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The association boninite low‐ti andesite‐tholeiite

in the heathcote greenstone belt, Victoria;
ensimatic setting for the early lachlan fold belt

Anthony J. Crawford , W. E. Cameron & Reid R. Keays

To cite this article: Anthony J. Crawford , W. E. Cameron & Reid R. Keays (1984) The association
boninite low‐ti andesite‐tholeiite in the heathcote greenstone belt, Victoria; ensimatic
setting for the early lachlan fold belt, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31:2, 161-175, DOI:

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Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (1984) 31, 161-175

The association boninite low-Ti andesite-tholeiite in the Heathcote

Greenstone Belt, Victoria; ensimatic setting for the early
Lachlan Fold Belt
Anthony J. Crawford1, W. E. Cameron2 and Reid R. Keays3

1Department of Geology, University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay, Tas. 7005, Australia.

2Department of Geology, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
3Department of Geology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3052, Australia.
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The Heathcote Greenstone Belt is composed mainly of Lower Cambrian metavolcanic rocks and is
one of three outcropping belts of the apparent basement to the Lachlan Fold Belt in SE Australia.
The greenstones may be assigned to two broad magma series. A younger tholeiitic series with
mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) affinities has intruded through, and been erupted upon low-Ti,
intermediate SiO2 lavas. The latter were originally boninites (both clinoenstatite-phyric and more
fractionated orthopyroxene-phyric varieties) and plagioclase-phyric, low-Ti andesites. They have
partially re-equilibrated to the lower greenschist facies and outcrop mainly in the central segment
of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt, where deeper stratigraphic levels are exposed. Tholeiitic lavas
and sills metamorphosed to the prehnite-pumpellyite facies dominate the northern and southern
segments. As the association boninite/low-Ti lavas/MORB is known only from modern West
Pacific-type settings involving island arcs and backarc basins, the early history of the Lachlan
Fold Belt is inferred to have taken place in a similar setting.

Key words: Lachlan Fold Belt, Cambrian greenstones, boninite, low-Ti andesite, tholeiite,
Heathcote Greenstone Belt

INTRODUCTION Lachlan Fold Belt, support the existence of Pro-

terozoic continental crust, at least beneath that
The Cambrian to mid-Devonian Lachlan Fold Belt region (Compston & Chappell 1978; McCulloch &
of SE Australia has been the subject of a number Chappell 1982).
of plate tectonics-based interpretations. The On the other hand, the occurrence of andesites,
greatest single point of controversy concerns the possible ophiolites (Crook & Felton 1975) and the
nature of the basement and the role it has played in identification of mid-ocean ridge-type basalts
the evolution of this region. (MORB) among the Victorian greenstones (Craw-
Recent studies of the tectonic development of ford & Keays 1978) led to hypotheses involving
the Lachlan Fold Belt broadly polarize into two island arcs, backarc basins and subduction com-
groups, depending on their interpretation of the plexes (Crawford & Keays 1978; Crook 1980). A
nature of its basement. Possibly influenced by the model between these extremes is favoured by some
presence of Precambrian sialic crust in Tasmania, Tasmanian geologists, who argue that the Cam-
and based largely on inference, Rutland (1973) and brian greenstones in Tasmania are relics of narrow
White et al (1976) proposed that the substrate of oceanic troughs, which developed during rifting of
the Lachlan Fold Belt consists of Proterozoic Precambrian sialic crust (Solomon & Griffiths
metamorphic complexes of continental character. 1974; Williams 1978; Brown et al 1980).
The Moho lies at a depth of 34 km beneath the The oldest rocks known from the Lachlan Fold
Melbourne Trough in the Melbourne area, and Belt of mainland SE Australia are Cambrian
lower crustal velocities are characteristic of conti- greenstones, which occur in three narrow N- to
nental crust (namely 6-6.5 km s~') (Gibson et al NW-striking belts (Fig. 1) called, from W to E,
1981; G. Gibson, pers. comm. 1982). More recent the Stavely, Heathcote and Mount Wellington
geochemical and isotopic studies of granitoids, Greenstone Belts (Crawford & Keays 1978). An
mainly from the Eastern Highlands part of the understanding of the magmatic affinities of these


9^ Cambrian Greenstones
\ \
1 — — — Inferred trends

l! ^ \^>

* " ' w . v " "^ ~ Limit of Palaeozoic Outcrop

MOL0N0 ,
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Fig. 1 The distribution of Cambrian greenstones in the Lachlan Fold Belt of SE Australia.

greenstones is an important prerequisite to the termed boninites (see definition in petrography

correct interpretation of the tectonic evolution of section). Pillowed and massive flows of MORB-
the Lachlan Fold Belt. When plate tectonic model- type basalt, at least 2 km thick, appear to overlie
ling of fold belt development became fashionable, conformably the boninites and are themselves
and in the absence of useful published petrographic overlain by cherts, followed by Lower Ordovician
or geochemical data, the Heathcote Greenstone flysch. Similar MORB-type tholeiitic basalts and
Belt was variously referred to as an island arc dolerites constitute much of the greenstone sec-
(Oversby 1971), an (?) ophiolite (Solomon & tions at Dookie and Tatong in the N of the belt,
Griffiths 1972), the shoulder of a spreading ceritre and at Cape Liptrap in the southernmost exposure
(Harrington et al 1974), and an immature island of the Mount Wellington Greenstone Belt. At the
arc aborted in the earliest stages of development latter locality, fault slices of gabbro and serpen-
(Crook & Powell 1976). tinized peridotite occur in the volcanic section, and
The Stavely Greenstone Belt of western Victoria the greenstones are unconformably overlain by the
is composed of orogenic andesites and dacites, Lower Ordovician Digger Island Limestone
with minor chert, serpentinite and shale. In the (Thomas et al 1976). At Dolodrook River (Fig. 1),
vicinity of Mount Stavely, these andesites are a diverse assemblage of cumulate ultramafics,
intruded by high-level dykes and stocks of including harzburgites, dunites, chromitites and
tonalite-trondhjemite, also considered to be of orthopyroxenites, are overlain uncomformably by
Cambrian age. Metamorphic assemblages are in late Middle Cambrian volcanogenic sediments and
the prehnite-pumpellyite and lower greenschist limestones (Duddy 1974). Finally, the Jamieson-
facies of burial metamorphism. Licola fault slices of greenstone (Fig. 1) are
The Mount Wellington Greenstone Belt of composed of andesitic metavolcanics. The Mount
E-central Victoria consists of a number of fault- Wellington Greenstone Belt will be described in
bounded slices of diverse metavolcanic and ul- detail in a subsequent publication.
tramafic rocks. The most complete stratigraphic The Heathcote Greenstone Belt of central Vic-
section is preserved at Howqua (Fig. 1), where toria maintains a general meridional strike over
andesitic agglomerates and volcaniclastics are approximately 150 km, and was an important
overlain by approximately 500 m of intermediate- Palaeozoic tectonic feature; it now forms the
s ' , high-Mg lavas and sills, which contain boundary between the Cambrian to Upper Ordovi-
clinoenstatite (e.g. Crawford 1980) and are best cian Ballarat Trough to the W, and the Lower
14 4°40' 42' 45' 144" 46'
36° 43' I
I 36° 43'

I CornellaEast
10 km

H 45'


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52' 52'

53' 53'

Knowsley East Formation

volconogemc sediments, mudstones
shales, fossiliferous



55' j -

561 56'

57'h 57'

36° 58' L j _ 36° 68'

144"40' 4V 42' 43' 45' 144"461

Fig. 2 Geological map of the central segment of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt. Sample numbers correspond to last two digits of
University of Melbourne Geology Dept sample numbers, which are listed for each sample in Table 2.

