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National Power 6r Encrgy Confcrcncc (PECon) 2004 I’rocccdiiiEs, Ku;ilti Lumpur, Mnloysia


Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Embedded

T.K.A. Rahman, S.R.A. Rahim and I. Musirin

Absfrucf - Recent years, the nuniber of enibcdded generators enhancement in the network performance in ternis of
installed in distribution system has been increasing in many voltage profile improvement, reduction in line losses and
parts of the world. Depending on their operating improved power quality [2,3]. As a result, tlie deinand
characteristics and locations, embedded generators could required from the grid could be reduced, thus cutting the
significantly affect the voltage profile, network losses and fault
need to strengthcn tlie feeders connecting thc network to tlie
level in a distribution system. This paper presents a new
tcchniquc for dctermining optimal allocation and sizing of grid.
enibcdded generator in a distribntion system. Sensitivity
indices based on voltage stability improvement with rcspect to Many studies have been performed to identify tlic influencc
change in injected active and reactive powcr at a load bus were of embedded generation on the perforniance of a distribution
derived and used to identify the suitable location for the network. The effect of embedded generation on thc voltagc
embedded generators. In order to determine the optimal profile in a distribution network was examined with rcspect
output of the embcddcd generators, an evolutionary to both distributcd and luiiipcd loads [3]. Thc study rcvealcd
prograniining optimization technique was developed with 311 that the uppcr limit valuc of the power that can bc injected
objective to niininiizc thc distribution losses wliilc satisfying the into a line without causing ovcr voltages are: tlic voltagc at
voltage constmint in the system. The proposed tecliniquc was
tested on ttic 69 bus distr4butioti systcm and the results shown the beginning of tlic line, the upper voltage limit, thc
a significant redtietion in distribution losses and voltage profile position of tiic iiijcctcd point, the total current drawn by thc
improvement in the system with the implementation of thc fccdcr loads and h e quantitics rclatcd to thc load currcnt
cinbcdded generation nt the snitnble location m t l optiinsl distribution. Study has shown that tlic inclusion of
sizing. synchronous or induction embcddcd gcncrators 1iavc
modified thc behavior of a distribution nctwork during
Itrda Ten)i - Enibedded Generation, loss minimization, transicnt and stcady statcs[l]. Thc bcst advantage in tcmi of
sensitivity analysis, Evalutioiiary Programming. voltagc stability was gained through collcctivc integration of
both typcs of embcddcd gcncrators. licrercncc 4
I. lNTROUUCTION demonstratcs tlic application of load control for voltagc
rcgulation i n distribution fccdcrs with cnibcdded wind
Rapid industrialization process and population growth have generation. This sclicnic is more atiractive than thc
resulted in an escalation in tlic clectrical powcr conventional volhgc control tcchniqucs sincc it is capablc to
consumption. The limited area and slow progress in network perform pcak looping, allcviating undcr voltagc problcm
expansion lias also caused areas with high load densities. and avoiding liiic current ovcrloads. I n addition, rcfercnce 5
These may introduce power quality and voltage stability shows that cmbcddcd gcncrator opcrating on voltagc control
issues[ 11. At the same time, rural electrification networks mode has able to control thc voltage profiic of the nctwork.
are cxpericncing poor network performance in ternis of Bcsidcs improving tlic voltagc along the fecder, a significant
large voltagc drop and high distribution losses along the reduction in tlic linc losscs could be obtaincd when an
lines. Distribution utilitics arc trying very hard to strengthcn embcdricd gcncrator is properly sized to closcly match and
and expand their networks with limited source from the grid located to tlie local load [GI. Thcrefore dctermining thc
and also capitai. Introducing embedded generation to the optimal sizing of the enibcdded generator is onc of the
distribution network could be the answer to these problems. aspects presented in this paper.

