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(2020 – 21)
Subject – Physical Education
Topic – Yoga 4 (Paravatasana)

Parvatasana is a simple Yoga practice that is performed in a seated pose. Parvatasana

is derived from two Sanskrit words - ‘Parvat’ meaning mountain and ‘Asana’ meaning pose.
The body remains in the position of a mountain while practicing this asana, which teaches us
to stand solidly in front of every difficulty that comes your way. The beautiful Yoga exercise
is the amalgamation of Padmasana and Pranamasana, for one needs to indulge in both these
poses during an ideal practice of Parvatasana.
Benefits of Parvatsana

Parvatsana has a lot of mental and physical benefits.

1. The health benefits of Parvatasana is improving body balance and posture.

2. The practice of Seated Mountain Pose works to the spine and straightens the muscles of the
back and enhances the functioning of the internal organs.
3. When you practice this regularly, then your body becomes strong and the looseness of the
body also removes.
4. Paravatasana also removes tension in the shoulders and back.
5. This asana benefits both men and women alike, and full benefit can be obtained in the disease
of premature ejaculation.
6. Paravatasana is very effective for the strength of the shoulders. And the power of the legs also
7. Apart from that, this pose also activates the heart chakra which helps one to feel sensations
of deep love and peace.
8. There is no better way to get rid of lungs or respiratory diseases than emigration.
9. To overcome uterine diseases and to eliminate the flexibility of the skin after pregnancy, one
should do it.
10. A person who has the disease of early degeneration must do this asana. According to experts,
this disease is curing by this asana.

Please click on the below link to know more about Paravatasana.



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