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Laughter – The Best Medicine

Latest Jokes, Travel Blog Write For Us, Tech Write For Us, Home Improvement Submit Guest Post,

Finance Guest Post, Education Guest Post all agree that happiness increases the quality of your life.

A good laughter doesn’t hurt anybody. We have always heard people saying laughter is the best

medicine ever since we got into school. We have seen older people in the laughter clubs early in the

morning. This is because they have learned that after all this hard work all their life, nothing can beat

a good laughter to keep them happy & the level of your healthiness is directly proportional to the level

of your happiness.

“The old man laughed loud and joyously, shook up the details of his anatomy from head to

foot, and ended by saying that such a laugh was money in a man’s pocket, because it cut

down the doctor’s bills like everything.” – Mark Twain

I personally feel that laughter has had its fair share in me being so lively. My source of laughter

usually comes from the chat we have in our friend circle, while we remember the moments from our

school days or just some basic pranks on one of our friends. I love watching stand-ups, because the

jokes make you feel lose yourself & they are very relatable & makes you laugh really hard.

It is scientifically proven that laughter can help in healing just like meditation. We can even say that

laughter is a kind of meditation. Laughter is also known to reduce your stress levels. Your muscles

contract when you laugh, this increases the blood flow & the amount of oxygen in your blood. This

whole process triggers the release of endorphins which makes you fell relaxed & reduces your stress.

A study has also shown that laughter can probably increases the natural kill cell levels which in turn

increase your immunity. Laughter can also help in relieving pain & help combat depression.

Here are some of the things you need to do to bring more laughter in your life. Spend more time with

your friends. Share a laughter with remembering past funny moments. Make humor your priority. Try
to watch some comedy sitcoms, comedy movies, stand-ups. I would recommend you to watch movies

of Kevin Hart because I personally find him very funny.

No one likes a sad face. A laughing face can make you feel more attractive. So, have a laugh &

always stay happy in life.

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