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Previous exams’ skills

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is paying towards anew civil democratic regime by
making radical amendments to the constitution. At the same time, the Egyptian People, at different
levels, have started to draw up the image of their new state that trey hope would soon be classified
among the countries of the First World.

.‫ االرتفاع المستمر في االسعار وزيادة معدالت البطالة ادت الى قيام ثورة الخامس والعشرين من يناير‬-1
.‫ تحث االديان على السالم والرحمة والتعايش‬-2
Many studies have shown that it is better to wear your seat belt when you are driving a car.
Seat belts greatly reduce the risk of death or injury in accidents. The fact is widely recognized and
many governments have passed laws imposing seat belt use.

.‫ أعتقد أن الناس سوف تستمر في قراءة الكتب من أجل المتعة‬-3

‫أي أنواع الموسيقى تحب االستماع اليها؟‬-4
Sports reinforce values important to society, like honest competition and teamwork. "There is
no I in TEAM" is a good sports saying. It teaches us that success is achieved by putting the group
above individual glory.

.‫ثبت علميا ً أن الشيكوالتة لها بعض الفوائد الصحية للقلب‬-5

.‫ الماء أصل الحياة فال تفسد البيئة بتلويث مياه النيل‬-6
Every year, millions of trees are cut down to make new paper. Fortunately, the trees that give
us the best wood for paper grow very quickly. Old paper can also be recycled.

.‫اذا لم تجتهد اكثر فى دروسك سوف تفشل فى االختبار‬-7

‫ اعتقد ان الناس سوف تستملر فى قراءة الكتب من اجل المتعة‬-8
a) Translate into Arabic:
Thirty years ago, most university students believed that when they graduated, their education
had finished. They expected to get a job and work for one employer. They would work in one place
until they retired.
1- ‫هل فكرت فى االلتحاق" بجامعة فى الخارج بعد التخرج‬
2- ‫كثرة المال التوفر باضرورة حلوال للمشاكل‬

Being a good citizen requires a lot of civilized behaviour like helping the people in need.
Imagine you were in their place! Wouldn't you like to have other people standing by your side?
.‫ أفكر جديا ً في التسجيل في دورة كمبيوتر بعد التخرج‬-1
.‫ في بعض المنازل الحديثة تُستخدم طاقة الشمس في تسخين المياه‬-2

Living things respond to changes in their environment. For example, if an object causes you
pain, you respond by moving away from it. For protection, some animals change colour to hide in
their surroundings.
.‫ يقال ان معظم االشياء التى نستخدمها تأتى من الخشب‬-1
.‫ كان يحيي حقى أحد رواد األدب المصري الحديث والثقافة العربية‬-2

To enjoy the quality of being right and fair, you should have justice. It is one of the basic
values in all social systems. It is also recommended by all religions and called for by all prophets.
.‫ مارس‬19 ‫ لقد وضعت مصر اول لبنة فى صرح الديموقراطية الحقيقية يوم‬1 -
. ‫ الدول الفقيرة‬r‫ على حساب‬r‫ ان العولمة تخدم الدول الغنية‬r‫ يرى الكثيرون‬2 -

I am busy looking after thirty distributors in my area. Therefore, I continually contact them. I also
.attend conferences and do presentations to explain to clients about the industry
1- ‫علينا بترشيد استخدام المياه العذبة وإال سنواجه الظمأ مستقبال‬
2‫ يجب أن يعتبر كل مصري نفسه مرشدا سياحيا‬- ‫لكي تزدهر السياحة‬

Young people who staged the revolution on January 25,expressed the entire nation's
prospects and concerns. This great revolution shouldn't be largely associated with the "Facebook".
The revolution represents all the Egyptian nation that revolted against corruption, injustice and

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