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Mid Year Assessment of Children’s Learning

Name: Olive Greaves Date June 2020

In the kinder learning environment

(VEYLDF Outcome 2: Community)
Olive can choose her own activities and engage herself in play, however, she
likes to remain close by to familiar and trusted educators
Olive spends a good amount of time engaged in an activity, she can
concentrate and focus her attention on the task.
Olive is happy to participate in a wide range of activities both indoors and
outdoors. She is a self-motivated learner and will seek out ways to fill her time
with interesting things to do.
Olive can follow instructions. She can socially navigate the kinder environment
and pick up social cues - watching others and then working out what to do.
Olive can handle herself in group problem solving scenarios, negotiating with
others, having her say and working things out for herself. She is fair

Olive will go to an educator if she needs to. She will try to find a solution by
herself or move herself away. If she does need an educator’s support, she
prefers familiar teaches.
Olive is attentive at group time, she is interested and engaged. When she is
sitting with the girls, there can be a little bit of chatting going on!!

Olive has very secure attachments with her kinder teachers. She is responsible
and likes to help the teachers do things in the room. Sometimes she needs
encouragement to go and play with her peers. When encouraged, she is happy
to do so (with a look over her shoulder every now and then to make sure they
are still there!).
SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL Olive can enter into play.
(VEYLDF Outcome 1: Olive copes quite well at kinder. If she is emotional during drop
Identity) off’s it only takes her to put her bag away before she is able to
NQS: Areas 1, 2, 5, 6 regulate her emotions.
Olive will try new things and is persistent.
Olive will join in group activities with an educator or other
When Olive is feeling emotional or overwhelmed during the kinder
day, she had a quick cuddle and smell of blankie and she is able to
happily re-engage back in play.
Mid Year Assessment of Children’s Learning

Name: Olive Greaves Date June 2020

SELF HELP Olive is independent.

(VEYLDF Outcome 3: Olive keeps her belongings in her locker and keeps track of her
Wellbeing) drink bottle and shoes.
Olive easily follows the kinder routine

COMMUNICATION Olive can ask and answer questions and have conversations.
(VEYLDF Outcome 5: She can stay on topic with a group conversation and add relevant
Communication) information.
NQS: Areas 1, 5, 6, 7 Olive responds well to conversational cues. She can listen…. stop….
wait for an answer…. continue.
Olive is articulate in her communication and often explains things
in detail.

PHYSICAL Olive is co-ordinated and agile in the outdoor yard and at Beach
(VEYLDF Outcome 3: Kinder.
Wellbeing) Olive can control a pencil.
NQS: Areas 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Olive can cut with scissors

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