In the recent years, embedded generation Iias shown an Many coiiventional optimization techniques such as the
increasing growth in distribution networks around the world gradient niethods, lincar programming, quadratic
due to rise in promotion towards utilization of renewable programming and dynamic programming have been
energy resources and development of co-generation plants. employed to solve power system optimization problems in
With proper planning, the integration of embedded system planning, opcratjon and pricing. However, duc to the
geiierations in a distribution system would lead lo complexity of the problems, these methods may fail to find
the global optimal solutions [7].
T.K.A. Rnhmm, S.R.A. Raliim and I. Musirin are with Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, Univcrsili Tcknologi MAKA, 40450, Shall hlam, Sclangor
Evolutionary computing techniques are cmcrging as
Darul Ehsaii, MALA YSlA (e~iicril:takilikii7! efficient approaches for various search, classification and

0-7803-8724-4/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE.

optimization problcins. Tlicsc C ~ ~ S S C Sof computing
algorithms are callcd Evolutionary Algorithms ( E h ) which The first sensitivity index was formulatcd from the change
arc the cotnputcr-bascd problcin-Solving systcnis basctl on in L, with rcspcct to the change in injected P, at bus i is
the principlcs of cvolutionary theory, Thc most popular EAs given by
developcd are :-
a) Genctic Algorithms(GAs)
b) Evolutionary Programming(E1')
c) Evolutionary Strategies(ES)

The interest in these algorithms has been rising fast. The Hence, the second sensiiivity index was derived from the
main strength of these innovative search algorithms lies in change in L with respect to the change in injectcd Q at bus i
their global convergence, inherent parallel processing is given by
nature, problem independence and great robustness.
Evolutioiiary computing has shown to be providing an
impressive solution to VAR planning problems in
transmission and distribution networks. Genetic Algorithms
has been implemented to determine the size, location, type
and number of capacitors to be placed in a radial distribution Expressing equations 2 and 3 into matrix form gives
network in order to minimize the network losses [8,9].

In this paper, a new method for determining the suitable

location for embedded generator is proposed bascd 011 new ......(4)
sensitivity indices derived from voltage stability
improvement with respect to changes in injccted active and
rcactive powcr at a bus. Evolutionary programming
optimization technique has been developed in order to
dcterniine the optimal sizc of the enibcdded generation. Thc
objective of the optimization was to minimizc thc losscs in
the network wliiie maintaining thc voltagc profilc at the
acceptable level. The effcctiveness of the proposed
methodology was verified by thc aiialysis 011 a 69-bus
distribution system[ IO].

Tlic clcments of the row matrices in equations 4 and 5 are

11. SENSITIVITY INDICES derived from equation L as follows,

In order to obtain maximum benefit froni the einbeddcd

generator, suitable location and sizing lias to bc dctcrmined
before its installation. The proposed tcchnique identifies thc
suitable location for the embeddcd generator by studying the
prc-developed voltagc stability index [ I I ] variations with
respect'to changes in reactive and active powcr injections at
a bus. Sensitivity indiccs that relatc the changes in thc
voltagc stability index with rcspcct to changes in injected
active and reactive power at a load bus were derived from
inverse of loadflow jacobian matrix.
the voltage stability index formulation. The sensitivity
indices were computed for every load bus and those buses
with highest sensitivity values were choscn for the The sensitivity criterion was determined from the vahes of
embedded generation placement. The derivation of the the sensitivity indices evaluated at each load bus in a
sensitivity indices from the voltage stability index system. Buses with highest sensitivity values are selected for
formulated in reference 1 1 is as follows:- the location of the embedded generators.

