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Stage Arts/ DRAMA for Pre-finals and Finals

SY 2019-2020

Guide Questions/ Topics:

1. The basic elements of theatre

2. The process
3. The product
4. The audience
5. The playwright
6. Steps of the Playwright’s work
7. Elements of drama
8. Further considerations of the playwright
9. General form
10. Tragedy
11. Comedy
12. Melodrama

Final period:

1. Tragicomedy (characteristics/functions/goals/purposes
2. Style/mood
3. Dramatic structure
4. The basic characteristics of the cause-effect arrangement
5. Points of attack- (characteristics/functions/goals/importance
>Rising action
> The climax/crisis
> Resolution/obligatory scene
> Categories of plot structure/climatic structure/episodic

6. Contemporary drama/stage arts/theatre

> Its differences

> Its similarities

> Its characteristics/functions/goals/purposes/importance

> Its history

> Its structure and language

> Its development

> Its relationship to literature/language/culture and society

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