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I this report we continue in the analysis

of the 8 subsets of the ceramic strength
laboratories, we calculate the Kurtosis
and skewness in order to confirm some
of the information observed in the

Souleyman REBAI
Chapter 2: Design processing tools for

Calculating the Skewness and the kurtosis for the Lab effect.
Task2.2 | Souleyman REBAI


This report is the continuation of the previous analysis, the kurtosis and the skewness are calculated
for each one of the 8 laboratories subsets, results are displayed and a scatter-plot is illustrated for
both of the parameters

Results of the calculated parameters

Fig.1. Fig 2. Histogram Weilbull fit for 8 laboratories subsets from the previous task.

1. The Fig 2. shows that all the eight labs are Leptokurtic, it is confirmed with the plot in Fig 4.
That plot the calculated values of Kurtosis which are all superiors than zero (K>0 for all labs)
2. The Fig 4. Gives us more information about the skewness of each subset and we notice:
• All the labs are not perfectly symmetric because none of the skewness of the 8 labs is
equal to zero.
• Lab1, Lab2, Lab6, and Lab8 has the smallest skewness and the nearest to the
• Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, and Lab7, are negatively skewed, the pick at the left of the mean
and the tail to the right, which mean that more values are above the mean.

Pg. 1
Task2.2 | Souleyman REBAI

Fig 4. Scatter plot of the skewness and the Kurtosis for the 8 labs

The calculation of the skewness, and kurtosis confirm the observations illustrated by the analysis in
the Task 2.1.

Pg. 2

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