The voltage stability index at a load bus i i s given by

Li = 4[YOlVLi cos Qi - Y t cos Q i 2 ] I v; ................(1) Evolutionary Programming has been employed in the field
of design search and optimization more thoroughly after the
VL, = load voltage at bus i exposure from Fogel [12] when it was first implemented in
the prediction of finite states machines. Since then, EP has
V,, =no load voltage at bus i undergone refinement process in which self-adaptation
Qi (60, - OL,1 parameters and different mutation strategy has been
implcmented. EP searches for the optimal solution by
O,, = load angle at bus i
evolving a population of candidate solutions over a numbcr
O,,= no load angle at bus i of gcncrations. During each generation, a new,popiilation is
formed from !he existing population by implementing the The p individuals out of the union that liiivc thc
mutation operator. The operator produccs a new solution by niost wins will bc selected as parcnts of ncxt
perturbing each component of the current solution by a generation,
random amount. The strength of cach o r the candidate
solution is determined by its fitness that is evaluated from Stop if the halting creation is satisficd, otherwise
the objective function of the optimization problcni. go the next generation, k = k -F 1 and continue at
step c.
The selection process is done through the tournament
scheme, in which individuals from a population compete The implementation of EP for determining the optimal size
with each other. The individuals that obtained the most of embedded generator in order to minimize the line losses
numbers of wins will be selected for the new generation. in a distribution system is explained in the next section.
The competition scheme must be such that the fittest
individuals will have a greatcr chance to survive, while
weaker individuals will be eliminated. Through this, the IV. OPTIMAL EMBEDDED GENERATOR
population evolves towards the global optimal solution. SIZING VIA EVOLUTIONARY
In the proposed approach, Meta EP [I21 technique was
employed for determining the optimal size of the embedded The optimal size of the embedded generator is determined
generator. This technique is different from the standard EP by having the kW output (Pg) of the embedded gencrator as
since element of self adaptation is included in thc mutation the variable to bc optimized in the EP optimisation. The
process. The implementation of Meta EP was according to kVar output of the embcddcd gcncrator was determincd
- .proccdurcs:-
the followinF: using equation 12 and the power factor o f the system is set
a. Generate the initial populations of a consisting of i t to be 0.85.
individuals and set generation K = I . Each
individual will be from a pair of real vaiued vcctor Y, ‘ P g ........................................ (1 1)
(xi , q;), V i E { 1,..,, p}, whcrc q i is a strategy
b. Each a has I I components a()),j I,.. . , ) I es = P~’PX. tan-‘ 4............................ (1 2)

c. Evaluate the fitness score for each individual (x,,

= 0.85
qi), Vi E { l , ....
p}, of the population according to COS#

the objective fhctioti,f(xJ 4 = power factor anglc

d. For each parent ( x i , vi), i = { l ,.... p }, a singlc The operation of the embeddcd gcncrator is considcrcd 10 be
offspring is creatcd (xi’,vi‘) using: at steady state and therefore, the cmbcddcd generator is
modeled as injected active and rcactivc powcr, P, and Q,
TJ,~(~} = q 0;) exp(iNfO,Ij f respectively [ 131.
rN,(O,I)), .............@)
The objective of the optimization is to minimizc the network
x, 0;) = xi 0;) i- 17; ()I qi‘O,l), losses denoted by equation 13. Hence, the fitness for the EP
..................... (9) was taken to be the total losses in the distribution systcm
and evaluatcd by executing the loadflow programme with
xi tj),xi ‘G), vilij and is the jlh component the injected active and reactive powcr at thc suitable
of the respective vector. N(0,i) donates a location determined from the sensitivity analysis. The
normally distributed one-dimensional random optimization also took into consideration the voltage
number with mean 0 and 1. N,{O,I) indicates constraint of the system as shown in equation 14, so as to
that the random number will be anew for each ensure that the inaxiiiiuni and minimum voltagcs would not
value ofj. be exceeded.

r = ( (2 (n)”2)”’)-’ and 7 ‘= ( (2 TI)''^)-' )I

.............(10) Miininiisc~P,,, ................................... 13)


e. Calculate the fitness of each offspring (xi,qi’) i = n = numberof linesin thesystem

11 .>PI.
I . . Voltageconstrain&, ...(14)
VI,,;,, < V, < V,,,,, ......_.._
f. Pair wise comparison is conducted over the union
o f both parent and offspring. For each individual, q The population size is taken to be 20 and the mutation
opponents are chosen randomly from the union probability is 0.03. The procedure of thc EP nicthod to
with equal probability. In cach comparison, an detcrniitie thc optimal size of the embcdded gcncrator is
individual receives a “win” if its fitness number is sunimarized i n the flowchart given in figure I .
not smaller than the opponents.
29 1

This study investigated on the loss minimization and voltage

improvement that could be achieved as a result ofembedded
generator installation at the chosen bus with optimal

generation output identified by the EP optimization Generate initial population (x,, q )
technique. The developed technique was tested on a 69-bus
system[ IO]. This system contains 69 branches and 7 laterals
as shown in figure 2.