Ordovician to Mid-Devonian Melbourne Trough to succession in both segments has been tilted to a
the E (Fig. 1). Based on petrological affinities, the steep westerly dip. Large-scale folding of sedimen-
Heathcote Greenstone Belt is divisible into three tary bands is absent along strike, but small drag
segments: the southern segment (S of the Cobaw folds and oblique transcurrent faults, with offsets
batholith) and the northern segment (N of Mount generally less than 50 m, are present at a number
Camel) are dominated by tholeiitic metabasalts and of locations. Cleavage is uncommon in the
metadolerites with MORB affinities (Crawford & greenstone belt.
Keays 1978), whereas the central segment, map- The stratigraphy within the greenstones is rela-
ped by D. E. Thomas in 1940 and 1941, shows far tively simple. The oldest unit, dominated by
greater petrological diversity and structural com- boninitic rocks, is limited in outcrop to the eastern
plexity. It became apparent after extensive exami- slopes of the Mount Camel Range, from Cornelia
nation of thin sections (including Thomas' original East at the southern end of the northern segment to
thin sections housed at the Victorian Mines De-
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Mount Camel. Here, quartz-magnesite-serpentine

partment) that the majority of meta-volcanic rocks, rocks defining the boundary fault are overlain by
although displaying greenschist facies as- sporadically outcropping talc schists and amphibo-
semblages, have their primary igneous textures lites. Relict volcanic textures in the boninites are
preserved. These rocks are referred to below in best preserved in the Cornelia East area (Bailey
terms of their original igneous petrology, without 1979), where at least 500 m of boninites are
the 'meta' prefix. Petrographically and chemically, overlain by 100-200 m of silicified black shales,
we have been able to distinguish rocks of three which in turn are overlain by nearly 2000 m of
magmatic associations from the central segment of tholeiitic basic rocks. High-level stocks and dykes
the Heathcote Greenstone Belt, namely tholeiitic of dolerite, commonly differentiated to
basalts, andesitic rocks and a rock-type new to granophyric ferrodiorites, intrude the boninites to
Australia, boninite. appear to represent feeders to the tholeiitic rocks at
the top of the greenstone pile.
GEOLOGY OF THE NORTHERN AND Elsewhere along the northern and southern
SOUTHERN SEGMENTS OF THE segments of the Heathcote belt, most of the
HEATHCOTE GREENSTONE BELT greenstones form a monotonous pile of fine- to
medium-grained tholeiitic dolerites and basalts. At
The eastern boundary of the Heathcote Greenstone Mount William, immediately S of the Cobaw
Belt is delineated along its entire length by the Batholith, a 700 m thick basal unit of dolerite sills
Mount Ida-Mclvor and Mount William Faults, a is overlain by 800 m of basalts and interbedded
steeply W-dipping reverse fault system that jux- sediments. The sills range in thickness from a few
taposes Cambrian greenstones and Siluro- metres to well over 100 m. Hamlyn (1971)
Devonian sediments of the Melbourne Trough. examined drillcore from Mount Camel and con-
Extremely resistant quartz-magnesite cataclasite cluded that the tholeiitic sequence in this area
outcrops intermittently along the fault trace, and consists of a pile of basalt flows and interbedded
locally contains augen of serpentine and amphibo- black shales intruded by concordant swarms of
lite. In both the northern and southern segments, penecontemporaneous dolerite sills. The basalts
the western boundary of the greenstone belt is a occur as non-vesicular, largely aphyric flows,
conformable passage from greenstones through usually more than 5 m thick, in which no pillow
Cambrian shales and tuffaceous rocks (generally structures have been observed. They are particu-
silicified) into the Lower Ordovician greywacke- larly well-exposed in the fairly continuous section
shale succession of the eastern edge of the Ballarat along Deep Creek, at the very southern end of the
Trough (Hamlyn 1971; Green 1972; Bradfield southern segment.
1978). Sediments interbedded with the basalts form
The greenstones have a maximum exposed narrow, low ridges up to 500 m long along strike;
thickness of approximately 2000 m in the northern the widest bands are approximately 40 m thick and
segment and 1500 m in the southern segment; show no sedimentary features other than narrow,
intercalated silicified shales constitute about variable, planar bedding (1 mm to 10 cm thick).
20-25% of the total thickness. Attitudes of the They are usually silicified in outcrop and display
sedimentary rocks within and above the extensive fracturing, with fracture networks filled
greenstones indicate that the entire Cambrian by silica. Occasional bands of less indurated, fine,

