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Our project on the different manicure and pedicure services

and some nail diseases


Table of Content

Acknowledgement…………………………………………...Page 2
Introduction……………………………………………….…Page 3
Types of manicure services…..……………………….....…..Page 4 - 7
Types of pedicure services..……………………………..…..Page 8 - 10
Types of nail diseases…………………………………….…Page 11 - 22

Types of Manicure Services

Reverse French Manicure

The reverse French manicure is based on the same principle as the

classic French manicure (painting your nails in two contrasting shades),
but with this look, it's the lower part of your nail, otherwise known as
the lunula or half moon, that gets to shine.

Shellac Manicure

A shellac manicure involves the application of a special blend of nail
polish and gel. This type of manicure is known for its durability. As the
nail paint stays put for longer, there are lesser chances of it chipping. The
shellac manicure is done the same way a basic manicure. After the
cuticles have been treated and the nails have been filed and shaped, two
coats of the special shellac nail polish are applied on the nails. The nails
are dried under a shellac manicure-specific drier. A top coat is then
applied to seal the base coat.

Paraffin Manicure

It’s a manicure that includes paraffin wax—a colorless, odorless wax

derived from beeswax and petroleum. Paraffin manicures are great for
healing dry and cracked hands, making them silky and smooth again.
Once the wax hardens around your hands, it opens up your pores to
release any dirt or toxins, while also removing any dead skin cells. 

Brazilian Manicure

The surrounding skin around the nails is purposely coated with a clear
base coat and then the polish shade of choice, followed by removing the
excess polish with an orangewood stick and acetone-soaked cotton ball.

Basic Manicure

A standard manicure usually includes trimming, shaping, filing, and

buffing your nails, addressing your cuticles, which could include
trimming and a cuticle oil treatment, and a hand massage. The
application of nail polish at the end is optional.

Types of Pedicure Services

French Pedicure

A French pedicure is a method of decorating your nails with a thin white
horizontal strip of nail color on the tips of your nails, with the plate of
the nail either painted in clear, pink or neutral tone nail polishes.

Deluxe Pedicure

A luxurious treatment including a soak and moisturizing exfoliation,

cuticle work, nails clipped and filed, hard skin is removed (pedicure)
and a renewing mask is applied. A short massage and your nails are
buffed and ready to paint.
Mini Pedicure

 A mini pedicure is a cosmetic treatment in which a person's feet are
cleaned and softened . A mini pedicure is a pedicure that focuses
mainly on the toes. It is designed mainly for toenail maintenance
between regular pedicure visits. Mini pedicures usually include a soak,
nail shaping and polish, but do not include any massage or sole care.

Fish Pedicure

A fish pedicure, also known as a fish spa, involves patrons dipping their
feet in a tub of water filled with small fish called Garra rufa. Garra

rufa are sometimes referred to as “doctor fish” because they eat away
dead skin found on peoples’ feet, leaving newer skin exposed.

Gel pedicure

A gel manicure or pedicure involves a manicurist applying a pre-

mixed acrylic to the nails, and this mixture is then set and hardened
under UV (ultra-violet) light using a small, portable UV machine.
Application may involve up to three coats of gel, and each coat needs to
be set or “cured” under the light.

Types of Nail Diseases


Onychogryphosis is a condition
where the nail becomes overgrown and thick, often affecting the big toe.
It can cause one portion of the nail to grow longer than the other part.


Potential causes of Onychogryphosis include:

1. genetics
2. injury
3. circulation issues
4. psoriasis
5. ichthyosis


When a person has Onychogryphosis, the nail grows very thick. In other
cases, a portion of the nail may grow larger than the other part. The
growth can resemble a ram’s horn, so people often refer to it as Ram’s
horn nails.


A person will likely need to see a podiatrist or dermatologist, to help cut

the nail. They may be able to show the person how to do this at home.
People may need several trips to the doctor to cut it back and let it
regrow. The only permanent treatment is the removal of the nail bed.


Paronychia is a skin infection that develops around the nail. It occurs

when bacteria or fungi get under the skin.Paronychia can result from
biting or chewing the nails, but it is more common when working

conditions require the hands to be frequently wet or exposed to


There are two types of paronychia: acute and chronic. Acute paronychia
occurs when there is an infection due to direct or indirect trauma to the
cuticle or nail fold. Chronic paronychia is often the result of allergens or


Acute paronychia symptoms can include:

 swelling
 pain
 redness
 fever and gland pain in severe cases
 yellow pus

Chronic paronychia often starts on one nail and spreads to others. The
nail folds may have the following symptoms:

 redness
 pain
 swelling
 yellow or green pus
 lifting of the nail from the bed
 tenderness


Treatments vary based on the cause of the paronychia. For acute cases,

the options may consist of:

 warm compresses
 topical antibiotics
 corticosteroids
 oral antibiotics
 surgical incision and drainage, in severe cases

To manage chronic paronychia, a doctor will typically treat the

underlying cause of the inflammation. This can include avoiding
allergens and irritants. Treatment can take several weeks to months.

