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University of Education Lahore

Department of English

Course Title: …Psycholinguist……………………………….

Programme: …BS English………………………………………

Course Code: …ENGL3127………………………………………

Instructor Name: …Miss Rabia Perveen…………………………

Topic: Second / foreign language acquisition

• Parts of the topic

❑What is Second language?
❑Meaning of second language acquisition
❑Stages of second language development
❑Difference between language acquisition & language learning
❑Whether first language interferes with the learning of second
• Language is derived from the Latin word i.e.
• LINGUA means tongue

Language is the multipurpose tool which
performs the functions of letting other know
our thoughts, ideas, emotions, feelings and so
on in different ways
According to Scholar

• Henry Sweet, an English language scholar,

• Stated: “Language is the expression of ideas by
means of speech-sounds combined into words. ..

(Sapir 1921)
“Language is a purely human’s method of
communicating ideas, emotions and
desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced
symbols”. Language has enabled man to
communicate with the environment and to regulate
his social behavior.
What is Second Language
The Second Language is the Language a
person learns in Addition to his first

• Formal / Informal Manner

Formal manner are used for the Informal manners are used for personal
business , academic or professional or casual purpose

Multi Linguality
Meaning Of Second Language Acquisition
• A language is first and so its acquisition if no other language
is acquired before otherwise it is second.
• L1 is native language.
• L2 is acquired language.
Stages Of Second Language
1. Pre-production
2. Early-production
3. Speech Emergence
4. Intermediate fluency
5. Advance fluency
1. Pre-production
• It is observed at the begining of exposure to the new
language , it may last from a couple of days to
several months .
• Fact : ESL beginners who listen but rarely speak in
the language make just as much and frequently
more , progress in second language development as
their more talkative class mates , by the end of the
first year of exposure of English .
2: Early production
• This stage may last up to six months and
students will develop a receptive and active
vocabulary of about 1000 words .
• During this stage , students can usually speak
in one or two word phrases.
• They can use short language chunks that have
been memorized although these chunks may
not always be used correctly.
3: Speech Emergence

• Students have developed vocabulary of about 3000 words

and can communicate with simple phrases and sentences.
4: Intermediate Fluency

• English language learners of thee intermediate fluency

stage have a vocabulary of 6000 active words.
• Comprehension of English literature and social studies
content is increasing .
5: Advance Fluency

• It takes students from 4 to 10 years to achieve

cognitive academic language proficiency in a
second language .
• Students at this stage will be near native in their
ability to perform on content are learning.
Difference Between Language Acquisition &
Language learning
Sr. # Language Acquisition Language Learning

1. Language acquisition is a natural process Language learning requires conscious efforts.

which happens subconsciously.

2. In acquisition socio cultural qualities are In learning defined rules of grammar must be learnt.
easily assimilated.

3. In acquisition various concepts are created In learning concepts can be created in both mother
in mother tongue. tongue and second language.

4. It is automatic. It is goes under learned efforts.

5. No needs of books, grammar and rules. Is learned properly through books, grammar and etc.
Whether first language interferes with the
learning of second language

• Mujhay Pani Do.

Subject Object Verb

Do Mujhay Pani.
Verb Subject Object
Whether first language interferes with the
learning of second language

➢ Do we make a special effort to tell them how the

structure of the language is?

Kal Peer Hai

Peer Hai Kal
➢ When students are learning language or acquiring
• Language acquisition .
a. Is a technique intended to simulate the environment in which children
learn their native language
b. Requires the memorization and use of necessary vocabulary.
c. Involves a systematic approach to the analysis and comprehension of
grammar as well as to the memorization of vocabulary .
• Acquisition of vocabulary is .
a. Learning word with family .
b. Learning big words.
c. Cramming more words.
• Knowledge of more than one language.
a. Is very helpful in teaching and learning a new language .
b. Causes interference in learning a new language.
c. Becomes a burden to the teacher in the language class room.
• Learners acquire a language by
a. Using the language in a natural interactive environment.
b. Analyzing the structure of the language.
c. Studding the literature of the language.
• Effective learning takes place when students are .
a. Passive.
b. Interactive.
c. Quite .
• Which of the following is suitable for making students responsible
for their own learning
a. Discouraging students from making decisions about how they
learn best.
b. Using technology to chat a network.
c. Encouraging students to ask more and more questions.
• Inquiry based learning .
a. Does not place students in thought provoking situations.
b. Encourages quiet learners.
c. Allows learners to raise questions.
• When students learn a language for bright employment
opportunities their motivation is.
a. Extrinsic.
b. Intrinsic.
c. Exotic.
• Book Name:(Introducing Second
language acquisition) by MURIEL
SAVILLE-TROIKE.University of Arizona
published in 2005.


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