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Case study

Persistent left superior vena cava –

considerations in fetal, pediatric and
adult populations
Persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC) is the commonest congenital anomaly of the thoracic venous
system. It is within the group of anomalous systemic venous return (ASVR) and the group is subdivided
in cephalic, involving the superior vena cava (SVC) and caudal, involving the inferior vena cava (IVC)
types. It is also important to recognise that there can be a persistent LSVC with or without a normal
right superior vena cava (RSVC). In most cases, a persistent LSVC drains into the right atrium via the
Sumi Saha1
coronary sinus without any clinical symptoms. In this article we discuss embryology, diagnostic and
further management approaches and a review of the literature related to persistent LSVC.
Debra Paoletti2
Keywords: embryology, fetal echocardiography, inferior vena cava, superior vena cava. AMS, MAppSci

Meiri Robertson1,2
Background with the measurement for Twin 2 on the 95th
centile. Invasive testing was declined. At 19
MB, ChB, BscMedScHon
In this modern technical era, with the use of fetal
ultrasound (US) and fetal echocardiography, weeks, an atrioventricular defect with persistent 1
Department of Obstetrics
diagnosis of various congenital heart defects LSVC and absent RSVC was diagnosed in Twin
(CHD) is more frequent. Although the descriptions This
2. Th is twin had the additional fifindings
ndings of cleft and Gynaecology
of persistent LSVC in the adult date back to 1787, lip and palate. Twin 1 developed polyhydramnios Australian National
prenatal diagnosis of anomalous systemic venous in the third trimester. Postnatal review revealed University Medical
return (ASVR) has only been reported recently the twins were monozygotic and genetic testing School
and publications on it still limited.1–5 We report revealed X-linked Opitz G/BBB syndrome, a rare Canberra
three cases of the prenatal diagnosis of persistent syndrome affaffecting
ecting approximately 1 in 50,000
Australian Capital
LSVC and its practical implications. to 100,000 males. ThThis first
is is the first report on the
association of this syndrome and PLSVC to the Territory 0200
Case presentations best of our knowledge. Th Thee other interesting Australia
A 33-year-old G1P0 was referred to a tertiary observation in this case is also the variable
care Fetal Medicine Unit with a suspected phenotypical expression of this syndrome as is
Fetal Medicine Unit
transposition of the greater arteries. Our study evident in this monochorionic gestation. Division of Women Youth
demonstrated normal left ventricular and and Children
right ventricular outflow tracts, however, an Discussion Canberra Hospital
abnormal three-vessel view. The configuration In the general adult population, the prevalence of Garran
suggested a persistent LSVC without a RSVC. persistent LSVC is estimated to be approximately
Australian Capital
Detailed examination of the heart revealed 0.3% to 0.5% in individuals with a normal
a dilated coronary sinus. No other fetal heart.6–8 As systemic venous return to the heart is Territory 2605
anomalies were identified. The pregnancy was often
oft unaffected
en unaffected by the persistent LSVC, the true Australia
uneventful with an uncomplicated live birth; incidence is unknown. Th Thee absence of the RSVC
prenatal findings were confirmed on postnatal with persistent LSVC is less common and bilateral Correspondence to email
assessment. absent SVCs the least common. Persistent LSVC
Our second case was a 35-year-old, G2P1 is associated with congenital heart disease (CHD)
referred for a growth scan at 36 weeks prior to and other abnormalities, making the prenatal
consideration for vaginal birth aft er Caesarean diagnosis of a persistent LSVC an indication for
section. An incidental fifinding
nding of a persistent a detailed assessment of the fetus.
LSVC with RSVC was seen; the heart otherwise
appeared normal. Again, an uncomplicated Persistent LSVC and CHD
neonatal course was documented. Persistent LSVC is the most common venous
Our third case, a 31-year-old G2P0, was anomaly associated with CHD and up to 3–8% of
referred to our unit for management of a patients with CHD are reported to have persistent
dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy. At 12 LSVC.4,9–12, Reported cardiac abnormalities
weeks, the nuchal translucencies were discordant, heterotaxy(left
include heterotaxy (left
rightright isomerism),
isomerism), with