Ingrown Toenail

An ingrown toenail happens when the edges or corners of the nail grow
into the skin next to the nail and break the skin. An ingrown toenail can
cause pain and swelling, and in some cases, they can become infected.


There are other potential causes, including:

 not keeping nails trimmed

 wearing tight socks or shoes
 physical injury


Symptoms can include:

 swelling and tenderness

 redness
 soreness
 pus


Treatments may include:

 surgery
 soaking the nail in warm water 3 to 4 times each day
 wearing comfortable shoes
 keeping the foot dry
 taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain

Nail fungal infections

Nail fungal infections are a common condition that causes the nails to
become thick, discolored, and easier to break. Nail fungus is more
common in the toes than fingers.


Several different types of molds and fungus can affect nails. They grow
when a crack or break traps fungi between the nail and the nail bed.

Sweat, athlete’s foot, and salon manicures and pedicures can put people
at higher risk of nail fungal infections.


Symptoms include:

 thick nails
 discolored nails that are brown, yellow or white
 fragile or cracked nails

Fungus under the nails often is not painful.


Remedies typically involve the use of antifungal medication. People

may need a prescription, or a doctor can fully remove the nail.

Nail psoriasis

Nail psoriasis can cause nail denting or crumbling.


People living with psoriasis may develop symptoms. It occurs when

psoriasis affects the skin of the nail bed or near the nail beds.


Potential symptoms include:

 crumbling nails
 pitting
 changes in color to yellow or brown
 a build-up of skin under the nails
 blood under the nails
 the nail separates from the bed


People should talk to their doctor if they live with psoriasis and notice
symptoms on their fingernails. Treatments may include:

 strong corticosteroid cream

 tazarotene, to treat pitting and discoloration
 calcipotriol, to treat build-up under the nail
 injections of corticosteroids
 laser treatment


Onycholysis is when the toe or fingernail painlessly separates from the
nail bed. It typically occurs slowly over time and could result from an
underlying health condition or injury.


The most common cause is from local injury to the nail. Other triggers

 excessive filing
 exposure to chemicals
 allergic contact dermatitis
 submersion in water

Psoriasis, fungal infections, and reactions to certain medications are also

common causes.


The main symptom of onycholysis is the separation of the nail from the
nail bed. This can result in discoloration of the nail, turning it green,
yellow, or opaque. It can also cause additional skin tissue under the nail,
nail pitting, nail thickening, or bending of the nail edges.


Management varies based on the exact cause of the onycholysis. Some

potential treatments could include:

 treating psoriasis with oral or other medications

 treating iron deficiency
 oral antifungal treatments
Prevention is also important. Harvard Health Publishing recommend
people take the following steps:

 keeping their nails trimmed

 using rubber gloves when submerging hands in water for long
 avoiding harsh chemicals
 treating underlying condition

Brittle splitting nails

Brittle splitting nails, or onychoschizia, is a common issue that

dermatologists see. The condition can cause brittle, soft, splitting, or thin


Common causes of brittle nails are repeatedly wetting and drying the
nails. Though less common, other causes may include iron deficiency or
underlying illness.


The most common symptom is that the nails break easily. The American
Osteopathic College of Dermatology state people can often tell if the
cause is internal, as the condition affects both fingernails and toenails. If
there is an external cause, symptoms will typically only affect the


The most common remedy is for people to use moisturizer, and keep the
nails protected from chemicals and repeated exposure to water.

Nail Discoloration

The normal nail is pale pink in color.

The end of the nail that grows off the finger is white because it has no
connection with the vascular nail bed which supports the rest of the nail
plate. Nails can become discolored because of:

 Smoking tobacco

 The use of dyes such as those used for hair
 Certain medications including some chemotherapy drugs
 Infections of the nail bed
 Injury to the nail bed
 Subungual melanomas
 Silver toxicity, quinacrine toxicity and Wilson’s disease – the nails
become bluish
 Several systemic illnesses including liver disease – the nails
become white
 Renal failure – the nails become half-and-half

      Wear shoes that fit properly to avoid injury.

    Keep your toenails trimmed short.
      Dry your feet well after swimming or showering.
   Avoid walking barefoot, especially in public places.
   Avoid putting on socks or shoes while your feet are damp


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