pelagic sediments resemble dark shales and, where 1 :31680 maps as a base, we remapped and
baked by the Cobaw batholith, have hornfelsic resampled much of the central segment, and a new
textures and contain abundant spessartine, suggest- interpretation is presented in Fig. 2.
ing derivation from a manganiferous sediment The stratigraphy mapped in the Cornelia East
(Bradfield 1978). In drillcore from Mount Camel, area of the northern segment, namely tholeiites
pelagic sediments within the greenstones are pyri- separated from underlying boninites by a shale
tic black shales, rarely thicker than 3 m. band, continues into the northern end of the central
Except for the contact metamorphic aureoles segment, to just S of the Crosbie Granite (Fig. 2).
around the Crosbie and Cobaw granitic intrusions, Further S, both the stratigraphy and its interpreta-
the metamorphic grade throughout the greenstone tion are considerably complicated by extensive
pile in both the southern and northern segments is faulting, the occurrence of a third lava suite
prehnite-pumpellyite to lower greenschist facies. (mainly andesites), and very poor outcrop.
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Limited occurrences of amphibolites adjacent to The tholeiitic series in the central segment is
the boundary faults may have been excavated from largely represented by fine-grained amphibolites in
depth during movements along the faults. The the aureole of the Crosbie Granite; these terminate
Upper Devonian Cobaw Batholith has produced a abruptly against shales along the western margin of
thermal aureole to a distance of at least 500 m greenstone outcrop, at a contact thought by us to
from the contact, in which basaltic and, doleritic be a fault (see below). A band of black cherty
rocks have recrystallized to fine- to medium- shale separates the amphibolitized tholeiites from
grained amphibolite. underlying boninites.
Conformably overlying the greenstones in both Boninites occur in two outcrop areas. The more
segments is a sequence of marine sediments northerly is a continuation of the boninites which
around 250 m thick, including a basal unit of outcrop along the eastern flank of the Mount
graded lithic sandstones, overlain by black shales Camel Ridge, and these extend about 3 km S of
containing a rich Middle Cambrian hydroid band the Crosbie Granite, where they terminate abruptly
approximately 65 m from the top (Chapman & at a NE-striking fault. In this northern outcrop
Thomas 1938). These sediments are the lateral area, boninites are generally altered by extensive
equivalents of the fossiliferous Knowsley East shearing, quartz veining and thermal and hyd-
Formation of the central segment of the Heathcote rothermal effects of the adjacent granite. Schistose
Greenstone Belt (Thomas & Singleton 1956). The amphibolites and serpentinites derived mainly
Knowsley East Formation equivalents are overlain from boninitic precursors are common, and small
conformably by 500-1000 m of thinly-bedded, dykes, sills and pods of amphibolitized tholeiitic
bleached shales, the Goldie Shales. These are dolerite and ferrodiorite intrude the boninites here,
always unfossiliferous and commonly silicified in as at Cornelia East.
outcrop; however, by virtue of their position The southern area of boninite outcrop is a
stratigraphically between the underlying Middle fault-bounded block 5 km long by 1.5 km
Cambrian Knowsley East Formation and the con- (maximum width), at the base of the western
formably overlying, graptolite-bearing earliest Or- slopes of Mount Ida. The lavas vary from vesicular
dovician shales and slates of the eastern Ballarat to massive, are generally porphyritic, and show
Trough, the Goldie Shales are considered by us to excellent textural preservation. Pillows 0.5-1 m
be of Upper Cambrian age. across outcrop in She-Oak Gully, in a section in
which sedimentary interbeds are rare. Most boni-
nites are deep blue-green or brown on fresh
surfaces, with black phenocrysts 1-2 mm long in a
structureless, almost glassy matrix. Occasional
This segment of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt lies small outcrops of slightly coarser-grained, almost
between the Cobaw Batholith in the S and Mount doleritic-textured boninites are interpreted by us as
Camel in the N (Fig. 1). Though Thomas' (1940) narrow dykes intruding the lava pile.
outcrop mapping and geological boundaries appear Andesites, with interbedded volcanogenic sedi-
generally to be very accurate, he did not attempt to ments, also outcrop in two areas. The largest and
subdivide the greenstones petrographically, refer- best exposed of these extends several kilometres N
ring to all igneous rocks present in the area as and S of Lady's Pass (Fig. 2). Flows are usually
dolerite or diabase. Using Thomas' (1940) less than 10 m thick and are occasionally separated

by units of volcanogenic sandstones composed this area is a massive quartz reef, some 400 m
largely of andesitic detritus. Early Cambrian fos- long, trending parallel to the direction of shearing
sils have been found in these sediments (P. Jell, (Fig. 2). It is likely that the major eastern
pers. comm. 1980). In the vicinity of Lady's Pass, boundary fault of the greenstones between Mount
one sedimentary section at least 50 m thick is Camel and Lady's Pass is not a single fault, but a
composed of 10-30 cm thick, commonly graded scries of steeply-dipping, subparallel shears.
beds. Crook and Powell (1976) considered these to Good evidence is present in the central segment
be of shallow-water origin, on the basis of for the existence of several major cross-strike
medium-scale cross lamination and rare scour and faults. The most significant of these, not recog-
fill structures. Throughout this area, sedimentary nised by Thomas (1940), strikes NE between
interbeds strike around 060° and dip towards the Lady's Pass and the Crosbie Granite. It is respon-
NW, usually at steep angles. The across-strike sible for the abrupt termination of the boninites
thickness of the andesite-volcanogenic sediment
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and their juxtaposition against andesites, and the

sequence here is approximately 2 km, but the 2 km lateral offset of the N-striking Knowsley East
outcrop is too poor to rule out the possibility of Formation above the greenstones. Another such
tectonic thickening. fault, striking at 330° and almost paralleling the
Andesites reappear 5 km further S, in a gener- Mclvor Highway, separates boninites from ande-
ally narrow and highly-deformed belt extending S sites in the southern part of the area of boninite
to the Cobaw Batholith. In addition to andesitic outcrop and clearly offsets the western boundary
lavas, pyroclastic rocks (particularly agglomerates) fault (Fig. 2).
and highly-altered rhyolitic to dacitic lavas occur The Knowsley East Formation consists of ap-
in localized areas which may represent brecciated proximately 170 m of interbedded, cleaved
plugs or lava domes. These are intruded by stocks mudstone and volcanogenic sandstones, with occa-
of microgranodiorite and occasional zoned, sional rudite bands containing locally derived
coarse-grained dykes of hornblende diorite which clasts of metavolcanics and chert. Crook and
contain similar low greenschist facies metamorphic Powell (1976) suggested relatively shallow water
assemblages to those of the host lavas and are deposition for this formation. Two bands of
considered by us to be part of the greenstone trilobite-bearing mudstone, occurring about 30 m
sequence, rather than satellite intrusions of the apart, have yielded a Middle Cambrian trilobite
Upper Devonian Cobaw and Crosbie batholiths. fauna (Thomas & Singleton 1956). The Goldie
Several small plugs of unmetamorphosed Shale in the central segment (Thomas' type local-
granodiorite, and quartz porphyry dykes intrude ity for this formation is in the southern segment)
the greenstones and are presumably related to the consists of unfossiliferous black shales, which are
Upper Devonian intrusions. commonly bleached and silicied in outcrop; their
Thomas' (1940) mapping showed that the west- exposed thickness in the vicinity of Lady's Pass is
ern boundary of the central segment of the less than 200 m. Though Thomas (1940) believed
Heathcote Greenstone Belt is everywhere faulted, that, in this area, the Knowsley East Formation
unlike further to the N or S. Along parts of the conformably overlies the greenstones, our evi-
western boundary of the central segment, the entire dence suggests that the contact is faulted. Where
Cambrian sedimentary sequence is missing, pre- exposed in Trilobite Gully, greenstones adjacent to
sumably faulted out. Elsewhere in the central the contact are strongly sheared, with a pro-
segment is abundant evidence of extensive fault- nounced schistose fabric. Also, S of Lady's Pass,
ing, both within the greenstones and the Cambrian andesites and interbedded sediments strike into the
sediments. An elongate fault block of silicified greenstone-Knowsley East Formation contact at
shales, some 2.6 km long and 0.5 km wide, 45°, strongly implying a faulted contact. The
outcrops immediately E of Lady's Pass. These contact between the Goldie Shales and the lower-
sediments are thinly-bedded and strongly folded, most Ordovician sediments is also faulted in this
and their age relationships remain unknown. A area.
northward extrapolation of the long axis of this
fault-block passes into an area of schistose boni- PETROGRAPHY OF THE HEATHCOTE
nites, which are intensely quartz-veined and which GREENSTONES
contain several narrow fault slices of Upper and Boninites are unusually primitive [high Mg/
Lower Ordovician graptolite-bearing shale. Also in (Mg + Fe)] glassy rocks, which fall into the broad
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chemical classification of andesites (SiO2>53%) A characteristic feature of most boninites is the

