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You know what they say “ An apple a day keeps the

doctor away “ but I would like to say “A laughter a day

keeps the doctor away “ That makes way more sense. Do
you agree ?
Namaste everyone. I am little laudable learner Varshitha
Ramesh .
The finest treatment a doctor can ever recommend
is laughter. ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ the
phrase says it all. When you laugh you recover
faster from several ailments and enjoy a healthy
life. Doctors say that laughter is like internal jogging.
It tones all the internal organs and strengthens the
abdominals without ever doing a single sit up .

Laughing boosts your oxygen intake and releases

endorphins ,which are the feel good hormones that
make you feel happy. These natural reactions provides
you with a full- body wake up call and make you feel
more energized and refreshed .

Laughter also helps in improving the immune system. This, in

turn, will increase your lifespan and you can live longer.

Laughter induces better social relations. The contagious

nature of a smile or a good laugh helps us to connect
with others leading to friendships .
Laughter build character and lessens rigidity. A smile, a
chuckle, or even just a giggle alters the atmosphere

Moving along You may have most difficult situation or problem

or you may be in deep stress. A laughter will let you cool down
and look at your situation in a different perspective. When u r
mentally down go and switch in your TV and watch a funny
movie. Finding humor in a stressful situation can make you feel
better and pleasant.

Overall, laughter is the best therapy . So, laugh as much as you can
and throw out the stress out of your head.
They say “When nothing goes right go left”
Thank you.

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