In order to determine the suitable location of the embedded

e? Satisfy Constraint?

generator, sensitivity analysis was conducted on the 69-bus

test system. The sensitivity indices given by equations 4 and
5 were evaluated for every bus in the system and the results
are tabulated in Table 1. The bus with highest sensitivity
index value is selected for allocating the embedded
i"rt in population pool


From Table I , it could be observed that bus 61 has the

highest sensitivity index value and therefore it is chosen as
the suitable location for embedded generator. However, for
comparison, buses 64?21, 65 and 5 9 were also selected for
,A, Evaluate fitness vaiue

embedded generaror allocation so that the improvement on

the network performance in terms of loss minimization and
Mutate x,, q ,
voltage profile improvement could be compared. The study
also considered the effect of Ioad increment at the chosen
buses individually and also load increment at all buses in the
system simultaneously on the network losses and also
voltage profile. The EP optimization technique was
implemented in order to determine the optimal output of the
embedded generator located at the chosen site.
Add into population pool
and evaluate fitness
The graphs in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the variation of total
losses and voltage profile in the system respectively with
respect to load increase at buses 61, 64, 21, 65 and 59
Clone population IS ,

full 7
From the graph shown in figure 3, it could be observed that
load increase at bus 61 has caused an increase in the total
losses of the system significantly. At the same time, figure 4
shows that increase in load at bus 61 has also reduced the Merge with the old
minimum voltage appreciably as compared to the effect of population
load increase at the orher load buses.

Selection for next

generation by pairwise
2 Convergence Test

I stop
Fig. I . Flowchart for implrmemation of EP


28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
1 1 1 1 I I I

I l l l l l l l l l f
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 I I 1 1
6 57 58 5960 61 62 63 64 65

47 48 49 50

Fig. 2. The 69-bus Tcst Sysicm


. _ _., .. ,.
. .
. .

in loading ill rcspcclivc bus rndividually.

In ordcr to niinimizc thc systcm losses, embcddcd gcnerator

was located at these rcspcctivc buses individually. Thc loading
at cach load bus was varied and the EP optimization technique
was implcmcntcd to dctcrminc the optimal embedded gcncrator
output in ordcr to minimizc thc systcni losscs at the various
loading conditions. The graph in Fig. 5, illustrates thc
distribution losses in the system with embcddcd gcncrator
installed at respcctive load buses for a range of loading
conditions. Fig. 6 shows the minimum voltage in the system as
a result of installing embcdded generator at the respcctive bus.
The optimal output of the embedded generator in order to
minimize the system losses at different loading condition
identified by the proposed EP optimization tcchnique are
tabulated in Table 2.
loading as shown in Fig. 6. Therefore, the results demonstrate
that,the proposed EP optimization technique has able to search
@fofi&e;?Q$@l output of the embedded generator in order to
minimize the system losses while maintaining the.voltage level
at various loading conditions. The resuits tabulated in Table 2
also reveal that, as the loading at a load bus was incremented,
the optimal output of the embedded generator has also
increased. The power to be generated by ,the embedded
generator located at bus 61 i s higher as compared to other bus
Iocation. This is due to the high loading connected at this bus.
However, allocating the embedded generator at bus 61 has
resulted in the greatest loss minimization and voltage

Fig. 5 . Total losses in the system with installation ofembedded penemtor

for load increase at individual buses.

overall load increase in the system.

