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Assista a vídeo Aula com bastante atenção e no próprio vídeo você pode

apontar com o dedo a alternativa de resposta correta e depois responda às

atividades abaixo.
As atividades devem ser realizadas no caderno de Inglês. Assunto já visto
em sala de aula.

May ____th, 2020
Teacher: Patrícia Aires Class.: 8th (8ºano)


Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form

I am Am I I´m not
You are Are you You´re not
He is working. Is he working? He´s not working.
She is Is she She´ s not
It is Is it It ´s not
We are Are we We´re not
They are Are they They´re not

O Present Continuous Tense é formado pelo presente do verbo to be (am, is, are), seguido por um verbo
acrescido da terminação –ing. Este tempo verbal expressa uma ação que está ocorrendo agora.
Observe> Now, we are studying. ( Agora, estamos estudando.)

Forma-se o gerúndio , em inglês, acrescentando a terminação –ing ao verbo.
play + ing =playing (jogando);
Os verbos terminados em e perdem o e: dance + ing =dancing(dançando);
Alguns verbos dobram a consoante final: run + ing =running(correndo).


1.Escreva os verbos a seguir no gerúndio:

To go: going
a)to take:______________
b)to sleep:______________
c)to work:______________
d)to study:______________
e)to speak:_____________
f) to sing:______________
g)to play:______________
h)to dance:____________
i)to run:______________
j) to eat:______________

2.Marque um (x) na alternativa que preenche as lacunas das frases abaixo de forma correta: games. B-You…………the piano.
a)am playing.
a)am playing.
b)is playing.
b)is playing.
c)are playing.
c)are playing.

C- I………… D- We………the guitar.

a)am playing. a)am playing.
b)is playing. b)is playing.
c)are playing.
c)are playing.

E- It………… F- They……basketball.
a)am playing. a)am playing.

b)is playing. b)is playing.

c)are playing.
c)are playing.

3.Grife os verbos que estão no “present continuous tense” nos trechos das canções abaixo,
em seguida, encaixe-os nas traduções corretas.
a) b)

“We're all just looking for connection

Yeah, we all want to be seen “You're giving me a million reasons to
I'm looking for someone who speaks let you go
my language You're giving me a million reasons to
Someone to ride this ride with me quit the show
Can I get a witness? (Witness) You're givin' me a million reasons …”
Will you be my witness? (Witness)…”
I Think I’m In Love Again – Kat Dahlia
Katy Perry - Witness
C) D)






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