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Nail fungus
Also called: onychomycosis

A nail fungus causing thickened, brittle, crumbly or ragged nails.

Very common
More than 10 million cases per year (India)

Treatable by a medical professional

Usually self-diagnosable

Lab tests or imaging rarely required

Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong

Usually, the problems caused by this condition are cosmetic.

The main symptoms are changes in the appearance of nails. Rarely, the
condition causes pain or a slightly foul odour.
Treatments include oral anti-fungal drugs, medicated nail polish or cream
or nail removal.

Ages affected


Usually self-diagnosable
The main symptoms are changes in the appearance of nails. Rarely, the
condition causes pain or a slightly foul odour.

People may experience:

Nails: brittle, discolouration, or thickening

Consult a doctor for medical advice

Note: The information you see describes what usually happens with a medical condition, but
doesn't apply to everyone. This information isn't medical advice, so make sure that you
contact a health care provider if you have a medical problem. If you think you may have a
medical emergency, call your doctor or a emergency number immediately.
Sources: Apollo Hospitals and others. Learn more

11 September 2017 Page 1 of 1

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