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Pseudo relative permeability:

The most reliable source of relative permeability data is from laboratory measurements
performed on cores obtained from the reservoir of interest. Relative permeability data are not
always available for each rock type, and there is a little reason to believe that a single, average
relative permeability curve will be representative of the behavior of each layer or the whole
reservoir. Pseudo relative permeability curves were initially proposed by Jacks et al. (1973),
instead of rock relative permeability curves, in an effort to accommodate a third dimension in
numerical simulators. A pseudo relative permeability curve uses weighted averages of the rock
and fluid properties, or combined rock–fluid properties. The average is done over a
representative volume of the reservoir. Pseudo relative permeability curves are needed not only
to substitute three-dimensional models with two-dimensional models, but also for three-
dimensional models in order to reduce the number of model cells. Pseudo relative permeability
curves are then used to account for the fine-grid structure.

Local Gird refinement:

Numerical simulation models are routinely used for approximate solution of the partial
differential equations describing flow and transport in geothermal reservoirs. Many large scale
physical processes -have important local phenomena. For instance, pressure, temperature, and
saturation can -show locally large gradients near production and injection wells. This
phenomenon is usually described by the term numerical dispersion and it is due to truncation
errors associated with the approximation of the differential equations using "coarse" grids.-The
finer the grid, the smaller the truncation error, therefore for some ,applications fine gridding is
required to accurately represent steep changes in fluid conditions. The objective of the work
presented in this report was to develop a scheme for local refinement of 2-D Cartesian grids for
the general purpose geothermal reservoir simulator TOUGH2. Ultimately, the goal of the local
grid refinement is to save computational resources within a given accuracy . For large-scale
applications, the use of a uniform gtid sufficiently fine to resolve the local phenomena gives rise
to practical resource limitations, only terms of increased memory requirements but also because
CPU time tends to increase quadratically. Our main purpose for implementing local grid
refinement within TOUGH2 is to improve the tradeoff between cost and accuracy associated
with fine,grids. There is a wide range of possible applications. In addition to accurately
describing flow near wells, there is interest in simulating boiling and two-phase flow in fractures,
migration of tracer fionts, and large spatial variations due to heterogeneities such as faults and
lithologic contacts. The implementation of local grid refinement in the simulator TOUGH2 poses
many challenges. Techniques have to be implemented to provide correct element and connection
data and to store properly all reservoir parameters. Additionally, we need to consider a modified
numerical approach that can handle the transition between coarsely gridded and locally refined
Window gird refinement:

Window area models are designed to look at smaller areas of the field. These models are often
constructed from a full field description. Window area models allow finer gird resolution or
shorter turnaround time if the model runs faster than a full field model. The window area models
are useful for studying recovery mrchanisms and for determining reasonable gird preparation
criteria for use in full field models, especially with regard to layering.

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