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Protein Function and Evolution

The Four Levels of Protein Structure

amino acid linear sequence

regions of regularly repeating conformations of the

peptide chain, such as -helices and -sheets

describes the shape of the fully

folded polypeptide chain arrangement of two or more polypeptide
chains into multisubunit molecule
Role of the globins in oxygen transport
and storage

1. Structures of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin

• Myoglobin (Mb) - monomeric protein that

facilitates the diffusion of oxygen in vertebrates
Myoglobin is composed of 8  helices

• Hemoglobin (Hb) - tetrameric protein that carries

oxygen in the blood
Hb is an 22 tetramer (2  globin subunits, 2  globin subunits)
Each globin subunit is similar in structure to myoglobin
Each subunit has a heme group
The  chain has 7  helices,  chain has 8  helices
Myoglobin and Hemoglobin

myoglobin hemoglobin
2. Oxygen Binding to Mb and Hb

Oxygen Binds Reversibly to Heme

• Oxymyoglobin - oxygen bearing myoglobin

• Deoxymyoglobin - oxygen-free myoglobin

Heme Fe(II)-protoporphyrin IX

• Heme of Mb and Hb binds oxygen for transport

• Heme consists of a tetrapyrrole ring system called
protoporphyrin IX complexed with iron

Protoporphyrin IX Ferroprotoporphyrin IX

The geometry of iron coordination in

• Oxygen
• His-93 and

Oxygen-binding site of

• Octahedral geometry of
coordination complex (six
ligands around iron)
• His-93 (proximal histidine)
liganded to Fe
• His-64 (distal histidine)

Oxygen Binding to Mb

• Heme occupies a hydrophobic cleft formed by

three a helices and two loops
• Heme prosthetic group binds oxygen
• His-93 is complexed to the iron atom, and His-64 forms a
hydrogen bond with oxygen
• Oxygen is coordinated between the iron and the imidazole
sidechain of His-64
• Interior of Mb almost all hydrophobic amino acids

3. Oxygen-Binding Curves of
Myoglobin and Hemoglobin

Comparison of O2-
binding to Mb and Hb

Oxygen-binding curves
• Curves show reversible binding of O2 to Mb and Hb
• Fractional saturation (θ, % saturation) is plotted versus the
partial pressure of oxygen, pO2 (oxygen concentration)
• The shape of the Hb curve shows a positive cooperativity in
the binding of 4 O2 molecules
(i.e. the O2 affinity of Hb increases as each O2 molecule is
• Mb-O2 binding curve is hyperbolic, indicating a single equilibrium
constant for binding O2
• Hb-O2 binding curve is sigmoidal, and reflects the binding of 4
molecules of O2, one per each heme group
4. Hemoglobin is an Allosteric Protein

• Oxygen binding and release from Hb are

regulated by allosteric interactions
• Allosteric effectors (modulators) bind to a
protein at a site separate from the functional
binding site (may be activators or inhibitors)
• The activity of an allosteric protein is
regulated by allosteric effectors

Two conformations of hemoglobin: T and R

• Active (R state, relaxed state) and inactive

(T state, tense state) forms are in rapid
equilibrium in allosteric proteins
• Binding of substrates and allosteric activators
stabilize the R state and shift the equilibrium
in the R direction
• Allosteric inhibitors stabilize the T state and
shift the equilibrium in the T direction

Oxygen-binding curves

Oxygen binding of
the R (high-affinity)
and T (low affinity)
forms of Hb θ

The change in hemoglobin quaternary
structure during oxygenation

Side view

Top view
Mechanism of the T - R transition in

2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate (2,3-BPG)
• 2,3-BPG is an allosteric effector of Hb
• 2,3-BPG lowers the affinity of deoxyHb for oxygen
(raises the P50 of Hb from ~12 to ~26 torr)
• Negatively charged 2,3-BPG is bound to six
(+) charged groups of deoxyhemoglobin

Binding of 2,3-BPG to
• (-) Charges on 2,3-BPG pair with (+) charges lining
the central cavity, stabilizing the deoxyHb form
• -Subunits (brown), -subunits (blue), heme groups

5. Bohr effect in hemoglobin

• A pH drop in the blood in the

capillaries lowers the oxygen
affinity of Hb, allowing even
more efficient release of the
last traces of oxygen.
• The response of hemoglobin
to changes in pH is called the
Bohr effect.
• Lowering the pH decreases
the affinity of Hb for oxygen
• Mb has little Bohr effect.

Carbon dioxide transport

• Carbon dioxide is transported

from the tissues to the lungs in
two ways:
(1) Dissolved bicarbonate ions
(2) Carbamate adducts of
hemoglobin (N-terminal globin
residues react with CO2 to
form carbamates)

effects of CO2
and BPG on
oxygen binding
by hemoglobin

6. Immunoglobulins

• Variability in structure yields versatility

in binding

Antibodies (immunoglobulins)

• Vertebrate immune systems

synthesize protein antibodies
(immunoglobulins) to eliminate
bacteria, viruses, other foreign
• Antibodies specifically
recognize and bind antigens
• Antibodies are synthesized by
lymphocytes (white blood

Antibodies Bind Specific Antigens

•Heavy chains (green)

•Light chains (blue)

Clonal selection theory of the immune response

1. B stem cells in the bone marrow differentiate to become B lymphocytes, each

producing a slightly different type of immunoglobulin molecule, each type with
a binding site that will recognize specific molecular shapes. These
immunoglobulins, or antibodies, are attached to the cell membrane and
exposed on the outer surfaces of the B lymphocytes.
Clonal selection theory of the immune response

2. Binding of an antigen to one of these antibodies stimulates the cell carrying it to

replicate, generating a clone (a collection of cells with identical genetic
information). This primary response is aided by a special class of T cells called
helper T cells. If a helper T cell recognizes a bound antigen, it binds to the
appropriate B lymphocyte and stimulates B-cell reproduction.
Clonal selection theory of the immune response

3. Plasma B cells produce soluble antibodies, which are excreted into the circulatory
system. These antibodies have the same antigen binding sites as the surface
antibodies of the B lymphocyte from which the plasma cells arose, but they lack
the hydrophobic tail that bound the surface antibodies to the lymphocyte
7. Coding and noncoding regions of
the  hemoglobin gene
Flow of information: from nucleic acids to proteins
DNA RNA Protein

From Gene to Function

x 5 to 50
~25,000 Genes > 1,000,000 Proteins functional
links per protein
Conclusions of the genome projects

We have about the same number of genes as

fish and plants, and not that many more genes
than worms and flies.

Fugu rubripes (pufferfish): 31,000 to 38,000

Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress): 26,000
Caenorhabditis elegans (worm): 19,000
Drosophila melanogaster (fly): 13,000

What is proteomics?

• Proteome
• "The entire PROTEin complement expressed by a genOME,
or by a cell or tissue type."
Marc Wilkins & Keith Williams. BioTechnology 14 (1996) 61-65

• Proteomics - study of large sets of proteins, such as the entire

complement of proteins produced by a cell under defined

Why Proteomics?

• Genomics can tell us

events that may happen in

• Proteomics tells us when,

where and how these
predicted events happen in
the cells.

• Proteomics bridges the

knowledge gap between
genes and what actually
happens in the cells.


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