but share few of their petrographic and chemical presence of abundant clear to pale brown glass,
features. Before describing the Heathcote boni- which is charged with skeletal, acicular to prisma-
nites, a brief review of the petrographic features of tic groundmass pyroxenes. Cores of the
fresh boninites is warranted. The order of crystalli- groundmass pyroxenes may be hollow or consist of
zation in boninites (Cameron et al 1980) is bronzite or magnesian pigeonite; these zone out-
magnesiochromite, olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, cal- wards to rims of calcic pyroxene. Pale green
cic pyroxene, + amphibole + plagioclase, which magnesio-hornblende occasionally occurs as
contrasts strongly with andesites and all varieties quench overgrowths on pyroxene or as isolated
of basalt. A photomicrograph of a boninite from stellate aggregates. Plagioclase is conspicuously
the type locality is shown in Fig. 3a. absent from glassy boninites; however, in boni-
Magnesiochromite occurs in all boninites as nites with less than approximately 8% MgO from
minute euhedra included in olivine and low-Ca feeder dykes and the interiors of thick flows,
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pyroxenes, or as isolated individuals in the plagioclase appears as a late-crystallizing, intersti-

groundmass. Olivine is always subordinate to tial, groundmass phase intergrown with augite
low-Ca pyroxene and, if present, is commonly (Natland 1981; Shiraki et al 1980).
partially resorbed or mantled by that mineral.
Low-Ca pyroxene may be clinoenstatite, ortho- Heathcote boninites
pyroxene (enstatite-bronzite), magnesian pigeon-
ite, or all three (Dallwitz et al 1966; Sharaskin et Rocks of boninitic affinity from the Heathcote
al 1980; Komatsu 1980; Cameron et al 1979; Greenstone Belt exhibit a considerable range of
Natland 1981). Clinoenstatite phenocrysts have MgO contents (4-16%) and show a range of
characteristic polysynthetic twinning parallel to primary textural and mineralogical features, which
(100) and are spontaneous inversion products from have been complicated by metamorphism. Despite
the cooling of the high-temperature MgSiO3 their once-glassy nature, they have retained origi-
polymorth, protoenstatite (Smyth 1974). If crys- nal igneous textural features remarkably well.
tallization proceeds through the protoenstatite- All Heathcote boninites contain tiny magnesio-
orthoenstatite transition, orthoenstatite may rim chromite grains, commonly with ferrichromite
clinoenstatite, as observed in many boninites rims. The most abundant phenocryst phase has
(Komatsu 1980; Dallwitz et al 1966). Bronzite been pseudomorphed by pale green chlorite. It
phenocrysts become more abundant than clinoens- forms prisms (up to 0.7 x 3 mm) with shallower-
tatite in less magnesian boninites and are com- angled terminations than normally displayed by
monly rimmed by more calcic pyroxene. olivine, and constitutes 3-30 modal percent of the

Fig. 3a Unaltered boninite showing larger, skeletal crystals of orthopyroxene (cruciform projections, right of
photograph) and orthopyroxene-pigeonite-augite (centre). Acicular microlites are pigeonite-augite, set in unaltered
glass. Specimen 106, Chichijima, Bonin Islands; Anal., Table 2. Plane-polarized light (PPL). Width of field 1.6 mm.
Fig. 3b Metaboninite with chlorite pseudomorphs after skeletal orthopyroxene (centre) and equant orthopyroxene (lower
left) enclosing chromite. The groundmass consists of relict augite (lower right), actinolite after augite, and albite after
glass. Specimen 26270, PPL. Width of field 1.6 mm. Fig. 3c Metaboninite with chlorite pseudomorphs after what is
interpreted to be clinoenstatite. Groundmass consists of acicular grains of actinolite, with chlorite cores after augite with
low-Ca pyroxene cores. Specimen 26268, crossed polars. Width of field 1.2 mm. Fig. 3d Metaboninite with random
spinifex texture. Actinolite has replaced augite blades, clear matrix is albite, after glass. Specimen 26277, PPL. Width
of field 1.6 mm. Fig. 3e Metaboninite. Orthopyroxene microphenocrysts are replaced by chlorite but augite rims are
relict. Similar morphology may be seen in groundmass grains. The matrix is albite with minor quartz. Specimen 26275,
PPL: Width of field 1.6 mm. Fig. 3f More slowly-cooled metaboninite probably from interior of a dyke or sill.
Orthopyroxene phenocrysts pseudomorphed by chlorite, in an intrafasciculate-textured groundmass composed of
intergrown sheaves of albitized plagioclase and actinolite after calcic pyroxene. Specimen 26282, crossed polars. Width
of field 7 mm. Fig, 3g Originally a two-pyroxene + plagioclase-phyric andesite; augite phenocryst (upper right) is
preserved, while orthopyroxene phenocrysts (below augite) are faithfully pseudomorphed by chlorite. A tabular
plagioclase phenocryst (upper left) has been almost entirely replaced by sericite. Specimen 26263, PPL. Width of field
7 mm. Fig. 3h Typical tholeiitic metabasalt from the Heathcote Greenstone Belt. Fresh augite and albitized plagioclase
define a sub-ophitic to intergranular texture. Fe-Ti oxides are conspicuous compared with other Heathcote lavas.
Specimen 27146, PPL. Width of field 1.0 mm.