Optimal output of Embedded generator at each bus

~~~d~~~ location (MW)
61 6 4 1 59 I 65 I 21
0.6 I 1.3428 1 1.5263 I 1.8895 I 1.3901 I 0.7312 I
I 0.8 1 1.5910 1 1.5731 1 1.9086 I 1.3996 1 0.7525 1
1 10 I 1.8393 I6172 I 1.9272 I 1.4144 I 0.7782 1
t.2 2.0878 1.6643 1.9482 1.4260 0.7970
generator for overall load incrense in the system.

1 1.6 1 2.5856 1 1.7546 1 1.9856 1 1.4496 I 0.8450 I

/ 1.8 I 2.8349 1 1.8008 2.0085 I 1.4609 I 0.8681 I
Fig. 5 shows that allocating the embedded generator at bus 6 1
has resulted in better loss minimization as compared to other
bus location. The minimum voltage in the system has also been
maintained at an acceptable value despite the increase in
TABLE 3 distribution syslom. The proposcd tocatioii o f llic cmbcdclcd
OPTIMAL EMBEDDED G E N E R A T O R O U T P U T FOR LOSS gcncrator Iiiis iilso ablc 10 ~iroducch c bcst rcsult it] tcrins of
THE SYSTEM voltagc improvcnicnl at various loading condition with optimal
Optimal output of cnibcdded geiicrstor at cacti bus output idcntificd by llic dcvclopcd EP optimization technique.
~ ~ location
~ (MW)
d i ~ ~ ~
0.6 1.1009 I 0.9632 I 1.1464
J. V. Milarrovic uird T. M . Diivid, "Stubility of Distribution nciworks with
Embcddctl Gcncraiors uiid Iiiduclion Motors". /EEE Power. Eilgineering
Socio!)~Wirilsr Meeliiig 21102, Vo1.2, pp 1023 - 1028, Jan. 2002.
D.Xti aiid A. A . Giryis, "Optiinal load shcddiiig strategy i n powcr
systcms will1 dislribuicd gciicration", E E L Poiwr ErigDiecrbig Societ)~
Wiritci, Medrig 2001, Vo1.2, pp 788 - 793, Fcb. 200 I,
S. Coiiti. S. h i l i iliid G. Tina, "Siiiall-scalc cmbcdded gancration cffcct
on voliiigc prolilc: iiii uiialylicnl method", I'roc. /.EL: Got. Trotis, Divt..
vol. 150, no, I, pp. 78 - 86,Jim 2003.
The capability of the proposed tcchnique to detcrininc thc
optimal output of the embedded generator i n order to minimize
thc total losses i n the system with overall load increase in thc
system was tested. A range of loading condition (60% - 180%
of the nominal value) was used for the evaluation and thc
results are given in Fig. 7, Fig, 8 and Table 3. Thc graph shown
in Fig, 7 compares the total losscs in the system bcforc and
after thc installation o f emhcddcd generator at the selccted bus
location. The graph also shows that the total losscs in the
system were rcduccd with the installation of emhcddcd
generator and the best loss niinimizatioii is obtained wlieii tlic
embedded gcncrator was locatcd at bus G I . Similarly, tlic grapli
in Fig. 8 shows the variation i n tlic minimum voltage with
respect to overall load increase in the system. The graph also
illustratcs effect of cinbeddcd gencrator installation at [lie
selected buses on voltage iiiiprovemcnt. It could be observed
that allocating embedded generator nt bus 61 has given bctlcr
voltage improvement and Iiencc tlic voltagc profile of the
system is maintaincd at an acccptablc range. Finally thc
optimal active power to be gcncratcd by the ctnbedded
generator installed at the sclectcd bus location for a range of
loading conditions are tabulatcd in Tahlc 3 . It could bc
observed that more injectcd powcr is requircd from the
embedded gcncrator as the loading was increased in ordcr to
minimize thc losses and also improving the vol~ageprofilc in
the system.


A new approach for dctermining the location and sizing of

embedded generator in a distribution system is prescnted. Two
sensitivity indices were formulated based on voltage stability
improvement with respect to changes in active and reactive
power injection at load bus. TIE sensitivity indices were
cvaluated at eveiy load bus and the bus with highest sensitivity
index valuc was chosen to bc the suitable location for the
cnibedded generator. An EP optimization technique was
developed to deteriniiie the optimal ,output of the embeddcd
generator. From the n~rinericalsimulation, the combination of
suitable location of the embedded generator identificd from thc
sensitivity analysis and optimat generation output idcntified by
the EP optimization technique has ablc to rcducc the losses in a

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