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Part 1. Determination of the Mean. In this activity, you will need a laptop or desktop computer
installed with Microsoft Excel. Open a new file and save as Lab Activity 02_Analysis of the
1. The data below is based on the diastolic blood pressure of 40 male participants after
following a diet regimen. Group A was advised to follow Diet Plan A, while Group B
followed Diet Plan B. Diastolic blood pressures were obtained after 30 days and are
presented below.

Open a new worksheet in Microsoft Excel. Save the file in advance as Lab Activity
02_Analysis of the Mean. Encode the data below on Cell A, Cell B and Cell C. Pay
attention to the cells where your actual data are encoded to avoid errors in
 Participant Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg)
Number Group A (Diet A) Group B (Diet B)
1 72 75
2 74 73
3 72 75
4 70 70
5 85 80
6 85 85
7 101 120
8 98 100
9 110 120
10 100 120
11 90 78
12 70 79
13 78 85
14 85 95
15 89 92
16 90 93
17 93 120
18 82 89
19 100 105
20 82 88
2. On Cell B22, input the command: =AVERAGE(B2:B21) then press Enter. The command
means you are getting the average of all data from Cell B2 to Cell B21.

NOTE: You can change the range of cells to be included in the command depending on where you
placed your data. In this example, my data on Column B is encoded in Row 2 to Row 21.

Answer: 86.3

3. Do the same command to the cells in Column B using the command

=AVERAGE(C2:C21). HINT! You can also drag the answer in Cell B22 to Cell C23 to
arrive with the same average.

Answer: 92.1

4. Based on this information, which group has a higher mean diastolic blood pressure? Is
this enough to say that Diet Plan B is a more effective intervention to lower diastolic
blood pressure based on the available data? Why or why not?

Part 2. Determining Standard Deviation

1. Using the same set of data in Part 1, input =STDEV(B2:B21) on Cell B23. This is the
standard deviation of the data in Cells B2 to B21. Write your answer below.

Answer: 11.63524591

2. Input =STDEV(B2:B21) on Cell B24. Write the standard deviation below.

Answer: 16.48302157

3. The standard deviation shows how near or far the data is relative to the mean, or how far
each individual data deviates from the mean of the sample. Make a statement
comparing the standard deviations of the two sets of data. In determining the
effectiveness of the diet plan, which is more preferred: small standard deviation, or large
standard deviation? Why?
Part 3. Interpretation of mean and standard deviation in a data set.
In this part of the activity, the pre-intervention and post-intervention diastolic blood pressure
data were tabulated.

1. Open a new file and input the data below.

 Participant Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) Group B

Number Group A Group B
  Pre Post Pre Post
1 75 72 78 75
2 74 74 78 73
3 74 72 78 75
4 72 70 80 70
5 83 85 85 80
6 86 85 84 85
7 103 101 123 120
8 100 98 105 100
9 105 110 118 120
10 105 100 120 120
11 82 90 83 78
12 70 70 82 79
13 80 78 92 85
14 83 85 94 95
15 89 89 94 92
16 95 90 92 93
17 90 93 123 120
18 85 82 90 89
19 103 100 107 105
20 85 82 90 88

2. This time, subtract the post-intervention diastolic blood pressure data from the pre-
intervention diastolic blood pressure data per participant. Let us assume that your pre
and post data for Group A are on C2 and C3, respectively (please see the figure on the
next page).

3. Choose another column to organize the difference between post-intervention diastolic

BP and pre-intervention diastolic BP. In this case, I used Column F. To perform the
operation, use the command =(B3-C3) then press Enter. Drag the answers down to
compute for all diastolic BP differences. Do the same for Group B and place your data on
Column G.
4. Compute for the mean and standard deviations of the MEAN DIFFERENCES in Group A
and Group B. Record your data below using the format mean ± standard deviation.

Mean Difference on Diastolic BP (Group A): 0.65 ± 3.281126251

Mean Difference on Diastolic BP (Group B): 2.7 ± 2.975337221

Given these data, which group had a higher decrease in diastolic blood pressure? Which
group had a more consistent decrease in diastolic blood pressure? Why do you say so?


Is the decrease in diastolic blood pressure sufficient in claiming that the diet regimen
given in the situation can be prescribed to lower diastolic blood pressure? Why or why

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