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During the 2 hour consultation, we'll discuss how you learn, what you hope to gain, your pre-existing

play-style and preferences, and how long you want to spend on a module, to provide you peace of mind
for you purchase

Module 1
How to move from Player to GM
- Books, Tools, Psychology/Approach/Mindset

Module 2
Session 0
- Learn Players (style, preferences - roll vs role, lethality, taboo subject matter,
- Introduce self, style, house-rules
- Plan characters, general starting point, backgrounds, etc.
- Set schedule

Module 3
Learn the Setting
- Geography, History, Political
- NPC's, Factions, Religion(s)
- Landmarks, Interest, Potential Side-quests

Module 4
Plan the Campaign
- Big picture (the Saga)
- Major Plot points
- Plan progression/milestones
- Timers on world events?
- Setting details (NPCs, bosses, etc)

Module 5
Plan the Session (Recurring)
- Review/Develop Main plot & side-quests
- Review/Develop NPC's, encounters, villains
- Review PC's; abilities, skills, etc. (find places in adventure out of combat where
every character can participate)
- Set up maps, tokens, etc as necessary.
- Review rules, setting, etc.
- Be prepared for going off the path!

Module 6
Run the Session
- Recap last
- Intro
- Open plot points
- Character intros
- Play!
- Non-Combat
- Combat
- Down Time?

Module 7
- Review general game; check notes for rules to check, setting info to
provide/develop, etc.
- Consider consequences of outcomes (butterfly effect)
- Work consequences into greater plot progressions and setting
- Return to Session Preparation

Module 8
Advanced Mastery
- Tools, tricks, shortcuts
- List of NPC names, random tables
- Recommended Resources
- Improv, Voices, etc.
- Immersion Tips (5 senses for new scenes, etc)
- Managing larger player groups (combat tracking, shared spotlight, etc.)
- Recommended products

Module 9
Learn the System(s)
- Rules, Progression, Combat
- Screens/Reference/Note-cards

Module 10
Online Gaming
- Roll20, other virtual tabletops
- Discord, boards, other Play by Post
- Recommended programs, apps, tools, websites, etc.

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