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Figure 1: Three-vessel
Figure 1: Three-vessel view
view with
with normal
normal configuration
configuration of
of pul-
monary trunk
trunk (P),
(P), ductus
ductus arteriosus
arteriosus (DA),
(DA), aorta
aorta (Ao),
(Ao), and
and RSVC
on the
the right
right of
of the
the aorta.

with associated
associated abnormalities
abnormalities such assuch as dextrocardia,
dextrocardia, double double
right frequent association between a persistent LSVC and extracardiac
right ventricle,
ventricle, atrioventricular-septal
atrioventricular-septal defect,
defect, and and polysplenia
associated associated anomalies.20 ThThee most common anomaly was oesophageal
or or asplenia.
asplenia. Other Other
structural structural
cardiac defects cardiac defects
(not in the (not
spectrum There
atresia. There was also a higher association with the VACTRL
in heterotaxy)
of the spectrum of heterotaxy)
include coarctationinclude
of thecoarctation of the septal
aorta, ventricular aorta, association (vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, cardiac anomalies,
defect, septal aortic
bicuspid defect, valves,
aortic valves, tetralogy
of Fallot andofdouble
Fallot tracheoesophageal fifistula,
stula, renal anomalies, limb anomalies) and
and double
aortic arch. aortic arch.
A study study byetGalindo,
byAGalindo, al. (2007)
(2007) found
found thatthat
9%9%of CHARGE syndrome (coloboma, heart defects, atresia of the
of fetuses
fetuses with
with CHD
CHD alsohad
also hada apersistent
this group 41% nasal choanae, retardation of growth, genital and/or urinary
were associated with heterotaxy, and 59% with other CHD. Th They
ey abnormalities, ear abnormalities and deafness).
concluded that a persistent LSVC was a strong marker for CHD.4
Persistent LSVC in the asymptomatic adult
Persistent LSVC and arrhythmia A RSVC is present in about 82% of the reported cases with or
Thee persistent LSVC is associated with anatomical and
Th without a bridging innominate vein with persistent LSVC.21 In
architectural abnormalities of the pacemaker and conduction case of an absent RSVC, both right and left brachiocephalic veins
Thee atrioventricular node and sinus node both can show
tissues. Th drain into the persistent LSVC at the left internal side of the thorax.
persistent fetal dispersion in the central fi fibrous
brous body in subjects Persistent LSVC has various practical implications when the
with persistent LSVC.13 Th Through
rough its multiple anatomical and left subclavian vein is used for access to the right side of the heart
electrical communications with the atria the persistent LSVC or pulmonary vasculature. Swan-Ganz catheter placement can
may generate repetitive rapid discharges with shorter activation be challenging. It can also complicate permanent pacemaker
cycle length that promotes the initiation and maintenance of and implantable cardioverter defi defibrillator
brillator placement. Serious
atrial fibrillation and sudden death.13–15 complications including angina, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock,
In more than 90% of cases, the LSVC drains into the right atrium and even cardiac arrest have been reported when a guide wire or
via the coronary sinus and physiologically there are no clinical catheter is manipulated via persistent LSVC.22
consequences.16 Th Thee clinical implications of a dilated coronary sinus Thee clinical signifi
Th significance
cance of a persistent LSVC has also been
include cardiac arrhythmia due to stretching of the atrioventricular recognised by cardiothoracic surgeons. Th Thee presence of persistent
node and bundle of His, and obstruction of the left atrioventricular LSVC is a relative contraindication to the administration of
flow because of partial occlusion of the mitral valve.17 retrograde cardioplegia. Retrograde cardioplegia through
In the remaining 10% of cases the LSVC drains directly into persistent LSVC may lead to inadequate myocardial perfusion
the left atrium, between the left atrial appendage and pulmonary ineffective.
and therefore be ineff ective.23
veins. ThThis
is anomaly is known as complete unroofi unroofing
ng of the
coronary sinus, or coronary sinus atrial septal defect, and results Embryologic development and anatomy of Persistent Left SVC
in a left to right shunt.18,19 Two pairs of cardinal veins constitute the main systemic venous
drainage of the embryo. ThThee anterior cardinal veins drain the
Persistent LSVC and other anomalies cranial parts and the posterior cardinal veins drain the caudal
In aapostnatal
series,Postema, et al.
Postema, (2008)
also shown
shown the parts of the embryo. Before entering the embryological heart,

