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Spoken versus Written Style

It is very difficult to be precise about what makes an item of language more or less formal
or more or less informal. Native speakers (in all languages) have an instinctive feel for this based
on their life-long exposure to the language. Generally speaking, there are many conventions and
formulae that need to be learnt. For example, the longer an item is, the more formal it is. Phrasal
verbs are avoided where possible, and words of Latin origin are preferred. Modal verbs or ability
and obligation might be expressed with able to or obliged to. Formal letters tend to be more
tactful and respectful, and accusations and requests are expressed obliquely.
Activity 1. In the following letter, select the item that is more formal.
26 May 2001
Dear Ms Denton,
Thanks/Thank you for your letter of 24 May. As I am sure you will
understand/appreciate, I am most upset/very sorry to hear/learn that you were
unable to/could not locate my suitcase. As I said/pointed out in my original letter,
the suitcase contained a lot of/many documents that I need/require for my
job/work. I have had/been obliged to contact/get in touch with my publishers to
get hold of/obtain copies of documents that your airline lost/mislaid. Naturally/Of
course, I will complete/fill in the Claim Form, but I find it difficult/it is not easy to
estimate/guess the value of documents. About/Approximately half of them are
I hope/trust that in the meantime you are still looking/continue to look for
my case.
Should you find it,/If you find it, please contact me straight
I look/am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

James Burke

Activity 2. Write a reply to the letter.

You are Ms Denton of the Lost Luggage Department. Mr Burke’s suitcase has
been found. It was accidentally routed to Moscow. Give details how it will be sent
to him. Apologize for any inconvenience. Offer him £200 compensation, and say
that your airline will reimburse him for any expenses he has incurred.
Point out that your search for his case was hampered because his description of it
was inaccurate. End with a ‘sugary’ comment about hoping that he will continue to
use your airline.

Activity 3. In the following extracts, styles have been mixed. Find the parts of
each extract where the style is inappropriate and rewrite them.
a. Good evening. Here is the news. In the House of Commons a couple of
hours ago, the debate about what’s been going on in the National Health
Service ended. The vote was close but the Government just got it. At one
point, the Speaker of the House had to intervene as two Members of
Parliament had a bloody great row about the financing of the Service. The
Honourable Member for East Croydon reckoned that he had been unfairly
treated, and accused the Prime Minister of telling fibs.
b. Now listen, kids. I am not prepared to negotiate any further. Either you tidy
your room at this very moment in time, or there’s no way I’ll accompany
you to the cinema, as was promised.
c. Dearly Beloved brethren. We have all come together to witness the marriage
of James and Anne. James, how do you feel about taking Anne as your
lawful, wedded wife?
- Righto.
d. Much research has been carried out to increase the fertility of the farm
chicken. Several million pounds has been spent in this quest, and the results
have been promising. Consequently, lots and lots of tiny chicks-chicks have
come clucking into the world.

Activity 4. Turn the following example of spoken English into more formal
written English, incorporating relative clauses where appropriate. The
beginning has been done for you.
‘My wife and I have just had a holiday. Your agency organized it, and I feel I
must complain about it. In the brochure - you sent us a brochure - it said our hotel
was a stone’s throw from the beach. This isn’t true. In fact it’s three miles from the
sea, and you have to cross a motorway! Cars and lorries travel at over eighty miles
an hour on it! And the swimming pool - it was shown on the picture, and it looked
very inviting - doesn’t exist. It is a big hole in the ground, and my children fell and
cut themselves in it.
Now, then, the food. When we came to see you, you told us about the
wonderful food, but it wasn’t of an internationally high standard, and you promised
it would be. Dinner was the same every night, and we had to wait three hours for it,
and it consisted of stale bread, watery soup and cold rice.
I feel your company owes us an apology. After all, its motto is ‘ We aim to
please”. A refund of $500 would be an acceptable amount. This was half the cost
of the holliday.
My wife and I have just had a holiday which your agency organized, and
which …

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