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Unskilled workers have more and more difficulty finding a job in a technologically-oriented

2. Asked what kind of job they would like to have later, a vast majority of young French
people answered they wanted to be civil servants.

3. The clash of cultures between public and private sectors has preoccupied politicians and
industrialists for a long time.

4. More and more people are offered work contracts with an initial probationary period.

5. American bosses have more power to hire and fire than French bosses.

6. In France a lot of people prefer to work shorter hours in order to have more time to

7. American society is much more prepared to reward risk and to forgive failure than
European society.

8. State -of- the art technology has increased the company's productivity and competitiveness.

9. Moonlighting has become something of a national pastime in many countries.


10. He does a bit of gardening as a sideline.


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1. Lots of people don't spend their money sensibly and find it difficult to make ends meet.

2. Gone are the days when the small shop was king.

3. A retail revolution is now under way that could eventually lead to the death of small shops.

4. Until recently the idea that we could all sit at home and shop from our computers was the
stuff of science fiction.

5. Catalogues shopping has paved the way for e-commerce, getting many consumers to the
idea that shopping does not need to involve shops.

6. E-commerce is changing the world shop.


7. The internet increases consumer power because it is much easier for customers to switch
from one supplier to another.

8. In less time than it takes for a kettle to boil, it is possible to select that new must-have video
and to order the latest bestseller.

9. E-tail may enable you to shop round the clock but it will never replace human relations.

10. To compete with supermarkets, megamalls and e-commerce, small shops will have to adapt
if they want to survive.

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