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Neil Cyril Fortuna


I’m Neil Cyril Fortuna, I was born on May 30, 2000. I lived in Baranggay 4 Solidwest
which is one of the biggest baranggay here in Vigan City Ilocos Sur. I'm a positive and quite
serious person with lots of jokes, my quote in life is simple, “You treat me good, and I’ll treat
you better.” I’m kind to those who are kind to me, I can be your greatest friend you’ll meet but
can be also your worst enemy if you’ll not treat me right. I was once convicted when I stabbed
one of my friends because he spread rumours about me, he’s a traitor, and I spend 2 years and 3
months in provincial jail with a 40,000 pesos bail. Just kidding, like what I’ve said earlier, I’m a
person with lots of jokes. I'm a kind and soft hearted person, I like to help people who are in
need because I know the feeling of being empty, I like to leave a laugh and a huge smiles on
people because I know that being a positive person brings you good karma in life.

I went to Divine World College of Vigan on my Elementary and High School years, I
spent 10 years studying in Divine, I’m a member of the Knights of the Altar since 4 th Grade until
now, in my mind and in my faith, being a Knights of the Altar will bring me closer to God and
enable me to appreciate his pure love. I can say that I’m a religious person because I was
surrounded with a devoted family and was raised religiously. My Elementary experience was
extravagant, I spent my Elementary days happy without having so many problems in life.

During my High School days, I experienced up's and downs. In my 1 st year, I failed one
subject because I became unserious with my studies that time, my parents was so disappointed in
me until 4th year, I became so hard headed, getting out of trouble, cutting classes, being rude, not
serious in class, and doing what stubborn students would do defines me during High School. I
felt so bad remembering all what I've done during my High School and teenage years but nobody
is perfect right? Even though I became bad with my previous years, I never forget praising and
glorify our Almighty God,

I went to University of Northern Philippines and as I went there, I leave all my bad
experiences with my former school. I started changing my life and fixed my lifestyle to be a
good student. During my Señior High School days I met the most beautiful blessing that God
gave me, who inspires and guides me to be a good person every day and reminded be that every
sacrifices has its own reward, as a sweet success we both graduated with honours. I made my
parents proud and seeing happiness in their faces is so priceless and I’m so thankful that I finally
made them proud.

Going in to College was not easy, I always overthink and question myself, would I able
to make my parents proud again? To fulfil that, I challenge myself to study harder making my
parent’s sacrifices as my ultimate motivation. I know this is not easy, but I assure that someday
this will all be worthy. I know that God will be at my side no matter how difficult the battle will,
and I’ll keep my faith and put my trust in him. I'm so much proud to say that the person I met
since 2016 is still present up to this time, cheering me up when I am so down, keeps me
motivated and takes a journey with me day by day no matter how tough the world is.

This is my summary in life, I went to the most hard times but here I am, still kicking and
enjoying every moment, sadness and depression is not a hindrance to commit success, we should
always be positive, even how challenging and selfish the world is, we need to think of our
inspiration that will keep us going and that are the people who still believe and love you
unconditionally. Remember that there’s God believing and guiding you to the right path. There
might be some point in life that you think the world is giving up on you but trust me, God will
still be at your side no matter what happen just keep your faith in him. BE POSITIVE.

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