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Nama : Anjani Ayuningtyas KD

Nim : 18.1422.S

Kelas : 2A (Semester 4)

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Vitamin is an additional nutrition which is needed by our body to keep its

metabolism. Commonly, vitamin comes from foods and fruits which are planted organicaly.
Human body needs more vitamins, because it often get less production of vitamins itself. We
can get more vitamins (such as vitamin D) when we bask in the morning.

On the other hand, because of our body cannot produce all vitamins itself, so we need
additional vitamins to cover it. If we do not get enough vitamins suply, the condition can
cause several symptoms of the disease. For example, if we have a deficit in vitamin C, then
the initial symptoms are common, we will get bleeding gums (thrush).

In general vitamins are divided into 2 types, namely water soluble vitamins and fat
soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins are vitamins that cannot be stored in large quantities
in the body and will be excreted in urine, so it is important to protect your intake of water-
soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins, for example vitamins B and C. Sea fat vitamins,
including vitamins A, D, E, and K.

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