rocks. The pseudomorphs are commonly rimmed The most fractionated Heathcote boninitic lavas
by fresh augite, and since they show no sign of (6-7% MgO, e.g. sample 26278) are almost
resorption or replacement by serpentine minerals, holycrystalline, though notably finer-grained than
were almost certainly orthopyroxene. Confirmation the feeder dykes. These are almost aphyric and
of this comes from observations of the morphology have sparse, chloritized microphenocrysts of or-
of skeletal orthopyroxene in modern boninites; thopyroxene in a groundmass containing elongate
tiny, cruciform projections which grow inwards in (uralitized) calcic pyroxene and nearly acicular
an equant, skeletal microphenocryst (now chlorite, albitized plagioclase laths which define a seriate
Fig. 3b) in a Heathcote boninite have identical intersertal texture.
counterparts in the Bonin rock (Fig. 3a). In
contrast, skeletal olivine has lantern, chain and
blade forms (Donaldson 1976). Andesites
Heathcote boninite 26268 contains chlorite
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pseudomorphs that do not extinguish uniformly Andesites occur only in the central segment of the
under crossed polars, in contrast with those in all Heathcote Greenstone Belt, and are easily recog-
other Heathcote boninites. In these pseudomorphs, nized in the field by their abundance of plagioclase
narrow parallel planes with inclined extinction phenocrysts and their yellow weathering rind.
(Fig. 3c) suggest the former presence of clinoens- They are always non-vesicular, and may be
tatite. Significantly, Sample 26268 is the most divided into two petrographic groups: dark-
magnesian Heathcote boninite sample of the 20 coloured pyroxene + plagioclase-phyric andesites
analysed. and lighter-coloured hornblende + plagioclase-
The formerly glassy groundmass of Heathcote phyric varieties. The former probably constitute
boninites is charged to varying extents with fresh more than 95% of the outcropping andesites.
or pseudomorphed pyroxene microphenocrysts and The pyroxene + plagioclase-phyric andesites are
microlites which have variable growth habits, even usually prophyritic (up to 30 modal %), with
within a single thin section, due to different plagioclase typically as abundant as, or more
cooling rates. Elongate, skeletal pyroxenes in abundant than pyroxene. In more evolved rocks,
26277 define a texture (Fig. 3d) closely resembling the modal abundance of plagioclase increases
the random spinifex texture present in some dramatically; one such sample contains sparse,
flowtops of komatiitic basalts (Arndt et al 1979). primary quartz phenocrysts. Plagioclase pheno-
In 26270, the groundmass is characterized by crysts are large (to 5 mm across) blocky euhedra,
abrupt changes from devitrified glass to fan now albitized. Ghost zoning and twinning is
spherulites of quenched pyroxene, which enclose commonly preserved. Smaller (up to 1.5 mm long)
and have crystallized around both phenocrysts and augite phenocrysts are present in all samples, but
microphenocrysts of pyroxene. The most common are usually pseudomorphed by pale-green actino-
habit of groundmass pyroxene is stubby to elon- lite. Relict augite is colourless and non-pleochroic,
gate, strongly-zoned, sometimes hollow euhedra and contains occasional inclusions of Fe-Ti oxides.
(Fig. 3e). Glass has invariably crystallized to In these samples bearing fresh augite, a second
mosaics of quartz and albite, containing patches of type of pseudomorph, more elongate than augite
chlorite and felted, locally stellate aggregates of and consisting of very pale green chlorite, repre-
green ferrostilpnomelane. In places, the latter has sents original orthopyroxene. Its morphology is not
oxidized to flaky aggregates of red-orange ferri- characteristic of olivine. All the pyroxene +
stilpnomelane. plagioclase-phyric andesites appear to have been
Several coarser-grained boninites (e.g. sample two-pyroxene varieties (e.g. sample 26260;
26282) have textures indicating that they were Fig. 3g).
once holocrystalline. These we interpret as feeder Hornblende + plagioclase-phyric andesites con-
dykes to overlying boninites, but field evidence is tain less than 5 modal % of small (<1 mm long)
lacking. Chloritized orthopyroxene phenocrysts hornblende euhedra with a foxy brown to pale
(up to 1.5 X 3 mm) lack quench overgrowths of brown pleochroic scheme, and 5-10 modal % of
calcic pyroxene so common in the lavas. The blocky euhedra of albitized plagioclase. A few
groundmass is composed of elongate sheaves of hornblende phenocrysts are pseudomorphed by
intergrown actinolite (after calcic pyroxene) and green, strongly pleochroic actinolite. In both
albitized plagioclase (Fig. 3f). petrographic groups, microlitic-textured

groundmass consists of aligned laths of albitized andesites to the S (Fig. 2). The outcrops show
plagioclase and acicular to granular uralitized marked textural heterogeneity, with hornblende
clinopyroxene. Originally glassy groundmass in a varying in habit from bladed crystals 2 cm long to
few samples has crystallized to granular albite- equidimensional grains only 2 mm across, set in a
quartz-chlorite mosaics. pale matrix of feldspar and quartz. Hornblende,
In the absence of any diagnostic field relation- pleochoric in shades of brown, constitutes 30-50%
ships, we have been able to identify only two of the rock and is partly replaced by chlorite.
pieces of evidence pertinent to determining the age Tabular plagioclase crystals (up to 5 mm long) are
of the Heathcote andesites relative to the boninites. almost entirely replaced by epidote-clinozoisite
The first is 2 x 1 cm inclusion of boninite (11% except for distinct albitic rims. Large, skeletal
MgO, 0.15% TiO2) in andesite 26258. The second grains of Fe-Ti oxide, which subsequently altered
concerns the compositions of some plagioclase- to leucoxene, have exsolved ilmenite along oc-
free rock fragments containing chromite in an tahedral planes. Interstitial areas originally were
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andesitic agglomerate from Box Knob, and frag- composed of minor alkali feldspar (now largely
mented chromite euhedra in tuffs from S of Lady's clay minerals) and myrmekite. Primary euhedral
Pass [e.g. sample 26287 = KE28 of Thomas' crystals of sphene are common, and were sepa-
(1940) map and Thomas et al (1976)]. These rated in an attempt to date the rock by fission-track
chromites are very similar to those in the boninites method, but were found to contain insufficient
(55-64% Cr2O3). Since the andesites contain only uranium.
Fe-Ti oxides, we suggest that these chromites are Two stocks of microgranodiorite occur in the
derived from an earlier, underlying boninite forma- vicinity of Heathcote township (Fig. 2). The
tion, and that the stratigraphic succession is interiors of the intrusions consist largely of sub-
boninite overlain by andesite. equal proportions (40-45 modal %) of quartz and
plagioclase. Quartz occurs as anhedral crystals
Tholeiites interstitial to larger, subhedral plagioclase, in
which unzoned cores have sharp boundaries
Basaltic and doleritic rocks with tholeiitic affinities
against wide, strongly-zoned rims. Zoning is
dominate the northern and southern segments of
normal, with cores as calcic as An5<>. Small
the Heathcote Greenstone Belt, and are subordi-
interstitial areas of brown, highly-altered alkali
nate to boninites and andesites in the central
feldspar (On 5) make up less than 10 modal % of
segment. Except in the thermal aureoles of the
the microgranodiorite. The sole mafic phase origi-
Cobaw and Crosbie granitic inclusions, the basalts
nally was biotite, now altered to strongly pleo-
display sub-ophitic to intergranular textures, in
chroic, deep green chlorite. Apatite is abundant. A
which augite is invariably fresh and plagioclase is
slightly finer-grained, porphyritic marginal phase
generally albitized, although fresh calcic plagioc-
contains about 20 modal % quartz and 30 modal %
lase is preserved in some thick flows and sills.
of saussuritized plagioclase phenocrysts set in a
Olivine appears to have been absent from these
fine-grained, equigranular groundmass of anhedral
mainly aphyric lavas, and phenocrysts, where
albite and spherulitic quartz. Elongate prisms of
present, are euhedral augite (<1 mm long) rarely
pleochroic, green-khaki hornblende constitute ap-
constituting more than 5 modal % of the rock.
proximately 5 modal % of the rock, and are
Microphenocrysts of plagioclase are rare, but
extensively replaced by chlorite and epidote. The
many basalts contain fairly abundant Fe-Ti oxide
extent of alteration of the mafic minerals in the
microphenocrysts and groundmass granules. The
diorite and microgranodiorite contrasts strongly
dolerites are also augite-plagioclase-Fe-Ti oxide
with their freshness in the Upper Devonian Cobaw
rocks with grainsize usually less than 2 mm.
and Crosbie granitoids. This is consistent with our
assumption that the diorite and microgranodiorite
Diorite and microgranodiorite form an integral part of the Heathcote Greenstone
Rocks of the diorite-granodiorite association, of Belt.
presumed Cambrian age, have intruded the ande-
sites of the central segment. The best outcrops of
hornblende diorite occur on the bank of Mclvor
Creek, close to the fault that separates the boni- Tholeiitic lavas of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt
nites around She-Oak Gully from the larger area of lack penetrative deformation. Except within the

