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Peroso , Tricia


Subject: FNNC101

Subject description: Business Analytics

1. CSR Name
3P’s (Pagtulong, Pangangalaga, Pangkabuhayan)
2. Mission
Our mission is to conduct a humanitarian assistance and to provide a disaster
relief, that enabling the affected families to rebuild their life.
3. Vision

3P’s imagines a sheltered, mindful and generous community established on the

estimations of truth, administration and the benefit of everyone.

Aims to be one of the well-known CSR Program in the country by helping and serving
the people.

4. Core Values
In order for the CSR program to be successful these are the core values that the
organization should have:

•Responsible – The company will maintain full responsibility to every situation that can
affect the society and the community. Sticks to a proficient and dependable stewardship of
entrusted assets

•Optimism – The company will keep motivating the workers and workplace to be a better
person and to have a positive outlook in life.

•Accountability - The company is responsible enough to face its obligation to the community
and to the society. Energizes soul of volunteerism and sense of community among Filipinos
around the world.

5. Goals
The long-term goal of the CSR are the following:
 3P’s aims to provide the vulnerable and the struggling families with their basic needs.
 3P’s aims to teach some workers and volunteers how to make a face masks that we will
be giving or distributing to the houses and to the families that we are targeting to help.
6. Funding Requirements
i) Investors
ii) How much money needed
7. Projected Budget
8. Policies in Handling Funds
9. Beneficiaries
 Vulnerable
 Families that lives in illegal settlers
 Filipino Citizens

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