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1. How can smile reduce stress?

The stress reduction effects from laughter are well documented. Laughter can cool down
your stress response by decreasing your heart rate and blood pressure, causing you to feel
more relaxed. Laughter also stimulates circulation that helps your muscles relax, which
can reduce the physical symptoms of stress over time.

We will also get a dose of dopamine, endorphins and serotonin to put you in a better
mood moving forward. Smiling and laughter, even during difficult times, can truly help a
person deal with stress and come out the other side healthier.

2. How can smile make you live longer?

A 15-year Norwegian study published in April of 2016 found that women with strong
senses of humor lived longer than others. In fact, they were 73% less likely to die from
heart disease and 83% less likely to die from infection. Men with a better sense of humor
seemed to be more protected from infection only, with 74% less risk of death associated
with high scores in humor.

Laughter stimulates organs. It can enhance your intake of oxygen, stimulate your heart
and other muscles and decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. Less stress, better
social relationships and a stronger overall feeling of happiness can indeed help you
weather the physical effects of aging. In short, the secret to staying young is truly to
laugh a lot.
3. How can smile improve productivity?

Jessica Pryce-Jones, the author of “Happiness at Work,” said “Happiness at work is

closely correlated with greater performance and productivity as well as greater energy,
better reviews, faster promotion, higher income, better health and increased happiness
with life.”

Pryce-Jones and her team performed research that showed that the happier a worker felt,
the more productive they were. Her research compiled results from 3,000 people in 79
countries. The happiest employees were 180% more energized and 155% happier with
their jobs. They spent 80% of their week on work-related tasks, compared to the 40%
their least happy coworkers spent.

Since many of us spend a good portion of our lives in the workplace, feeling productive
and happy is important. Therefore, starting to laugh and smile more at work is beneficial.

4. How can smile make you more approachable?

Research shows there are benefits to smiling at others. You may have heard that laughter
is contagious. Studies show this is indeed true.
Scott pointed out, “This response in the brain, automatically priming us to smile or laugh,
provides a way or mirroring the behavior of others, something which helps us interact
socially. It could play an important role in building strong bonds between individuals in a
This means when you smile or laugh, your positivity will likely be reflected, helping you
form relationships and cultivate positivity.

5. How can you find the way to laugh?

a few things to try to encourage more laughter and smiling in our life:

• Force it if you must: Since even a fake smile can increase your feelings of
happiness, the first step to being happier is smiling even when you don’t feel like it.
• Find humor: If you’re feeling down or even just notice that you haven’t laughed in
a while, put on a funny movie, read some jokes or seek out a humor boost in any
way you enjoy.

• Engage with others: We are socialized to laugh and smile more in a group. Make
sure you spend time with friends who make you do both regularly.

• Laugh at yourself: Life is really all about how you approach things. Even if you’re
going through hard times, look for the good or the humor. This will positively
impact your outlook, your health and your overall quality of life.

1. Wich of the following body parts is not located on the head or face ?
☐ a) Eye
☐ b) Nose
☐ c) Mouth
☒ d) Leg
2. Legs are comprise of wich of th following ?
☐ Feet
☐ Calves
☐ Thigts
☒ All of the above
3. How many toes and fingers are on each foot/hand?
☐ Ten
☒ Five
☐ Four
☐ Two
4. The part of the body that contains important organs that aid digestion is :
☐ The back
☐ The head
☒ The stomach
☐ The neck
5. Which of the following is not a body part/organ on the human body ?
☒ Quilt
☐ Neck
☐ Head
☐ Arm


1. Pamela never played video games.

2. Dogs do not play with cats.
3. Claire listens to jazz music.
4. His daughter always takes their dog out for a walk.
5. I usually go to bed around 10 o'clock.
6. What time do you get up on weekdays?
7. Does the movie start at 8 o’clock?
8. Which bus do you take to go to school?
9. My son usually visits his grandpa on the weekends.
10. Your brother eats too much chocolate.

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