thermal aureoles of the Cobaw and Crosbie green actinolites with 0.6-0.7% Na2O (Table 1)
Batholiths, they display prehnite—pumpellyite typical of most Heathcote metaboninites. The
facies metamorphic assemblages. Plagioclase laths sodic amphibole in the She-Oak Gully metaboni-
are replaced by albite or tiny stout rods of strongly nite is compositionally similar to amphiboles
pleochroic, Fe-rich pumpellyite. The latter and crystallised between 4 and 5 kb (Brown 1977);
green chlorite replace the mesostasis, which is however, the restriction of this amphibole to a
riddled with leucoxene granules after Fe-Ti oxides. single outcrop in the proximity of more abundant
Clear and buff-coloured prehnite occurs in patches metaboninites which contain significantly less
and veins. Augite is fresh and actinolite is absent; sodic actinolite is puzzling, and perhaps reflects a
calcite occurs as veins near major faults. Dolerites localized metasomatic event.
in the lower part of the greenstone pile have the Thomas et al's (1976) record of a partly
assemblage albite-chlorite-actinolite-epidote- serpentinized peridotite with unaltered olivine, also
relict augite, indicative of lower greenschist facies requires comment. We have re-examined this
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metamorphic conditions.
In the aureoles of the Upper Devonian Table 1 Representative electron-probe analyses of
granitoids, basalts and dolerites with burial Heathcote amphiboles.
metamorphic assemblages were overprinted by
Boninites Andesites
albite-epidote hornfels and hornblende hornfels
12 26277 26276 26282 26256 H33
facies contact metamorphic assemblages in the
outer and inner aureoles, respectively. Hornblende SiO2 52.47 55.01 55.36 51.71 52.76 51.73
(6-8% AI2O3) and plagioclase (An4o) composi- T1O2 0.13 0.07 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.13
tions are relatively constant within 50 m of the AI2O3 2.50 2.35 1.05 2.65 3.08 2.59
contact, but with increasing distance from the FeO* 17.22 13.23 14.34 15.30 12.05 15.79
contact become more variable compositionally. MnO 0.23 0.34 0.24 0.31 0.19 0.43
Amphiboles in metabasic rocks of the outer MgO 12.36 14.59 14.06 14.83 15.42 14.40
aureole display a considerable range of AI2O3 CaO 9.90 11.59 11.55 11.99 12.67 11.47
Na2O 1.71 0.61 0.69 0.23 0.35 0.36
contents (2-16%) even in a single thin section,
K2O 0.12 0.04 0.09 0.07 0.11 0.07
indicative of metamorphic disequilibrium. Augite Cr2O3 0.12 0.07 _ 0.16 0.11
persists in dolerites to much closer to the granite NiO 0.03 0.01 _ — - -
contact than it does in the finer-grained basaltic Total 96.75 97.93 97.55 97.17 96.85 97.08
rocks (Bradfield 1978). Cations calculated to 23 oxygens
Boninites underlying tholeiites at Cornelia East Si 7.785 7.882 8.005 7.598 7.653 7.623
in the northern segment display greenschist facies Al 0.215 0.118 - 0.402 0.347 0.377
assemblages dominated by actinolite, chlorite, Al 0.222 0.279 0.179 0.058 0.180 0.073
albite and quartz. Boninites in the central segment Ti 0.014 0.007 0.011 0.009 0.006 0.014
Fe 2.137 1.585 1.734 1.880 1.462 1.946
have similar assemblages with the addition of
Mn 0.029 0.041 0.029 0.040 0.023 0.053
ferro- and ferristilpnomelane. Epidote is absent.
Mg 2.734 3.116 3.032 3.247 3.335 3.164
Thomas et al (1976) provided a rapid wet Ca 1.573 1.775 1.789 1.887 1.970 1.811
chemical analysis of a metamorphic amphibole Na 0.492 0.170 0.194 0.066 0.102 0.104
(crossite) separated from a She-Oak Gully rock. K 0.023 0.008 0.017 0.013 0.022 0.013
We examined a thin section of this metaboninite Cr 0.009 0.013 0.009 _ 0.020 0.013
lava. Amphibole pseudomorphs after groundmass Ni 0.004 0.001 _ - - _
pyroxene show pale green to bluish-green pleo- £ 15.237 14.995 14.999 15.202 15.124 15.191
chroism; electron probe microanalysis shows that Mg 0 5fi 0.66 0.64 0.63 0.70 0.62
they have a maximum Na2O content of 1.8% Mg+2Fe
(Table 1). The high Na2O contents (5.3%) re-
"Iron calculated as FeO.
corded by Thomas et al (1976) are almost certainly
12 Blue-green actinolite replacing groundmass
attributable to the incorporation in the analysed
acicular augite. She-Oak Gully.
separate of albite, which fills the cores of former
26277 Pseudomorph after spinifex clinopyroxene
hollow pyroxene microlites in the groundmass. 26276 Pseudomorph after groundmass acicular augite
Thus, this amphibole is sodic actinolite, and 26282 Pseudomorph after groundmass augite
differs significantly from the crossitic composi- 26256^ Pseudomorphs after augite phenociysts in
tions reported in Thomas et al (1976) and the H33 ^originally two-pyroxene andesites.