62 AJUM May 2012 15 (2)

Persistent left superior vena cava – considerations in fetal, pediatric and adult populations





▼ Ao

Figure 2:2: Three-vessel

Figure Three-vessel view with
supernumeraryvessel (LSVC)
vessel to the
(LSVC) to
theofpulmonary trunktrunk
the pulmonary (P) and
aorta (Ao). (Ao).
and aorta




Figure 3:3: Three-vessel

Figure Three-vessel view
view with
left left
of the
pulmonary trunk (P)
the pulmonary with
trunk (P)anwith
absent RLSV.

both pairs of veins join to form right and left common cardinal This
persistent LSVC.26 This persistent LSVC runs between the left
veins. By the eighth week of gestation the innominate (or left atrial appendage and the left pulmonary veins, and almost
brachiocephalic) vein connects the right and left anterior always runs down the back of the left atrium, entering the right
Thee cephalic portion of superior cardinal veins
cardinal veins. Th orifice
atrium through the orifice of an enlarged coronary sinus.9
form the internal jugular veins while the right anterior and
common cardinal veins form the right SVC. Th Thee part of the left Diagnosis in fetus and other considerations
anterior cardinal vein caudal to the innominate vein normally Thee three vessel view was fi
Th first
rst described by Yoo and co-workers
regresses to become the ligament of Marshall.8,24,25 Failure of in 1997 and is now an integral part of the standard examination
this normal regression can be attributed to the formation of a Thee addition of the three vessel view at the
of the fetal heart.28 Th

AJUM May 2012 15 (2) 63

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Figure 4: Oblique parasagittal view

of the persistent LSVC and dilated
coronary sinus (CS). Left atrium
(LA), right atrium (RA).





Figure 5: Dilated coronary sinus.

Aortic root (A), left Atrium (LA),
coronary sinus (CS).

upper mediastinum to fetal cardiac examination has facilitated recent case

A recent caseseries
studystudy et al. (2011)
by Barrea,
by Barrea, (2011) strongly
easy and accurate prenatal diagnosis of persistent LSVC. In the recommended that the three axial parallel views (four- chamber
normal fetus the three vessels that are usually seen going from view, three- vessel view and abdominal plane) should be part of
left to right in the scan are arterial duct, aortic arch and RSVC the systemic ultrasound examination of the fetal heart.27
(Figure 1). If a persistent LSVC is present, four instead of three Thee diagnosis of a persistent LSVC can also be characterised
vessels are seen, with a supernumerary vessel to the left of the by the ‘tobacco pipe’ sign in a slightly oblique left parasagittal
pulmonary trunk and arterial duct (Figure 2). In case of an view, showing the LSVC draining into a dilated coronary sinus5
absent RSVC, there will again be three vessels but ‘abnormally’ This
(Figure 4) Th is view is described in pediatric echocardiography
left,, aortic arch and arterial duct and
arranged; from right to left wasreproduced
and was reproducedin infetalfetal echocardiography
echocardiography et al.
by Freund,
by Freund,
persistent LSVC (Figure 3). (2008).5 An isolated enlarged coronary sinus (Figure 5) is highly

64 AJUM May 2012 15 (2)

Persistent left superior vena cava – considerations in fetal, pediatric and adult populations

Cardiac anomalies Heterotaxy (left and right isomerism); coarctation of the aorta, ventricular
septal defect, bicuspid aortic valves, tetralogy of Fallot and double aortic arch
Extra-cardiac anomalies Oesophageal atresia
Genetic syndromes VACTRL, CHARGE and Opitz G/BBB syndrome
Table 1: Summary –
Chromosomal abnormalities Trisomy 21; Turner syndrome; microdeletion 22q11.2
Associated findings in
Other Increased nuchal translucency

suggestive of persistent LSVC, although this fi finding

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