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Arif Rifai
71 2019 003

Penguji :
Dr. H. Achmad Ridwan Mo, M.Sc


A. Skenario

Determine the incidence of hydatidiform mole with a population of

women who need uterine evacuation in pregnancy.

B. Pertanyaan Klinis
P : pregnant woman
C : hydatydiform mole
O : uterine evacuation

2. Answerable Question

In patients, do patients with hydatidiform mole require uterine


C. Search Strategy
 Keyword : Hydatydiform Mole, uterine evacuation
 Article type : Cross-sectional

- Hindawi. Obstetrics and Gynecology International/2018
- Prevalence and Factors Associated with Hydatidiform Mole
among Patients Undergoing Uterine Evacuation at Mbarara
Regional Referral Hospital
- Olivier Mulisya, Drucilla J. Roberts, Elizabeth S. Sengupta, Elly
Agaba, Damaris Laffita, Tusabe Tobias, Derrick Paul Mpiima,
Lugobe Henry, Ssemujju Augustine, Masinda Abraham,
Twizerimana Hillary and Julius Mugisha.

Questions to assist with the critical appraisal of cross-sectional studies

Yes/ can’t tell/ no

1. Is the study design clearly stated? Ya. Desain penelitian dinyatakan jelas
2. Does the study address a clearly Ya. Penelitian ini menjawab
focused question? pertanyaan yang terfokus jelas
Consider: Population; Exposure
(defined and accurately measured?);
3. Are the setting, locations and Ukuran sampel minimum adalah 175.
relevant dates provided? Data sampel merupakan pasien yang
Consider: recruitment period; exposure; dirawat dari November 2016 hingga
data collection. Februari 2017 di Rumah Sakit
Pendidikan Referral Regional
Mbarara. yang sesuai dengan kriteria
4. Were participants fairly selected? Ya. Peserta cukup terpilih
Consider: eligibility criteria; sources & Age categories, district, residence
selection of participants. type, tribe, religion, highest level of
education, marital status, occupation,
monthly income status, alkohol
consumption, cigarette smoking.
5. Are participant characteristics Pasien yang dirawat karena aborsi
provided? baik secara spontan dan tujuan
Consider if: sufficient details; a table is terapeutik serta pasien yang dicurigai
included. memiliki kehamilan mola yang
diketahui dari USG merupakan kriteria
inklusi pada penelitin ini.
6. Are the measures of exposures & Prevalensi mola hidatidosa komplit
outcomes appropriate? Consider if the yang dikonfirmasi secara
methods of assessment are valid & histopatologis oleh ahli patologi
reliable. perinatal dan dikonfirmasi dengan uji

p57 tinggi pada 6,1%.
7. Is there a description of how the Ya. Ada .
study size was arrived at?
8. Are the statistical methods well STATA 13
described? Analisis univariat dan multivariat.
Consider: How missing data was
handled; were potential sources of bias
(confounding factors)
considered/controlled for.
9. Is information provided on Ya. Dijelaskan
participant eligibility? Pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit
Consider if following provided: number regional mbarara
potentially eligible, confirmed eligible,
entered into study
10. Are the results well described? Ya. Dijelaskan
Consider if: effect sizes, confidence Prevalensi mola hidatidosa komplit
intervals/standard deviations provided; yang dikonfirmasi secara
the conclusions are the same in the histopatologis oleh ahli patologi
abstract and the full text. perinatal dan dikonfirmasi dengan uji
p57 tinggi pada 6,1%.
11. Is any sponsorship/conflict of Tidak ada
interest reported?
12. Finally…Did the authors identify Ya. Terdapat keterbatasan dalam p
any limitations and, if so, are they Penelitian ini merekomendasikan
captured above? menempatkan kapasitas untuk
melakukan pemeriksaan histopatologis
rutin semua produk konsepsi karena
prevalensi tinggi mola

13. Impotancy Ya, penelitian ini penting karena hasil

penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan
tentang faktor resiko yang berhubungan

dengan terjadinya kehamilan mola
14. applicability Ya. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan
edukasi pasien suapaya menghindari
hamil diatas umur 35 dan riwayat
aborsi sebelumnya.

D. Kesimpulan
Hasil penelitian ini valid, penting secara klinis maupun statistik dan dapat
diaplikasikan di pasien kita.


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