sample, which comes from the boninitic unit in the earth element data will be published in a separate
thermal aureole of the Crosbie Granite. Porphyro- paper describing the petrogenesis of the Heathcote
blasts of olivine (F078-80) occur in a groundmass low-Ti lavas.
composed of talc, and minor anthophyllite and Whole rock compositions of the Heathcote
magnetite. We interpret this rock as having formed boninites confirmed our petrographic identification
by the contact metamorphism of an altered pyrox- of this rock type. An analysis of an essentially
enite or serpentinite. aphyric, extremely fresh boninite from the Bonin
The andesites always show greenschist facies Islands (Cameron et al 1983) is given "for
assemblages, characteristically albite-chlorite- comparison in Table 2. The main compositional
epidote-actinolite-quartz + relict augite. The ac- difference between fresh boninites and the Heath-
tinolites are less sodic (<0.5% Na20; Table 1) cote samples lies in the higher Na2O contents of the
than those in the boninites, perhaps implying lower latter, due to albitization of glass. The Heathcote
boninites display the very low TiO2 contents
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 15:34 07 April 2016

pressures of re-equilibration (shallower burial) for

the andesites, as predicted by our postulated typical of boninites (0.1-0.5%), and their AI2O3
stratigraphic relationships. contents are significantly lower than those for
basalts or andesites. The SiO2 contents of both
WHOLE-ROCK CHEMISTRY fresh and Heathcote boninites are at least 5%
Samples which showed minimal textural alteration higher than in most basalts with similar MgO
and metasomatic effects were chosen for analysis contents. Original K2O and CaO contents of the
by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry at Melbourne Heathcote boninites are difficult to estimate due to
University, using the method of Haukka and the undoubted mobility of these elements during
Thomas (1977); FeO, H2O+, H 2 O" and CO2 were crystallization of glass to albite-quartz-chlorite-
determined by standard gravimetric methods at the stilpnomelane assemblages. As expected of a magma
Australian National University. Representative series produced by differentiation, Cr and Ni values
analyses are given in Table 2; more comprehensive are highest in the most primitive Heathcote boninites
whole rock chemical data including trace and rare and decrease through to more evolved samples.

Table 2 Representative chemical compositions of rocks from the Heathcote Greenstone Belt, and a typical Bonin Is
Boninites Andesites Basalts Diorite Grano-
Loc. Bonin 26268 26270 26282 26277 26278 26258 26289 27146 27148 26292 26291
SiO2 56.2 57.9 52.1 54.0 56.2 53.9 62.5 60.0 48.3 48.8 50.2 71.4
TiO2 0.13 0.07 0.25 0.14 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.22 1.21 1.14 1.4 0.30
AI2O3 10.6 4.8 10.0 9.5 10.6 12.9 12.1 13.5 13.9 12.8 14.8 13.9
FeaOa 2.0 2.9 1.9 3.7 2.9 n.d. 2.3 n.d. 1.2 1.9 n.d. n.d.
FeO 6.2 7.1 9.2 9.5 6.4 10.1 4.1 6.5 8.5 9.9 10.7 2.8
MnO 0.16 0.24 0.18 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.13 0.38 0.24 0.14 0.06
MgO 11.2 15.1 12.2 10.2 7.2 7.2 6.9 3.6 7.4 7.4 8.4 0.76
CaO 7.4 6.1 6.5 5.2 5.9 5.3 4.2 2.4 10.9 10.1 8.1 2.2
Na 2 O 1.5 1.2 3.4 2.6 5.1 5.2 3.5 6.8 3.9 3.7 2.4 3.8
K2O 0.40 0.02 0.15 0.59 1.3 1.4 1.2 0.7 0.13 0.17 1.3 2.6
P2O5 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.14 0.09
H2O+ 3.0 4.6 3.6 3.9 2.3 3.4 2.9 5.4 3.3 3.0' 1.9 1.3
H2O- 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.6 n.d. 0.1 n.d. 0.2 0.2 n.d. n.d.
CO2 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 n.d. <0.1 n.d. <0.1 0.2 n.d. n.d.
Total 99.8 100.8 100.3 100.1 99.0 99.9 100.3 99.3 99.4 99.6 99.5 99.2
Cr 695 2580 1240 684 147 191 275 67 204 192 429 6
Ni 19.4 460 243 156 69 72 83 40 102 85 87 2
Mg 0.71 0.73 0.67 0.59 0.59 0.56 0.64 0.50 0.58 0.53 0.58 0.33
Mg + 2Fe
n.d. = not determined. For these samples, loss on ignition is reported as H2O"1" and total Fe as FeO.
Sample numbers are those of the Melbourne University Geology Department Collection.

Analyses of a two-pyroxene andesite (26258) diorite nor the microgranodiorite (which is the
and a hornblende-phyric andesite (26289) from most evolved rock in the Heathcote Greenstone
Heathcote are given in Table 2. The majority of Belt) have any obvious chemical features in
Heathcote andesites are compositionally similar to common with the andesites, boninites or tholeiites.
Sample 26258, which has a most unusual composi- They appear to represent a later magmatic episode,
tion compared with modern orogenic andesites but in the absence of fresher samples and geo-
(Gill 1981). Ignoring contents of elements likely to chronological data, any interpretation of the
have been significantly mobile during metamor- petrogenesis and significance of these rocks is
phic modification of these lavas (Na, K, Ca and premature.
perhaps Si), characteristic features of the Heath-
cote andesites are their extremely low TiCh con-
tents, their low FeO* and AI2O3 contents, and their TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS
generally high MgO, Cr and Ni contents. Petro-
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The single most important implication for the

