were the ones that made it to the final.

• The presenter said: "The tie game is the one that ends with the same score of the teams"

(RS) She said: That the tie game was the same score of the teams.

• The presenter said: "Penalties such as red cards and yellow cards is a process that helps
determine which team advances."
• (RS) She said: That penalties like red cards and yellow cards were a process that helps
determine which team advances


Anónimo. (2018).Learn English Through News: How Does the Soccer World Cup
Work?.YouTube. Recuperado de:

Reported speech. Recuperado de:

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