graphically these andesites appear to be normal origin of the Lachlan Fold Belt from the data
two-pyroxene andesites, but chemically they have presented herein derives from the application of
no match in modern island arc settings. Their actualism. The low-Ti lava/MORB association in
closest modern analogues are the low-Ti andesites the Heathcote Greenstone Belt is known only from
from DSDP Hole 458 in the Mariana forearc modern West Pacific-type, subduction-related set-
(Wood et al 1981), which Meijer (1981) and tings (e.g. Mariana arc, Crawford et al 1981; New
Natland (1981) believed to be the differentiates of Caledonia, Cameron et al 1983; Bonin arc, Shiraki
boninitic magmas. However, even these magne- et al 1980). As it is generally agreed that hydrous
sian, low-Ti andesites from the Mariana forearc fluids thought to be necessary for low-Ti magma
lack the plagioclase phenocrysts that dominate the generation are most likely derived from dehydra-
Heathcote andesites. Major and trace element tion of subducted oceanic crust, the low-Ti lava/
features of the Heathcote low-Ti andesites clearly MORB association is unknown from intraplate
indicate that these lavas are not differentiates settings and continental rifts. Considering the lava
produced by advanced fractionation of a boninitic associations present in the three Victorian Cam-
magma (Crawford & Cameron, in prep.) The close brian greenstone belts, namely orogenic andesites,
association of boninites and low-Ti andesites in the orogenic low-Ti lavas and MORB, there can be
Heathcote Greenstone Belt requires unusual little doubt at least this part of the Lachlan Fold
physicochemical conditions for their petrogenesis Belt developed in a subduction-related arc-
(Crawford & Cameron, in prep.), with three -backarc basin setting.
prerequisites: refractory mantle at fairly shallow Crawford (1982) has presented a model that
levels (<50 km), a supply of hydrous fluid to attempts to reconcile this conclusion with evidence
lower the melting point of this depleted mantle, from granitoids and crustal structure in SE New
and a supply of more heat than is normally present South Wales and suggests that the Lachlan Fold
in subduction zones. Belt developed on Proterozoic continental crust
Preliminary geochemical data for the tholeiites (e.g. Compston & Chappell 1979; Finlayson et al
in the Heathcote Greenstone Belt are given in 1980). This model proposed that an attenuated
Crawford and Keays (1978), and two representa- block of Proterozoic continental crust rifted from
tive basalt analyses are given in Table 2. Petro- the Australian craton in the Late Precambrian and
graphically and geochemically, the Heathcote a major ocean basin opened between the two
tholeiites closely resemble medium- to strongly- blocks of continental crust. Westward subduction
fractionated mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and of this oceanic crust at the western margin of the
correspond to the pyroxene tholeiite MORB group ocean basin commenced close to the
of Bougault and Hekinian (1974). The petrography Precambrian-Cambrian boundary and led to de-
and geochemistry of these lavas which are believed velopment of a typical West Pacific-type island
to be crust of a Middle Cambrian backarc basin, arc-backarc basin setting across the area now
will be detailed in a separate paper (Crawford & represented by SE Australia. Subduction of the
Keays, in prep.). spreading centre of the ocean basin provided the
The diorite compositionally approaches gabbro, heat source responsible for the widespread occur-
and its chemical features reflect the modal abun- rence of low-Ti lavas in the Victorian Cambrian
dance of low-Si, high-Ti hornblende. Neither the greenstone belts; these are postulated to have

erupted onto backarc basin crust. When the sub- consists of boninites and unusual low-Ti andesites;
ducted spreading centre reached approximately indirect evidence suggests that the andesites are
40-50 km depth, diapirs feeding the spreading slightly younger than the boninites. Several stocks
centre ascended into the over riding plate and and dykes of (?) Cambrian diorite-
MORB magmas generated from partial melting of microgranodiorite have intruded the andesites.
these diapirs were erupted upon low-Ti lavas in the Fossiliferous Middle Cambrian sediments overlie
Middle Cambrian, thus explaining the stratigraphic the tholeiitic lavas of the northern and southern
sequence of metavolcanics observed in the Heath- segments, and are faulted against andesites in the
cote Greenstone Belt. central segment. Tholeiitic volcanism is thus
Continued subduction of oceanic crust after presumed to have ceased in the late Lower
subduction of the spreading centre led to consump- Cambrian or early Middle Cambrian.
tion of the remaining oceanic crust. As a result, The association of low-Ti lavas and MORB in
the Heathcote Greenstone Belt is known only from
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 15:34 07 April 2016

the microcontinental block, which had rifted from

the Australian craton in the Late Precambrian, intra-oceanic, subduction-related settings as-
collided with the arc-backarc basin setting that had sociated with the construction of island arcs and
developed during the very latest Precambrian to backarc basins. The central Victorian section of
Late Ordovician interval along the SE margin of the Lachlan Fold Belt is envisaged to have begun
the Australian continent. The collision is inferred life in such a setting, and only later was it
to have occurred in the latest Ordovician, and is incorporated in continental crust, when
recorded in the geological record of the region by subduction-initiated under-thrusting of attenuated
the Benambran deformation. It is proposed that Proterozoic continental crust occurred during a
subsequent convergent motion between the collid- Late Ordovician arc-continent collision.
ing plates was taken up by the over-riding plate
passively thrusting over the sialic microcontinental
block at a very low angle, for several hundred ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
kilometres. This underthrust sialic block was
responsible for the thickening of the crust across The contributions to the study and understanding
SE Australia and for the presence of lower crust of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt by BSc(Hon)
with typical upper crustal P wave velocities at students in the Geology Department at the Univer-
20-30 km beneath central Victoria, and it was the sity of Melbourne, especially P.R. Hamlyn, A.H.
source of the extensive S-type granites across the Green and J.E. Bradfield, are gratefully acknow-
Lachlan Fold Belt. The upper part of the Lachlan ledged, as are discussions with Drs I.A. Nicholls,
Fold Belt is therefore considered to be a mega- O.P. Singleton, P. Jell and Phonse Vandenberg.
allochthon, and the geological evolution of this Freeport of Australia Ltd, largely through the
segment of continental crust is very reminiscent of much-appreciated efforts of Ken Apthorpe, helped
the Late Precambrian to Late Devonian history of greatly with the production of the map. Maunu
the Appalachian Fold Belt (Taylor & Toksoz Haukka and Jack Wasik assisted with the chemical
1982). analyses.

The northern and southern segments of the Heath-
cote Greenstone Belt are composed of a 1500-
2000 m thickness of MORB-type tholeiitic basalts ARNDT N. T., FRANCIS D. & HYNES A. J. 1979. The
and dolerite sills. Substantial amounts of pelagic, field characteristics and petrology of Archaean and
locally manganiferous sediments are interbedded Proterozoic komatiites. Can. Mineral. 17, 147-163.
with the lavas. In the vicinity of Mount Camel, BAILEY D. 1979. Some aspects of the geology of the
Colbinabbin Range. BSc(Hons) report, Monash
these tholeiites intrude and overlie an unknown
University (unpubl.).
thickness of boninitic lavas which are charac-
BOUOAULT H. & HEKINIAN R. 1974. Rift valley in the
terized by an absence of plagioclase in all but the Atlantic Ocean near 36°50'N: petrology and
most evolved, slowly-cooled representatives. The geochemistry of basaltic rocks. Earth Planet. Sci.
central segment of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt Lett. 24, 249-261.

BRADFIELD J. E. 1978. The Mount William greenstones. DONALDSON C. H. 1976. An experimental investigation
BSc(Hons) report, University of Melbourne (un- of olivine morphology. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.
publ.). 57, 187-213.
BROWN A. V., RUBENACH M. J. & VARNE R. 1980. DUDDY I. R. 1974. The geology of the Dolodrook River
Geological environment, petrology and tectonic Greenstone Inlier. BSc(Hons) report, University of
significance of the Tasmanian Cambrian ophiolitic Melbourne (unpubl.).
and ultramafic complexes. Proc. Int. Ophiolite FINLAYSON D., COLLINS C. D. N. & DENHAM D. 1980.
Symp., Nicosa, Cyprus, pp. 649-659. Crustal structure under the Lachlan Foldbelt, south-
BROWN E. H. 1977. The crossite extent of Ca-amphibole eastern Australia. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 2 1 ,
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